
listen to the pronunciation of policy
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Hukuk) politika

Dürüstlük asla en iyi politika değildir. - Honesty is never the best policy.

Amerika bir zamanlar soyutlanma politikasını tercih etti. - America once favored a policy of isolationism.

{i} poliçe: life insurance policy hayat sigortası poliçesi
{i} siyaset
(Bilgisayar) ilkesi

Google Translate, Ubuntu Çevirileri için yeterince iyi değildir. Ayrıca bu, Ubuntu ilkesine de aykırıdır. - Google Translate is not good enough for Ubuntu Translations. Furthermore, this is against Ubuntu policy.

(Ticaret) sigorta poliçesi

Sigorta poliçesini daha dikkatli okumalıydım. - I should have read the insurance policy more carefully.

davranış biçimi

Özel sağlık sigortası poliçen var mı? - Do you have a private medical insurance policy?

Dan'ın altı yüz bin dolar değerinde hayat sigortası poliçesi vardı. - Dan had a life insurance policy worth six hundred thousand dollars.


Senin planın bizim politikamızla uyumlu değil. - Your plan is not in line with our policy.

{i} önlem
domestic policy iç politika
(Askeri) HAREKET HATTI; HAREKET TARZI: Herhangi bir işin yapılış veya idare ediliş şekli
davranış b
siyaset politika
{i} tedbir
public policy kamu yararını gözeten politika
foreign policy dış politika

Bu bizim ilkelerimizi ihlal eder. - That would violate our policy.

Google Translate, Ubuntu Çevirileri için yeterince iyi değildir. Ayrıca bu, Ubuntu ilkesine de aykırıdır. - Google Translate is not good enough for Ubuntu Translations. Furthermore, this is against Ubuntu policy.

