
listen to the pronunciation of position
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} pozisyon

O, yeni pozisyonundan vazgeçerek karısını hayal kırıklığına uğratmak istemedi. - He didn't want to disappoint his wife by giving up his new position.

Sizin için açık bırakılmış birkaç üst düzey pozisyon var. - There are few high-ranking positions left open for you.

{i} konum

Konumunu yitirdi çünkü yalan söylemekten kaçınmıştı. - He lost his position just because he refused to tell a lie.

Şu anda hassas bir konumdayım. - I am now in a delicate position.


O, durumunu bana açıkladı. - He explained his position to me.

Onu tartışacak durumda değilim. - I'm not in a position to discuss that.

(Kanun) yargı
(Ticaret) kişisel görüş

Başkan konuyla ilgili kişisel görüşünü belirtti. - The president stated his position on the issue.

(Ticaret) konumlandırmak
(Politika, Siyaset) düşünce

Kulüp saymanı olarak görevimden istifa ettim. - I resigned from my position as club treasurer.

Ben, yeni görevinde aktif bir rol alacağından eminim. - I am sure you will take an active role in your new position.


Büyük bir unvan mutlaka yüksek bir görev anlamına gelmez. - A big title does not necessarily mean a high position.

konumuna getirmek
(Ticaret) kanı

Amcam geçen yıl öğretmenlikten emekli oldu, fakat üniversitede bir görevi hâlâ sürdürebiliyordu. - My uncle retired from teaching last year, but he still managed to hang onto a position at the university.

yerini belirlemek

O, firmada önemli bir konumu işgal eder. - He occupies a prominent position in the firm.

Hükümet konağında iyi bir işi var. - He has a good position in a government office.


Ben, yeni görevinde aktif bir rol alacağından eminim. - I am sure you will take an active role in your new position.

Ağabeyim büyük bir ticari kuruluşta görev yapıyor. - My elder brother got a position in a big business.


Yerimde olsan ne yaparsın? - What would you do if you were in my position?

Yerinde olsam, onu derhal yaparım. - Were I in your position, I would do it at once.

{f} konumla

Takım yıldızları gökyüzündeki yıldızların konumlarını tanımaya yardım etmek için faydalı bir yol olabilir. - Constellations can be a useful way to help identify positions of stars in the sky.

{i} fikir
{f} koymak
{i} görüş

Başkan konuyla ilgili kişisel görüşünü belirtti. - The president stated his position on the issue.

{i} statü
(Tıp) Çocuğun uterus içindeki durumu
yerini bulmak
(Tıp) Durum, vaziyet, şekil, yer, pozisyon
{i} ask. mevzi
sosyal pozisyon
(Tıp) Özel muayeneler için vücuda verilen bazı durumlar
{i} toplumsal durum, sosyal pozisyon
durum,v.yerleştir: n.pozisyon
mahal mevzi
(Askeri) NİŞAN VAZİYETİ: Bir tüfek veya diğer silahla ateş ederken bir asker tarafından alınan standart vaziyetlerden herhangi biri
{i} sav

Bu pozisyon beni son derece savunmasız hissettiriyor. - This position makes me feel extremely vulnerable.

