
listen to the pronunciation of plan
الإنجليزية - التركية

Evlilik teklif etmeden önce düğün planlamak arabayı atın önüne koymaktır. - Planning the wedding before proposing is putting the cart before the horse.

Tom ve Mary düğünlerini planlamakla meşgul. - Tom and Mary are busy planning their wedding.

{i} niyet
{f} plan yapmak

Başarılı olmak için iyi bir plan yapmak zorundasın. - To be successful, you have to establish a good plan.

Ben çok fazla plan yapmaktan hoşlanmam. - I don't like to plan too much.


Yeni plan hakkında seninle aynı düşüncede değilim. - I can't agree with you with regard to the new plan.

(Dilbilim) tasarım
projesini yapmak

Planı nasıl tasarladı? - How did he work out the plan?

Sigara içerken planı tasarladım. - I conceived of the plan while I was smoking.

josparını çizmek
{f} planla

Sen planlarını benimkine uydurmalısın. - You must accommodate your plans to mine.

İşler planlandığı gibi gitmedi. - Things didn't go as planned.

working plan ilk tasarı
(Askeri) PLAN: Genellikle bir şehir veya çok küçük bir bölgenin çok büyük ölçekli haritası

Biz onun yeni bir yol yapma planına karşı çıktık. - We opposed his plan to build a new road.

New York'a bir yolculuk planlıyoruz. - We are planning a trip to New York.

plan plannerplan yapan kimse

Tom için bir parti tertip ettim. - I planned a party for Tom.

{i} plan, düşünce, niyet, maksat
niyet maksat
{f} planını çizmek
{i} proje

Okul kulüpleri yaklaşan okul yılı için yapmayı planladıkları kamu hizmeti projelerini açıkça ana hatlarıyla belirtmelidir. - School clubs need to clearly outline the community service projects they plan to do for the upcoming school year.

Yeni projeyi üç saat tartıştıktan sonra, Andrew'un planının en iyi olduğu sonucuna vardık. - Having discussed the new project for three hours, we concluded that Andrew's plan was the best.

tertiplemek düzenlemek
{i} tasarı

Başka bir tasarın var mı? - Have you got another plan?

ge- çici
plan çizmek

O yürürken onun beyni yüzlerce harika şeyler planlamakla, yüzlerce hayaller kurmakla meşguldü. - As he walked along, his brain was busy planning hundreds of wonderful things, building hundreds of castles in the air.


O, planlama bölümünde çalışıyor. - He works in the planning section.

Tom Mary'nin Boston'da yaşamayı planlamadığını daha sonra öğrendi. - Tom learned later that Mary wasn't planning to live in Boston.

{s} planlı

Esperanto planlı bir dildir. - Esperanto is a planned language.

Tom eline geçecek ilk fırsatta Mary'yi ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor. - Tom planned to visit Mary the first chance he got.

{s} planlanmış

Görünen o ki, banka soygunu en ince ayrıntısına kadar planlanmış. - It appears that the bank robbery was planned right down to the last detail.

Planlanmış bir şeyim vardı. - I had something planned.

plan out

Yağışlı mevsimde o kadar sık yağmur yağar ki gezintileri planlamak zordur. - It rains so often in the wet season that it's hard to plan outings.

plan in advance
önceden plan
plan of action
eylem planı

Girişken bir eylem planına ihtiyacımız var. - We need an aggressive plan of action.

