
listen to the pronunciation of page
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu sayfanın son güncellenme tarihi: 2010.11.03 - Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03

Bu makine dakikada 60 sayfa basabilir. - This machine can print sixty pages a minute.

{f} hoparlör ile çağırmak
iç oğlanı
resmi kıyafetli el ulağı
{i} uşak

Her markiz uşak sahibi olmak ister. - Every marquis wants to have pageboys.

adını anons etmek
sayfaları numaralamak
sayfalarını numaralamak
(Bilgisayar) sayfaya

Lütfen onuncu sayfaya bakın. - Please refer to page ten.

Tom başka bir sayfaya tıkladı. - Tom clicked to another page.

{f} sayfala

Tom baştan sona kadar derginin sayfalarını çevirdi. - Tom flipped through the pages of the magazine.

Sarı sayfalara bir göz at. - Look through the yellow pages.

(konakçı/vb.) garson
{i} içoğlanı
{i} peyk
{f} (bir yazının) sayfalarını numaralamak
sayfalarını numarala
{f} sayfa numarası vermek
{i} (otelde) komi
sayfa halinde dizmek
{i} komi

Prenses kendini bir komi olarak gizledi. - The princess disguised herself as a page.

page through kitabı okumadan sayfalarını çevirmek
{f} çağır

Birini çağırtmak istiyorum. - I'd like to page someone.

{i} şövalye eğitimi alan çocuk
{f} otelde birini komiyle çağırttırmak
{f} çağrı cihazını aramak
bellek öbeği
(Bilgisayar) sayfaya göre
page boy
(Turizm) oda hizmetçisi
page break
(Bilgisayar) sayfa sonu işareti
page break
(Bilgisayar) sayfa kesmesi
page down
(Bilgisayar) bir sayfa aşağı
page limit
sayfa sınırları
page load
(Bilgisayar) sayfa yükleme
page range
(Bilgisayar) sayfa aralığı
page range
(Bilgisayar) döküm kapsamı
page stopper
Dergi ya da kitap okurken sayfayı çevirmenizi engelleyecek kadar ilgi çekici unsur
page tab
(Bilgisayar) sayfa sekmesi
page title
(Bilgisayar) sayfa başlığı
page to
(Bilgisayar) son sayfa
page up
(Bilgisayar) bir sayfa yukarı
page view
(Bilgisayar) sayfa görünümü
page view
(Bilgisayar) sayfa gösterimi
page width
(Bilgisayar) sayfa genişliği
page addressing
sayfa adresleme
page at a time printer
bir kerede tek sayfa basan yazıcı
page boundary
sayfa sınırı
page boy
konakçı komisi
page break
sayfa geçişi
page data set
sayfa veri kümesi
page down key
sonraki sayfa tuşu
page frame
sayfa çerçevesi
page in
sayfa içeri
page layout
sayfa düzeni
page out
sayfa dışarı
page skip
sayfa atlama
page up key
önceki sayfa tuşu
page boy
Otel komisi
page image
Sayfa görüntüsü
page inset
sayfa ilave
page margins
Sayfa kenar boşluklarını
page not found
Sayfa bulunamadı
page proof
sayfa kanıtı
page proof
Yazıcının gönderdiği baskının nasıl görüneceğine dair sayfa
page reader
sayfa okuyucu
page three girls
sayfa üç kız
page turner
Çok heyecanlı, sürükleyici, elinizden bırakamayacağınız kitap
page turning
sayfa çevirme
page views
sayfa görüntülenmesi
page back
Önceki sayfa
page border
Sayfa kenarlığı
page boundary margin
Sayfa sınır boşluğu
page break before
önce sayfa sonu
page enter
(Bilgisayar) sayfa girişi
page exit
(Bilgisayar) sayfa çıkışı
page exit
(Bilgisayar) sayfadan çıkış
page fault
Disk Belleği Hatası
page fault
sayfa hatası
page file
(Bilgisayar) disk bellek dosyası
page file
Disk Belleği Dosyası
page footer
Sayfa Altlığı
page format
sayfa biçimi
page forward
Sonraki Sayfa
page frame
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sayfa çevresi
page frame
Disk Belleği Çerçevesi
page frame database
Disk Belleği Adresi Veri Tabanı
page header
Sayfa Başlığı
page header/footer
(Bilgisayar) sayfa üstbilgisi/altbilgisi
page index
(Bilgisayar) sayfa indisi
page layout properties
Sayfa düzeni özellikleri
page left
(Bilgisayar) sayfanın soluna
page left
sayfanın solu
page limit
sayfa limiti
page num
(Bilgisayar) sayfa numarası
page numbering
Sayfa Numaralandırma
page numbers
sayfa numaraları
page offset
sayfa kaydırma
page orientation
Sayfa Yönü Sayfa Yönlendirme
page out
sayfa dışı
page overflow
sayfa tasmasi
page p
(Bilgisayar) sayfa p
page pane
(Bilgisayar) sayfa bölmesi
page popup
(Bilgisayar) sayfa açılışı
page protection
sayfa korumasi
page range
Döküm kapsamı Sayfa Erimi
page rectangle
sayfa dörtgeni
page reference
Sayfa referansı
page registration
sayfa ayarlama
page right
sayfanın sağı
page right
(Bilgisayar) sayfanın sağına
page segment
sayfa parçası
page setup
sayfa yapısı
page size
Sayfa boyutu
page swapping
sayfaların yerini değiştirme
page table
Disk Belleği Tablosu
page table entry
Disk Belleği Tablosu Girdisi
page through
sayfalarını çevirmek; sayfalarını çevirip göz atmak
page to include
(Bilgisayar) eklenecek sayfa
page url
(Bilgisayar) sayfa url'si
page url
(Bilgisayar) sayfa url
page view
Sayfa İzleme
page zero
sıfırıncı sayfa
(Bilgisayar) sayfa/gün
(Bilgisayar) sayfa/ay
(Bilgisayar) sayfa/hafta
pause page
(Bilgisayar) sayfayı duraklat
home page
(Bilgisayar) ana sayfa
bottom page
(Bilgisayar) alt sayfa
center on page
(Bilgisayar) ortala
copy page
(Bilgisayar) sayfayı kopyala
copy page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa kopyala
cover page
(Bilgisayar) ön kapak
create page
(Bilgisayar) oluşturma sayfası
custom page
(Bilgisayar) özel sayfa
data page
(Bilgisayar) veri sayfası
delete page
(Bilgisayar) sayfayı sil
different first page
(Bilgisayar) farklı ilk sayfa
edge of page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa kenarı
edit page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa düzenle
edit page
(Bilgisayar) sayfasını düzenle
entire page
(Bilgisayar) sayfanın tümü
entire page
(Bilgisayar) tüm sayfa
even page
(Bilgisayar) çift numaralı sayfa
export page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa ver
form page
(Bilgisayar) form sayfası
front page