position paper belli bir sorun üzerinde bi
(Ticaret) kadro
toplumsal durum
position lamp
Araç park lambası
position paper
anımsatıcı not
position paper
hatırlatıcı not
position finder
yön bulucu
position lights
seyir ışıkları
position of fetus
fetus pozisyonu
position of the effort
kuvvet çekidi
position of the fulcrum
destek çekidi
position of the sun
güneşin konumu
position out
konum değiştir
position vector
konum vektörü
position code
konum kodu
position o.s.
(to do s.t.) 1. -e uygun pozisyona girmek: The football player positioned himself for a goal. Futbolcu gol pozisyonuna girdi. 2. (bir şey yapabilmek için) zemin hazırlamak: He iş positioning himself to become president. Cumhurbaşkanı seçilebilmek için kendine zemin hazırlıyor
position on
position storage
konum belleği
position to
Position of the operator
(Tekstil) Operatör pozisyonu
position angle
(Askeri) TOPRAK AÇISI: Bak, "angle of position" ve "angle of site"
position angle
(Astronomi) durum açısı
position angle
(Askeri) toprak açısı
position area
(Askeri) MEVZİ BÖLGESİ: Bir muharip birliğin silahları ve diğer tesisleri tarafından işgal edilen veya kendilerine tahsis edilen arazi parçası
position area survey
(Askeri) MEVZİ BÖLGESİ YER ÖLÇMESİ: Topçu yer ölçmesi vasıtasıyla, topçu bataryalarının nispi yatay ve dikey mevkilerinin tayini, tevcih hattı veya hatlarının tahsis ve istikametlerinin tespiti. Bak. "survey"
position azimuth determining system
(Askeri) konumsal atış açısı tespit sistemi
position box
(Bilgisayar) konum kutusu
position classification
(Askeri) GÖREV (İŞ) YERİ SINIFLANDIRMASI: Bir şahsın; normal olarak, esas memuriyet görevini teşkil eden, birbirleriyle yakınen ilgili görev, iş ve sorum grubunun, o şahsın yeterli çalışması için gerekli akli kabiliyeti, maharet, istidat, mesleki ve askeri tecrübe vesaire bakımından sınıflandırılması, tarifi ve bir kodla belirtilmesi
position control system
konum denetim sistemi
position correction
(Askeri) MEVZİ DÜZELTMESİ: Bir bataryadaki münferit toplar arasında mevcut yer ve rakım farkını gidermek üzere, atış esaslarında uygulanan düzeltme
position correction grid
(Askeri) MEVZİ DÜZELTME LEVHASI: Arzu edilen demet şeklini elde etmek üzere, batarya dahilindeki münferit mesafe ve yan düzeltmelerini tespite yarayan cihaz. Bak. "plotting board M10"
position defence
(Askeri) MEVZİ SAVUNMASI: Savunma kuvveti büyük kısmının; kati neticeli muharebenin cereyanı düşünülen seçilmiş mevkilere yerleştirildiği savunma şekli. Bu savunmada başarı; savunulan mevkilerdeki kuvvetlerin bulundukları mevzileri ellerinde tutma ve oradaki araziyi kontrol etme kabiliyetlerine dayanır. İhtiyattan; derinliği arttırmak, muharebe mevziini karşı taarruzla tıkamak veya eski durumuna getirmek için faydalanılır
position defense
(Askeri) Mevzi savunma
position defilade
(Askeri) SÜTRE MEVZİİ: Silah mürettebatının hedefi görmesine müsait; fakat, örneğin, bir tepenin zirvesi gibi, bir engelden dolayı, düşman gözetlemesine karşı gizli olan bir silah mevzii. Buna (site defilade) de denir
position description; Presidential directive; probability of damage; probability
(Askeri) mevki tanımı; Başkanın direktifi; hasar ihtimali (nükleer); algılama ihtimali; usül tanımı; program tanımı; program direktifi; program yöneticisi
position determining system; primary distribution site; protected distribution s
