
listen to the pronunciation of partial
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} taraflı

Tarafsızlık bile taraflıdır. - Even impartiality is partial.

Oyun sadece taraflı bir başarıydı. - The play was only a partial success.

{s} kısmi

Onun işi sadece kısmi bir başarıydı. - His business was only a partial success.

Tom sadece kısmi sorumluluk kabul etti. - Tom only accepted partial responsibility.

kısma ait

Güneş tutulmaları tam ya da bölümlü olabilir. - Lunar eclipses can be total or partial.

(Biyokimya) kesimsel
{s} tam olmayan

Şu öğretmen kız öğrencilere düşkün olma eğilimindedir. - That teacher tends to be partial to female students.

Ann çilolataya düşkün. - Ann is partial to chocolate.

yan tutan
(İnşaat) kasmi
kısmen etkili olan

O, tatlılara meyillidir. - She is partial to sweets.

bir tarafı tutarak
taraf tutan
(Tıp) Tam olmayan, bütününü kapsamayan, kısmi
partial eclipse astr
(Biyoloji) parsiyel
kısmen tutulma
(Askeri) TRACK-LAYING VEHICLE: YARI TIRTILLI ARAÇ: Bak. "half track vehicle"

Onun hikayesi kısmen doğrudur. - His story is partially true.

Tom onun kısmen hatası olduğunu kabul etti. - Tom admitted that it was partially his fault.

{s} to -e meyilli
kısmen etkili

Onun ne demek istediğini kısmen anlıyorum. - I partially understand what he means.

Tom onun kısmen hatası olduğunu kabul etti. - Tom admitted that it was partially his fault.


Onun hikayesi kısmen doğrudur. - His story is partially true.

Tom kısmen suçlanacak mı? - Is Tom partially to blame?

partial correlation
(İstatistik,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi korelasyon
partial denture
(Diş Hekimliği) bölümlü protez
partial details
(Bilgisayar) bazı dosya ayrıntıları
partial regression
kısmi regresyon
partial to

O, tatlılara meyillidir. - She is partial to sweets.

