
listen to the pronunciation of petroleum
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bugünkü dünya rahat yaşamını petrole borçludur. - The present world owes its convenient life to petroleum.

Ham petrol çağının sonu görünümde. - The end of the era of petroleum is in sight.

ham petrol

Ham petrol çağının sonu görünümde. - The end of the era of petroleum is in sight.

crude petroleum ham petrol
(isim) petrol
(Askeri) PETROL: Bak. "bulk petroleum", "packaged bulk petroleum" ve "stated items"
petrol kökenli
(Otomotiv) benzin
petrol yağı
petroleum as fuel
petroleum product
petrol ürünü
petroleum asphalt
petrol asfaltı
petroleum coke
petrol koku
petroleum fly
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Petrol sineği
petroleum jelly
petroleum barrel
petrol varili
petroleum based toluene
petrol esaslı toluen
petroleum bitumen
petrol bitümi
petroleum characteristic
(Madencilik) petrol karakteri
petroleum chemical industry
petro-kimya endüstrisi
petroleum chemicals industry
petrokimya endüstrisi
petroleum chemicals industry
petro-kimya endüstrisi
petroleum coke
(Madencilik) yeryağı koku
petroleum distillate
petrol destilatları
petroleum exploration works
petrol arama çalışmaları
petroleum gases
petrol kökenli gazlar
petroleum gases
(Askeri) petrol gazları
petroleum geologist
petrol jeoloğu
petroleum hydrometer
petrol hidrometresi
petroleum industry and trade
petrol endüstrisi ve ticareti
petroleum intersectional service
(Askeri) BÖLGELER ARASI PETROL İKMAL HİZMETİ: Bir harekat alanında, harekat alanı kara ordusu unsurları ile emir verilecek diğer kuvvetlere. döküm petrol ürünleri ikmali için, ikmal ve tahliye kanallarını ve ilgili yardımcı tesisleri faaliyette bulunduran, bölgeler arası veya sahalar arası hizmet
petroleum jelly
(Otomotiv) petrol jelatini
petroleum jelly
parafin yağı
petroleum jelly
petroleum jelly
vazelin (saf)
petroleum lamp
petrol lambası
petroleum law and legislation
petrol hukuku ve mevzuatı
petroleum liquids
petrol kökenli sıvılar
petroleum lump
(Askeri) petrol birikintisi
petroleum oil
gaz yağı
petroleum oils and lubricants
(Askeri) yağlayıcı madde
petroleum pitch
petrol zifti
petroleum port terminal
(Askeri) PETROL YÜKLEME VE BOŞALTMA LİMANI: Derin sular kıyısında bulunan ve sıvı petrol ürünlerini boşaltmak, depolamak ve yüklemek için gerekli tesisleri ihtiva eden liman
petroleum production tax
(Ticaret) petrol üretim vergisi
petroleum refinery
(Denizbilim) petrol rafinesi
petroleum reserve
petrol rezervi
petroleum ship
petrol tankeri
petroleum source rock
(Madencilik) petrol içeren kayaç
petroleum tar
petrol katranı
petroleum trap
petrol kapanı
petroleum wakes
petrol mumları
petroleum war reserve requirements
(Askeri) akaryakıt harp yedek ihtiyaç malzemeleri
petroleum waxes
petrol vaksları
petroleum workers
petrol çalışanları
petroleum, oil, and lubricants
(Askeri) benzin, yağ ve yağlayıcı maddeler
petroleum, oils and lubricants
(Askeri) PETROL YAĞI VE MOTOR YAĞLARI: Silahlı kuvvetler tarafından kullanılan bütün petrol ve petrolle ilgili ürünleri içine alan geniş bir terim
bulk petroleum
(Askeri) döküm petrol
liquefied petroleum gas
sıvı petrol gazı
liquefied petroleum gas
liquefied petroleum gas
sıvılaştırılmış gaz
refined petroleum
rafine petrol
asphalt petroleum
petrol asfaltı
crude petroleum
ham petrol
crude petroleum
Joint Petroleum Office; Joint Program Office
(Askeri) Müşterek Petrol Ofisi; Müşterek Program Ofisi
area petroleum officer
(Askeri) BÖLGE AKARYAKIT SUBAYI: Petrole ve petrolün dağıtımına ait meselelerde ehliyeti haiz bir subay. Bu subay; bir harekat alanındaki petrol ürünlerinin, ilgili coğrafi bölge dahilinde kullanılmasından sorumlu büronun başında bulunur
armed services petroleum board
armed services petroleum purchasing agency
bulk petroleum
(Askeri) DÖKÜM PETROL: Genellikle, boru hattı, demiryolu, sarnıçlı vagon, sarnıçlı kamyon, sarnıçlı römork, şat, açık deniz teknelerinde taşınan ve doldurma kapasitesi 55 galonun üstündeki sarnıç veya kaplarda depolanan sıvı petrol ürünleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "petroleum"
bulk petroleum capabilities report
(Askeri) döküm akaryakıt imkan ve kabiliyetler raporu
bulk petroleum contingency report; petroleum damage and deficiency report; repor
(Askeri) döküm petrol ihtimalat raporu; petrol hasar ve yetersizlik raporu; acil durum petrol yağı ve motor yağları raporu
bulk petroleum conversion kilts
(Askeri) DÖKÜM PETROL TAHVİL KAPLARI: Genel maksat sarnıçlarını, döküm petrol ürünleri taşıma aracı haline çevirme imkanı veren mevzuat
bulk petroleum product
(Askeri) DÖKÜM PETROL ÜRÜNÜ: Çeşitli vasıtalarla taşınan ve 250 lt. den büyük doldurma kapasitesi olan tanklarda ve konteynerlerde depolanan sıvı petrol