(Askeri) mevki tespit sistemi; esas dağıtım bölgesi; korunmuş dağıtım sistemi
position dilution of precision
(Askeri) konumsal doğruluktaki kayma
position fake
(Spor) pozisyon feyki
position finder
(Askeri) KESTİRME ALETİ: Bir hedefin mesafe ve mevkiini bulmada kullanılan, elektronik veya optik alet
position finder
yer belirleyici
position finder
konum belirleyici
position finding
(Askeri) KESTİRME: Bir uçak veya diğer bir hedef ya da telsiz dalgalarının, şimdiki veya gelecek noktalarını tayin etme. Kestirme, genel olarak, telemetre, radar veya dinleme cihazı gibi aletlerin yardımı ile yapılır
position in readiness
(Askeri) BEKLEME MEVZİİ: Özellikle muhaberenin seyrinin, kıtaları muharebeye derhal sokmayı gerektirip gerektirmediği kestirilmeyecek kadar müphem olduğu hallerde, muharip kıtaların derhal harekete geçebilecek şekilde hazır ve tetikte tutuldukları mevzi
position lamp
pozisyon lambası
position light
(Askeri) YER GÖSTERME IŞIĞI: Uçak, kara birlikleri vesairenin yerini veya hareket istikametini işaret etmek veya göstermek maksadıyla kullanılan ışık veya aydınlatma cephanesi
position light
(Askeri) yer gösterme ışığı
position line
(Askeri) MEVKİ HATTI: Yer ve gök cisimlerinin gözleminden elde edilen ve gözlemin yapıldığı anda gözlemcinin üzerinde bulunduğu hesaplanan bir hat
position line
(Askeri) mevki hattı
position location reporting system
(Askeri) konum mevki raporlama sistemi
position o.s. (to do
(bir şey yapabilmek için)
position o.s. (to do
-e uygun pozisyona girmek: The football player positioned himself for a goal. Futbolcu gol pozisyonuna girdi
position of resistance
(Askeri) MUKAVEMET MEVZİİ: Düşmanı durdurmak ve mağlup etmek üzere bir komutan tarafından seçilen yer. Özellikle, geri çekilen bir kuvvetin çekileceği, hazırlanmış bir mevzii
position of the target
(Askeri) HEDEFİN YERİ: Müteharrik veya sabit bir hedefin, genel olarak istikamet ve yükseliş açıları ve tapa tanzimi ile ifade edilen mevkii. Hedefin yeri dört çeşit olur
position of trust
güven gerektiren görev
position read out
konum okuma
position report
(Askeri) MEVKİ RAPORU: Uçuş halindeki bir uçaktan; uçağın yerini ve zaman irtifa vesaireye ait diğer bilgileri vermek üzere telsiz renç istasyonuna (radio range station) telsizle gönderilen rapor
position sense
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) konum hissi
position sensor
konum duyucusu
position switch
konum anahtari
position vector
konum vektoru
position warfare
(Askeri) MEVZİ HARBİ: Hareket harbinin aksine olarak, savunmanın, özellikle sabit mevzilere inhisar ettiği harp şekli. Bu harp Şeklinde, savunmanın esas maksadı düşmanı stratejik bölgelerden uzak tutmak iyi hazırlanmış bölgelere taarruza mecbur etmek suretiyle, muharebe kuvvetini zayıflatmaktır. Buna (war of position) da denir. Bak. "mobile war" ve" war of movement"
position, time, altitude
(Askeri) mevki, zaman, irtifa
pole position
(Spor) Motorlu araç yarışlarında, yarış başlangıcında en avantajlı konum
powerful position
güçlü bir konuma
put someone in an awkward position
Birini zor duruma sokmak
{f} varsaymak
alternate firing position
(Askeri) değiştirme ateş mevzii
alternate position
(Askeri) değiştirme mevzii
alternative position
(Askeri) değiştirme mevzii
apparent position
(Askeri) zahiri mevki
assault position
(Askeri) hücum mevzi
assembly position
toplanma yeri
clock code position
(Askeri) saat kodu mevkii