hareket hattı
{i} hareket tarzı
{i} sigorta belgesi
harici siyaset
takip edilen yol veya yön
(Sigorta) sigorta senedi
(Ticaret) police
policy of insurance
Sigorta poliçesi
policy book
(Askeri) prensipler dosyası
policy details
(Bilgisayar) ilke ayrıntısı
policy element
(Bilgisayar) ilke öğesi
policy file
(Askeri) prensipler dosyası
policy files
(Bilgisayar) kural dosyaları
policy makers
(Bilgisayar) politika oluşturucular
policy makers
(Ticaret) karar alıcılar
policy making
(Tıp) politika yapmak
policy module
(Bilgisayar) ilke modulü
policy module
(Bilgisayar) ilke modülü
policy name
(Bilgisayar) ilke adı
policy network
politika ağı
policy number
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) poliçe numarası
policy package
(Bilgisayar) kural paketi
policy period
(Bilgisayar) poliçe süresi
policy removal
(Bilgisayar) ilke kaldırma
policy rules
(Ticaret) politika kuralları
policy setting
(Bilgisayar) ilke ayarı
policy stance
(Politika, Siyaset) politik tutum
policy type
(Bilgisayar) ilke türü
policy value
(Sigorta) sigorta değeri
policy year
(Sigorta) poliçe yılı
policy holder
poliçe hamili
policy maker
karar verici
policy making
politika geliştirme
Policy stability
Siyasi istikrar
policy holder
poliçe sahibi
policy holder
policy loan
(Sigorta) İkraz, sigorta poliçesi devam ederken sigortalının ödediği primlerin birikiminden borç alması (bu durumda poliçe teminatları aktif olarak devam eder)
policy adviser
politik danışman
policy assessment visit
(Askeri) politika değerlendirme ziyareti
policy book
(Askeri) PRENSİPLER DOSYASI; KARAR DOSYASI: Bak. "policy file"
policy coordinating committee; primary control center
(Askeri) politika koordinasyon komitesi; ana kontrol merkezi
policy coupon
(Sigorta) poliçe kuponu
policy file
(Askeri) PRENSİPLER DOSYASI: Komutan ve üst karargahların yürürlükteki hareket tarzları ile dosyayı tutan karargah şubesine ait temel çalışma prensiplerinin bir özeti. Buna (policy book) da denir
policy form
(Ticaret) poliçe formu
policy guidance for the employment of nuclear weapons
(Askeri) nükleer silahların görevlendirilmesine yönelik politika yönergesi
policy holder
(Sigorta) sigortalı kişi
policy holder
(Ticaret) poliçeyi elinde bulunduran
policy making
hareket tarzını belirleyen
policy making
politika belirleyici
policy mix
(Ticaret) politika karışımı
policy of state control
policy psywar
policy to order
(Ticaret) emre yazılı poliçe
public policy
(Avrupa Birliği) kamu düzeni
Contractionary Fiscal Policy
(Bilim, İlim) Daraltıcı maliye politikası
expansionary fiscal policy
(Bilim, İlim) Genişletici maliye politikası
assurance policy
(Kanun) sigorta poliçesi
audit policy
denetim politikası
broadcasting policy
(Basın,Televizyon) yayın politikası
by policy
(Bilgisayar) ilkelere göre
commercial policy
(Ticaret) ticaret siyaseti
company policy
şirket politikası
comprehensive business policy
(Sigorta) geniş kapsamlı iş poliçesi
credit policy
(Ticaret) kredi politikası
culture policy
(Politika, Siyaset) kültür politikası
design policy
(Politika, Siyaset) tasarım politikası
determine a policy
politika saptamak
determine a policy
politika belirlemek
develop a policy
politika geliştirmek
development policy
(Politika, Siyaset) kalkınma politikası
divided policy
(Ticaret) bölünmüş poliçe
dividend policy
(Ticaret) temettü politikası
dividend policy
(Ticaret) kar dağıtım politikası
educational policy
eğitim politikası
employment policy
(Politika, Siyaset) istihdam politikası
employment policy
istihdam politikaları
environmental policy
çevre politikası
escalation policy
(Politika, Siyaset) tırmanma politikası
extension policy
(Politika, Siyaset) yayım politikası
family policy
aile politikası
farm policy
(Ticaret) tarım politikası
financial policy
(Ticaret) mali politika
fire policy
(Sigorta) yangın sigorta poliçesi
fishery policy
balıkçılık politikası
floating policy
(Sigorta,Ticaret) flotan poliçe
floating policy
(Ticaret) abonman poliçesi
follow a policy
politika izlemek
follow policy
politika izlemek
global policy
(Politika, Siyaset) küresel politika
government policy
devlet politikası
health policy
sağlık politikası
implementation of a policy
(Politika, Siyaset) bir hükmün uygulanması
information policy
(Bilgisayar,Politika, Siyaset) bilgi politikası
install policy
(Bilgisayar) yükleme ilkesi
inventory policy
(Ticaret) envanter politikası
investment policy
(Politika, Siyaset) yatırım politikası
issue a policy
(Ticaret) poliçe düzenlemek
labor policy
çalışma politikası
labour policy
(Politika, Siyaset) çalışma politikası
land policy
(Politika, Siyaset) arazi politikası
language policy
dil politikası
lump sum policy
(Ticaret) götürü poliçe
lump sum policy
(Ticaret) götürü meblağlı poliçe
military policy
askeri politika
monetary policy committee
(Ticaret) para politikası kurulu
neighbourhood policy
(Politika, Siyaset) komşuluk politikası
premium policy
(Politika, Siyaset) prim politikası
previous policy
(Bilgisayar) önceki ilke
pricing policy
(Ticaret) fiyatlandırma politikası
production policy
(Politika, Siyaset) üretim politikası
public policy
(Eğitim) kamu politikaları
public policy
(Ticaret) amme nizamı
pursue policy
politika izlemek
query policy
(Bilgisayar) sorgu ilkesi
regard a policy
(Politika, Siyaset) bir politikayı dikkate almak
regard a policy
(Politika, Siyaset) göz önünde tutmak
regional policy
(Politika, Siyaset) bölgesel politikalar
revenue policy
(Ticaret) vergi politikası
rigid policy
sert politika
rigid policy
(Ticaret) katı politika
rigid policy
(Politika, Siyaset) sıkı politika
security policy
güvenlik yönetimi
social policy
içtimai siyaset
social policy
sosyal siyaset
strict policy
(Politika, Siyaset) sıkı politika
structural policy
(Politika, Siyaset) yapısal politika
transport policy
(Politika, Siyaset) ulaşım politikası
transport policy
(Politika, Siyaset) taşımacılık politikası
transportation policy
ulaştırma politikası
turkish foreign policy
(Eğitim) türk dış politikası
urban policy
şehir politikası
welfare policy
sosyal siyaset
welfare policy
sosyal politika
world policy
(Politika, Siyaset) dünya politikası
Honesty is the best policy
Dürüstlük en iyi yoldur
administrative policy
yönetim politikası
blanket policy
genel yangın sigortası poliçesi
block policy
toplu poliçe
commercial policy
ticaret politikası
defence policy
savunma politikası
defense policy
savunma politikası
domestic policy
iç politika
economic policy
ekonomik politika
education policy
eğitim politikası
energy policy
enerji politikası
environment policy
çevre politikası
financial policy
finansman politikası
fiscal policy
maliye politikası

Bilim adamı maliye politikası üzerine bir otoritedir. - The scholar is an authority on fiscal policy.