plan of attack
saldırı planı
plan view
plan görünümü
plan a budget
bütçe planlamak
plan ahead
önceden planlamak
plan ahead
önceden plan yapmak
plan carefully
ölçüp biçmek
plan carefully
ölçüp tartmak
plan for landing
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA PLANI: Amfibi harekatlarda, münferit olarak hazırlanmış ve birlikte ele alındıkları zaman, gemiden kıyıya intikalin (ship to shore movement) icrası ile ilgili bütün talimatı ayrıntılı olarak gösteren deniz ve çıkarma kuvveti dokümanlarını ifade eden birleşik bir terim. Ayrıca bakınız: "landing diagram", "ship-to-shape movement"
plan identification number
(Askeri) plan tanımlama numarası
plan of action
(Askeri) İŞ PLANI; HAREKAT TARZI PLANI: Verilen bir askeri vazifede kullanılacak olan teferruatlı manevra ve hareket planları. Bu plan; düşman ve dost kaynaklı, tertibat ve arazi gibi esasların tetkikine dayanır
plan of action
(Askeri) faaliyet planı
plan of attack
(Askeri) TAARRUZ PLANI: Bir taarruzda varılacak hedefleri, asıl taarruzun istikametini, birliklerin cephe boyunca bölümünü, ateş destek unsurlarının kullanılmasını ve emniyet ve keşif tedbirlerini de ihtiva etmek üzere hazırlanan teferruatlı plan. Bir taarruz planı, bir topçu ateş planı (plan of fire) ile bir manevra planı (plan of maneuver) nı ihtiva eder
plan of campaign
(Askeri) SEFER PLANI: Düşman kuvvetleri, harekat alanları, mevcut dost kuvvetler, siyasi ve askeri hedefler vesaire hakkında elde edilebilen bilgilere dayanılarak hazırlanan etraflı ve genel mahiyette stratejik plan. Bu terimi, bir seferberliğin hazırlanmasına ait esasları hazardan itibaren düzenlemek maksadıyla yapılan ve ancak harp tehlikesinin katileşmesi halinde tatbik mevkiine konulan seferberlik planı (mobilization plan) ile karıştırmamak gerekir. Buna (campaign plan) da denir
plan of defense
(Askeri) SAVUNMA PLANI: Bir mevzii veya bölgenin düşman taarruzu karşısında savunmasını temin etmek için gerekli teferruatı da içine alacak şekilde planlanmış tertibat ve manevralar. Komutan tarafından yapılan bu planlar, kıtaların muhtelif mıntıkalara taksimi, emniyetin tesisi, ateşlerin koordine edilmesi, karşı taarruzların teferruatı vesaire gibi hususları içine alır
plan of fire
(Askeri) topçu ateş planı
plan of fire
(Askeri) TOPÇU ATEŞ PLANI: Topçu ateş planı; harekat emrine ek ateş destek planının bir lahikası olup, kuvvet ateş destek planını tamamlamak için diğer ateş planları ile birleştirilir. Topçu ateş planı, genellikle beş kısımdır. Bunlar; grafik kısmı, hedef listesi, ateş zaman cetveli, kenar bilgisi ve icabında, ateş grubu cetvelidir
plan of fire support
(Askeri) ATEŞ DESTEK PLANI: Belirli bir vazifede kıtaları desteklemek üzere tatbik edilecek topçu ateşi, baraj ateşleri, hava bombardımanları vesairenin sınırlarını gösterir ateş planı
plan of maneuver
(Askeri) MANEVRA PLANI: Bir taarruzda tatbik edilecek manevra ve hareketlere ait teferruatlı plan. Manevra planı; hedeflere nerede, ne zaman ve nasıl taarruz edileceğini; kıtaların düzeni, ast ve destek kuvvetlerine ait vazifeler vesaire gibi teferruatı ihtiva eder. Bu plan ile topçu ateş planı, taarruz planının esasını teşkil eder. Bak. "plan of attack" ve "plan of fire"
plan of the day; port of debarkation; probability of detection
(Askeri) günlük plan; boşaltma limanı; algılama olasılığı
plan on
(Fiili Deyim ) -e güvenmek , bel bağlamak
plan phase
plan aşaması
plan position indicator
(Askeri) PLAN MEVKİ GÖSTERGESİ: Kendilerini harekete geçiren cisimlere bağlı olarak radar dönüşlerini göndermeçle aynı şekilde gösteren bir katot şua lambası (ekranı)
plan protection
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ TESİSLERİNİN KORUNMASI: Endüstri tesisleri ile endüstri kaynak ve malzemesinin nöbetçi, parmaklık, aydınlatma, yasak bölgeler tesisi ve buna benzer diğer maddi tedbirlerle güvenliklerinin sağlanması
plan range
(Askeri) plan uzaklığı
plan range
(Askeri) PLAN UZAKLIĞI: Hava foto keşfinde, uçağın altındaki noktadan karadaki bir nesneye (cisme) olan yatay mesafe
plan view
üstten görünüş
plan view
yatay kesit görünüşü
plan view
plan görünüş
plot plan
(İnşaat) parselasyon planı
plot plan
(İnşaat) ifraz planı
according to plan
planlandığı gibi
according to plan
planlanana uygun bir şekilde
action plan
aksiyon planı
allied war plan
(Askeri) müttefik harp planı
american plan
amerika planı
block plan
(İnşaat) kütle planı
block plan
(İnşaat) blok planı
bonus plan
(Ticaret) ikramiye planı
campaign plan
(Askeri) harekat planı
capacity plan
(Ticaret) kapasite planı
city plan
şehir planı
construction plan
(İnşaat) inşaat planı
cost plan
maliyet planı
deck plan
(Askeri) güverte planı
destruction plan
(Askeri) tahrip planı
detailed plan
ayrıntılı plan
develop a plan
plan oluşturmak
development plan
(İnşaat) geliştirme projesi
development plan
gelişim planı
development plan
planlı kalkınma
development plan law
(Kanun) imar yasası
disaster plan
afet planı
disaster recovery plan
(Bilgisayar) çökümden toparlanma planı
education plan
(Askeri) eğitim planı
employee ownership plan
(Ticaret) işçi mülkiyeti planı
employee share ownership plan
(Ticaret) personelin ortak olma planı
entire plan
bütün plan
environment plan
(Çevre) çevre düzeni planı
grid plan
ızgara planı
grid plan
damatahtası plan
ground floor plan
(İnşaat) zemin kat planı
health plan
(Askeri) sağlık planı
house plan
(İnşaat) ev planı
incident action plan
olay hareket planı
investment plan
(Ticaret) yatırım planı
layout plan
(İnşaat) yerleşme planı
layout plan
(Askeri) konma planı
layout plan
(İnşaat) vaziyet planı
layout plan
(Askeri) yerleştirme planı
life plan
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yaşam planı
plan yapan kimse