closed position
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kapalı konum
competitive position
(Ticaret) rekabetçi konum
develop a position
(Askeri) durumu aydınlatmak
difficult position
digit position
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sayamak konumu
financial position
(Ticaret) finansal yapı
financial position
(Ticaret) finansal durum
firing position
(Askeri) nişan vaziyeti
in a position to
durumda olmak
kneeling position
(Askeri) çökerek nişan vaziyeti
kneeling position
(Askeri) çökerek atış vaziyeti
middle position
(Spor) orta pozisyon
neutral position
(Otomotiv) boş vites
neutral position
(Otomotiv) boş
observed position
(Askeri) rasadi mevki
offside position
(Spor) ofsayt pozisyonu
var saymak
(Dilbilim) konumlayıcı
(Ticaret) konum
pozisyon alma
privileged position
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) imtiyazlı durum
prone position
(Tıp) yüzükoyun
reverse position
(Otomotiv) geri vites konumu
reverse position
(Otomotiv) r konumu
secure one's position
yerini sağlamlaştırmak
secure one's position
yerini sağlama almak
stroke position sleeve
ayar lokması
supine position
(Tıp) sırtüstü
throttle position
(Otomotiv) boğaz pozisyonu
throttle position
gaz konumu
true position
(Denizbilim) hakiki mevkii
units position
virgül konumu
air position indicating radar
hava durum gösterge radarı
assign to a lower position
daha alt göreve ata
be in a position to
-cek durumda olmak
bit position
bit pozisyonu
block position
blok konumu
change of position
pozisyonu değiştirme
change position
pozisyon değiştir
code position
kod konumu
digit position
sayı konumu
empty position
boş alan
erect position
ayakta dik duruş pozisyonu
erect sitting position
dik oturuş pozisyonu
face down position
yüz aşağı pozisyon
favorable position
elverişli pozisyon
financial position
mali durum
genupectoral position
diz göğüs pozisyonu
had position
pozisyon al
have position
pozisyon al
having position
{i} pozisyon alma
having position
{f} pozisyon al
horizantal face down position
yatay başaşağı pozisyonu
idle position
boşta durum
idle position
rölanti yağdayı
in position
index position
dizin konumu
initial position
başlangıç konumu
knee chest position
diz göğüs pozisyonu
legal position
hukuki durum
lithotomy position
litotomi pozisyonu
method of false position
yanılma yöntemi
mid position
orta nokta
next available position counter
ilk boş yer sayacı
out of position
yerinden çıkmış
out of position
yerinde değil
farz etmek
pozisyon olarak
{f} yerleştir
{f} konumla
{i} konumlama
prone position
yüzükoyun pozisyon
resting position
dinlenme pozisyonu
starting position
marş yağdayı
starting position
başlama yağdayı
tab position
sekme konumu
trendelenburg's position
trendelenburg pozisyonu
upright position
dik pozisyon
breech position
Ana rahmindeki bebeğin doğumdan önce aldığı poızisyon
equilibrium trade position
denge ticaret durumu
fetal position
cenin pozisyonunda
he knows his position
onun konumunu biliyor
in my position
Benim yerimde
intermediate daily position
günlük ara mevzii
permanent position
kalıcı pozisyon
Konumlandırıcı, yerleştirici, bir şeyin yerini belirleyen akşam
punch position
delgi konumu
rotational position sensing
dönel konum algılama
staff position
personel pozisyon
storage position
depolama konumu
üstün konuma
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A status or rank