Aylardır, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri maliye politikası zayıf kredi ile karakterize edilmiştir. - For months, United States fiscal policy has been characterized by weak credit.

foreign exchange policy
kambiyo politikası
foreign policy
dış politika

Irak işgali, bir Amerikan başkanı tarafından alınan en kötü dış politika kararıydı. - Invading Iraq was the worst foreign policy decision ever made by an American president.

Ayrıca güçlü bir dış politika sözü verdi. - He also promised a strong foreign policy.

general policy
genel poliçe
hull policy
kasko poliçesi
insurance policy
sigorta poliçesi
intervention policy
müdahale politikası
mixed policy
karma sigorta poliçesi
monetary policy
para politikası
open policy
açık poliçe
social policy
sosyal politika
tax policy
vergi politikası
tight money policy
sıkı para politikası
voyage policy
seyahat poliçesi
collective policy
müşterek poliçe
distribution policy
dağıtım politikası
floating policy
dalgalı sigorta poliçesi
honesty is the best policy
Dürüstlük en büyük erdemdir
immigration policy
(Kanun) Göçmen politikası
library policy
kütüphane politikası
local security policy
yerel güvenlik politikası
personal accident policy
şahsi kaza poliçesi
private health policy
özel sağlık sigortası poliçesi
redistribution policy
yeniden dağıtım kuralı
state policy
Devlet politikası
time policy
zaman poliçesi
to dictate policy
politika belirleme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Shrewdness or artfulness

These bitter accusations might have been suppressed, had I with greater policy concealed my struggles, and flattered you.

