
listen to the pronunciation of plot
الإنجليزية - التركية

Kralı öldürmek için komplo yapıyorlar. - They are plotting to kill the king.

Gazeteye göre o, komploya katıldı. - According to the newspaper, he participated in the plot.


Arsa o kadar önemli değil. - The plot isn't that important.

{i} hikâyenin konusu
{f} grafiğini çizmek
{i} tema

Temanın ana fikri açık değil. - The main idea of the plot is not clear.

{i} fesat
{i} parsel
{i} arazi parçası

Bu arazi parçası benim malımdır. - This plot of land is my property.

{i} kumpas

Tom'un ne kumpas kurduğunu bilmiyorum. - I don't know what Tom is plotting.

Tom projeyi yok etmek için bir kumpas kurdu. - Tom plotted to destroy the project.

{i} olaylar dizisi
{i} suikâst

Suikast komplosu başarısız oldu. - The assassination plot failed.

Ona suikast yapılacağı planından habersizdi. - He was ignorant of the plot to assassinate him.

(Askeri) GRAFİK, HARİTA, HAVA HARİTASI, DENİZ HARİTASI, PLAN, ŞEMA: Çeşitli arazi ve deniz bilgileri veren kara hava veya deniz haritası veya grafik
olay örgüsü
fesat karıştırmak
(Bilgisayar) çizdir
dolap çevirmek
(Tıp,Teknik) çizim yapmak
haritada göstermek
dalavere çevirmek
planını çizmek
gizli plan

Tom, Meryem ile benim bir dolap çevirdiğimizden şüpheleniyor. - Tom suspects that Mary and I are plotting something.

(Tıp) grafiğe dönüştürmek
ayak oyunu

Bu arazi parçası benim malımdır. - This plot of land is my property.

haritasını çıkarmak
(Politika, Siyaset) suikast düzenlemek
(Havacılık) plot
(Biyokimya) çizit
komplo kurmak
(roman/vb.'de) olay örgüsü

Suikast komplosu başarısız oldu. - The assassination plot failed.

Ona suikast yapılacağı planından habersizdi. - He was ignorant of the plot to assassinate him.


Sanırım onlar bir şey çiziyorlar. - I think they're plotting something.

{i} hedef noktası
{f} plânını çıkarmak
{i} radarda görünen nokta
{i} plan

Tom karısını öldürmek için şeytani bir plan hazırladı. - Tom masterminded a diabolic plot to kill his wife.

Ona suikast yapılacağı planından habersizdi. - He was ignorant of the plot to assassinate him.

{f} plân üzerinde işaretlemek
plotting paper kareli kâğıt
çiz,v.çiz: n.çizim
f plan veya haritasını çıkarmak
kötü niyetlerle plan yapmak
{f} yerini belirlemek
plan veya harita üzerinde işaretlerle göstermek aradaki noktaları birleştirerek çizgi çizmek
plotterplan yapan
{f} parsellemek
{f} kumpas kurmak
{f} kroki üzerinde göstermek
(Nükleer Bilimler) çizmek
{i} komplocu
plot against someone
çorap örmek
plot against someone
başına çorap örmek
plot area
(Bilgisayar) çizim alanı
plot chart on
(Bilgisayar) grafik çizim yeri
plot details
(Bilgisayar) çizim ayrıntıları
plot of land
(Kanun) arazi parçası
plot on x axis
(Bilgisayar) x ekseni üzerinde çiz
plot order
(Bilgisayar) çizim sırası
plot plan
(İnşaat) ifraz planı
plot plan
(İnşaat) parselasyon planı
plot series on
(Bilgisayar) seri çizim yeri
plot series on
(Bilgisayar) serilerin çizim yeri
plot to assassinate
(Politika, Siyaset) suikast yapmayı planlamak
plot of ground
yeryüzü haritası
plot against
komplo karşı
plot frame
Çizim çerçevesi, antet
plot line
(Edebiyat) Bir filmin veya kitabın konusu veya gidişatı, olay örgüsü

