A tree that has been felled at two or more metres above ground level in order to produce a crown of poles The poles would have been traditionaly used like coppice poles but are grown out of reach of grazing animals The crowns are often valuable nesting sites for birds
- Woodland management whereby mature trees are cut to promote regrowth above the reach of browsing stock
To prune a tree heavilly, cutting branches back to the trunk, so that it produces dense new growth
case which developed around the jailing of Jonathan Pollard in the USA in 1985 (Pollard was arrested in 1985 and convicted of spying for Israel and sentenced to life in prison in 1987)
{i} (born 1945) former intelligence officer of the United States Navy who was arrested in 1985 and convicted of spying for Israel and sentenced to life in prison in 1987
[ 'pä-l&rd ] (noun.) 1611. From Middle English polle (“hair of the head”), (recorded in English since c.1290), from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch pol (“head, top”); the verb is from the noun.