A plan or course of action, especially one of an organization or government
A contract of insurance
An illegal daily lottery in late nineteenth and early twentieth century USA on numbers drawn from a lottery wheel (no plural)
A statement of commitment to a broad requirement, often used in an organisation to instruct personnel as to a required outcome (note: whereas "Procedures" describe how a policy is implemented)
A number pool lottery
A course of action thought to be prudent or tactically advantageous; hence prudence or sagacity
{n} the art of government, prudence, cunning
The printed legal document stating the terms of insurance contract that is issued to the policyowner by the company
The printed document issued to the policyholder by a company stating the terms of the insurance contract
A general principle by which a government, company, or organization is guided in its management This term, as applied to a law, regulation, or rule, denotes a general purpose to direct the welfare of the community or a group
A legal contract that sets forth the rights and obligations of both the policyholder and the insurance company
In insurance law, the contract between insurer and insured; see "insurance "
The legal document issued by the company to the policy holder, which outlines the conditions and terms of the insurance; also called the policy contract or the contract
A written legal contract of insurance issued by the insurance company to the policyholder, which outlines the terms of the insurance
{i} course or method of action, guidelines; position, standpoint; insurance contract
Prudence or wisdom in the management of public and private affairs; wisdom; sagacity; wit
Motive; object; inducement
A collection of configuration settings that are applied to one or more Exchange configuration objects You can use policies to simplify the administration of Exchange You can define a policy that controls the configuration of some or all settings across a server or other objects in an Exchange organization After policies are defined and implemented, editing the policy and applying the changes will change the configuration of all servers and objects covered by the policy
Civil polity
A method of gambling by betting as to what numbers will be drawn in a lottery; as, to play policy
A legal document issued by the insurance company to the policyholder, which states the terms and conditions of the insurance
A policy is a contract that sets forth the rights and obligations of both a policyholder and an insurance company The policyholder pays a premium and, in exchange, the insurance company promises to pay for losses covered in the policy Like all contracts, an insurance policy is valid only if both parties are competent to sign it [you are not legally competent if you are a minor, for example] and it does not cover anything that is illegal
A policy is an object associated with a POA by an application in order to specify a characteristic shared by the objects implemented in that POA This specification defines policies controlling the POA's threading model as well as a variety of other options related to the management of objects Other specifications may define other policies that affect how an ORB processes requests on objects implemented in the POA
The written contract of insurance
The method by which any institution is administered; system of management; course
The printed document issued to the policyholder by the life insurance company which states the terms of the life insurance contract between them
written contract or certificate of insurance; "you should have read the small print on your policy"
a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group; "it was a policy of retribution"; "a politician keeps changing his policies"
a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation"
The printed legal document issued to the insured by an insurance company setting out the terms of the insurance contract
A statement of requirement, often used in an organisation to instruct personnel as to a specific course of action
The settled method by which the government and affairs of a nation are, or may be, administered; a system of public or official administration, as designed to promote the external or internal prosperity of a state
The legal document issued by the insurance company to the policyholder, which states the terms and conditions of the insurance, it may also be called the policy contract or the contract
The writing or instrument in which a contract of insurance is embodied; an instrument in writing containing the terms and conditions on which one party engages to indemnify another against loss arising from certain hazards, perils, or risks to which his person or property may be exposed
The contract between an insurance company and its insured The policy defines what the company agrees to cover for what period of time and describes the obligations and responsibilities of the insured
a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group; "it was a policy of retribution"; "a politician keeps changing his policies" written contract or certificate of insurance; "you should have read the small print on your policy" a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation
To regulate by laws; to reduce to order
The printed document issued to the policyholder by the company stating the terms of the insurance contract
The entire written contract between the insured and the insurer It includes
One that covers a group or class of things or properties instead of one or more things mentioned individually, as where a mortgage secures various debts as a group, or subjects a group or class of different pieces of property to one general lien
A written document that serves as evidence of an insurance contract and contains the pertinent facts about the policyowner, the insurance coverage, the insured, and the insurer
The written documents of a contract for insurance between the insurance company and the insured Such documents include forms, endorsements, riders and attachments
the printed legal document which states the terms of the insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder by the company
A ticket or warrant for money in the public funds
The written forms that make up the insurance contract between an insured and insurer A policy includes the terms and conditions of the coverage, the perils insured or excluded, etc
The printed document issued to the policyholder by the life insurance company stating the terms of the insurance contract
An insurance policy is a document which shows the agreement that you have made with an insurance company. You are advised to read the small print of household and motor insurance policies. Big Stick Policy fiscal policy foreign policy Good Neighbour Policy incomes policy monetary policy New Economic Policy Open Door policy
The printed legal document stating the terms of the insurance contract that is issued to the policyholder by the company
a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation
A policy is a set of ideas or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics, economics, or business. plans which include changes in foreign policy and economic reforms. the UN's policy-making body
An official organization's policy on a particular issue or towards a country is their attitude and actions regarding that issue or country. the government's policy on repatriation. the corporation's policy of forbidding building on common land
A course of action thought to be prudent or advantageous; hence prudence or sagacity
an illegal lottery in late nineteenth and early twentieth century USA (no plural)
Management or administration based on temporal or material interest, rather than on principles of equity or honor; hence, worldly wisdom; dexterity of management; cunning; stratagem
A legally binding contract that specifies the terms of the agreement between the policyholder and the insurance company The terms generally include the premium amount, the frequency of the premium payments, and other provisions that must be met to keep the policy in force
policy economy
Aspect of the economy that encompasses the economic scale and implications of policy formulation and implementation
policy institute
An organization (typically a non-profit think tank) that conducts original research on issues, makes governmental policy recommendations based on its findings, and disseminates its work to the appropriate audiences
policy maker
one involved in the formulation of policies
policy makers
plural form of policy maker
policy mix
the combination of fiscal and monetary policies, especially their perceived relative importance
policy wonk
A person who studies or develops strategies and policies, especially one who has a keen interest in and aptitude for technical details

But access to ministers is not the only reason right-of-centre policy wonks are excited.