O bu sabah her gazetenin ön sayfasında. - That's on the front page of every newspaper this morning.

Tom'un resmi bugünkü gazetenin ön sayfasındadır. - Tom's picture is on the front page of today's newspaper.

get on the same page
bir noktada buluşmak
home page
(Bilgisayar) açılış sayfası
home page
(Bilgisayar) anasayfa
home page
(Bilgisayar) giriş sayfası
import page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa al
include on page
(Bilgisayar) sayfaya ekle
include page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa ekle
initial page
(Bilgisayar) başlangıç sayfası
instruction page
(Bilgisayar) yönerge sayfası
last page
(Bilgisayar) son sayfa
left page
(Bilgisayar) sol sayfa için
left page
(Bilgisayar) sol sayfa
master page
(Bilgisayar) ana sayfa
news page
(Bilgisayar) haber sayfası
odd page
(Bilgisayar) tek numaralı sayfa
odd page footer
(Bilgisayar) tek numaralı sayfa altbilgisi
odd page footer
(Bilgisayar) tek sayfa altbilgisi
odd page header
(Bilgisayar) tek sayfa üstbilgisi
one page
(Bilgisayar) bir sayfa
one page
(Bilgisayar) tek sayfa
(Bilgisayar) disk belleği
(Bilgisayar) sayfa

IPad Flash içeriği ile web sayfalarını uygun şekilde görüntüleyebilseydi, benim için mükemmel bir çözüm olurdu. - The iPad would be a perfect solution for me if it could properly display web pages with Flash content.

