
listen to the pronunciation of permanent
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} daimi

Tom'un hiçbir daimi adresi yok. - Tom has no permanent address.

İyi ücretli daimi bir iş bulmak zordur. - It is difficult to find a well paid permanent job.

{s} kalıcı

Herkes kalıcı barış istiyor. - Everybody wants permanent peace.

Kalıcılık ekstra bir maliyettir. - A permanent costs extra.

her zaman için
(Tıp) Devamlı, sürekli, süreli, permanenes
{s} devamlı

Süreklilik ekstra bir maliyettir. - A permanent is extra.


Süreklilik ekstra bir maliyettir. - A permanent is extra.

Adam, gümüş solüsyonu içtikten sonra sürekli olarak mavileşti. - The man turned permanently blue after he drank the silver solution.

permanentlysürekli olarak
{s} kalıcı, daimi; sürekli, devamlı: permanent scar kalıcı iz. permanent solution kalıcı çözüm. permanent chairman daimi başkan. permanent job
aynı halde veya vasıfta kalan
{s} baki
permanent press ütü istemez
ondule permanence
{s} sabit
{s} değişmez
{s} dayanıklı

Yeterince dayanıklı görünüyor. - It seems durable enough.

Bu pantolonlar, dayanıklı kumaştan imal edildi. - These trousers are made of durable cloth.