policy wonks
plural form of policy wonk
policy loan
A loan often made at a below market interest rate from an insurance company to a policyholder that is secured by the cash surrender value of a life insurance policy
Someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc.; "policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason"
policy holder
person who holds and insurance policy
policy maker
"policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason
policy maker
someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc ; "policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason"
policy maker
someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc
policy maker
government agent responsible for devising and planning of policies and courses of action
policy of austerity
policy of cutting back and reduction
policy of restraint
policy adopted by Israel during the Persian Gulf War when it chose no to respond to the missile attacks launched by Iraq
Policy-making is the making of policies. He will play a key background role in government policy-making
concerned with policy, not administration
power-oriented policy
policy that favors the use of power to obtain its own objectives
discretionary fiscal policy
A fiscal policy achieved through government intervention, as opposed to automatic stabilizers
domestic policy council
A council that coordinates the domestic policy-making process in the White House and offers policy advice to the President
endowment policy
a life assurance savings scheme designed to pay out a lump sum when the policy matures
Attributive form of endowment policy, noun
exit policy
A plan or strategy that would enable a project to be halted or completed in an effective manner
fiscal policy
Government policy that attempts to influence the direction of the economy through changes in government spending or taxes
foreign policy
Used retrospectively, the sum of a leader or government's dealings and relations with other nations

Bismarck's foreign policy.

foreign policy
A government's policy relating to matters beyond its own jurisdiction: usually relations with other nations and international organisations
honesty is the best policy
Honesty is the most honorable and fulfilling way to live one's life
insurance policy
A legal document outlining a particular insurance cover for an insured entity for a given risk. For example; provides insurance policies
monetary policy
The process by which the government, central bank, or monetary authority manages the supply of money, or trading in foreign exchange markets
one-child policy
A policy of population control in China, whereby a married couple is allowed only one child
public policy
The set of policies (laws, plans, actions, behaviors) of a government. (Since governments claim authority and responsibility (to varying degrees) over a large group of individuals, they see fit to establish plans and methods of action that will govern that society.)

In Johnson v. Superior Court, the California Court of Appeal determined that a provision of a contract limiting the discovery of the identity of a sperm donor was against public policy and that the privacy interest did not protect against disclosure of this information. Although the court's analysis of the public policy exception to the enforcement of contracts was unnecessary, the opinion properly balances California's and petitioners' interests against an anonymous donor's privacy right..

title policy
An insurance policy on a piece of real estate for which the title deeds may be incomplete or not properly searched
walk policy
A pre-arranged list of compensation that will be offered to clients whose reserved room is not available at time of check-in
honesty is the best policy
Said to advise someone that it is better to tell the truth than to lie
privacy policy
Public statement delineating how a Web site uses the information it gathers from visitors to the site. Some Web sites sell this information to third parties or use the information for marketing purposes. Other sites have strict policies limiting how that information may be used
Procedures Training Tools
are programs, plans, or objectives, including guidelines or criteria, used by ministries to guide decision-making (sample of policy notice)
are statements adopted by the NC State University Board of Trustees The legislature of the State of NC and the UNC Board of Governors have both delegated authority to the Board of Trustees to adopt policies on certain matters Policies can be initiated by university administrators, the Chancellor, or the Board itself
statements on how the authority is to achieve its goals and objectives with regard to a specific subject area or class of subject areas, e g , a policy for development on floodplains
Statements of required conduct backed with legitimate authority
Formal rules related to or likely to affect alcohol and drug use
Policies are statements that describe a course of action designed to achieve a particular objective
plural of policy
Statements on how the authority is to achieve its goals and objectives with regard to a specific subject area or class of subject areas; e g , a policy for development on floodplains
Conditions set by the system administrator, such as, how quickly account passwords expire and how many unsuccessful log on attempts are allowed before a user is locked out (Internet Information Server)
Policies provide configuration information so that components can be executed in their environment The Developing Components trail discusses how to create and use policies In most cases, an executable component to be run on Container Services will be using the Installable Component Descriptor Policy as their default policy But it is possible to create a unique policy for a user defined interface The default policy, Installable Component Descriptor Policy, is discussed in the Packaging section of the Developing Components trail
Tools used to configure Sirsi's Unicorn® Library Management System to reflect a library's policies governing access to its resources
Conditions set by the system administrator such as how quickly account passwords expire and how many unsuccessful logon attempts are allowed before a user is locked out These policies manage accounts to prevent exhaustive or random password attacks
means the formal and informal decisions about how a public authority carries out its duties and uses its powers
High-level overall plans that embrace the general goals and acceptable procedures of a company
Fees - Any and all financial transactions including the collection of fees will be the responsibility of the host and the guest If the host requires a deposit, it is to be arranged directly between the host and the guest It is strongly recommended that the host collects, in advance, a damage deposit in an amount to be set by the host
Policies are general guidelines for making decisions They establish boundaries around decisions including those that can be made and those that cannot
Definitive statements of what should be done in business Also, position statements by the firm Guiding principles