(Askeri) KABUL EDİLEBİLİR AZAMİ DOZAJ: Acil olmayan şartlar altında çalışan personel için tehlikesiz azami miktar olarak tespit edilen haftalık radyasyon miktarı. Ayrıca bakınız: "radiation dose (dosage) "
(Askeri) KABUL EDİLEBİLİR AZAMİ DOZ: Bir komutan veya uygun yetkili makam tarafından, cereyan etmekte olan harekatla ilgili askeri düşüncelere uygun olarak, birlik mensuplarının belirli bir süre içinde alabilecekleri birikmiş radyasyon doz sınırı olarak belirtilen radyasyon dozu
that may be accepted or conceded; "a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine"
If something is permissible, it is considered to be acceptable because it does not break any laws or rules. Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution. allowed by law or by the rules = allowable impermissible
that may be accepted or conceded; "a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine
that may be permitted especially as according to rule; "permissible behavior in school"; "a permissible tax deduction"
that may be permitted especially as according to rule; "permissible behavior in school"; "a permissible tax deduction" that may be accepted or conceded; "a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine