
listen to the pronunciation of pas
التركية - التركية
Su içinde ve nemli havada metallerin, özellikle demirin yüzeyinde oksitlenme sonucunda oluşan madde: "Kapılardan ve kilitlerden paslar dökülüyordu."- S. F. Abasıyanık
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Gözetleme, bekleme
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İç sıkıntısı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Keder, hüzün, gam
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Gecenin sekizde biri
Bazı iskambil oyunlarında sırası kendisine gelen oyuncunun oyuna o elde katılmayacağını belirten bir söz
Genellikle midenin bozulmasından ötürü dilin üzerinde oluşan beyaz tabaka
Bazı asalak mantarların çeşitli bitkilerde oluşturduğu portakal sarısı ya da kahverengi lekeler
Bazı mantarların oluşturduğu bir bitki hastalığı
Bazı asalak mantarların çeşitli bitkilerde oluşturduğu portakal sarısı veya kahverengi lekeler
Bu lekelerden ileri gelen bitki hastalığı
Bazı iskambil oyunlarında sırası kendisine gelen oyuncunun oyuna o elde katılmayacağını belirtir
Su içinde ve nemli havada metallerin, özellikle demirin yüzeyinde oksitlenme sonucunda oluşan madde
Bazı top oyunlarında oyunculardan birinin topu takım arkadaşına geçirmesi
bar (IV)
(Osmanlı Dönemi) NUKBE
pas payı
Demirin betonun içine gömülme miktarına pas payı denilir. Beton örtüsü olarak ta ifade edilen pas payı başka bir tanımlama ile en dış donatının dışından betonun bittiği kısma kadar ölçülen kalınlık miktarı olarak tanımlanabilir
pas payı
Betonarme çeliğinin üzerini kaplayarak çeliğin korozyon, karbonatlaşma gibi dış etkilerden korunmasını sağlama amacıyla bırakılan mesafeye verilen isimdir
pas mantarı
Pas mantarıgillerden, buğdaygillerde ve baklagillerde pas hastalığına sebep olan mantar (Uromyces)
pas mantarıgiller
Bitkilerin üzerinde yaşayarak pas denilen lekeler yapan asalak bir mantar takımı
pas rengi
Kırmızıyla kahverengi arasındaki renk
pas rengi
Bu renkte olan
(Hukuk) Ayak
Protaktinyum'un kısaltması
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İz
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Takat, mukavemet
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (PÂY) f. Ayak
bodur pas
Arpa yapraklarına yerleşen ve seyrek olarak yurdumuzda da görülen ilkel mantar (Puccinia hordei)
bodur pas
Bu mantarın yol açtığı hastalık
kir pas
Protaktinyum elementinin simgesi
Yıkılmış ev
sektirme pas
Basketbolda topu sektirerek verilen pas
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
plural form of pa
A pace; a step, as in a dance
{n} a step, a right of precedence
para-aminosalicylic acid
{i} extension of a file whose source code is in the PASCAL programming language (Computers)
plural of Pa
Profile Alignment System: This is a technique for using non electro-optical linked access technology for aligning fibres for splicing
(ballet) a step in dancing (especially in classical ballet)
PlaNet Administration System Refers to the portion of the PlaNet system that will be used by administrators to keep employee and location records up-to-date
= none purvene = horn
Right of going foremost; precedence
Protected Areas Strategy
Pseudo Aircraft Simulation
(French, meaning 'step') Dance step Used often in ballet, as in pas de deux, meaning dance for two
Pascal source code file
Patient Administration System One of the earliest components of a hospital computer system which records the patient's name, home address, date of birth and each contact with the outpatient department or admission and discharge
{i} step in a dance; movement in a dance; dance
The computerized database of all property for which Carnegie Mellon has responsibility
[pah] Step A simple step or a compound movement which involves a transfer of weight Example: pas de bourrée "Pas" also refers to a dance executed by a soloist (pas seul), a duet (pas de deux) and so on
PAS is the mainframe, central University system used to enter requisitions, place orders, and make payments for travel, purchasing equipment, materials, services, etc Getting started with PAS
Program announcement with set-aside funds
Perris Auto Speedway, located in Perris, CA
– Precommissioning Assessment System
A département of northern France, bordering the North Sea and Belgium
pas de chat
A sideways jump with both feet brought as high as possible, knees apart, while in the air
PAS extension
PASCAL extension, extension of a file with source code in the PASCAL programming language (Computers)
PAS file
PASCAL file, file with source code in the PASCAL programming language (Computers)
pas de chat
A ballet jump in which the feet are lifted, one after the other, to the level of the opposite knee
pas de deux
pas de deux is both the singular and the plural form; both forms are pronounced In ballet, a pas de deux is a dance sequence for two dancers. pas de deux a dance in ballet performed by a man and a woman. (French; "step for two") Dance for two performers. A characteristic part of classical ballet, it includes an adagio, or slow dance, by the ballerina and her partner; solo variations by the male dancer and then the ballerina; and a coda, or conclusion, with both partners dancing together to display their virtuosity. Celebrated pas de deux occur in Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, and Giselle
pas de deux
{i} (French) "step for two", dance for two people
pas de deux
(ballet) a dance for two people (usually a ballerina and a danseur noble)
pas de quatre
(ballet) a dance for four people
pas de trois
A dance for three
pas de trois
(ballet) a dance for three people
pas seul
(ballet) a solo dance or dance figure
A région of France
Physician's Assistant
Public Accountant
'per annum'' (i.e. interest)
Prince Albert (piercing)
Palestinian Authority
Papua, a province of Indonesia