Tom partiyi planlayarak iyi bir iş yaptı. - Tom did a good job planning the party.

(Ticaret) kontrol ve raporlama
planlama yapma
progress plan
(Politika, Siyaset) kalkınma planı
recovery plan
iyileştirme planı
redemption plan
(Ticaret) ödeme planı
relief plan
(Sanat) yardım planı
retention plan for stock
(Ticaret) stok daraltma planı
retention plan for stock
(Ticaret) stok gerileme planı
sales plan
(Ticaret) satış planı
sampling plan
(Gıda,Teknik) örnekleme planı
settlement plan
yerleşim planı
site plan
(Askeri) saha planlama
site plan
(Havacılık) mevki planı
strong mayor plan
(Politika, Siyaset) güçlü belediye planı
study plan
çalışma planı
uniform accounting plan
(Ticaret) tekdüzen hesap planı
urgent action plan
(Politika, Siyaset) acil eylem planı
weekly plan
haftalık plan
whole plan
bütün plan
working plan
çalışma planı
zoning plan
(İnşaat) bölgeleme tasarı
European plan
konakçıda oda ve kahvaltı parasını beraber ödeme jüyesi
assembly plan
montaj planı
battle plan
savaş planı
commission plan
görev planı
construction plan
construction plan
development plan
imar josparı
development plan
imar planı
five-year development plan
beş yıllık kalkınma josparı
flight plan
uçuş josparı
floor plan
kat josparı
game plan
oyun planı

Tom oyun planını anlıyor. - Tom understands the game plan.

Gerçekten hiç oyun planım olmadı. - I never really had any game plan.

general plan
genel plan
ground plan
zemin planı
ground plan
temel josparı
ground plan
ground plan
zemin katı josparı
installment plan
taksit usülü
instalment plan
taksit usulü
layout plan
layout plan
vaziyet josparı
layout plan
oturum planı
location plan
konum planı
master plan
ana plan

Bizim bir ana planımız vardı. - We had a master plan.

pension plan
emeklilik josparı
{f} planla

Tom iş için sadece bir ya da iki gün Boston'da kalmayı planlamıştı. - Tom had only planned to stay in Boston for just a day or two.

İşler planlandığı gibi gitmedi. - Things didn't go as planned.

plan yapan kişi
secret plan
gizli plan
system level plan
sistem düzeyi planı
work plan
iş programı
bay plan
(Gemicilik) Konteyner gemileri ambar planı
defined benefit plan
Çalışanlara emekliliklerinde belirli bir faydayı garanti eden tanımlı fayda planı
ground plan zemin
katı planı
implementation plan
uygulama planı
{f} planla

O, planlama bölümünde çalışıyor. - He works in the planning section.

Tom, John'un ne zaman aşçılığa başlamayı planladığını Mary'nin bildiğini düşündüğünü söyledi. - Tom said that he thought Mary knew what time John was planning to start cooking.


Sen planlarını benimkine uydurmalısın. - You must accommodate your plans to mine.

Kongre tarafından yapılan planlara uyuyorum. - I'm following the plans made by congress.