permanent life insurance
Hayat boyu ölüm sigortası
permanent press
ütü istemez
permanent deformation
kalıcı deformasyon
permanent deformation
kalıcı bozunum
permanent discharge
sürekli deşarj
permanent gas
sürekli gaz
permanent gas
ideal gaz
permanent income
sürekli gelir
permanent magnet
sürekli mıknatıs
permanent memory
kalıcı bellek
permanent situation
sürekli iş
permanent solution
kalıcı çözüm
permanent wave
permanent copy
kalıcı bir kopyasını
permanent deformation
kalıcı deformasyon, kalıcı bozunum
permanent government loan
sürekli hükümet borcu
permanent learning
Kalıcı öğrenme
permanent load
sürekli yük, statik yük
permanent loan
kalıcı kredi
permanent marker
Silinmeyen, yazısı kalıcı yazı kalemi
permanent mould
sürekli döküm kalıbı
permanent pleating
kalıcı pleating
permanent position
kalıcı pozisyon
permanent resident
Vatandaşlığa henüz geçmemiş fakat ülkede oturum izni olan kişi
permanent session
daimi oturum
permanent split capacitor
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Daimî ayrık kapasitör
permanent state
kalıcı durum
permanent storage
kalıcı bellek
permanent teeth
daimi dişler
permanent tooth
daimi diş
permanent appointment
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ ATANMA: Bir subayın, savaşta veya milli seviyedeki olağanüstü bir durumda, ABD Kara Ordusu'na yapılan geçici atanmasının aksine Muvazzaf Ordu, Kara Ordusu Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı veya Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatına yapılan atanması. Bir subay; Muvazzaf ordu, Kara Ordusu Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı veya Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatında bir rütbede daimi atanma durumunda ve ABD Kara Ordusu'na daha üst veya daha alt rütbede geçici atanma durumunda olabilir. Bak. "temporary appointment"
permanent appropriation
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ TAHSİSAT: ABD'de bir defa tahsis edildikten sonra Kongreden tekrar karar alınmasına lüzum kalmadan, iptal edilinceye kadar, her devre kendiliğinden yenilenen tahsisat. Bak. "appropriation"
permanent assets
sabit aktifler
permanent change of station
(Askeri) ATANMA; SÜREKLİ YER DEĞİŞTİRME: Askeri bir şahsın bir sürekli görev yerinden diğerine atanması. Bu durum faal göreve çağırıldığı zaman ilk görev yerine geçişi; emeklilikte, son görev yerinden eve dönüşü veya faal görevden ayrılışı içine alır
permanent change of station; personal communications system; primary control shi
(Askeri) sürekli istasyon değişimi; kişisel muhabere sistemi; esas kontrol gemisi; tali işlem sistemi; işlemci kontrollü çemberleme
permanent connection
kalici baglanti
permanent crease
(Tekstil) kalıcı plise
permanent duty station
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ GÖREV YERİ; ASIL GÖREV YERİ: Bak. "permanent station"
permanent echo
(Askeri) DAİMİ EKO: Yeryüzündeki enerji yansımasının neden olduğu herhangi bir keşiflik ve sabit radar işareti
permanent emplacement
(Askeri) DAİMİ MEVZİ: Bak. "fixed emplacement"
permanent end to fighting
(Politika, Siyaset) savaşa kalıcı çözüm
permanent error
kalici hata
permanent field house
(Askeri) DAİMİ SAHRA EĞİTİM VE DİNLENME YERİ: İçerisinde eğitim ve çeşitli hareketler ile spor, eğlence ve dinlenme faaliyetleri yapılan ve bu maksat için lüzumlu saha, yüzme havuzu, idari büro, depo ve jimnastik odaları, kortlar, soyunma odaları, elbise dolapları, duş, hela, masaj odası ve seyirci tribünleri bulunan bir tesis
permanent file
sabit kutuk
permanent filtration
(Nükleer Bilimler) sürekli süzme
permanent finish