partial acromegaly
parsiyel akromegali
partial breach
kısmi bozulma
partial differential
tikel türetke
partial differential
parçal diferansiyel
partial differential equation
kısmi diferansiyel eşitlik
partial eclipse
kısmi tutulma
partial entropy
kısmi entropi
partial entropy
tikel dağıntı
partial fraction
tikel üleşke
partial fraction
kısmi kesir
partial free energy
kısmi serbest enerji
partial payment
kısmi ödeme
partial pressure
tikel basınç
partial pressure
kısmi basınç
partial to
e taraftar
partial vacuum
kısmi boşluk
partial vacuum
tikel boşluk
partial verdict
kısmi hüküm
partial wave
tikel dalga
partial wave
kısmi dalga
Partial Differential Equation
Kısmı diferansiyel denklem
partial blindness
kısmı körlük
partial breach
kısmı bozulma
partial capacitance
kısmı kapasite
partial carry
parçalı elde
partial compatibility
kısmı uygunluk, kısmı bağdaşım
partial differential equation
kısmı diferansiyel eşitlik
partial experience of something which is to come
gelip bir şey kısmı deneyim
partial fraction
kısmı kesir, tikel üleske
partial insurance
kısmı sigorta
partial lunar eclipse
Parçalı ay tutulması
partial order
kısmı sipariş
partial roasting
kısmı kavurma
partial vacuum
kısmı boşluk, tikel boşluk
partial verdict
kısmı hüküm
Partial weight release
(Tekstil) Kısmi serbest bırakma
partial acceptance
bölümsel kabul
partial acceptance
kısmen kabul
partial adjustments
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi uyumlar
partial agonist
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi agonist
partial agonist
(Tıp) parsiyel agonist
partial aim
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi amaç
partial assimilation
(Dilbilim) yaklaşık benzeşim
partial audit
(Ticaret) sınırlı denetim
partial audit
(Ticaret) kısmi denetim
partial boiling
(Tekstil) yarı kaynatma
partial cancel
(Bilgisayar) kısmen iptal
partial capacitance
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) kısmi kapasite
partial cargo
(Ticaret) kısmi hamule
partial clapotis
(Askeri) kısmi duran dalga
partial compatibility
kısmi uygunluk
partial compatibility
kısmi bağdaşım
partial compensation
(Kanun) kısmen tazmin
partial correlation
kismi ilinti
partial data
(Bilgisayar) kısmi veriler
partial delivery
(Kanun) kısmen teslim
partial derivative
(Matematik) parçal türev
partial derivative
(Matematik) tikel türev
partial devaluation
(Ticaret) kısmi devalüasyon
partial devoicing
(Dilbilim) yarı ötümsüzleşme
partial disablement
(Ticaret) kısmi iktidarsızlık
partial disablement
(Sigorta) kısmi sakatlık
partial drowned weir
kısmen batmış savak
partial drying
(Tekstil) kısmi kuruma
partial examination
(Ticaret) kısmi kontrol
partial exemption
kısmi muafiyet
partial fixing
kısmi ankastelik
partial fold
(Tekstil) kısmi katlama
partial fraction expansion
kismi kesirlerle acilim
partial fractions
(Matematik) kısmi oranlar
partial hardening
kısmi sertleştirme
partial hearing loss
(Tıp) kısmi işitme kaybı
partial hydrolysate
(Denizbilim) tikel sukırım ürünü
partial hydrolysis
(Denizbilim) tikel sukırım
partial hydrolysis
(Denizbilim) tikelsukırım
partial immersion
yarı daldırma
partial index
kısmi dizin
partial instinct
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi içgüdü
partial insurance
(Ticaret) kısmi sigorta
partial integration
(Matematik) parçalı integralleme
partial integration
(Matematik) tikel tümlevleme
partial invalidity
(Kanun) kısmi geçersizlik
partial jurisdiction
(Askeri) KISMİ KAZA HAKKI: ABD. de; bir devlet, sınırları içindeki bir bölge üzerinde, Federal hükümete, o devlete ait bir yetkinin tamamını kullanma hakkının verildiği; fakat, ilgili devletin, bu bölge dahilinde, daha çok sadece hukuki ve cezai tebligatı yerine getirme hakkını teşkil eden diğer yetkiyi, bizzat veya birleşik devletler ile birlikte kullanma yetkisini kendinde alıkoyduğu davalarda uygulanan kaza hakkı
partial jurisdiction
(Askeri) kısmi kaza hakkı
partial lighting
bölümsel aydınlatma
partial liquidation
(Ticaret) kısmi tasfiye
partial list
kısmi liste
partial load
bölümsel yük
partial load spring
(Otomotiv) kısmi yük yayı
partial loading
bölümsel yükleme
partial loading
kısmi yükleme
partial melting
kısmi ergime
partial mobilisation
(Askeri) kısmi seferberlik
partial mobilization
(Askeri) KISMİ SEFERBERLİK: İhtiyat birliklerinin, münferit hazır ihtiyatları ve ulusal güvenliğe harici bir tehdit oluşturan durum sonucunda ulusal olağanüstü durumun gereklerini karşılamak için desteklerine ihtiyaç duyulan kaynakların seferber edilmesi amacıyla, Kongre (tam seferberliğe kadar) ve Başkan (1.000.000 dan fazla olmamak kaydıyla) tarafından faal Silahlı Kuvvetlerin genişletilmesi
partial monopoly
(Ticaret) kısmi monopol
partial monopoly
(Ticaret) yarı tekel
partial node
(Fizik) tikel boğum
partial node
(Fizik,Teknik) kısmi düğüm
partial nudity
(Bilgisayar) kısmi çıplaklık
partial nullity
kısmi hükümsüzlük
partial obscuration
(Meteoroloji) kısmi engel
partial observation
kismi gozlem
partial occupancy
bölümsel kullanım
partial occupancy
kısmi işgal
partial ok
(Bilgisayar) kısmen tamam
partial options
(Bilgisayar) kısmi seçenekler
partial overhaul
kısmi revizyon
partial overhaul
kısmi overhol
partial participation
kısmi katılım
partial payment
(Askeri) kısmi tediye
partial payment
bölümsel ödeme
partial payment
(Askeri) KISMİ ÖDEME: Bir sözleşme uyarınca talep edilen bir veya daha çok komple cihaz tesellümünün veya talep edilen bir hizmetten belirli bir kısmının tamamlanması üzerine yapılmasına yetki verilen ödeme
partial penetration
(Askeri) kısmi girme
partial penetration
(Askeri) sınırlı girme
partial penetration
(Askeri) KISMİ NÜFUZ: Kara ordusu standardına göre; bir merminin hedefe çarptıktan sonra arkasından, bizzat mermi veya açılan delikten ışık görülebilecek kadar hedefi delmemesi suretiyle elde edilen nüfuz. Buna (army partial penetration) de denir
partial performance
kısmen bitirme
partial performance
kısmen yapma
partial plans
(Ticaret) kısmi plan
partial pressure
bölümsel basınç
partial prestressing
sınırlı öngerme
partial product
(Matematik) kısmi çarpım