Air Force War and Mobilization Plan; War and Mobilization Plan
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri Harp ve Sefreberlik Planı; Harp ve Seferberlik Planı
concept plan; operation plan in concept format
(Askeri) konsept planı; konsept biçiminde harekat planı
{s} programsız
{s} tasarlanmış
{i} plancı
{i} tasarımcı
{f} planla: prep.planlayarak,planlama
(Tıp) Planlama, düzenleme
{i} düzene sokma
{i} plancılık
{i} tasarım
test and evaluation plan; theater engagement plan
(Askeri) test ve değerlendirme planı; muharebe sahası çatışma planı
التركية - التركية
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fr. Yapı, makine, bina...gibi yapılacak şeylerin ayrı ayrı parçalarını kâğıt üzerinde gösteren çizgilerin hepsi
Bir kentin, bir yapının ya da bir makinenin çeşitli bölümlerini gösteren çizim
Bir işin, bir eserin gerçekleştirilmesi için uyulması tasarlanan düzen: "Turist akınını karşılamak için şimdiden bir plan yapmışlar."- H. Taner
Bir şehrin, bir yapının, bir makinenin çeşitli bölümlerini gösteren çizim: "O tarihte aramızda kasaba planını yapmaya gelmiş bir iki mühendis ve mimar bulunuyordu."- R. N. Güntekin. Çekim
Düşünce, niyet, maksat, tasavvur: "Aşağıda kaynaşan kalabalığa bakarak planını zihninden geçirdi."- Ö. Seyfettin
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
People's Liberation Army Navy
A particular standardized examination taken by high-school students
To create a plan for

They jointly planned the project in phases, with good detail for the first month.

A set of intended actions, through which one expects to achieve a goal

He didn't really have a plan; he had a goal and a habit of control.

To design a building, machine, etc

The architect planned the building for the client.

To intend

He planned to go, but work intervened.

A 2-dimensional drawing of a building as seen from above with obscuring or irrelevant details such as roof removed, or of a floor of a building, revealing the internal layout; as distinct from the elevation

Seen in plan, the building had numerous passageways not apparent to visitors.

A drawing showing technical details of a building, machine, etc., with unwanted details omitted, and often using symbols rather than detailed drawing to represent doors, valves, etc

The plans for many important buildings were once publicly available.