The plot line was incredible and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good adventure story.

plot out
Bkz. plot
plot point
kot noktası
plot routine
arsa rutin
plot thickens
arsa kalınlaşır
plot/mischief is afoot
arsa / yaramazlık ayakta olduğunu
plot map
(Askeri) MEZARLIK PLANI: Mezarların yerini gösteren ve diagram dahilinde çizilen bir mezarlık planı. Bak. "map"
plot map
(Askeri) mezarlık planı
plot mischief
fesat çıkarmak
plural of plot
komplo çoğul
cemetery plot
Defin için hazır mezar yeri
copy plot
(Askeri) esas harita kopyası
ground plot
yapı arazisi
ground plot
(Bilgisayar) nesne/çizim
(Bilgisayar) nesne/çiz

Romanlarınız için böylesine ilginç konuları nasıl buluyorsunuz? - How do you come up with such interesting plots for your novels?

(Tekstil) ploter
(Askeri) işaretleyici
grafik çizici
(Askeri) tersim
(Askeri) işaretleme
(Askeri) plotin
(Askeri) plana geçirme
çizim yapma
grafik anlatım
(Askeri) grafik
krokisini çizme
(Askeri) kıymetlendirme
(Askeri) noktalama
(Askeri,Teknik) çizme
polar plot
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kutupsal çizim
radial line plot
(Askeri) radyal tersim
stretch plot
(Bilgisayar) çizimi uzat
study plot
(İnşaat) deneme parseli
building plot
imar parseli
building plot
yapı yerbölümü
check plot
kontrol parseli
dalitz plot
dalitz diyagramı
{f} çiz
seed plot
Lineweaver–Burk plot
(Biyokimya) Michaelis–Menten grafiğinin resiprokali, karşılıklı değerlerin terslerinin alınması
Michaelis–Menten plot
(Biyokimya) Michaelis–Menten grafiği,enzim kinetiğinde kullanılan, substrat konsantrasyonuna karşı reaksiyon hızını ifade eden grafik
a plot
Bir komplo
alternative form of plot bunny
komplo alternatif bunny
box and whisker plot
kutu ve bıyık arsa
box plot
kutu arsa
cemetery plot
mezarlıık çevresindeki arsa
contour plot
kontür arsa
coup plot
Darbe komplosu, darbe plânı
Arazi arsa
grass plot
cim arsa
lose the plot
çılgına dönmek
lose the plot
Esas (göz önüne alınması gereken) hedefi kaybederek anlamsız davranmak
lose the plot
Bir olayın,hikayenin veya konuşmanın gerçek anlamını ya da vermek istediği mesajı görememek
pay a plot
Bir komplo ödeme
stem-and-leaf plot
kök ve yaprak arsa
willow plot
söğüt arsa
air plot
(Askeri) HAVA SEYİR GRAFİĞİ: 1. Hava seyrüseferinde kullanılan, gerçek yönleri ve uçulan uzaklıkları gösteren sürekli çizim. 2. Havadaki bir cismin durumunun temsil edildiği, gerçek yönlerinin ve uçulan uzaklıkların gösterildiği sürekli çizilen grafik. 3. Gemilerde, havadaki bir cismin saptamayı yapan gemiye göre durumunun ve hareketlerinin gösterildiği çizim
air plot wind velocity
(Askeri) HAVA SEYİR PLANI RÜZGAR HIZI: Hava mevkii ve noktalama mevkiinin bilinmesiyle hesaplanmış rüzgar sürati
assassination plot
suikast planı
block plot
(Askeri) şeffaf tatbik krokisi
block plot
(Askeri) ŞEFFAF TATBİK KROKİSİ: Bak. "control sheet"
bomb impact plot
(Askeri) BOMBA SADME GRAFİĞİ: Hedef bölgesinin, genellikle darbe öncesi çekilmiş fotoğrafı olan, ve belli bir bombardıman taarruzunda atılan bombaların vuruş veya patlama noktalarının işaretlendiği bir grafik şekil
building plot
building plot
(İnşaat) yapı arsası
combined plot
