peace contract that was signed between ısrael and jordan

listen to the pronunciation of peace contract that was signed between ısrael and jordan
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف peace contract that was signed between ısrael and jordan في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

peace contract that was signed between Israel and Jordan
Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty
peace contract that was signed between ısrael and jordan


    peace con·tract that was signed be·tween Is·ra·el and jor·dan

    التركية النطق

    pis kınträkt dhıt wız saynd bitwin îzreyl ınd côrdın


    /ˈpēs kənˈtrakt ᴛʜət wəz ˈsīnd bēˈtwēn ˈəzrāl ənd ˈʤôrdən/ /ˈpiːs kənˈtrækt ðət wəz ˈsaɪnd biːˈtwiːn ˈɪzreɪl ənd ˈʤɔːrdən/