partial pulsion
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) itim
partial range zone
kısmi menzil zonu
partial recurrence
(Dilbilim) parçalı yineleme
partial regression
kismi baglanim
partial reinforcement
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi pekiştirme
partial relief
(Ticaret) kısmi muafiyet
partial roasting
kısmi kavurma
partial scholarship
kısmi burs
partial section
kısmi kesit
partial section
bölümsel kesit
partial seizure
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi nöbet
partial shipments
parça yükleme
partial shutter
bölümsel kapak
partial solar eclipse
(Astronomi) parçalı güntutulması
partial solar eclipse
(Astronomi) parçalı güneş tutulması
partial solution
kısmi çözüm
partial storage monitoring
(Askeri) KISMİ DEPO MUAYENESİ: Nükleer silah ana komple parçaları ile ana parçalarının, depoda bulundukları sırada rutubet ve ısı dereceleri ile göze görünür hasar ve bozukluk bakımından, dıştan gözle kontrollarından ibaret periyodik muayenelerdir. Bu şekilde bir muayene, bir intikale geçilmeden ve intikal tamamlandıktan sonra da yapılır
partial stowage
(Madencilik) kısmi dolgu
partial stowage
(Madencilik) bölümsel dolgu
partial sum
kismi toplam
partial tax
(Ticaret) kısmi vergiler
partial to
-e taraftar
partial vacuum
(Fizik) bölümsel boşluk
partial view
bölümsel görünüş
partial view
kısmi görünüş
partial vision
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi görme
partial write
(Bilgisayar) yarı yazma
bir ölçüde
bir dereceye kadar
bir tarafı tutarak
kısmi olarak
dalton's law of partial pressure
dalton'un kısmi basınç yasası
yan tutma
yan tutarak
be partial to
düşkün olmak
army partial penetration
(Askeri) KARA ORDUSU MERMİ KISMİ NÜFUZU: Bak. "partial penetration"
be partial to
engineer partial field maintenance
(Askeri) KISMİ İSTİHKAM SAHRA BAKIMI: Birlik bakım seviyesinin üstünde ve depo bakımı seviyesinin altında bulunan ve belirli istihkam birlikleri tarafından yapılan bakım
finite partial sum
(Matematik) sonlu tikel toplam
finite partial sum
(Matematik) sonlu kısmi toplam
gage partial penetration
(Askeri) mastara göre kısmi nüfuz
gage partial penetration
(Askeri) MASTARA GÖRE KISMİ NÜFUZ: Mastara göre tam nüfuz için gerekli şartlara yaklaşmakla beraber, bunlara tamamen uymayan nüfuz
{i} düşkünlük
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) kısmiyet
{i} taraf tutma
bir tarafı tutma
{i} tarafgirlikten ileri gelen haksızlık
özel sevgi
{i} beğenme
{i} yeğleme
kısmi olma
taraflı olarak
taraf tutarak/kısmen
permanent partial disability
(Askeri) ARIZALI SAĞLAMLIK; SAKATLIK: Hastalık neticesi veya muharebede alınmış (mesleki veya diğer) bir yaradan ileri gelen ve daimi çürüklük (permanent total disability) meydana getiren durumdan farklı olarak, bir uzvun veya vücudun bir kısmının tam kaybı veya bir vücut fonksiyonunda devamlı bir bozukluk
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Biased in favor of a person, side, or point of view, especially when dealing with a competition or dispute