(Tekstil) kalıcı apre
permanent food handler
(Askeri) DAİMİ MUTFAK PERSONELİ: Mutfak ve tabldotta hazır bulunmayı ve yiyecek, içecek ve tabldot malzemesi ile meşgul olmayı gerektiren bir göreve verilmiş asker veya sivil personel. Tabldot subayları (mess stewards) ve aşçılar daimi mutfak personeli olarak sınıflandırılırlar
permanent fortification
(Askeri) Daimi tahkimat
permanent grade
(Askeri) ESAS RÜTBE: ABD Kara Ordusundaki bir subay veya erin geçici rütbesi (temporary grade) 'ne mukabil, Muvazzaf Orduda; Kara Ordusu Milli Muhafız Teşkilatında veya Kara Ordusu Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatındaki bir subay veya erin haiz olduğu rütbe. Buna (permanent rank) de denir
permanent hardness
(Tekstil) kalıcı sertlik, daimi sertlik
permanent library
(Askeri) SABİT KÜTÜPHANE; YERLİ KÜTÜPHANE: Bir garnizon, kamp, hastane, okul veya diğer tesiste devamlı olarak kurulan kitaplık. Bak. " library"
permanent magnet
(Nükleer Bilimler) kalıcı mıknatıs
permanent magnet moving coil instrument
dogal miknatisli devinen sargili alet
permanent partial disability
(Askeri) ARIZALI SAĞLAMLIK; SAKATLIK: Hastalık neticesi veya muharebede alınmış (mesleki veya diğer) bir yaradan ileri gelen ve daimi çürüklük (permanent total disability) meydana getiren durumdan farklı olarak, bir uzvun veya vücudun bir kısmının tam kaybı veya bir vücut fonksiyonunda devamlı bir bozukluk
permanent party
(Askeri) DAİMİ KADRO PERSONELİ: Bir teşkilata ait personelin görülmesinde yardımcı olacak görevleri yerine getirmek maksadıyla o teşkile atanan ve teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu ile kuruluş dışı personel görevlerinde, münasip şekilde görevlendirilebilecek olan personel. Bu personel; bu maksatla atanmış ve miktarları, bu kadrolardaki miktarı aşarı personeli içine alır
permanent pay record
(Askeri) DAİMİ MAAŞ KAYIT FORMU: Bak. "military pay record"
permanent post
(Askeri) DAİMİ GARNİZON; FORT: Kara Kuvvetleri komutanının yetkisi ile kurulmuş bir askeri tesis. Daimi garnizonu; kıtalar için geçici bir tesis mahiyetindeki kamp (camp) dan ayırdetmek için; buna, normal olarak, (fort) adı verilir
permanent property
(Askeri) SABİT ORDU MALI: Askeri bir tesiste uzun zaman kullanılmak üzere monte edilmiş makine, teçhizat, alet vesaire gibi ordu malları
permanent rank
(Askeri) ESAS RÜTBE: Bak. "permanent grade"
permanent record imagery
(Askeri) Sürekli görüntü kaybı
permanent representative (NATO)
(Askeri) daimi temsilci (NATO)
permanent representatives committee
(Avrupa Birliği) (COREPER) Daimi Temsilciler Komitesi
permanent restricted area
(Askeri) Sürekli yasak bölge
permanent revolution
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) sürekli devrim (troçki)
permanent seat
daimi üyelik
permanent secretary
müsteşar [brit.]
permanent shared objects
Kalıcı Paylaştırılmış Nesneler
permanent station
(Askeri) DAİMİ GÖREV YERİ; ESAS GÖREV YERİ: Bir subay veya erat sınıfından bir şahsın, vazifesinin ne zaman sona ereceğinden bahsetmeyen emirlerle göreve atandığı mevkii veya garnizon. Buna (permanent duty station) de denir
permanent strain
kalıcı deformasyon
permanent support
kalıcı tahkimat
permanent support
kalıcı destek
permanent temperature
(Tekstil) atalet harareti
permanent tint
sürekli boya
permanent total, disability
(Askeri) DAİMİ ÇÜRÜKLÜK; DAİMİ SAKATLIK: Şahsı; kazanç sağlayacak bir mesleğe devamdan, sürekli ve tam olarak, mahrum bırakan ve bir hastalık, arıza (mesleki ve diğer) ya da muharebe zayiatından ileri gelen durum
permanent way
demiryolu döşeli yol
(Hukuk) sürekli olarak