{v} to scheme, form in design, contrive
{n} a scheme, project, draft, model, plot
A plan is a method of achieving something that you have worked out in detail beforehand. The three leaders had worked out a peace plan a detailed plan of action for restructuring the group He maintains that everything is going according to plan
The specific actions or mechanisms mandated by the affirmative Traditionally, plans specify resolutional mandates as well as non-resolutional logistical requirements and legislative intent for purposes of clarification
To scheme; to devise; to contrive; to form in design; as, to plan the conquest of a country
the ability to PLAN how to use that information, to meet your goal This continues the DESIGN and takes you all the way to implementation You should now have some feasible deadlines identified
make plans for something; "He is planning a trip with his family"
scale drawing of a structure; "the plans for City Hall were on file"
To form a delineation of; to draught; to represent, as by a diagram
make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form; "design a better mousetrap"; "plan the new wing of the museum"
When you plan something that you are going to make, build, or create, you decide what the main parts of it will be and do a drawing of how it should be made. We are planning a new kitchen
A scheme devised; a method of action or procedure expressed or described in language; a project; as, the plan of a constitution; the plan of an expedition
A program or pseudo-code fragment that solves a single, well defined goal Examples would be a code fragment to sum a series of numbers or code to input words from a file until the end-of-file character is encountered [Soloway82] [Rist86] A program as a whole is described in terms of global plans (sometimes called gplans) For example, most programs can be described in terms of the following high-level global plan: Input a set of data, process the data, then output the data
A retrospective rating plan that allows adjustment of an employer's premium after a designated coverage period is completed L&I offers five plans If the claim costs prove to be less than anticipated, a partial refund of premium is made If claim costs exceed the amount anticipated, additional premium is assessed
Develop strategies and plans for change, communications, training and performance measurement to maximise opportunities and minimise risks
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"
A health care program offered by the State that partially pays or reimburses the employee or retiree for covered health care services or treatments
The drawing of the horizontal plane of a building, cut through the walls at about three feet above a floor and looking down Also called a floor plan
A plan is written ordered set of decisions, directions, policies, and a course of action to achieve a set of objectives Plans usually include graphics, maps, and descriptions of areas and projects as well as findings, assumptions, and recommendations of the planning process When adopted, "plans" become guides for administration They are not end products They are subject to change as policies change due to unfolding events, such as changing standards of life style, environmental factors, costs, and advancing technology
A drawing representing any one of the floors or horizontal cross sections of a building, or the horizontal plane of any other object or area
means a record of the way something is to be accomplished; a scheme or method of procedure
A means of resource management, prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991, which sets out issues, objectives, methods and rules pertaining to the management of an area or a resource, as required or provided for by the act There are both regional and district plans, prepared by regional and territorial authorities A plan is usually defined as including a proposed plan, which has been publicly notified for submissions
A disciplined, systematic approach, formulated beforehand, that results in detailed strategies, tactics and implementation steps
{i} program, scheme
A method; a way of procedure; a custom
If you plan what you are going to do, you decide in detail what you are going to do, and you intend to do it. If you plan what you're going to eat, you reduce your chances of overeating He planned to leave Baghdad on Monday It would be difficult for schools to plan for the future I had been planning a trip to the West Coast A planned demonstration has been called off by its organisers
The plan is the basis for all RECEPTOR activities, and must be created by the user before a RECEPTOR analysis can be done All things affecting the search are described in the plan: which molecules are used in the search; which atoms are used as pharmacophore points; and parameters that affect all of the molecules as a group as well as those applied only to specific molecules The plan exists as a subdirectory in the directory containing the starting MOL2 files
There may be several different plan types available To see what different plan types include click on the plan type link
A method of action as text, drawing, or map
make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack
make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack"
A draught or form; properly, a representation drawn on a plane, as a map or a chart; especially, a top view, as of a machine, or the representation or delineation of a horizontal section of anything, as of a building; a graphic representation; a diagram
{f} make a scheme, plot, design, contrive
v t To bother about the best method of accomplishing an accidental result
As used anywhere in the West Eugene Wetlands Plan, the terms "the Plan", "this Plan", "West Eugene Wetlands Plan" or "the WEWP" are all references to the current West Eugene Wetlands Plan as adopted or hereafter amended Rare Animal: See definition for "rare species "
means any bonus, profit-sharing, pension, retirement, thrift, savings, incentive, stock purchase, stock option, stock ownership, stock appreciation, dividend reinvestment, or similar plan; or any dividend or interest reinvestment plan or employee benefit plan as defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act
A cave map at a reduced scale showing the details projected vertically onto a horizontal plane Survey & Mapping term Ref JJ
A plan of something that is going to be built or made is a detailed diagram or drawing of it. when you have drawn a plan of the garden. see also planning. Dawes Plan Marshall Plan Missouri Plan Schlieffen Plan Young Plan
have the will and intention to carry out some action; "He plans to be in graduate school next year"; "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion"
(plan view): An orthographic projection onto a horizontal picture plane typically of the site, floor levels, and roofs of buildings See also "section"
scale drawing of a structure; "the plans for City Hall were on file" a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue" make plans for something; "He is planning a trip with his family" have the will and intention to carry out some action; "He plans to be in graduate school next year"; "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion" make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack
A set of steps, procedures or programs, worked out beforehand in order to accomplish an objective or goal
An architectural drawing showing in two dimensions the arrangement of space in a building
The skill of outlining appropriate strategies for solving complex problems that are new to you, starting with appropriate physical laws and principles
an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
A prescribed, written sequence of actions to achieve a goal, usually ordered in phases or steps with a schedule and measureable targets; defines who is responsible for achievement, who will do the work, and links to other related plans and goals By law agencies must have strategic plans, business plans, and performance plans They may also have implementation plans, program plans, project plans, management plans, office plans, personnel plans, operational plans, etc
If you have plans, you are intending to do a particular thing. `I'm sorry,' she said. `I have plans for tonight.'
A drawing, sketch, or diagram of any object or structure, especially, a very large-scale and considerably detailed map of a small area
plan B
An alternative solution adopted when one's original plan does not succeed

After failing to find a wife by 40, he had to rely on plan B, a mail-order bride.

plan on
To expect; to prepare future actions based on

I didn't plan on Truman winning the election.

plan for sharing water
plan for dividing water among two or more groups
plan of action
a plan for actively doing something
plan of action
A written document that consolidates all of the operational actions to be taken by various personnel in order to stabilize the incident
plan of action
A plan of action is based on the overriding environmental objectives that are to be broken down in each organisation and at each level into detailed targets and proposals for action Each action is to have one person responsible,a calculation of the time and financial resources required as well as measurable values for following up and monitoring
plan of action
The goals and plans for achievement that a Jaycee chapter develops each year Usually presented to the membership in written form
plan on
If you plan on doing something, you intend to do it. They were planning on getting married
plan view
The top view of a partpiece
plan view
Drawing of a structure with the view from overhead, looking down
plan view
– Top view
Variant of plano-
(Ticaret) (PDCA) A four step quality improvement cycle, based on a process described by Walter Shewhart, that involves continuous improvement based on analysis, design, execution and evaluation. Sometimes referred to as plan/do/study/act, it emphasizes the constant attention and reaction to factors that affect quality
New Jersey Plan
a 1787 proposal for the structure of the United States Government
according to plan
As intended; as planned; with the occurrence of any complications
action plan
A planned series of actions, tasks or steps designed to achieve an objective or goal
band plan
A plan for distributing or allocating bandwidth within a frequency spectrum
birth plan
A protocol, agreed between mother, midwives and doctors, listing options such as birth companion, position at birth, pain relief etc
business plan
A summary of how a business owner, manager, or entrepreneur intends to organize an entrepreneurial endeavor and implement activities necessary and sufficient for the venture to succeed
contingency plan
An alternative plan to be put into operation if needed, especially in case of emergencies, or if a primary plan fails
escalation plan
A plan that specifies actions be taken when the telephone queue begins to build beyond acceptable levels
floor plan
A layout representation of where the major functional blocks of an integrated circuit will be physically placed
floor plan
A diagram, usually to scale, showing the layout of a building
floor plan lending
Also known as wholesale lending, a form of retail goods inventory financing in which each loan advance is made against a specific piece of collateral
Attributive form of floor plan, noun
game plan
any strategy devised to reach a given objective