(Havacılık) bileşik plot
copy plot
(Askeri) ESAS HARİTA KOPYASI: Esas haritadan teksir edilmiş bir örnek
costume plot
(Tiyatro) giysi çizelgesi
dot plot
noktasal grafik
fallout wind vector plot
(Askeri) SERPİNTİ RÜZGARI VEKTÖR PLOTU: Arz yüzeyi ile dikkate alınan en yüksek irtifa arasındaki değişik yön ve süratlerdeki rüzgarların bileşkesi olan vektör diyagramı
false plot
(Havacılık) hatalı görüntü
lay a plot
tuzak kurmak
lay a plot
komplo kurmak
master plot
(Askeri) ana tersimat nüshası
master plot
(Askeri) ANA TERSİMAT NÜSHASI: Üzerine bir çıkış (sortie) 'da uçulan sahanın ana hatları çizilmiş bir harita veya tatbik krokinin bir parçası. Bunda enlem ve boylam, harita ve çıkış bilgileri gösterilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "sortie plot"
observation plot
(Politika, Siyaset) gözlem noktası
{i} plân yapan kimse
(Askeri) İŞARETLEYİCİ: Bir hava veya haber verme ve ikaz hizmetindeki radar işaretleme planı (radar board), noktalama masası (plotting board) veya süzme grafiği (filter board) üzerinde bir uçağa ait mevkii işaret veren kimse
{i} kışkırtıcı
(Nükleer Bilimler) çizim
(Askeri) İŞARETLEME; TERSİM; ÇİZME; KIYMETLENDİRME; PLANA GEÇİRME; NOKTALAMA; PLOTİN (DZ): Kara, hava, deniz haritaları veya şema üzerinde hedeflerin mevkileri ile istikamet vesairelerin işaretlenmesi
polar plot
(Askeri) KUTBİ İŞARETLEME: Kutupsal koordinatlar vasıtası iye harita üzerinebir hedefin veya noktanın yerleştirilmesi metodu
pole zero plot
sifir kutup ciziti
pole zero plot
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sıfır kutup çiziti
primary plot
(Havacılık) öncelikli plot bilgisi
radial line plot
(Askeri) RADYAL TERSİM: Harita yapmakta kullanılan bir tersim usulü. Bu usulde hava fotoğraflarından görünen noktaların coğrafi mevkileri. Fotoğrafların merkezlerinden bu noktalara çizilen hatlar vasıtasıyla tayin edilir
scatter plot
serpme çizim
seed plot
{i} yuva (ilim vb.)
seed plot
{i} ocak (ülkü vb.)
seed plot
(isim) fidelik, ocak (ülkü vb.), yuva (ilim vb.)
select plot area
Çizim Alanını Seç
selected plot area
(Bilgisayar) seçili çizim alanı
strip plot
(Askeri) ŞERİT HALİNDE ÇİZİM: Üzerine bir uçuş hattı boyunca çekilmiş fotoğraflar etraflarını belirleyen hatlar olmaksızın yerleştirilmiş bir harita veya ek bilgiler tabakası
topographic plot
(Askeri) TOPOĞRAFİK KIYMETLENDİRME: Bir stereoskopik modelde gözüken bölge arazi rölyefinin tesviye eğrileriyle gösterilmesi
التركية - التركية
Roman, hikaye, tiyatro gibi eserlerde, baştan sona devam eden hareketlerin yapısı
Bilgisayar yöntemi ile desen filmlerini hazırlayan makine
Bilgisayardan aldığı verilere göre plan, proje gibi taslak çizimlerin çizdirildiği özel yazıcı birimi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The general course of a story including significant events that determine its course or significant patterns of events
To conceive (a crime, etc)

They had plotted'' a robbery.

A graph or diagram drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic device
To trace out (a graph or diagram)

They plotted the number of edits per day.

To mark (a point on a graph, chart, etc)

Every five minutes they plotted their position.