The referee is blatantly partial!.

Existing as a part or portion; incomplete

So far, I have only pieced together a partial account of the incident.

dentures that replace only some of the natural teeth
A partial derivative: a derivative with respect to one independent variable of a function in multiple variables
Describing a property that holds only when an algorithm terminates

It's easy to prove partial correctness, but it's not obvious that it is also totally correct.

An overtone or harmonic
{a} inclined to favor, unjest, imperfect
In a Roland synthesizer, refers to one of the building blocks Think of it as an oscillator with an independent filter, amplifier, etc
when the patient has a few teeth (partially edentulous)
(followed by `of' or `to') having a strong preference or liking for; "fond of chocolate"; "partial to horror movies"
One of the sine-wave components (the fundamental, an overtone, or a tone at some other frequency) of a complex tone; see overtone
Inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a question, more then the other; baised; not indifferent; as, a judge should not be partial
{s} fractional, fragmentary, incomplete; biased, prejudiced
A trade which fulfils part of an order
A simulated Entalin personality See Ghost
also overtones or harmonic; frequencies produced in a sound above the fundimental
1) In acoustical instruments, a term with the same meaning as overtone 2) In synthesizers literally "part of a sound patch;" circuitry in the synthesizer that generates and/or modifies elements of the sound to give timbre to the particular tone 3) The sound element generated by #2
In general, a harmonic
Any part of the payment stream that is less than the full amount due under the terms of the mortgage note A partial purchase is the purchase of this portion of the payment streams
showing favoritism
You use partial to refer to something that is not complete or whole. a partial ban on the use of cars in the city. partial blindness
the derivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to a single variable while the other variables are considered to be constant
An identifiable frequency in the sound of a bell, arising from a mode of vibration of the bell
being or affecting only a part; not total; "a partial description of the suspect"; "partial collapse"; "a partial eclipse"; "a partial monopoly"; "partial immunity"
Either the fundamental or an overtone in the harmonic series
A psi genetics term for a person who was born with low-level psi abilities, and a few instincts to use them Partials are the most common born-psis, and they have the least problems with development of all the born-psis
(1) A single frequency, sinewave component of any sound all sounds are composed of a number of partials There are two classes of partials See also Harmonic and Inharmonic (2) Used confusingly by Roland to refer to a basic sound generator in a number of its "LA Synthesis" products, beginning with their MT32
Used in the context of general equities Trade whose size is only part of the total customer indication/order, usually done to avoid a compromise in price and also to get the customer started versus losing his total, larger, inquiry/order to a competitor
a sine wave component of a complex sound
Having a predelection for; inclined to favor unreasonably; foolishly fond
Someone who is partial supports a particular person or thing, for example in a competition or dispute, instead of being completely fair. I might be accused of being partial = biased impartial + partiality par·tial·ity She is criticized by some others for her one-sidedness and partiality. = bias impartiality
If you are partial to something, you like it. He's partial to sporty women with blue eyes + partiality par·tial·ity He has a great partiality for chocolate biscuits. = fondness
One of the sine-wave components (the fundamental, an overtone, or a tone at some other frequency) of a complex tone See overtone
removable denture replacing some of the teeth
Any part of a payment stream that is less than the full amount due
Of, pertaining to, or affecting, a part only; not general or universal; not total or entire; as, a partial eclipse of the moon
Refers to one of the frequencies constituting a bell's ring The five lowest partials in the tuned carillon bell are the most important
Pertaining to a subordinate portion; as, a compound umbel is made up of a several partial umbels; a leaflet is often supported by a partial petiole
A set number of chapters (typically 3) requested by the publisher to evaluate a proposal
a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency
partial charge
the partial charge on a particular atom in a polar molecule due to differences in electronegativity
partial charge
an electric charge that is less than the charge on an electron; for example, that of a quark
partial charges
plural form of partial charge
partial cloverleaf interchange
A variation on the cloverleaf interchange in which there are fewer loop ramps. Shortened forms: parclo, parclo interchange
partial dependency
A dependency in a relation that is on a partial key; this is a violation of second normal form
partial derivative
a derivative with respect to one variable of a function of several variables
partial derivatives
plural form of partial derivative
partial differential equation
a differential equation that involves the partial derivatives of a function of several variables
partial differential equations
plural form of partial differential equation
partial false friend
A word in a foreign language bearing a deceptive resemblance to a word in one's own language, and at least one meaning in common, but not all
partial fraction
Any of several fractions to the sum of which a single fraction is equal
partial fractions
plural form of partial fraction
partial function
A function whose domain is a subset of some set
partial order
A relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive
partial ordering relation
A partial order
partial ordering relations
plural form of partial ordering relation
partial orders
plural form of partial order
partial pressure
The pressure one component of a mixture of gases would contribute to the total pressure
partial pressures
plural form of partial pressure
partial to
Having a liking or preference for; favorably disposed toward; fond of