Chief of Staff is the second-highest position in the army.

An opinion, stand, or stance

My position on this issue is unchanged.

A place or location
A posture

Stand in this position, with your arms at your side.

To put into place
A post of employment; a job
An amount of securities or commodities held by a person, firm, or institution

Strong earnings have bolstered the company's financial position.

A place on the playing field, together with a set of duties, assigned to a player

Stop running all over the field and play your position!.

the manner in which a thing is placed
{n} a situation, principle laid down, rule
When someone or something is in a particular position, they are sitting, lying, or arranged in that way. Hold the upper back and neck in an erect position to give support for the head Ensure the patient is turned into the recovery position Mr. Dambar had raised himself to a sitting position
Your position in a race or competition is how well you did in relation to the other competitors or how well you are doing. By the ninth hour the car was running in eighth position
The job assignment of a single staff member Positions are assigned unique numbers for budget tracking purposes Each position has a job title that designates its classification
the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position"
the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage"
A position in a company or organization is a job. He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council = post
the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury" (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?" the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage" position or arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender" a rationalized mental attitude a way of regarding situations or topics etc
The position of someone or something is the place where they are in relation to other things. The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard This conservatory enjoys an enviable position overlooking a leafy expanse
Placements of the feet and body First position = rest/ready Second position = "en garde" Third position = the lunge
a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons
(in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
Security holdings in an account or portfolio
An interest in the market, either long or short, in the form of open contracts (back to top)
Hence: The ground which any one takes in an argument or controversy; the point of view from which any one proceeds to a discussion; also, a principle laid down as the basis of reasoning; a proposition; a thesis; as, to define one's position; to appear in a false position
The state of being posited, or placed; the manner in which anything is placed; attitude; condition; as, a firm, an inclined, or an upright position
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; "there are two sides to every question"
Of or pertaining to position
An interest in the market in the form of open commitments
Group of specific duties and responsibilities to be performed by one employee, which may be part-time, full-time, regular, temporary, or on-call A position may be filled or vacant
{f} erect, set, put; place, post
– Very similar to a brand, a position is where your target audiences place you in their minds; the words they use to describe you when asked
If you are in a position to do something, you are able to do it. If you are in no position to do something, you are unable to do it. The UN system will be in a position to support the extensive relief efforts needed I am not in a position to comment
{i} viewpoint, opinion; siting, locus; location, place; post, job; condition, situation; pose, stance; status of commitments on the market (Finance and Investment)
a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"
An interest or existing obligation in a market that can be either long (to have bought) or short (to have sold) one or more futures contracts
an item on a list or in a sequence; "in the second place"; "moved from third to fifth position"
a rationalized mental attitude a way of regarding situations or topics etc
position or arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"
a way of regarding situations or topics etc ; "consider what follows from the positivist view"
To indicate the position of; to place
a condition or position in which you find yourself; "the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils"; "found herself in a very fortunate situation"
"consider what follows from the positivist view"
If you position something somewhere, you put it there carefully, so that it is in the right place or position. Place the pastry circles on to a baking sheet and position one apple on each circle. = place
In the Colleague information, "Position" refers to the job title held Assistant professor, graduate student, staff scientist, university president are all examples of positions
An interest in the market, either long or short, in the form of one or more open contracts Also, "in position" refers to a commodity located where it can readily be moved to another point or delivered on a futures contract Commodities not so situated are "out of position " Soybeans in Mississippi are out of position for delivery in Chicago, but in position for export shipment from the Gulf
Use the Position drop-down lists in the Frame dialog box to establish the horizontal and vertical positions of a frame relative to another part of the document
A market commitment by holding a number of shares bought or sold for which no offsetting transaction has been made The buyer of a stock creates a long position, and the seller of a stock creates a short position
a rationalized mental attitude
Your position on a particular matter is your attitude towards it or your opinion of it. He could be depended on to take a moderate position on most of the key issues = stance
A commitment, either long or short, in the market
Refers to an investor's long or short holdings of a particular security
the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"
the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
the function or position properly or customarily occupied or served by another; "can you go in my stead?"; "took his place"; "in lieu of"
A status or rank: "His position in the army
A group of duties and responsibilities, assigned or delegated by the appointing authority, defined on a Position Description form, and assigned a unique position identification number reflecting its organizational placement within the department A position accommodates the full-time or part-time employment of one person
A market commitment A buyer of a futures contract is said to have a long position and, conversely, a seller of futures contracts is said to have a short position
An interest in the market, either long or short, in the form of open contracts See Open interest
Relative place or standing; social or official rank; as, a person of position; hence, office; post; as, to lose one's position
One or more current duties established by competent authority to be performed by one person At any given time a position may be filled or vacant For a position to be recognized for pay as well as other personnel administration purposes, a line supervisor above the position must officially designate the duty or duties as being necessary to further the mission of the organization for which he/she is responsible If the position is filled, the duty or duties must be performed
A place on the playing field, together with a set of duties, assigned to a player: "Play your position!"
The aggregation of all trades made in a currency pair If the position is open, it is exposed to market risk If a position is closed, profit/loss has been realized
An opinion or stand: "My position on this issue
As a noun, specific securities in an account or strategy (A covered call writing position might be long 1,000 XYZ and short 10 XYZ January 30 calls) As a verb, to facilitate; to buy or sell - generally a block of securities - thereby establishing a position See also Facilitation and Strategy
A method of solving a problem by one or two suppositions; called also the rule of trial and error
Your position in society is the role and the importance that you have in it. the position of older people in society
The netted total commitments in a given currency A position can be either flat or square (no exposure), long, (more currency bought than sold), or short ( more currency sold than bought)
You can describe your situation at a particular time by saying that you are in a particular position. He's going to be in a very difficult position indeed if things go badly for him Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position It was not the only time he found himself in this position. = situation
A place, location
position argument
The claim a writer or speaker makes about a controversial issue
position paper
An essay or report which expresses a position, conclusion, or recommendation concerning a contested issue or undecided question and which usually contains arguments or reasons in support of this position

