please treat this information as confidential

listen to the pronunciation of please treat this information as confidential
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Behandlen Sie diese Auskunft bitte vertraulich
Um vertrauliche Behandlung dieser Auskunft wird gebeten
please treat this information as confidential


    please treat this in·for·ma·tion as con·fi·den·tial

    التركية النطق

    pliz trit dhîs înfôrmeyşın äz känfıdenşıl


    /ˈplēz ˈtrēt ᴛʜəs ənˈfôrˈmāsʜən ˈaz ˌkänfəˈdensʜəl/ /ˈpliːz ˈtriːt ðɪs ɪnˈfɔːrˈmeɪʃən ˈæz ˌkɑːnfəˈdɛnʃəl/