bulk petroleum war reserve requirement
(Askeri) döküm petrol har yedeği ihtiyacı
bulk petroleum war reserve stocks
(Askeri) döküm petrol har yedeği stokları
field petroleum officer
(Askeri) SAHRA AKARYAKIT SUBAYI: A. B. D. 'de; Levazım Dairesi Başkanlığı emrinde olmak üzere yurtiçi bölgesindeki akaryakıt tesisinden sorumlu, petrol ve petrol ürünleri dağıtımı ile ilgili konularda yetişmiş bir subay
imagery processing and dissemination system; inland petroleum distribution syste
(Askeri) görüntü işleme ve yayma sistemi; yurt içi petrol dağıtım sistemi (Kara Kuvvetleri)
inland petroleum distribution plan
(Askeri) yurt içi petrol dağıtım planı
joint area petroleum office
(Askeri) müşterek bölge petrol ofisi
joint area petroleum office
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK BÖLGE AKARYAKIT BÜROSU, MÜŞTEREK BÖLGE AKARYAKIT DAİRESİ: Akaryakıt ve yağ ihtiyaçlarının toplanmasında, müşterek akaryakıt bürosuna yardımda bulunmak üzere kurulmuş, birleşik karargah bürosu. JOINT ARMY AND AIR FORCE COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC BULLETINS: KARA VE HAVA TİCARET TRAFİK BÜLTENLERİ: Gönderme subayları ve bu subayların mensup bulundukları teşkillere, trafik idare esasları hakkında bilgi veren bültenler. JOINT ARMY-NAVY AIR FORCE PUBLICATIONS: MÜŞTEREK KARA-DENİZ-HAVA YAYIMLARI: Müşterek Kurmay Başkanlarının destek kuruluşları tarafından yayımlanan ve Kara, Deniz ve Hava Kuvvetlerindeki yetkili dağıtım büroları tarafından dağıtımı yapılan bir dizi yayın
joint petroleum office
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK AKARYAKIT BÜROSU: Büyük coğrafi bölgelerde ve harekat alanlarında, bu bölgelerdeki bütün kuvvetlere ait ihtiyaçları toplamak üzere tesis edilmiş bir harekat alanı karargah bürosu
munitions board petroleum committee
(Askeri) HARP LEVAZIM KURULU PETROL KOMİTESİ: Kara, Hava ve Deniz kuvvetlerinin her birinden iki üyeyi ihtiva eden müşterek bir kurul. Bu komite: petrol ile ilgili gayretlerin silahlı kuvvetler arası planlama ve koordinasyonundan ve harp malzemesi kurulları, müşterek kurmay başkanları Heyeti ve Araştırma ve geliştirme kurulu tarafından petrole ait meselelerde kendisinden istenilen hizmet, görev ve çalışmaları yapmak ve tavsiyelerde bulunmaktan sorumludur
offshore petroleum discharge system (Navy)
(Askeri) deniz aşırı akaryakıt boşaltma sistemi (Deniz Kuvvetleri)
offshore petroleum discharge system (OPDS) utility boat
(Askeri) deniz aşırı akaryakıt boşaltma sistemi (OPDS) genel hizmet botu
packaged bulk petroleum
(Askeri) KAPLARA KONMUŞ DÖKÜM PETROL; AMBALAJLANMIŞ DÖKÜM PETROL: Harekat zorunluğu ile kaplara konulan ve ikmalleri (depolanmaları, taşınmaları ve dağıtımları) 5 galonluk bidonlarda veya 55 galonluk varillerde yapılan döküm petrol. Bak. " petroleum"
packaged petroleum
(Askeri) KAPLARA KONMUŞ PETROL; AMBALAJLANMIŞ PETROL: Normal olarak, bir imalatçı tarafından kaplara konulan ve 55 galon veya daha az istiap kapasiteli kaplar dahilinde tedarik edilen, depolanan, taşınan ve dağıtılan petrol ürünleri (genel olarak yağlar, gres ve özel maddeler). Bak. "petroleum" PACKAGED PETROLEUM PRODUCT (DOD-IADB): KAPLARA KONMUŞ PETROL ÜRÜNÜ (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Normal olarak, bir imalatçı tarafından kaplara konulan ve 55 galon (veya 45 İngiliz galonu veya 250 litre) veya daha az istiap kapasiteli kaplar dahilinde tedarik edilen, depolanan, taşınan ve dağıtılan petrol ürünleri (genel olarak yağlar, gres ve özel maddeler)
packaged petroleum product
(Askeri) (NATO) KAPLARA KONMUŞ PETROL ÜRÜNÜ (NATO): 250 litre veya daha az istiap kapasiteli kaplar dahilinde bulundurulan, genellikle yağ, gres veya özel maddeler olan petrol ürünleri
packaged petroleum, oils, and lubricants
(Askeri) paketlenmiş yakıt, yağ ve yağlayıcı maddeler
subarea petroleum office
(Askeri) TALİ BÖLGE PETROL OFİSİ: Akaryakıt ve yağ ihtiyaçlarını bir araya toplamada, müşterek petrol subaylarına ve müşterek bölge petrol ofislerine yardımda bulunmak üzere kurulmuş bir büro
subarea petroleum office
(Askeri) tali bölge petrol ofisi
tactical petroleum terminal
(Askeri) taktik petrol terminali
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A flammable liquid ranging in color from clear to very dark brown and black, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons, occurring naturally in deposits under earth surface
An oily liquid that can be pumped from the Earth and used to make items like plastic and gasoline
Hydrocarbon mixtures broadly defined to include crude oil, lease condensate, natural gas, products of natural gas processing plants (plant products), refined products, and semi-finished products and blending materials
