please show courtesy to the other guests and speak in hushed tones

listen to the pronunciation of please show courtesy to the other guests and speak in hushed tones
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Nehmen Sie bitte Rücksicht auf die anderen Gäste und sprechen Sie in gedämpften
please show courtesy to the other guests and speak in hushed tones


    please show cour·te·sy to the oth·er guests and speak in hushed tones

    التركية النطق

    pliz şō kırtısi tı dhi ʌdhır ges ınd spik în hʌşt tōnz


    /ˈplēz ˈsʜō ˈkərtəsē tə ᴛʜē ˈəᴛʜər ˈges ənd ˈspēk ən ˈhəsʜt ˈtōnz/ /ˈpliːz ˈʃoʊ ˈkɜrtəsiː tə ðiː ˈʌðɜr ˈɡɛs ənd ˈspiːk ɪn ˈhʌʃt ˈtoʊnz/