The first chapter is a position paper on explanation in the social sciences, a plea for mechanisms as opposed to law-like principles.

position effect
(genetics) the effect on the expression of a gene produced by changing its location in a chromosome
position effect
Variation in the expression of a gene resulting from changes in its location within a chromosome
position of strength
place of power, position that allows one to be critical and make decisions
position officer
officer in charge of planning and coordinating artillery fire
position paper
a report that explains or justifies or recommends some particular policy
position paper
A position paper is a detailed report which usually explains or recommends a particular course of action. a written statement that shows how a department, organization etc intends to deal with something
position paper
a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement (used especially in diplomatic communications)
pole position
first place, favourite
pole position
The top qualifying position for a race, on the inside of the front row at the starting line

Smith once again enjoys the pole position.

pole position
When a racing car is in pole position, it is in front of the other cars at the start of a race. the front position at the beginning of a car or bicycle race
pole position
in a race, the pole position is in the front line, inside, closest to the inside of the first curve
pole position
The first position on the starting grid, awarded to the fastest qualifier
pole position
A start position for a race where a car is in the very front of the starting grid Usually the most desirable position to start from, because other cars must pass you to be in the lead
pole position
the most favorable position at the start of a race
pole position
The driver who starts from the top of the grid is said to be on pole position This prefered position is usually earned through qualifying
pole position
The first place on the starting grid, as awarded to the driver who lapped fastest during qualifying
pole position
A Coveted front inside starting spot given to the driver with the best qualifying speed
anatomical position
The position of the human body, standing erect, with the face directed anteriorly, the upper limbs at the sides and the palms turned anteriorly (supinated), and the feet pointed anteriorly; used as the position of reference in description of site or direction of various structures or parts as established in official anatomical nomenclature. Note: The palms are toward our view and we cannot see the back of the hands
assume the position
To turn away, with your hands in a visible and unmovable position so that you can be searched

A day or two later we took down another seller and this time the rookie performs the search. Assume the position! he tells the guy. So the guy leans against the side of the car.

bubble position
The bottom qualifying position in a race, on the outside of the last row at the starting line

Smith is in the bubble position, having barely beaten out Jones for the last spot.