Adam, gümüş solüsyonu içtikten sonra sürekli olarak mavileşti. - The man turned permanently blue after he drank the silver solution.

{s} uzun ömürlü
daimi olarak
sürekli biçimde
kalıcı bir şekilde
devamlı olarak
uzun süren
Nothing is permanent but change
(Atasözü) Değişmeyen tek şey değişimdir
to be permanent
kalıcı olmak
committee of permanent representatives
(Avrupa Birliği) (COREPER) Daimi Temsilciler Komitesi
sürekli olarak
durably dayanıklılıkla
{s} sürekli
kalıcı olarak

Düşmanlıklar kalıcı olarak durdu. - Hostilities permanently ceased.

Hala gençsin ama kalıcı olarak değil. - You're still young, but not permanently.

temelli olarak
semi permanent
yarı kalıcı
semi permanent color
yarı kalıcı boya
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Without end, eternal

Nothing in this world is truly permanent.

Given an n \times n matrix a_{ij} \,, the sum over all permutations \pi \, of \prod_{i=1}^n{a_{i\pi(i)}}
Lasting for an indefinitely long time

The countries are now locked in a permanent state of conflict.

A chemical hair treatment imparting or removing curliness, whose effects typically last for a period of weeks
{a} durable, lasting, constant
Given an n times n matrix a_{ij} ,, the sum over all permutations pi , of prod_{i=1}^n{a_{ipi(i)
A function of a matrix which has the same terms as the determinant, but all terms are added and none are subtracted
A term describing materials that are chemically stable Permanent materials are not prone to deterioration (either from internal chemical reactions or from reactions with the environment) under normal use and prudent storage conditions(i e not too hot or humid)
Chemically stable; not prone to deterioration either from internal chemical reactions or from reactions with the environment
{i} chemical process for permanently curling hair
not capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition; "permanent brain damage"
Pre-assigned, registered competition numbers assigned by NHRA or IHRA
structures that remain in or over the water for seven (7) months or more in any period of twelve (l2) consecutive months
Lasting or intended to last indefinitely (6)
{s} lasting, enduring, perpetual; regular; fixed, invariable
In the insurance context, permanent life insurance is ordinary life insurance such as whole life-as opposed to term life insurance which expires unless renewed at the end of each term
A permanent is a treatment where a hair stylist curls your hair and treats it with a chemical so that it stays curly for several months. continuing to exist for a long time or for all the time in the future   temporary (present participle of permanere ). a perm
A permanent employee is one who is employed for an unlimited length of time. a permanent job. temporary + permanently per·ma·nent·ly permanently employed registered dockers
You use permanent to describe situations or states that keep occurring or which seem to exist all the time; used especially to describe problems or difficulties. a permanent state of tension They feel under permanent threat = constant + permanently per·ma·nent·ly the heavy, permanently locked gate
Underground piping with risers and sprinklers
Something that is permanent lasts for ever. Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain The ban is intended to be permanent. temporary + permanently per·ma·nent·ly His reason had been permanently affected by what he had witnessed temporarily + permanence per·ma·nence Anything which threatens the permanence of the treaty is a threat to peace
something that will last a very, very long time
Your permanent home or your permanent address is the one at which you spend most of your time or the one that you return to after having stayed in other places. York Cottage was as near to a permanent home as the children knew
Structures which remain in the water for seven (7) months or more in any period of Twelve (12) months
Continuing in the same state, or without any change that destroys form or character; remaining unaltered or unremoved; abiding; durable; fixed; stable; lasting; as, a permanent impression
continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place; "permanent secretary to the president"; "permanent address"; "literature of permanent value"
not capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition; "permanent brain damage
a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
This is a spell Duration Spells with a Permanent duration last indefinitely, and the spell does not expire However they continue to be spells and can be detected as such, and can be dispelled This has the same difficulty as casting at Instant duration, but is a different Duration (A formulaic spell will have one or other Duration; not a choice )
When specified as a records schedule retention period, records which must be kept indefinitely or for at least 100 years for legal, administrative, and research purposes (OAR 166)
Any form of life insurance except term; generally insurance that builds up a cash value, such as whole life
See: Archival A permanent paper is one which conforms to an agreed standard, is usually acidfree and made to resist changes to a greater degree than is usual in other papers
permanent dirt
A hair dye or permanent wave that must be allowed to grow out or be reversed by repeating the process, that will not wash out
permanent dirt
Any form of tattoo, piercing, (deliberate) scarring or other body modification that is considered permanent or would take significant effort to remove
permanent dirt
A tattoo
permanent magnet
A material, or piece of such material, which retains its magnetism even when not subjected to any external magnetic fields
permanent marker
a type of felt-tip pen used to create permanent water-resistant writing on a surface such as a writable DVD
permanent press
A characteristic of a fabric, especially one used in clothing, often created by applying a chemical treatment and pressure, which causes lasting resistance to wrinkling and retention of pleats and creases

