
listen to the pronunciation of payments
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Ticaret) giderler

Ben tam ödemeyi kısmi ödemeye tercih ederim. - I prefer payment in full to payment in part.

Ben, gerçekten ödeme için hazırım. - I am quite ready for payment.

payments balance-sheet
Ödemeler dengesi bilançosu

Araştırmayı tamamlamak için gereken mesleki hizmetler ücrete dahildir. - The fee includes the payment for professional services needed to complete the survey.

incentive payments
(Ticaret) özendirici ödemeler
incentive payments
(Ticaret) teşvik ödemeleri
other payments
(Ticaret) diğer ödemeler
(Ticaret) aylık
(Ticaret) cebren tahsil
progress payments
hakediş ödemeleri
suspend its payments
(Ticaret) ödemelerini tatil etmek
balance of payments
ödemeler dengesi
current payments
cari ödemeler
deficit of the balance of payments
ödemeler dengesi açığı
domestic payments
ülke içindeki ödemeler
foreign debt payments
dış borç ödemeleri
foreign payments
dış ödemeler
advance payments
balance of international payments
dış ödemeler bilançosu
collection of payments
ödemelerin tahsili
dividend payments
temettü ödemeleri
down payments
ödemeler aşağı
foreign exchange payments
döviz ödemeleri
in kind transfer payments
(Ekonomi) Devletin aynı transfer harcamaları
interest payments
faiz ödemeleri
progress payments
progressive payments
Hakediş, hakediş ödemeleri
transfer payments
transfer ödemeleri
wire transfer payments
autonomous payments
(Ticaret) otonom ödemeler
balance of payments
ödemeler bilançosu,ödemeler dengesi
bilateral payments agreement
(Ticaret) iki yanlı ödeme anlaşması
european payments union
avrupa ödemeler birliği
general payments system
(Avrupa Birliği) genel ödemeler rejimi
indemnity payments
(Avrupa Birliği) tazminat ödemesi
interim balance of payments
(Ticaret) geçici ödemeler bilançosu
liberalization of payments
(Avrupa Birliği) ödemelerin serbestleştirilmesi
outflow of payments
(Ticaret) ülke dışına akan ödemeler
{i} taksit

Ben toplu ödemeyi taksitle ödemeye tercih ederim. - I prefer payment in full to payment in part.