So what is the game plan? We need to get everyone out of this alive, and I am clueless.

lesson plan
A teachers' document used to plan a lesson
master plan
A small-scale graphic outline that shows all the major elements of a project
master plan
A comprehensive document that sets out an overall strategy
open floor plan
An interior of a building constructed with few walls or obstructions, giving a communal aspect
Having large rooms with few dividing barriers such as partitions
existing or designed according to a plan
Simple past tense and past participle of plan
action of the verb to plan
Present participle of plan
the act of making contingency plans
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plan
plural form of plan
A diagram showing the number, possible arrangements, and sizes of the sails for a sailing vessel
game plan
An overall approach to achieve a major objective
{n} one who plans, one who schemes
{n} a design, formation, contrivance
(of a room or building) having large rooms with few or no internal dividing walls
1. A person who makes plans.2. A person who controls or plans urban development.3. A list or chart with information that is an aid to planning
health care
Having no plan
aimlessly drifting
{s} schemed, designed, organized
designed or carried out according to a plan; "the planned outlays for new equipment"
planned in advance; "with malice aforethought"
designed or carried out according to a plan; "the planned outlays for new equipment
past of plan
A notebook in which one keeps notations of appointments and contacts
Planners are people whose job is to make decisions about what is going to be done in the future. For example, town planners decide how land should be used and what new buildings should be built. a panel that includes city planners, art experts and historians. someone who plans and makes important decisions about something, especially someone whose job is to plan the way towns grow and develop urban/city planner
One who plans; a projector
A person, qualified by training and experience, who effectively assists the client in completing the planning process
a person who makes plans
Anyone who plans, e g , a city planner, economic planner, public health planner, social planner, or landscape planner One whose profession consists of identifying community needs, resources and the means to reduce the difference between a desired or imagined condition and the present status One who assist citizens in making decisions on programs, and methods to create a physical, economic, and social environment in which the human conditions, activities, and benefits desired by the members of the community may flourish
A special purpose algorithm taking as input some problem and goals in a planning domain, and returning a plan to meet those goals, or a determination that no plan is possible
a notebook for recording appointments and things to be done, etc
A machine that makes the surface of wood smooth
{i} one who schemes, one who makes plans; yearly calendar, schedule book
plural of planner
This federal-aid funding category provides funds for the federally mandated transportation planning process conducted within each Metropolitan Planning Organization
The interpretation of policy into definite objectives and goals and a statement of the means intended to be used to achieve those objectives and goals
Identification of goals and selecting nursing actions to resolve a client's health problems
Planning is the process of deciding in detail how to do something before you actually start to do it. The trip needs careful planning The new system is still in the planning stages. see also family planning
Planning is control by the local government of the way that land is used in an area and of what new buildings are built there. a masterpiece of 18th-century town planning. the process of thinking about and deciding on a plan for achieving or making something good/bad/careful etc planning. economic planning family planning urban planning
the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action; "the planning was more fun than the trip itself"
– A formalized attitude (and process) that involves selecting a rational course of collective action to achieve a future state of affairs It includes assessing the present state, setting goals, gathering and analyzing information, evaluating information, developing budgets, making decisions, and acting
The process through which an organized scheme to get something done is developed; decisions that set a course of action 6
Formulating methods or means to achieve a desired end in advance of taking actions to implement
Control of the use and development of land
The process of defining project execution plans to create or deploy products and/or services
The period of time where in the beginning you are hoping for a mate, by the middlegame you are hoping to have an advantage, by the endgame you are hoping not to get killed, and by the next morning you are hoping that they will not laugh at you
The setting of goals over a certain time and the determination of how to achieve these goals and with what resource
To work cooperatively with others in advance of a disaster in order to initiate prevention and preparedness activities
The process of identifying the means, resources and actions necessary to accomplish an objective
The process of laying out and organising the steps by which you can achieve an objective or goal
The process by which the performance of the electric system is evaluated and future changes and additions to the bulk electric systems are determined Planning Guides Good planning practices and considerations that Regions, subregions, power pools, or individual systems should follow The application of Planning Guides may vary to match local conditions and individual system requirements
The analysis of relevant information from the present and the past and the assessment of probable future developments so that a course of action (plan) may be determined that enables the organization to meet its stated objectives
the act of formulating of a course of action, or of drawing up plans
the determination of the goals and objectives of an enterprise and the selection, through a systematic consideration of alternatives, of the policies, programs and procedures for achieving them An activity devoted to clearly identifying, defining, and determining courses of action, before their initiation, necessary to achieve predetermined goals and objectives
a process to determine goals and objectives and to devise the means by which they can be accomplished (See Strategic Planning, Tactical Planning and Operational Planning)
A continuing process of analyzing program data, making decisions, and formulating plans for action in the future, aimed at achieving program goals Topic areas: Governance, Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
The process of establishing the sequence and relationship of a series of operations prior to construction work commencing
the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening; "his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties
the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise
Establishing a broad outline for goals, policies, and procedures that will accomplish the objectives of the organisation
The act of creating a plan For example, creating a local land-use plan that determines whether or not specific areas of land within a local government's jurisdiction may be used for growing swine in animal feeding operations See also Comprehensive Planning
The process of setting development goals and policy, gathering and evaluating information, and developing alternatives for future actions based on the evaluation of the information
Includes such responsibilities as needs assessment, plan development, budgeting/resource analysis, inventory, standards development and policy analysis
essentially a design process concerned with determining the location of facilities to perform a specific function See Project Management
{i} programming, scheming, scheduling
an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action; "the planning was more fun than the trip itself"
Arrangements to go on a trip
This design is only available as a set of plans
Clichés can be represented in different ways For example, they can be expressed as graphs, as fragment of a source code or as patterns Such a representation of a cliché is called plan A plan in a source code can, thus, be found by using a plan in the pattern language
The outline notes made to assist the writing of an essay They might be a series of headings or topics to be covered They can be items of information or the stages of an argument to be developed Their most important feature is that they will be arranged in some logical and persuasive order
this is a microstation file that can only be downloaded and opened by microstation
third-person singular of plan
Devises or projects a method or a course of action
A stable, often incomplete formulation of a program of action <Discussion> <References> Chris Eliasmith
The technical drawings or blueprints of the project Should include the specifications
Drawings used in building a house, usually showing the structure in a horizontal plane, from above, but without the roof A floor plan shows the floor area of a structure in a horizontal plane A "section" is a vertical cross section from roof to foundation An elevation is a drawing of one side of a house
Schedule of actions to be taken to implement the strategies and to deal with the critical success factors
plural of plan
Drawings for a project are called plans, prints or blueprints They are drawn to scale and include construction details, specifications, and other critical information The contractor translates this information into a finished structure
التركية - الإنجليزية
{i} schedule