This solution is then padded onto a textile fabric to obtain a 70 percent wet pick up and then air dried. The textile fabric can then be hot pressed to impart a permanent press to garments prepared therefrom.

permanent residency
A visa status which allows a person to reside indefinitely in a foreign country without acquiring citizenship in that country
permanent resident
A person with permanent residency, a visa status which allows that person to reside indefinitely in a foreign country without acquiring citizenship in that country
permanent residents
plural form of permanent resident
permanent wave
A wave in a moving fluid that does not change shape or position relative to the fluid
permanent wave
A series of waves in the hair produced by means of chemical substances and heat; a perm
permanent waves
plural form of permanent wave
permanent way
the track and bed of a railway
Alternative spelling of permanent press
Permanent Court of International Justice
(Fizik) The Permanent Court of International Justice, often called the World Court, was an international court attached to the League of Nations. Created in 1922 (although the idea of an international court was several centuries old), the Court was initially met with a good reaction from states and academics alike, with many cases submitted to it for its first decade of operation. With the heightened international tension of the 1930s the Court was used with decreasing regularity; by a resolution by the League of Nations on 18 April 1946, the Court ceased to exist, being replaced by the International Court of Justice
Permanent Court of Arbitration
The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), also known as the Hague Tribunal is an international organization based in The Hague in the Netherlands. It was established in 1899 as one of the acts of the first Hague Peace Conference, which makes it the oldest institution for international dispute resolution. As of 2006, 106 countries were party to the treaty. The Court deals in cases submitted to it by consent of the parties involved and handles cases between countries and between countries and private parties
permanent magnet
(Elektrik, Elektronik) A piece of magnetic material that retains its magnetism after it is removed from a magnetic field
permanent marker
A permanent marker is a type of marker pen that is used to create permanent writing on an object. Generally the liquid is water resistant, contains the toxic chemical xylene or toluene, and is capable of writing on a variety of surfaces from paper to metal to stone. They come in a variety of tip sizes (ultra fine to wide), shapes (chisel point, bullet tip, and wide bristle), and colors (metallic, non metallic, or ultraviolet reactive)
permanent arrangement
long term arrangement between two parties; lasting accord signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority
permanent border
boundary which does not change
permanent damage
{i} irreversible damage, damage that cannot be undone, harm that cannot be repaired
permanent disability
When the disability is found to be permanent and stationary and the injured worker is precluded from competing in the open labor market, the employee may be entitled to a permanent disability rating A physician determines the extent of the work preclusion Based on state guidelines, a disability rating and dollar value to be awarded the injured worker is determined from the physician’s report
permanent disability
A long-range disability that will last for an indefinite indeterminable period of time
permanent disability
Temporary Disability benefits are paid for a specified period of time and during that time, which is long enough for most injuries to become what is called, "permanent and stationary" This means that the injured worker has recovered as much as possible from the injury and if the employee has not fully recovered, a partial or permanent disability payment will be made These payments can be done "lump sum" or paid over a number of years The amounts of these benefits are pre- determined by each state and are calculated from a manual, based on the medical evaluations, along with factors such as age, occupation and in the cases of things like hand injuries, whether the injury is to the "major" or "minor" hand
permanent disability
A disability that will last a lifetime, or as far into the future as can be foreseen
permanent disability
(or permanent impairment) includes any degree of permanent nonfatal injury   It includes any injury that results in the loss, or complete loss of use, of any part of the body, or any permanent impairment of functions of the body or a part thereof
permanent disability
Includes any degree of permanent impairment of the body such as amputation, permanent impairment of vision and other permanently crippling nonfatal injury ranging from the permanent stiffening of a joint or a finger amputation, to permanent, complete crippling
permanent employee
worker who is employed on a regular basis, one who has tenure
permanent feature
feature that is constant, permanent characteristic
permanent filling
filling in a tooth that is meant to last for a long time
permanent flow
long-lasting flow, ever-lasting wave
permanent housing
long term housing
permanent injunction
injunction issued on completion of a trial
permanent investment
investment in an asset that will not be sold (Economics)
permanent liquidator
someone who is permanently appointed to liquidate assets
permanent magnet
a magnet that retains its magnetism after being removed from a magnetic field
permanent peace
long and lasting peace
permanent press
a fabric that has been chemically processed to resist wrinkles and hold its shape
permanent press
a process used to treat cloth so that it does not wrinkle easily, or cloth that has been treated in this way
permanent relationship
lasting relationship with a person
permanent residence
long-term residence; place where one lives and is not likely to move from in the near future
permanent resident
a student lawfully in Canada as an immigrant but who is not yet a Canadian citizen
permanent resident
A permanent resident is a non-U S citizen who has been given permission to live permanently in the U S If you acquire permanent residence, you will be issued a green card to prove it The terms 'permanent resident' and 'green card holder' refer to exactly the same thing You cannot be a permanent resident without a green card and you cannot have a green card without being a permanent resident Both words in the phrase 'permanent resident' are important As a permanent resident, you may travel as much as you like, but your place of residence must be the U S and you must keep that residence on a permanent basis If you leave the U S and stay away for more than a year, you risk losing your green card
permanent resident
Non-U S citizens who have gained this status from the US Immigration and Naturalization Service
permanent resident
An alien the INS has given the right to remain in the US permanently Also known as "immigrant "
permanent resident
A species of bird that does not migrate and so spends the entire year in the same region
permanent resident
a citizen of another country who has been granted permanent residency status in Australia
permanent resident
person who permanently lives in a particular country but is not a citizen
permanent resident
A status held by a person after qualifying and being registered by the Immigration Service This status allows the person to live permanently in the US, to travel in and out without a visa, to work at any job, to accumulate time toward US citizenship The status is shown by possession of an identification card commonly called a green card
permanent resident
Any person not a citizen of the United States who is residing in the U S under legally recognized and lawfully recorded permanent residence as an immigrant Also known as "Permanent Resident Alien", "Lawful Permanent Resident," "Resident Alien Permit Holder," and "Green Card Holder "
permanent resident abroad
one who lives permanently in another country
permanent settlement
recognized and institutionalized residential area
permanent staff
group of permanent employees, steady workers
permanent state
lasting condition, condition that will remain the same for an indefinite period of time
permanent status
permanent position, fixed status, permanent solution
permanent swap file
fixed area of a disk which functions as virtual memory
permanent teeth
teeth that replace one's baby teeth
permanent tooth
any of the 32 teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood and (with luck) can last until old age
permanent tooth
adult tooth that replaces a milk tooth
permanent tooth
One of the second set of teeth in mammals that grow as the milk teeth are shed. Humans have 32 permanent teeth
permanent wave
method of making hair curly using chemicals
permanent wave
a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
permanent wave
A permanent wave is the same as a perm. a perm
In a permanent manner; lastingly
{a} durably, lastingly, constantly
a permanent
assets of permanent value
property whose value does not diminish over the years
In a permanent manner
regularly; constantly; perpetually
for a long time without essential change; "he is permanently disabled"
for a long time without essential change; "he is permanently disabled
always, or for a very long time
plural of permanent
{s} not permanent but lasting for an extended time, set up to last for an extended time; of or pertaining to a relatively long time