To conceive a crime, misdeed, etc

They were plotting against the king.

A plan to commit a crime
An area or land used for building on or planting on
"the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal" a chart or map showing the movements or progress of an object a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation; "a bean plot"; "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch" plan secretly, usually something illegal; "They plotted the overthrow fo the government
{f} place data into a table; scheme, conspire, intrigue; represent on a chart or graph; devise a plot
{n} a stratagem, intrigue, conspiracy, plat
{v} to scheme, plan, project, contrive
If people plot to do something or plot something that is illegal or wrong, they plan secretly to do it. Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government The military were plotting a coup They are awaiting trial on charges of plotting against the state
{i} chart, graph; scheme, design; main story of a literary work; conspiracy, intrigue; tract of land; small piece of land in a cemetery
plan secretly, usually something illegal; "They plotted the overthrow fo the government"
  The events and occurrences within a story not anchored to the chronology or mode in which they are recounted    
a chart or map showing the movements or progress of an object a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation; "a bean plot"; "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch"
drawn to a scale
plan secretly, usually something illegal; "They plotted the overthrow fo the government
is the organization of events that will take place in the story
The process in which the story's actions take place
in literature, the major storyline or series of events in a narrative or drama
A small extent of ground; a plat; as, a garden plot
In a narrative film, all the events that are directly presented to us, including their causal relations, chronological order, duration, frequency, and spatial locations Opposed to story, which is the viewer’s imaginary construction of all the events in the narrative See also duration, ellipsis, frequency, order, viewing_time
sequence of events that contains conflicts, climax, and resolution
1) Any list of cues for effects used in the play 2) The fundamental thread that runs through a story, providing the reason for the actions of the characters
Contrivance; deep reach of thought; ability to plot or intrigue
When someone plots the position or course of a plane or ship, they mark it on a map using instruments to obtain accurate information. We were trying to plot the course of the submarine
Depending on context, the word plot may be used to mean: A plot object A primary base plot and all its plot members The output resulting from drawing a primary base plot and all its plot members The output resulting from drawing any arbitrary collection of viewable objects
a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation; "a bean plot"; "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch"
the arrangement of the events in a narrative or dramatic work; "plot" suggests a carefully planned relationship (often based on cause and effect) among events whereas "story" simply refers to the sequence of events
"the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal"
A plot is a secret plan by a group of people to do something that is illegal or wrong, usually against a person or a government. Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him
The sequence of events in a play, differs from the "story," which encompasses earlier events (multi-plot stories)
To make a plot, map, pr plan, of; to mark the position of on a plan; to delineate
The plot of a film, novel, or play is the connected series of events which make up the story. see also sub-plot
make a plat of; "Plat the town"
In literature, is the action of the story; in theatre, is the action of the story presented on stage
A formal field location of a certain size where the data necessary to classify the vegetation communities is collected The data generated from the plot data collection is subsequently entered into a database known as the PLOTS database Plot size will vary depending on the vegetation physiognomy being sampled Synonymous with vegetation plot For more information see Grossman, et al , 1994 at http: //biology usgs gov/npsveg/fieldmethods/index html
The order or structure of events in a story Plot tends to follow a pattern of exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, and falling action or denouement
A target report resulting from digital integration of the received echoes (PSR) or replies (SSR) inside the antenna beam width The PSR report contains range and bearing information whereas the S SR report contains in addition Mode 3/A identity code and the Mode C decoded altimeter height value
A plot of land is a small piece of land, especially one that has been measured or marked out for a special purpose, such as building houses or growing vegetables. The bottom of the garden was given over to vegetable plots
If someone loses the plot, they become confused and do not know what they should do. The Tories have lost the plot on law and order. Doctors' Plot Gunpowder Plot July Plot Rastenburg Assassination Plot Popish Plot Rye House Plot
A plantation laid out
A specific area of ground in a cemetery owned by a family or individual A plot usually contains two or more graves
To form a scheme of mischief against another, especially against a government or those who administer it; to conspire
A plan; a purpose
a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal); "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor"; "I saw through his little game from the start"
the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc
Any scheme, stratagem, secret design, or plan, of a complicated nature, adapted to the accomplishment of some purpose, usually a treacherous and mischievous one; a conspiracy; an intrigue; as, the Rye-house Plot
A section of the campus where NPHC groups have sections to display their symbols This area acts as a place where undergraduates and graduates (alumni) gather when on the campus Very common at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU's) Not as common at Historically White Colleges and Universities
a chart or map showing the movements or progress of an object
To plan; to scheme; to devise; to contrive secretly
A share in such a plot or scheme; a participation in any stratagem or conspiracy
A graphic God's-eye representation of the current dataset By default the plot has a black background but this may be altered by the user
the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc ; "the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal"
To contrive a plan or stratagem; to scheme
put a point on a graph -- " the point is plotted in a different place on the graph " (264)
The way the story that lies within the play or the way the order in which the television programme is put together
The events selected by the writer to reveal the conflicts, or struggles, among or within characters, often arranged chronologically but sometimes including flashbacks to past events Traditionally, the plot begins with exposition, which presents background information; rises to a climax, the point of greatest tension; and ends with a resolution and denouement, which contains the outcome
make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows how things work or how they are constructed
A plan or draught of a field, farm, estate, etc
A carefully measured area laid out for experimentation or measurement
When someone plots something on a graph, they mark certain points on it and then join the points up. We plot about eight points on the graph
"A purposeful progression of logically connected events leading to the resolution of a climax " Atlas Shrugged: One by one, the most productive members of a society, recognizing their moral right to live for their own sake, end their participation in the society, in order to expose the false values of the society and bring down the government that seeks to control them (My words )
the arrangement of the action and incidents that make up the story; is the story line, or sequence of events in a narrated or presented work It's between the PREMISE and the PAYOFF
the storyline or plan of a narrative text
If someone plots the progress or development of something, they make a diagram or a plan which shows how it has developed in order to give some indication of how it will develop in the future. They used a computer to plot the movements of everyone in the building
In fiction, the story of a play, novel, romance, or poem, comprising a complication of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means
When people plot a strategy or a course of action, they carefully plan each step of it. Yesterday's meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party
plot bunnies
plural form of plot bunny
plot bunny
An idea for a story, usually referring to an author having more ideas than he or she can use