What time is your plane scheduled to leave? - Senin uçağının saat kaçta kalkması planlanmıştır.

I think you should stick to your training schedule. - Sanırım eğitim planına bağlı kalmalısın.


I knew I should never have gotten involved with your harebrained scheme. - Senin deli saçması planına hiç bulaşmamam gerektiğini biliyordum.

His scheme went wrong in the end. - Onun planı sonunda bozuldu.


What are Mary's true intentions? - Mary'nin gerçek planları ne?

Tom has good intentions. - Tom'un güzel planları var.


Investigators foiled a plot to hijack an airplane. - Müfettişler bir uçak kaçırma planını bozdular.

Tom is plotting something. - Tom bir şey planlıyor.


So you're planning to follow this course as well! - Öyleyse siz de bu kursu takip etmeyi planlıyorsunuz.

Of course, I have a plan. - Elbette bir planım var.

lay out

You should always plan for the worst-case scenario. - Her zaman en kötü senaryo için plan yapmalısınız.

(Tıp) plane

The government plans to scrap some of the older planes. - Hükümet bazı eski uçakların hurdaya ayırmayı planlıyor.

There is no Plan B because there is no Planet B. - B planı yoktur, çünkü B gezegeni yoktur.

set up

Fadil and Layla set up a robbery. - Fadıl ve Leyla bir soygun planladılar.

Sami set up a plan to kill Layla. - Sami, Leyla'yı öldürmek için bir plan kurdu.

plan, scheme, project, design
plan; scheme; project
programme [Brit.]

He planned the project along with his colleagues. - O ,projeyi iş arkadaşlarıyla birlikte planladı.