Petroleum is oil which is found under the surface of the earth or under the sea bed. Petrol and paraffin are obtained from petroleum. oil that is obtained from below the surface of the Earth and is used to make petrol, paraffin, and various chemical substances (petroleum, from petr- (from petra ) + oleum ( OIL)). or crude oil Complex mixture of hydrocarbons derived from the geologic transformation and decomposition of plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. As a technical term, petroleum encompasses the liquid (crude oil), gaseous (natural gas), and viscous or solid (bitumen, asphalt) forms of hydrocarbons that occur in the Earth, but the meaning is often restricted to the liquid oil form. Crude oil and natural gas are the most important primary fossil fuels. Asphalt has been used since ancient times to caulk ships and pave roads. In the mid 1800s petroleum began to replace whale oil in lamps, and the first well specifically to extract it was drilled in 1859. The development of the automobile gave petroleum a new role as the source of gasoline. Petroleum and its products have since been used as fuels for heating, for land, air, and sea transport, and for electric power generation and as petrochemical sources and lubricants. Crude oil and natural gas, produced mostly in Saudi Arabia, the U.S., and Russia, now account for about 60% of world energy consumption; the U.S. is by far the largest consumer. At present rates of consumption, the known supply will be exhausted by the mid 21st century. Petroleum is recovered from drilled wells, transported by pipeline or tanker ship to refineries, and there converted to fuels and petrochemicals. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries petroleum trap British Petroleum Co. PLC
It consists of a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons, largely of the methane series, but may vary much in appearance, composition, and properties
Hydrocarbon mixtures, including crude oil, lease condensate, natural gas, products of natural gas processing plants, refined products, semi-finished products, and blending materials
A mixture of liquid, gaseous, and solid hydrocarbon compounds found naturally underground The liquid form of petroleum is called crude oil Petroleum can be processed (refined) into a number of useful products including asphalt, diesel fuel, fuel oil, gasoline, jet fuel, lubricating oil, and plastics
It is refined by distillation, and the products include kerosene, benzine, gasoline, paraffin, etc
Crude oil or any fraction thereof that is liquid under normal conditions of temperature and pressure The term includes petroleum-based substances comprising a complex blend of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil through the process of separation, conversion, upgrading, and finishing, such as motor fuel, jet oil, lubricants, petroleum solvents, and used oil
A highly complex mixture of paraffinic (naphthenic), and aromatic hydrocarbons, containing low percentages of sulfur and trace amounts of nitrogen and oxygen compounds
A naturally occurring, oily, flammable liquid composed principally of hydrocarbons Crude oil is occasionally found in springs or pools but usually is drilled from wells beneath the earth's surface Petroleum products are obtained from the processing of crude oil, natural gas and other hydrocarbon compounds Petroleum products include unfinished oils, liquefied petroleum gases, pentanes plus, aviation gasoline, motor gasoline, naphtha-type jet fuel, kerosene-type jet fuel, kerosene, distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, petrochemical feedstocks, special naphtha's, lubricants, waxes, petroleum coke, asphalt, road oil, still gas, and miscellaneous products
A generic term applied to oil and oil products in all forms, such as crude oil, natural gas and nonhydrocarbon compounds blended into finished petroleum products
A complex liquid mixture of hydrocarbons, oily and inflammable in character
an oily, flammable liquid composed of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons occurring in many places in the upper strata of the earth A fossil fuel
Rock oil, mineral oil, or natural oil, a dark brown or greenish inflammable liquid, which, at certain points, exists in the upper strata of the earth, from whence it is pumped, or forced by pressure of the gas attending it
the general name for hydrocarbons, including crude oil, natural gas and NGLs The name is derived from the Latin oil, oleum, which occurs naturally in rocks, petra