Alternatively, she says, the plot bunnies may be going somewhere you don't want to go, like when the plot calls for the death of a favorite character.

plot device
An element introduced into a story, film, etc. to advance its plot
plot devices
plural form of plot device
plot hole
A gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot, or constitutes a blatant omission of relevant information regarding the plot
plot holes
plural form of plot hole
plot twist
A change in the direction or expected outcome of the plot of a film, novel, computer role-playing game, or other form of narration
plot a course
(Denizcilik) Rota tayin etmek, rota plânı çıkarmak
plot line
(Edebiyat) Dialogue essential to the development of a plot in a drama. Often used in the plural
plot line
(Edebiyat) A literary or dramatic plot; a story line
plot line
story line, dialogue used to advance the plot in a film (or television, play, etc.)
plot line
the plot of a book or play or film
plot of land
specific piece of ground
plot twist
{i} change in the anticipated outcome or the direction of the plot of a a movie or book, twist in the direction of a computer or video game
A plot
The primary plot of a piece of literature, television, etc., contrasted with the secondary B plot

Shows have an A plot and a subsidiary, or B plot.

B plot
The secondary plot of a piece of literature, television, etc., contrasted with the primary A plot
Gunpowder Plot
A failed plot, in 1605, to kill the Protestant king of England
addle plot
A spoilsport, a mar-all

'Never shall it be said of me that I'm an addle-plot, I promise you! I collect that you are going to visit a friend, or perhaps a relation?'.