I am quite partial to chocolate.

partial vacuum
A region of low atmospheric pressure, especially one in which most of the air has been pumped out
partial vacuums
plural form of partial vacuum
partial veil
A veil which covers the mushroom gills from the edge of the cap to the stem
partial-birth abortion
Intact dilation and extraction (IDX or intact D&X;), also known as intact dilation and evacuation (intact D&E;), dilation and extraction (D&X;), intrauterine cranial decompression
Attributive form of partial fraction

partial-fraction decomposition.

Attributive form of partial order

partial-order member.

partial credit
Points you get on an exam when getting the answer wrong but has supporting work that shows you kinda know what your doing
partial payment
A partial payment made to a contractor when a stage of a job is completed
partial breach
a breach that does not destroy the value of the contract but can give rise to a claim for damages
partial capacity
lack of efficiency, failure to reach full potential
partial correlation
a correlation between two variables when the effects of one or more related variables are removed
partial denture
A removable appliance replacing some missing teeth in one arch
partial denture
a denture replacing one or more teeth in a dental arch
partial denture
A removable appliance used to replace one or more lost teeth
partial denture
when the patient has a few teeth (partially edentulous)
partial denture
A dental appliance that is removable or fixed, used to replace missing teeth
partial derivative
the derivative of a function of two or more variables with respect to a single variable while the other variables are considered to be constant
partial derivative
The derivative with respect to a single variable of a function of two or more variables, regarding other variables as constants. In differential calculus, the derivative of a function of several variables with respect to change in just one of its variables. Partial derivatives are useful in analyzing surfaces for maximum and minimum points and give rise to partial differential equations. As with ordinary derivatives, a first partial derivative represents a rate of change or a slope of a tangent line. For a three-dimensional surface, two first partial derivatives represent the slope in each of two perpendicular directions. Second, third, and higher partial derivatives give more information about how the function changes at any point
partial differential equation
A differential equation containing at least one partial derivative. In mathematics, an equation that contains partial derivatives, expressing a process of change that depends on more than one independent variable. It can be read as a statement about how a process evolves without specifying the formula defining the process. Given the initial state of the process (such as its size at time zero) and a description of how it is changing (i.e., the partial differential equation), its defining formula can be found by various methods, most based on integration. Important partial differential equations include the heat equation, the wave equation, and Laplace's equation, which are central to mathematical physics
partial differential equation
a differential equation involving a functions of more than one variable
partial differentiation
Differentiation with respect to a single variable in a function of several variables, regarding other variables as constants
partial eclipse
an eclipse in which the eclipsed body is only partially obscured
partial eclipse
Celestial event during which only a part of the occulted body is blocked from view
partial eclipse
A lunar eclipse in which the Moon only partly enters the dark, umbral shadow of the Earth but is inside the secondary, penumbral shadow Also refers to a solar eclipse when the Moon does not line up completely between the Earth and Sun and only partly obscures the Sun This type of eclipse also produces a penumbra as well as an umbra
partial eclipse
A lunar eclipse in which the moon does not completely enter Earth's shadow; a solar eclipse in which the moon does not completely cover the sun During a particular solar eclipse, people in one place on Earth may see a total eclipse, while people only a few hundred kilometers away see only a partial eclipse
partial eclipse
an eclipse during which only the partial shadow touches the Earth (for a solar eclipse) or the Moon (for a lunar eclipse)
partial erection
sexual disorder in which the penis does not reach a full erection
partial eviction
exit from part of an area, departure of some people
partial fraction
One of a set of fractions having a sum equal to a specified fraction
partial linkage
linkage which does not reflect all of the changes in the financial index or the exchange rate
partial payment
payment which only covers part of the price, paying of some of the cost
partial pressure
The pressure that one component of a mixture of gases would exert if it were alone in a container
partial results
some of the results, incomplete results
partial to
tending to favor, favorably inclined
partial tone
overtone: a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency
partial veil
membrane of the young sporophore of various mushrooms extending from the margin of the cap to the stem and is ruptured by growth; represented in mature mushroom by an annulus around the stem and sometimes a cortina on the margin of the cap
partial verdict
(criminal law) a finding that the defendant is guilty of some charges but innocent of others
partial witness
biased witness, witness that is not objective
Preference, bias in favor of, tendency

The judge's partiality towards the defendant caused him to be replaced, with someone who was apparently more neutral.

To a partial degree or extent, incompletely
{n} an unequal judgement, injustice
{a} in a partial manner, in part only
in some sense
Dalton's law of partial pressure
{i} Dalton's law, physical law that says that the total pressure used by a gaseous mixture equals to the sum of the partial pressures of gases if they alone were present (Law named after the famous English physicist John Dalton)
kendall partial rank correlation
a nonparametric measure of partial correlation
a predisposition to like something; "he had a fondness for whiskey"
an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives
{i} discrimination; bias, prejudice; preference
A predilection or inclination to one thing rather than to others; special taste or liking; as, a partiality for poetry or painting
Preference, bias in favor of tendency
The quality or state of being partial; inclination to favor one party, or one side of a question, more than the other; undue bias of mind
in part; in some degree; not wholly; "I felt partly to blame"; "He was partially paralyzed
in part, to some degree, not totally or wholly
In part; not totally; as, partially true; the sun partially eclipsed
In a partial manner; with undue bias of mind; with unjust favor or dislike; as, to judge partially
If something happens or exists partially, it happens or exists to some extent, but not completely. Lisa is deaf in one ear and partially blind. = partly. not completely = partly
in an incomplete manner, partly; in a biased manner, prejudicially
in part; in some degree; not wholly; "I felt partly to blame"; "He was partially paralyzed"
this is partial
this is only a fraction, this is only some