Strictly speaking, crude oil Also used to refer to all hydrocarbons, including oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and related products
Any of a group of naturally occurring substances made up of hydrocarbons These substances may be gaseous, liquid, or semi-solid
A naturally occurring mixture of predominantly hydrocarbons in the gaseous, liquid or solid phase
a dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons
A generic term applied to oil and oil products in all forms, such as crude oil, lease condensate, unfinished oils, refined petroleum products, natural gas plant liquids and non-hydrocarbon compounds blended into finished petroleum products
A generic name for hydrocarbons, including crude oil, natural gas liquids, natural gas and their products
A naturally occurring, oily, flammable liquid found under the Earth's surface, either in seepages or reservoirs It is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of different types with small amounts of other substances
A naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbons in gaseous, liquid or solid form
{i} dark oil composed of hydrocarbons, flammable fluid that is drilled from the Earth and refined to produce various types of fuel
A mixture of hydrocarbons existing in the liquid state found in natural underground reservoirs often associated with gas Petroleum includes fuel oil No 2, No 4, No 5, No 6; topped crude; kerosene; and jet fuel
Hydrocarbon mixtures, including crude oil, lease condensate, natural gas, products of natural gas processing plants, refined products, semifinished products, and blending materials
Including crude oil or any fraction thereof that is liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure (60° F and 14 7 lb/in2 absolute; 15 5C° and 10335 6 kg/m2) The term includes petroleum-based substances comprised of a complex blend of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil through processes of separation, conversion, upgrading, and finishing, such as motor fuels, jet oils, lubricants, petroleum solvents, and used oils
A natural mixture of hydrocarbons in gaseous, liquid, or solid form
Any petroleum-based substance comprising a complex blend of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil through the process of separation, conversion, upgrading, and finishing, including motor fuel, jet oil, lubricants, petroleum solvents, and used oil
rock oil
petroleum coke
a substance, mostly carbon, that is a byproduct of oil refining; used as a fuel or in many industrial applications
petroleum ether
A volatile petroleum fraction, usually available in a number of fractions boiling between 40°C and 140°C. Used as a solvent in the laboratory and industry
petroleum jellies
plural form of petroleum jelly
petroleum jelly
A pale yellow semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum; used in lubricants and ointments
petroleum spirit
petroleum ether
petroleum spirits
petroleum ether
petroleum spirits
plural form of petroleum spirit
petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly, vaseline, petrolatum or soft paraffin is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons (with carbon numbers mainly higher than 25), originally promoted as a topical ointment for its healing properties. Its folkloric medicinal value as a "cure-all" has since been limited by better scientific understanding of appropriate and inappropriate uses However, it is recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an approved Over-The-Counter (OTC) skin protectant and remains widely used in cosmetic skin care. It is commonly referred to as Vaseline as a genericised trademark
petroleum geologist
a specialist in petroleum geology
petroleum geology
the branch of economic geology that deals with the occurrence and exploitation of oil and gas fields
petroleum jelly
{i} greasy jelly like substance derived from petroleum
petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly is a soft, clear substance obtained from oil or petroleum. It is put on the skin to protect or soften it, or put on surfaces to make them move against each other easily. A colorless-to-amber semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum and used in lubricants and medicinal ointments. Also called petrolatum. Vaseline
petroleum trap
Subsurface reservoir of petroleum. The oil is always accompanied by water and often by natural gas; all are confined in porous rock. The natural gas, being lightest, occupies the top of the trap and is underlain by the oil and then the water. A layer of impervious rock, called the roof rock, prevents the escape of the petroleum. The part of the trap that is actually occupied by the oil and gas is called the petroleum reservoir