box and whiskers plot
A graphical summary of a numerical data sample through five statistics — median, upper quartile, lower quartile, and upper extreme and lower extreme values — by depiction as a box with its edges at the quartile marks and an internal line at the median and with lines protruding from the box as far as the extremal values
box plot
A graphical summary of a numerical data sample through five statistics: median, lower quartile, upper quartile, and some indication of more extreme upper and lower values
forest plot
A graphical display used in meta-analysis designed to illustrate the relative strength of treatment effects in multiple quantitative scientific studies addressing the same question
funnel plot
A scatterplot of effect size against a measure of study size or variablity, used primarily as a visual aid to detecting and displaying bias or systematic heterogeneity
line plot
A plotting of data above an axis to show frequency of data in each category
lose the plot
To cease to be behaving in a predictable and/or rational manner
lose the plot
To have one's results decline severely in quality or suddenly fall below an acceptable standard, especially when compared to past excellence
Scheming; making plots
scatter plot
A type of display using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data
the plot thickens
Used, often ironically, to describe an increasingly complex or mysterious situation
{n} a shemer, contriver, conspirator
Lineweaver–Burk plot
(Biyokimya) In biochemistry, the Lineweaver–Burk plot (or double reciprocal plot) is a graphical representation of the Lineweaver–Burk equation of enzyme kinetics, described by Hans Lineweaver and Dean Burk in 1934
box and whisker plot
In descriptive statistics, a boxplot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram or box and whisker plot or plot or candlestick chart) is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five-number summaries (the smallest observation, lower quartile (Q1), median, upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation). A boxplot also indicates which observations, if any, might be considered outliers. The boxplot was invented in 1977 by the American statistician John Tukey
bubble plot
(İstatistik) A scatter diagram using circles as plotting symbols in which the areas of the circles indicate the values of a third variable
A cross-plot is a term used primarily in the Earth sciences to describe a specialized chart that compares multiple measurements made at a single time or location along two or more axes. The axes of the plot are commonly linear, but may also be logarithmic
lose the plot
to become crazy
lose the plot
Behave strangely or foolishly: "I can't believe Stuart did that - he must be losing the plot."
scatter plot
(İstatistik) (also scatter diagram or scattergram) A graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present
stem-and-leaf plot
(İstatistik) Stemplot (or stem-and-leaf plot), in statistics, is a device for presenting quantitative data in a graphical format, similar to a histogram, to assist in visualizing the shape of a distribution. They evolved from Arthur Bowley's work in the early 1900s, and are useful tools in exploratory data analysis
the plot thickens
(deyim) Said when a situation suddenly becomes more complicated or mysterious: "Now there are two men phoning her up all the time." "The plot thickens!"
Doctors' Plot
(1953) Alleged conspiracy of prominent Soviet medical specialists to murder leading government and party officials. In January 1953, the Soviet press reported that nine doctors, at least six of them Jews, had been arrested and confessed their guilt. Because of Joseph Stalin's death in March, no trial occurred. Pravda later announced that the charges against the doctors were false and their confessions obtained by torture. In his secret speech at the Communist Party's Twentieth Congress, Nikita Khrushchev asserted that Stalin intended to use the doctors' trial to launch a massive party purge
Gunpowder Plot
{i} conspiracy plotted to blow up the English Parliament and King James I of England on November 5th 1605 (date set for the king to open Parliament)
Gunpowder Plot
a plan by English Catholics led by Guy Fawkes to kill King James I and destroy Parliament by blowing it up with explosives on November 5th 1605. The plan failed when one of the Catholics warned a relative not to attend Parliament that day and all the people in the Plot were caught and killed. People in the UK remember the event every November 5th on Guy Fawkes' Night. (1605) Conspiracy by English Roman Catholic zealots to blow up Parliament and kill James I. Angered by James's refusal to grant more religious toleration to Catholics, a group of conspirators led by Robert Catesby (1573-1605) recruited Guy Fawkes to their plot. One member warned his brother-in-law Lord Monteagle not to attend Parliament on the appointed day (November 5, 1605), and Monteagle alerted the government. Fawkes was arrested in a rented cellar under the palace at Westminster, where he had concealed 20 barrels of gunpowder. Under torture, he revealed the names of the conspirators, and they were all either killed while resisting arrest or executed in 1606. The plot bitterly intensified Protestant suspicions of Catholics