Having discussed the new project for three hours, we concluded that Andrew's plan was the best. - Yeni projeyi üç saat tartıştıktan sonra, Andrew'un planının en iyi olduğu sonucuna vardık.


I had no idea you were planning to go to Boston. - Boston'a gitmeyi planladığına dair hiçbir fikrim yoktu.

I certainly had no idea Tom was planning to move to Boston. - Tom'un Boston'a taşınmayı planladığına dair kesinlikle fikrim yoktu.

blue print
plot (of a novel, short story, play)

Tom wanted a closer look at the blueprints. - Tom planlara daha yakından bakmak istedi.

These measurements conform to the blueprints. - Bu ölçümler planlara uygundur.


Plans for a new trade zone are still on the drawing board. - Yeni bir ticaret bölgesi için planlar henüz çalışma aşamasında.

{i} schema

Tom came in with a game plan. - Tom bir oyun planıyla geldi.

I never really had any game plan. - Gerçekten hiç oyun planım olmadı.


Your plan is not in line with our policy. - Senin planın bizim politikamızla uyumlu değil.

{i} programme
arka plân

There is a castle in the background of the picture. - Resmin arka planında bir kale var.

He is always in the background. - O her zaman arka plandadır.

yerine getirmek (plan vb'ni)
plan dosyası
(Bilgisayar) plan file
plan suya düştü
the game is up
plan yapmak
plan yapmak
make a plan

We have to make a plan. - Bir plan yapmak zorundayız.

plan yönetimi
plan management
plan çizmek
plan çizmek
plan çizmek
plan dışı
Plan Direktörlüğü (Hava Kuvvetleri Birlik Komutanlığı)
(Askeri) Plans Directorate (COMAFFOR)
Plan, Harekat ve Askeri Destek Subayı/Dairesi (NG)
(Askeri) Plans, Operations, and Military Support Office(r) (NG)
plan aşaması
plan phase
plan bozulmak
(plan) to founder
plan bozulmak
(plan) to fall through
plan bozulmak
(plan) to fail
plan entegrasyon bölümleme sistemi
(Askeri) plans integration partitioning system
plan görünüş
plan view
plan hazırlamak
prepare a plan
plan hazırlamak
draw up a plan
plan kağıdı
blueprint paper
plan kurmak
to plan something; to scheme. (...)
plan kurmak
to plan
plan müşiri
(Askeri) map templet
plan müşiri
(Askeri) map template
plan müşiri
(Askeri) coordinate scale
plan müşiri
(Askeri) range deflection fan
plan oluştur
(Bilgisayar) create a plan
plan tahtası
planning board
plan tanımlama numarası
(Askeri) plan identification number
plan tatbikatı
(Askeri) map exercise
plan uzaklığı
(Askeri) plan range
plan yaparak
plan yapma
plan yapmak
to make a plan

We have to make a plan. - Bir plan yapmak zorundayız.

plan yapmak

I don't like to plan too much. - Ben çok fazla plan yapmaktan hoşlanmam.

We've got to have a better plan. - Daha iyi bir plan yapmak zorundayız.

plan yelpazesi
(Askeri) range deflection fan
plân yapan kimse
plân üzerinde işaretlemek
arka plan
(Bilgisayar) backspace
arka plan
(Bilgisayar) backplane
arka plan
(Edebiyat) back story
beklenmedik durum plan
contingency plan
european plan
room only
genel plan
(İnşaat) general layout
gizli plan
(Politika, Siyaset) conspiracy
hazırlamak (bir plan vb'ni)
work out
hazırlamak (kötü bir plan)
idari plan
(Askeri) administrative plan
ikinci plan
second plan
mali plan
(Ticaret) financing plan
mali plan
(Ticaret) financial plan
master plan
master plan

She is always thinking of moneymaking schemes. - Her zaman para kazanma planlarını düşünüyor.

sosyal plan
social plan
taslak plan
(Askeri) draft plan
taslak plan
(Askeri) tentative plan
taslak plan
(Askeri) outline plan
teknik plan
(Askeri) design
tıbbi plan
(Askeri) medical plan
ulusal plan
(Politika, Siyaset) national plan
yakın plan
(Fotoğrafçılık) close shot
yapmak (plan)
yıllık plan
annual plan
ön plan
(Tarım) preliminary plan
ön plan
plan yapmak
hammer out

I'm following the plans made by congress. - Kongre tarafından yapılan planlara uyuyorum.

We'll put these plans on ice. - Bu planları erteleyeceğiz.

imar planı development plan, plan
for the development (of an area). İ
nâzım plan plan
(for regulating a city's development)
plan yapmak
{f} chart