playing card

listen to the pronunciation of playing card
الإنجليزية - التركية
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
One of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card used to play numerous games, featuring either one to 10 pips or a picture and belonging of one of four suits
one of a pack of cards used in playing card games
Playing cards are thin pieces of cardboard with numbers or pictures printed on them, which are used to play various games. = card. a card (7a)
playing cards
plural form of playing card
playing cards
Small rectangular cards used for playing games and sometimes for divination and conjuring. Modern cards are divided into four suits: spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. A complete pack, or deck, of cards includes 13 cards in each suit (10 numbered cards and 3 court cards king, queen, and jack, or knave); 2 extra cards, called jokers (many times portraying a medieval jester), are often included as well. The origin of playing cards is obscure China and India being the two most likely sources as is the meaning of their symbols. The earliest reference to cards in Europe occurs in Italy in 1299. The 52-card French deck is now standard throughout the world, but decks with fewer cards evolved in Germany and Spain. Other suit emblems were also used (e.g., bells in Germany, cups in Spain and Italy). See also tarot
playing cards
cards used in card games (such as poker, bridge, etc.)
playing cards
{i} devil's books
playing card