July Plot
or Rastenburg Assassination Plot Abortive attempt on July 20, 1944, by German military leaders to assassinate Adolf Hitler, seize control of the government, and seek more favourable peace terms from the Allies. According to plan, Col. Claus von Stauffenberg (1907-44) left a bomb in a briefcase in a conference room at the field headquarters at Rastenburg, East Prussia, where Hitler was meeting with top military aides. But the briefcase was pushed behind a table support, and Hitler survived the blast with minor injuries. Meanwhile, the other conspirators in Berlin failed to act. The chief conspirators, including Stauffenberg, Gen. Ludwig Beck, Gen. Erwin Rommel, and other top officers, were promptly shot or forced to commit suicide. In subsequent days, Hitler's police rounded up about 200 conspirators, who were shot, hanged, or viciously strangled
Optical Plot Reading
(Computers) program that automatically converts a picture file or computer drawing into an ASCII file made from digital data in which each point is represented by its coordinates, OPR
Popish Plot
(1678) In English history, a fictitious but widely believed rumour that Jesuits planned to assassinate Charles II and replace him with his brother, the Catholic duke of York (later James II). The rumour was fabricated by Titus Oates, who gave a sworn deposition of his "evidence" to a London justice of the peace. When the latter was found murdered, a panic among the people was followed by accusations and trials, leading to the execution of about 35 innocent people. When Oates was finally discredited, the panic subsided
Rye House Plot
(1683) In English history, an alleged Whig conspiracy to assassinate Charles II because of his pro-Catholic policies. The plot drew its name from Rye House at Hoddeston, Hertfordshire, near the road where Charles was supposed to be killed as he traveled from a horse meet. The king's unexpected early departure supposedly foiled the plot, which was later revealed by an informer. The facts remained cloudy, but the main plotters included the duke of Monmouth, William, Lord Russell, Algernon Sidney (1622-1683), and Sir Thomas Armstrong. The last three were tried, convicted of treason, and beheaded
contour plot
a graphical display showing stress, displacement or temperature results of a finite element model The results are displayed by assigning a plot color to specific ranges of results and displaying these colored ranges on the model
contour plot
A plot of 2D data containing contour lines (lines marking points of equal elevation) to indicate surface shape Contour plots may have color fill between contour lines and may have label bars and annotations
contour plot
A graphical representation of the possible solutions to the likelihood ratio equation This is employed to determine confidence bounds as well as comparisons between two different data sets
dot plot
a visual display useful for displaying the distribution of relatively small data sets of quantitative variables
dot plot
A simple graph in which each observation is represented by a dot at its score For example, the scores 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 produce this dot plot
dot plot
A simple graphical summary of data with each observation represented by a dot placed above a horizontal axis that shows the range of values for the observations
dot plot
A graph that is similar to a bar chart or histogram Dots are used in place of bars and rectangles The graph is used most often to identify outliers or to determine gaps in data
dot plot
A visual display of the actual data points of a noncontinuous variable
dot plot
Same as line plot
dot plot
A two parameter data graph used for acquisition and analysis Each dot on the display represents one event that the flow cytometer analyzed
gunpowder plot
a conspiracy in 1605 in England to blow up James I and the Houses of Parliament to avenge the persecution of Catholics in England; led by Guy Fawkes
plural of plot
third-person singular of plot
past of plot
planned in advance; "with malice aforethought"
A term that refers to the CAD origins of wide-format printers A printer so to speak that graphs computer output
A person who plots
an instrument (usually driven by a computer) for drawing graphs or pictures a clerk who marks data on a chart
A printing device that draws images on paper using ink pens or pencils A plotter draws images as a series of point-to-point lines
a graphic hard copy device using a moving pen or electrostatic recording process May be drum or flat-bed, digital or analogue
An alternate term for an imagesetter See imagesetter
A mechanical device which produces printout using vector or co-ordinate graphics often by using a pen moved about on rails
A machine used to draw graphic information from a CAD system onto materials such as paper, mylar or die board