cash position
The amount of cash available to a company at a given point in time
cowgirl position
A sex position in which the man lies on his back, and the woman sits on top of him facing him
cowgirl sex position
Alternative form of cowgirl position
developmental position
A job that is designed to train or develop employees in preparation for further career advancement. example: management trainee
emergency position indicating radio beacon
an emergency location radio beacon, used on ships
emergency position indicating radio beacons
plural form of emergency position indicating radio beacon
fetal position
A posture in which the head and knees are brought as close to the abdomen as possible
fetal position
The location of the fetus inside a womb
fielding position
Any of many named parts of the field of play at which fielders traditionally stand
lotus position
a cross-legged sitting posture; a meditative position in Hinduism and Buddhism, also used in yoga and sexual intercourse
missionary position
A position for sexual intercourse in which the man and woman face each other, with the man on top
Propose for consideration or study; to suggest
Abbreviation of position
The act of positioning; placement
qualifying position
The position given at the start of a race, ranked from most favorable to least favorable, awarded according to the times achieved during qualification
recovery position
A person's position lying on the floor, which minimises an unconscious person from further risk
reverse cowgirl position
A sex position in which the man lies on his back, and the woman sits on top of him facing towards his feet
sex position
The position of two or more lovers for sexual intercourse
to present in an orderly manner
put someone in an awkward position
Make a situation difficult for someone; to make it difficult for someone to evade or avoid acting
original position
(Felsefe) The original position is a hypothetical situation developed by American philosopher John Rawls as a thought experiment to replace the imagery of a savage state of nature of prior political philosophers like Thomas Hobbes. In social contract theory, persons in the state of nature agree to the provisions of a contract that defines the basic rights and duties of citizens in a civil society. In Rawls's theory, Justice as Fairness, the original position plays the role that the state of nature does in the classical social contract tradition of Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke. The original position figures prominently in his book, A Theory of Justice, and it is one of the most influential ideas in twentieth-century philosophy. It has influenced a variety of thinkers from a broad spectrum of philosophical orientations
(logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
To assume as real or conceded; as, to posit a principle
Assume the existence of; to postulate
Something that is posited; a postulate
Put (something somewhere) firmly
{f} assume, postulate; present a position, establish a viewpoint
If you posit something, you suggest or assume it as the basis for an argument or calculation. Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals. = postulate. to suggest that a particular idea should be accepted as a fact posit that (positus; POSITION)
put (something somewhere) firmly; "She posited her hand on his shoulder"; "deposit the suitcase on the bench"; "fix your eyes on this spot"
take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom; "He posited three basic laws of nature"
put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"
To dispose or set firmly or fixedly; to place or dispose in relation to other objects
past of position
{s} placed, situated, located
A removable elastic orthodontic appliance molded to fit the teeth on a 'setup' made by repositioning the teeth from a plaster cast The material may be rubber or elastomeric plastic It is typically used to achieve fine adjustments and retain corrected positions during the finishing stages of treatment
(computer science) the actuator that moves a read/write head to the proper data track
A stamp positioner allows you to place a stamped image precisely where you want it on the card Positioners are available in various styles and price ranges The most common positioner is an acrylic T-square ruler To use the positioner, first stamp the image in the corner of a translucent piece of paper Be sure to line up the left and bottom edges of the stamp with the edges of the paper Use the stamped image to decide where you want to place it on your card When you determine your desired position, hold the translucent paper firmly and line up the corner of the positioner with the corner of the translucent paper Remove the paper, position your stamp in the corner of the positioner and stamp your image Positioners can be very helpful when creating a repeating border or in correcting incomplete stamped images
- See actuator
The specific "position", in the minds of customers, of a brand in relation to all competing brands Also refers to the process of developing strong brand positioning
causing to fall into line or into position
In advertising, stressing the unique selling point of a product or service to differentiate it from the competition
The process of ordering web sites or web pages by a search engine or a directory so that the most relevant sites appear first in the search results for a particular query Software such as PositionAgent, Rank This and Webposition can be used to determine how a URL is positioned for a particular search engine when using a particular search phrase The GoHip Search site allows you to see positioning information from many of the big search engines, displayed all on one page
Creating perceptions for consumers about what a product is and what it does