Public Act
Pará, a state of Brazil
Power Amplifier
public address system
Pennsylvania, a state of the United States of America
faux pas
A blunder (especially used in social contexts)
n'est-ce pas
Used to form tag questions
(Kimya) The symbol of the element Protactinium
If you refer to the PA or the PA system in a place, you are referring to the public address system. A voice came booming over the PA. Some people address or refer to their father as pa. Pa used to be in the army. = dad. Panama (in Internet addresses). The symbol for the element protactinium. pascal. Father; papa. the written abbreviation for Pennsylvania. father - used by children or when speaking to children (papa). Dge lugs pa Mar pa Sa skya pa
attorney who engages in legal proceedings against a defendant
mechanized system for amplifying sound in public or large areas
{i} political leadership of the autonomous Palestinian areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
A PA is the same as a personal assistant
A short form of grandpa, grandfather
Father, dad, papa
faux pas
A faux pas is a socially embarrassing action or mistake. It was not long before I realised the enormity of my faux pas. = gaffe, blunder. faux pas an embarrassing mistake in a social situation
faux pas
A false step; a mistake or wrong measure
faux pas
(French) "false step", embarrassing social blunder, breach of etiquette
faux pas
a socially awkward or tactless act
have the pas
have the right of way, have the right to proceed first
made a faux pas
made an error, made an embarrassing mistake
a region in northeastern France
Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant PBM: Pharmacy Benefit Manager PCCM: Primary Care Case Management PCP: Primary Care Physician PHO: Physician-Hospital Organization PMPM: Per Member Per Month PPA: Preferred Provider Arrangement PPO: Preferred Provider Organization PPRC: Physician Payment Review Commission ProPAC: Prospective Payment Assessment Commission PSN: Provider Sponsored Network PSO: Provider Sponsored Organization
Plate Appearance
the pressure produced by a force of 1 Newton applied, uniformly distributed, over an area of 1 m2 (Used in textile testing as a measure of bursting pressure )
Personal Assistant
an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk
an electronic amplification system used as a communication system in public areas
precision approach; pressure altitude
{i} father, dad (Informal)
Physician Assistant A specially trained and licensed individual who performs tasks that might otherwise be performed by a physician, under the direction of a supervising physician
Public Address PAFR - Popular Annual Financial Report PALS - Phonological Awareness PD - Physical Disability PE - Physical Education PEC - Physical Education Center PHK - Partnership for Healthier Kids PHTA - Public Health Training Assistant PIN - Personal Identification Number POS - Program of Studies (Required instructional program for FCPS outlining curriculum content and essential knowledge and skills for each grade level) PPEP - Principal Performance Evaluation Program PSAT - Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test PT - Part Time PTA - Parent Teacher Association PTA/PTO - Parent Teacher Association/Parent Teacher Organization PTS - Professional Technical Studies PTSA - Parent Teacher Student Association
Personnel Assistant
A shortened form of Papa
Personal Assistant, one who assists with an individual's needs
Father, papa
Program Assistant
Pulmonary Artery
(Border) Patrol Agent PAIC -- Patrol Agent in Charge PAL -- Passenger Acceleration Lane (in San Clemente – See SENTRI) PAO -- Public Affairs Officer PAS -- Performance Management System PCO -- Property Control Officer PHS -- Public Health Services PICS -- Password Issuance and Control System PIMS -- Performance Indicator Management System PIO -- Public Information Officer PMFA -- Permanent Full-time Authorized Position PMPT -- Permanent Part-time Position POE -- Port-of-Entry POMS -- Port-of-Entry Management System POP -- Post Office Protocol POSTS -- Personnel Office Systems Tracking System PPE -- Personal Protective Equipment PRC -- Permanent Resident Card PQIC -- Port Quality Improvement Committees
Position angle of the DEIMOS x-axis with respect to the sky, measured north through east
Individuals hired to work in a particular program area They are unclassified professional staff members, and the academic qualifications vary with the position
Public Assistance PAPNM --->
Abbreviation of public address system: one or more speakers connected to an amplifier; may include a mixer and any combination of sound reinforcement devices Pad: An attenuator Patch Cord: A short electrical cable used to connect individual components of a sound system Personal Monitor: A monitor that is small enough to be directed at a specific performer
Program Announcement At NIH, PAs have an indefinite longevity, have no funds set aside and usually use standard grant application deadlines
Public Address
Position angle of the ellipse semi-major axis (degrees)
a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies
a unit of pressure equal to one newton per square meter
a short-lived radioactive metallic element formed from uranium and disintegrating into actinium and then into lead
Standard abbreviation for Pascal, the unit used to measure gas pressure or vacuum One Pascal is equal to 7 5 x 10-3 Torr, the earlier used unit
CRS Via the Pacific
the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet
phosphorus: a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family that occurs commonly in inorganic phosphate rocks and as organic phosphates in all living cells; is highly reactive and occurs in several allotropic forms
التركية - الإنجليزية