Machine in Layout which is programmed with all trim size and margins to create an underlay that is used for the layout of text pages to correct imposition to top
pen, electrostatic, thermal or ink-jet device for making hard copies of text, graphics, maps on various media such as paper, vellum or mylar in up to 8,049 colors
an output device that draws graphs and other pictorial images on paper, sometimes using attached pens
Combined map or chart instrument having a protractor with ability to rotate and a scale rule Sometimes called a Douglas Protractor
a member of a conspiracy
a planner who draws up a personal scheme of action
printer used for very wide pages like architectural or engineering drawings
  An output unit that presents data in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation
A plotter is a pen-based output peripheral device attached to a computer for making drawings There are basically two kinds of plotters, flatbed and drum The most common way of transmitting graphics to a plotter is using HPGL, Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
An output device that prints such output as posters, graphs, and diagrams (pg 16)
{i} planner, schemer; type of printer which produces precise sketches (Computers)
A peripheral used to draw high-resolution charts, graphs, layouts, an other line-based diagrams, an often used with CAD systems
An output device for drawing maps or engineering drawings
A mechanical device used to draw lines such as graphs or pictures under computer control
Any device for drawing maps and figures
A computer printing device that uses interchangeable coloured ink jets, or pens, to print multicoloured text and graphs
Display device which draws images on paper Usually uses ink pens but may also use technology similar to that in photocopy machines
A plotter is a person who secretly plans with others to do something that is illegal or wrong, usually against a person or government. Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow. = conspirator
A printer that produces high quality output by moving ink pens across the paper Plotters are commonly used by computer-aided-design (CAD) software programs and high-end graphics programs such as commercial art
One who plots or schemes; a contriver; a conspirator; a schemer
A printer that prints vector graphics, i e , images created by a series of many straight lines
A computer output device that draws images on paper using a pen A plotter draws real lines rather than simulating them as a conventional printer would by producing a series of very close dots
A plotter is a person or instrument that marks the position of something such as a ship on a map or chart
The person who comes up with the plot, or basic storyline, for a comic
an instrument (usually driven by a computer) for drawing graphs or pictures
a clerk who marks data on a chart
A printer using pens to output large graphics (maps, charts, pictures)
output device which draws on paper or film with pens, usually to produce graphics
present participle of plot
scatter plot
A plot of the values of a dependent variable y versus the values of an independent variable x (page 91)
scatter plot
close window
scatter plot
A graph showing the relationship between a particular independent variable and a dependent variable
scatter plot
A statistical diagram that shows the relation between two variables Data points are plotted onto a graph to display the spread of scores
scatter plot
A scatter plot is a three dimensional histogram It can be explained on the example of an image where the intensity of each pixel is shown in the vertial direction Scatter plots can be visualized by e g dark scale images, LEGO plots, surface plots
scatter plot
A graphical representation of data involving two (or sometimes more) variables, in which each data point is plotted in a coordinate plane, with one variable labeled along the horizontal axis, the other along the vertical axis See Plotting Data (Part 9 of the Maple Tutorial) for information on creating scatter plots with Maple
scatter plot
An interval recording method where data are recorded during specific time or activity periods
scatter plot
A graph of a correlational relationship
scatter plot
A graphing of data points in which each point represents the simultaneous value of two variables A scatterplot usually has the independent or explanatory variable on the x-axis and the dependent or outcome variable on the y-axis Scatter plots are often used to show relationships between levels of two variables
scatter plot
If each item in a sample yields two measurements, such as the height x and weight y of the individual chosen, the point with coordinates (x,y) is plotted If this is repeated for all members of the sample, the resulting collection of points is a scatter plot
seed plot
{i} piece of land where seeds are sowed to grow plants for transplanting; nursery
The sub-plot in a play, film, or novel is a story that is separate from and less important than the main story. a fascinating sub-plot to the main drama
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