The process of fixing, adapting, and communicating the nature of the product
Shaping the product and developing a marketing program in such a way that the product is perceived to be (and actually is) different from competitors’ products
present participle of position
The creation of perceived value for targeted customers compared to that offered by competitors; positioning is in the minds of customers, but can be influenced by the actions of marketers
Search engines and directories order web sites so that the most relevant web sites appear first in search engine results for a particular query This process is called search engine positioning This term is also used to describe various techniques used by search engine (web site) optimizers to help the web site rank higher in search engines
A synonym for choosing a strategy A marketing concept One should always say that one's product is the best If not best, overall, then best for the price, or best for some specific application One positions a company by creating a strategy that allows the company to make such a claim
location of a brand or product in consumers' minds relative to competitive products
(See product positioning )
the act of differentiating oneself from the competition in a particular market
– The act of building a valued and preferred position in the minds of your target audience
Influencing how consumers perceive a brand's characteristics relative to those of competitive offerings
Ferrying aircraft for departure from other than originating airport (Also for return )
developing a specific marketing mix to influence potential customers' overall perceptions of a brand; to develop a specific image of the brand in the minds of consumers
The processes and technologies used to specify positions in space Positions are specified with reference to a coordinate system, a datum, and an ellipsoid
Orchestrating an organization's offering and image to occupy a unique and valued place in the customer's mind relative to competitive offerings A product or service can be positioned on the basis of an attribute or benefit, use or application, user, class, price, or quality
The process of creating an image for a product in the minds of target customers p 233
"refers to the manner in which a product is targeted for a specific market segment, either through distinguishing features of the product itself or through image creation "
The optimal seated position in a wheelchair places the individual's hips, knees and feet at 90 degree angles The individual should feel secure, comfortable and relaxed
the act of putting something in a certain place or location
Each of the four players plays a distinctly different position Since polo is such a fast rapidly changing game, the players may momentarily change positions Then they will try to return to their original positions Number 1 is the most offensive player Number 2 is just as offensive, but plays deeper and works harder Number 3 is the pivot player between offense and defense, trying to turn all plays to put their team on the offensive Number 4 is also called the back This is a defensive position with the primary responsibility of protecting the goal
Plural of position
Third person singular simple present of to position
Each party in a dispute takes a position: this is their stated demand for what they want from the other party Positions are different from "interests," which are the party's deeper needs and wants ( why one wants something) Sometimes positions may be opposed to each other, but underlying interests may be compatible In such cases, the compatible interests may be used as a way to resolve the dispute
Identified jobs into which persons may be hired on either a part-time or full-time basis
Any Palestinian towns and villages especially when bombed by helicopter gunships
The number of state employees authorized to provide a service
Positions are what people say they want--the superficial demands they make of their opponent According to Fisher and Ury, who first distinguished between interests and positions, positions are what people have decided upon, while interests are what caused them to decide Often one side's position will be the opposite of their opponents', although their interests may actually be compatible
Number 1 - The most offensive player This is similar to the forward position in hockey or soccer This player should be an accurate hitter, but need not necessarily hit a long ball Number 2 - Primarily an offensive player but also responsible for defence, interchanging with the number 3 player The number 2 player is often the second-highest rated player on the team Number 3 - The quarterback and play maker The "3" is usually the highest rated and most experienced player This player must be able to hit a long ball accurately but be capable of close-in stick work and ball control Number 4 - The back This is a defensive position However, a good back must be able to not only hit a good backshot, but to turn the play from defensive to offensive in a flash The number 4 player is the last line of defence
The amount of a particular security owned by you
Any Palestinian towns and villages especially when bombed by helicopter gunships or raked with large caliber machine guns
Each of the four team members plays a distinctly different position Since polo is such a fluid game, the players may momentarily change positions, but will try and return to their initial assignment No 1 is the most forward offensive player No 2 is just as offensive but plays deeper and works harder No 3 is the pivot player between offense and defense and tries to turn all plays to offense No 4, or the Back, is the defensive player whose role is principally to protect the goal