Tom cut his hand with a rusty knife. - Tom paslı bir bıçakla elini kesti.

He rubbed the rust off with a file. - O bir eğe ile pası sildi.

no bid

If you are going abroad, it's necessary to have a passport. - Eğer yurt dışına gidiyorsanız, bir pasaporta sahip olmak gereklidir.

When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport. - Yurt dışına seyahat edersen, genellikle bir pasaporta ihtiyacın vardır

sports (a) pass
rust, tarnish, corrosion
(dil) furring
I pass./Pass (said when playing cards)
pas geç
(Havacılık) go around
pas geçmek
pass something over
pas geçmek
pas geçmek
pas tutmak
To keep rust
pas vermek
pass the ball
pas vermek
pas vermek
pas vermek
pas vermek
pas vermek
pas vermek
pas baş
(Tabiat Doğa) (kuş, Fam: Aythyinae) ferruginous duck
pas demek
to pass
pas geçmek
slang to disregard something
pas giderici
rust remover
pas giderici
pas lekesi
rust stain, iron mould
pas lekesi
iron mould
pas lekesi olmak
pas rengi
pas rengi
pas rengi
pas rengi ardıçkuşu
(Tabiat Doğa) (kuş, Fam: karatavukgiller,ardıçkuşugiller) redwing
pas renginde
pas temizleyici
rust remover
pas tutmak
to rust
pas tutmaz
pas vermek
a) to pass b) to give sb the glad eye
pas vermek
1. to pass the ball to (one's teammate). 2. slang (for a woman) to give (a man) the glad eye, make a pass at
pas vermek
pas çıkarıcı
rust remover
pas önleyici
pas önleyici
a) antirust b) antioxidant
pas önleyici
anti rust
elden ele verilen pas
(Spor) handoff
geri pas
(Spor) back-pass
jet pas
(Spor) jet pass
memeli pas
pas vermek
(Argo) leer
spor pas vermek
ara pas
(Spor) through ball
işleyen demir pas tutmaz
(Atasözü) a rolling stone gathers no moss
pas vermek
give the pas
beyaz pas
white rust
eski pirinç eşyada oluşan yeşil pas
geri pas
pass back
kızıl pas
red rust
yüksek pas
(Spor) high pass
çengel pas
basketball hook pass

    التركية النطق



    /ˈpäz/ /ˈpɑːz/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'pä, 'po ] (noun.) 1811. Loanword from French pas.

    رصف المشتركة

    pas vermek