تعريف perpetuity في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
A limitation intended to be unalterable and of indefinite duration; a disposition of property which attempts to make it inalienable beyond certain limits fixed or conceived as being fixed by the general law
The quality or state of being perpetual; endless duration; uninterrupted existence
the condition of being never ending Most states attempt to outlaw perpetuities because of potential problems A perpetual income stream may cause bankruptcy A deed that keeps property in a family in perpetuity can cause financial hardship
Endlessness Forever Many jurisdictions have laws against tying up a title to a property in perpetuity
For ever The law in some countries (England and Wales for example) does not allow licenced property rights for more than 80 years
If something is done in perpetuity, it is intended to last for ever. The US Government gave the land to the tribe in perpetuity. in perpetuity for all future time = forever
This refers to the natural instinct to survive and reproduce found in all life forms [2: introduction: ]; [2: Perpetuity and compatibility]; [1: P&C]; [2: Hobbes]; [2: Darwin]
The quality or condition of an estate by which it becomes inalienable, either perpetually or for a very long period; also, the estate itself so modified or perpetuated
Forever, permanently, for always, for good, for good and all, perpetually, (for) evermore, for ever and ever, for all time, until the end of time, until hell freezes over, eternally, for eternity, everlastingly; N. Amer. forevermore; informal for keeps, until doomsday; archaic for aye