liquefied petroleum gas
A mixture of propane and butane with traces of some other gases, which is kept in a liquid state at high pressure in metal bottles, and used as a source of gas for cooking and heating
packaged petroleum product
A petroleum product (generally a lubricant, oil, grease, or specialty item) normally packaged by a manufacturer and procured, stored, transported, and issued in containers having a fill capacity of 55 United States gallons (or 45 imperial gallons, or 205 liters) or less
packaged petroleum products
plural form of packaged petroleum product
liquefied petroleum gas
Any one of a group of aliphatic hydrocarbons (olefins) including propane, butane and their isomers Liquefied petroleum gases are kept under pressure
liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) is a byproduct of natural gas processing or crude oil refining It consists mainly of propane (over 90 percent), and thus LPG is usually referred to as propane However, it also contains varying amounts of butane, propylene, and butylenes (LPG) is a byproduct of natural gas processing or crude oil refining It consists mainly of propane (over 90 percent), and thus LPG is usually referred to as propane However, it also contains varying amounts of butane, propylene, and butylenes
liquefied petroleum gas
Butane and propane separated from natural gasoline and sold in liquid form as fuel, commonly known as bottled gas, tank gas, or simply LPG
liquefied petroleum gas
Propane, butane, or propane-butane mixtures derived from crude oil refining or natural gas fractionation For convenience of transportation, these gases are liquefied through pressurization
liquefied petroleum gas
Principally propane and butane, it is a gas which turns to a liquid at normal room temperature and moderate pressure
liquefied petroleum gas
hydrocarbon gases, usually propane or butane, kept under pressure
liquefied petroleum gas
By liquefied petroleum gas one understands the C3 and C4 hydrocarbons or mixtures that occur naturally or are manufactured as synthesis gas The most common liquefied petroleum gases are propane/propene and butane/butene The special characteristic of these compounds is that they can be liquefied at room temperature and relatively low pressures Prerequisite is that the boiling temperature of the liquefied petroleum gas is lower than the ambient temperature at normal pressure Liquefied petroleum gas is stored and transported in a liquid state of aggregation with a high energy density and usually used in a gaseous state
liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG): An alternative fuel; a natural gas cooled to below its boiling point of -260 degrees Fahrenheit so that it becomes a liquid; stored in a vacuum bottle-type container at very low temperatures and under moderate pressure LNG vapor is lighter than air () -->
liquefied petroleum gas
Propane, butane or propane-butane mixtures derived from crude oil refining or natural gas fractionation
liquefied petroleum gas
A mixture of butane, propane and other light hydrocarbons derived from refining crude oil At normal temperatures, it is a gas, but it can be cooled or subjected to pressure to facilitate storage and transportation
liquefied petroleum gas
A mixture of butane, propane and other light hydrocarbons derived from refining crude oil At normal temperatures it is a gas, but it can be cooled or subjected to pressure to facilitate storage and transportation
liquefied petroleum gas
mixture of light hydrocarbons liquefied by refrigeration or pressure for easier storage or transport; generally propane and butane Sometimes known as condensate
liquefied petroleum gas
a fuel which is composed predominately of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butanes (normal butane or iso-butane) and butylenes
liquefied petroleum gas
Fuel produced from a mixture of liquefied propane and butane
liquefied petroleum gas
Generally, any light hydrocarbon fuel that must be compressed to keep it from boiling away (LPG) Commercial LPG usually contains mixtures of propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10)
organization of petroleum exporting countries
{i} OPEC, international organization for oil exporting countries that share the same commercial policies
organization of petroleum-exporting countries
an organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the production and sale of petroleum
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف petroleum في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

petroleum filling plants
(Denizbilim) petrol dolum tesisleri