{i} masraf
{i} harcama
{i} karşılık
project payments
(Askeri) proje ödemeleri
scheduled payments
(Ticaret) takvime bağlanmış ödemeler
selected compensation payments
(Ticaret) seçilmiş tazminat ödemeleri
specie payments
nakit ödeme
specie payments
(isim)kit ödeme
subsidiary payments
(Ticaret) para yardımı
summary balance of payments
(Ticaret) özet ödemeler dengesi
suspension of payments
(Ticaret) ödemeleri durdurma
treasury domestic payments accountant
(Avrupa Birliği) hazine iç ödemeler saymanı
unilateral payments
(Ticaret) tek yanlı ödemeler
university payments
(Ticaret) üniversite ödemeleri
welfare payments
(Ticaret) sosyal güvenlik ödenekleri
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Plural of payment
payments morality
responsible handling of one's financial obligation
payments order
arrangement for repaying debts to a creditor at the time of dissolution
back payments
plural form of back payment
balance of payments
The systematic record of such transactions
balance of payments
A measure of all flows of money into and out of a country including payments for goods and services and capital flows
down payments
plural form of down payment
The act of paying
{n} the act of paying, reward
in kind transfer payments
(Ekonomi) Transfer of benefits other than money from government to citizens such as food stamps, public housing and medicare
progressive payments
Part payments made to a contractor at different stages as the work (or delivery) progresses, instead of making one full payment on the completion. Also called progress payments
the act of paying money
– Unless credit is established for Direct Bill privileges the usual payment is 50 percent of the master account to be paid 30 days prior and the balance upon departure
the allocation of resources (usually money) to health sector organizations and individuals in return for some activity (e g , delivering services, managing organizations, etc ) Payment encompasses both funding and remuneration (S7, I) chinese | russian
of insurance money into court In Canada, a procedure available to insurers in the common law jurisdictions under which an insurance company that cannot determine which claimant is entitled to receive insurance policy proceeds may pay the proceeds to a court and ask the court to decide the proper recipient and thus obtain a valid discharge In Quebec, an insurer in such a situation can obtain a valid discharge by paying the policy proceeds to the Minister of Finance See also interpleader
A payment entered online Depending on the financial institution and the payee, the payment can be made electronically or by paper check
Monetary return for services rendered or property delivered Discharge of indebtedness
Upon delivery
This article provides for the payment for the property according to the final accepted bid and that subject to any adjustments, the full purchase price will be paid according to the specific time frame in the IFB and prior to delivery of the property This article also addresses adjustments and Refunds to the Bidder
That which discharges a debt
The partial or complete discharge of an obligation by its settlement in the form of the transfer of funds, assets, or services equal to the monetary value of part or all of the debtor's obligation
Discharge of an obligation or debt by delivery of value, usually lawful money The execution and delivery of negotiable papers [instruments] is not payment unless it is accepted by the parties in that sense (UCC 3-410)
This term designates equal cash flows coming at regular intervals
Money paid to a person, part of their Gross Pay
A vehicle to affect the transfer of value Typically, a transfer of funds from one bank depository to another, but may also transfer funds to or from a debt instrument, such as a credit card Also Funds Transfer
The transfer of money, or other agreed upon medium, for provision of goods or services
The amount of principal and interest you pay each month
a sum of money paid
The process of paying or receipt of a revenue item
The agreed upon dollar amount to be paid in regular installments by the Buyer The most common payment method calls for monthly installments to be made
All checks must be drawn on U S banks in U S dollars Collection charges resulting from checks drawn otherwise will be charged to the student See Methods of Payment
A payment made through NewCHAPS that satisfies the criteria listed in Rule 3 1
If you order it, we expect you to pay for it Paying within thirty days would be greatly appreciated and will still drive our accountant nuts by limiting his use of late fees (His late fees make loan shark rates pale in comparison )
The periodic amount due to repay a lender for the proceeds of a loan It includes principal repayment, interest repayment, and often escrows for taxes and insurance premiums
What an editor agrees to pay you for your work Two major payment types are used by print publications: payment on acceptance, where you get a check as soon as the work is accepted for publication; and payment on publication, where you get paid only after your work sees print The former is much to be desired, because publication may take a year or more; however, until you're well established, you'll probably have to settle for on-spec, payment-on-publication type work
That which is paid The sum of money or other item(s) of value that is transferred from one party to another
[cash/check]; 5-digit numeric field including 2 decimal places; represents money received in exchange for cleaning service (Alias: Payment-amount)
balance of payments
An accounting statement measuring the value of goods, services, gold, and capital exchanged between one country and all foreign countries
balance of payments
A record of all the financial transactions between a country and the rest of the world during a given year [FACS] An accounting statement of the money value of international transactions between one nation and the rest of the world over a specific time period The statement shows the sum of transactions of individuals, businesses and government agencies located in one nation, against those of all other nations [FRBM][FRBSF] (see also balance of trade)
balance of payments
the difference between what a country pays for its imports and receives for its exports
balance of payments
A statement of a country's trade and financial transactions with the rest of the world over a period of time
balance of payments
systematically summarizes, for a specific period, the economic transactions of an economy's residents with the rest of the world
balance of payments
the total of all international transactions undertaken by a country during a given time Sales to foreigners are recorded as credits while purchases of goods, services or assets are recorded as debits The BOP statement includes summaries of both the current account and the capital account
balance of payments
a record of all the economic transactions between one nation and the rest of the world for one year
balance of payments
A set of accounts for a given period, usually a year, which summarises the financial transactions of the institutions and residents of one country with the institutions and residents of the rest of the world The set of accounts consists of a current account, which shows expenditure the country made during the period on the purchase of goods and services from abroad, and the revenue derived from the sale of goods and services to the rest of the world; and a capital account, which shows the flows of private and public investment and of other transfers Bilateral loans and government contributions to multilateral lending agencies are part of the capital account Bilateral grants, all technical co-operation and other multilateral flows are part of the current account
balance of payments
A country's financial ledger showing all receipts from other countries and all payments to other countries
balance of payments
A record of a nation's claims of transactions with the rest of the world over a particular time period These inlcude merchandise, services and capital flows
balance of payments
A summary statement of all the international transactions of the residents of the nation with the rest of the world during a particular period of time
balance of payments
statistical statement that systematically summarizes, for a specific period, the economic transactions of a country with the rest of the world Transactions, for the most part between residents and non-residents, consist of those involving goods, services and income; those involving financial claims on and liabilities to the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers which are real resources and financial claims provided to, or received from the rest of the world without the corresponding resources and financial claims received or given in exchange (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas)
balance of payments
Value of a country's exports and other receipts minus the value of its imports and other payments If a country is in Balance of Payments Deficit, this means that it is paying out more than it is receiving Balance of Payments Surplus means a country is receiving more than it is paying out
balance of payments
A statement of a country's trade and financial transactions with the rest of the world over a period of time BACK TO TOP
balance of payments
An annual accounting of all economic transactions between one nation and the rest of the world The balance of payments on current account includes the trade balance, which measures the movement of goods and some services; and the short-term capital account, which measures the flow of short-term investments and payments
balance of payments
A summary statement of a nation's financial transactions with the outside world See also current account, capital account, and cash account
balance of payments
A systematic record of the economic transactions during a given period for a country (1) The term is often used to mean either: (i) balance of payments on "current account"; or (ii) the current account plus certain long term capital movements (2) The combination of the trade balance, current balance, capital account and invisible balance, which together make up the balance of payments total Prolonged balance of payment deficits tend to lead to restrictions in capital transfers, and or decline in currency values
balance of payments
A financial statement summarizing the flow of goods, services, and investment funds between residents of a given country and residents of the rest of the world
balance of payments
the record of all the transactions between a country and the rest of the world It includes information on the value of trade in goods and services as well as transfer payments (chapter 17)
balance of payments
a record of a country's financial transactions with other countries The current account records imports, exports, payments for services such as telecommunications, tourism and shipping, as well as dividends to foreign investors and interest payments for foreign borrowing The capital account records investments and long-term loans
balance of payments
– statistical statement that systematically summarizes, for a specific period, the economic transactions of a country with the rest of the world Transactions, for the most part between residents and non-residents, consist of those involving goods, services and income; those involving financial claims on and liabilities to the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers which are real resources and financial claims provided to, or received from the rest of the world without the corresponding resources and financial claims received or given in exchange
balance of payments
A statistical compilation formulated by a sovereign nation of all economic transactions between residents of that nation and residents of all other nations during a stipulated period of time, usually a calendar year
balance of payments
An accounting statement of the money value of international transactions between one nation and the rest of the world over a specific time period The statement shows the sum of transactions of individuals, businesses, and government agencies located in one nation, against those of all other nations
balance of payments
The combined net position on the capital and current accounts of the country The current account indicates whether South Africa is spending more foreign currency on imports than it is receiving for its exports, while the capital account shown how much money foreigners are investing in South Africa
balance of payments
a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year; "a favorable balance of payments exists when more payments are coming in than going out
balance of payments
A state's running account of economic transactions (exports and imports) with the rest of the world
balance of payments
A country's balance of payments is the difference, over a period of time, between the payments it makes to other countries for imports and the payments it receives from other countries for exports. Britain's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly. A systematic record of a nation's total payments to foreign countries, including the price of imports and the outflow of capital and gold, along with the total receipts from abroad, including the price of exports and the inflow of capital and gold. the difference between what a country spends in order to buy goods and services abroad, and the money it earns selling goods and services abroad. Systematic record of all economic transactions during a given period between residents (including the government) of one country and residents (including the governments) of other countries. The transactions are presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping. The U.S. balance of payments, for example, records the various ways in which dollars are made available to foreigners through U.S. imports, U.S. tourist spending abroad, foreign lending, and so on. These expenditures are shown on the debit side of the balance. The credit side shows the various uses to which foreigners put their dollars, including paying for U.S. exports, servicing debts to the U.S., and the like. Foreign countries may acquire more dollars than they need to spend on U.S. goods and services and may hold the surplus or purchase gold or securities; or they may have fewer dollars than they need to purchase U.S. goods and services, and may acquire additional dollars by transferring gold, selling holdings in the U.S., and so on. Certain forms of transferring funds (e.g., large outflows of gold) are less desirable as a way of settling foreign debts than others (e.g., transfers of currency acquired through international trade). The International Monetary Fund helps address problems relating to balance of payments. See also balance of trade
balance of payments
payments indicated by a balance sheet
balance-of-payments problem
an economic problem caused by payments for imports being greater than receipts for exports
be prompt in one's payments
pay on time
benefit payments
The amounts disbursed for covered services to beneficiaries after the deductible and coinsurance amounts have been deducted
benefit payments
– disbursements for retirement, disability, death, maternity, sickness and funeral benefits (Social Security System)
benefit payments
– disbursements for retirement, disability, death, maternity, sickness and funeral benefits
benefit payments
Payments made by your insurance carrier for submitted claims This figure is the net amount of issued checks, less any refunds, Specific Stop Loss, or ex-gratia payments
compensatory payments
reimbursement payments, repayment, remuneration, reparation, damages
divided payments
separate payments, money paid in increments
late payments
a fee added to a bill after the expiration of a specific grace period Such payments are intended to encourage timely payment of the bill
late payments
Loan or credit payments that do not reach the lender or creditor on or before the payment due date The indication of late payments on a credit report are very damaging to an individual's credit report
The act of paying, or giving compensation; the discharge of a debt or an obligation
{i} money paid toward a debt; wage, salary; compensation, bonus; punishment
That which is paid; the thing given in discharge of a debt, or an obligation, or in fulfillment of a promise; reward; recompense; requital; return
A sum of money paid in exchange for goods or services
Punishment; chastisement
Payment is the act of paying money to someone or of being paid. He had sought to obtain payment of a sum which he had claimed was owed to him. see also balance of payments, down payment
A payment is an amount of money that is paid to someone, or the act of paying this money. Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments The fund will make payments of just over £1 billion next year
the act of paying money a sum of money paid
poor payments morality
state of not fulfilling financial commitments
spreading payments
set a period during which outstanding balances must be paid off
transfer payments
tax money that the government gives which is not in exchange for services or goods
was behind on his payments
could not pay on time, could not make the payments on time

    التركية النطق



    /ˈpāmənts/ /ˈpeɪmənts/


    ... the opportunity to cap the monthly student loan payments ...
    ... payments and whose vendor disagreed. So the vendor shut off the garage and took 314 cars ...