Hemen hemen tüm sanal bellek uygulamaları bir uygulama programının sanal adres alanını sayfalara böler; bir sayfa bitişik sanal bellek adreslerinden oluşan bir bloktur. - Almost all implementations of virtual memory divide the virtual address space of an application program into pages; a page is a block of contiguous virtual memory addresses.

(Bilgisayar) sayfa sayısı
per page
(Bilgisayar) her sayfa
previous page
(Bilgisayar) önceki sayfa
print page
(Bilgisayar) sayfayı yazdır
property page
(Bilgisayar) özellik sayfası
remove page
(Bilgisayar) sayfayı çıkar
security page
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik sayfası
shrink one page
(Bilgisayar) bir sayfa daralt
specific page
(Bilgisayar) belirli sayfa
support page
(Bilgisayar) destek sayfası
test page
(Bilgisayar) sınama sayfası
this page
(Bilgisayar) bu sayfa
welcome page
(Bilgisayar) karşılama sayfası
whole page
(Bilgisayar) tam sayfa
whole page
(Bilgisayar) tüm sayfa
code page
kod sayfası
code page switching
kod sayfası değiştirme
double sided page
çift yüzlü sayfa
front page
baş sayfa
front page
ön sayfa

Sen ön sayfayı yaptın. - You made the front page.

O bu sabah her gazetenin ön sayfasında. - That's on the front page of every newspaper this morning.

hard page break
İstenen Sayfa Sonu
left hand page
sol sayfa
memory page
bellek sayfası
sayfaları numaralama
{i} anonslama
{f} sayfala
required page break
istenen sayfa sonu
title page
baş sayfa
even page
Hatta sayfa
flip a page
Bir sayfa çevirmek
four page folder
Dört sayfa klasör
full page plate
tam sayfa plaka
general title page
Başlık sayfası genel
off page connector
sayfa bağlantısı kapalı
on the other side of the page
sayfanın diğer tarafında

Hemen hemen tüm sanal bellek uygulamaları bir uygulama programının sanal adres alanını sayfalara böler; bir sayfa bitişik sanal bellek adreslerinden oluşan bir bloktur. - Almost all implementations of virtual memory divide the virtual address space of an application program into pages; a page is a block of contiguous virtual memory addresses.

IPad Flash içeriği ile web sayfalarını uygun şekilde görüntüleyebilseydi, benim için mükemmel bir çözüm olurdu. - The iPad would be a perfect solution for me if it could properly display web pages with Flash content.

sayfalarını numaralama
short page
sayfa kısa
{i} sayfalar
{f} sayfala: prep.sayfalayarak
sayfalama sayfalar
sayfalara numara koyma
çağrı çihazını arama
sayfa numaralama
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
An English and Scottish occupational surname for someone who was a servant
To furnish with folios
One side of a paper leaf on which one has written or printed
A web page
To contact (someone) by means of a pager

I’ll be out all day, so page me if you need me.

To mark or number the pages of, as a book or manuscript
A boy employed to wait upon the members of a legislative body
A youth employed for doing errands, waiting on the door, and similar service in households
The common name given to an employee whose main purpose is to replace materials that have either been checked out or otherwise moved, back to their shelves
To call or summon (someone)
A boy child
To attend (someone) as a page
The type set up for printing a leaf
A serving boy – a youth attending a person of high degree, especially at courts, as a position of honor and education
A figurative record or writing; a collective memory

the page of history.

One of the many pieces of paper bound together within a book or similar document
A block of contiguous memory of a fixed length
Any one of several species of colorful South American moths of the genus Urania
To call (somebody) using a public address system so as to find them

An SUV parked me in. Could you please page its owner?.

To turn several pages of a publication

The patient paged through magazines while he waited for the doctor.

A contrivance, as a band, pin, snap, or the like, to hold the skirt of a woman’s dress from the ground
A track along which pallets carrying newly molded bricks are conveyed to the hack
{v} to mark the pages of a book, to serve
{n} a boy attendant on a great person, one side of a leaf
A serving boy; formerly, a youth attending a person of high degree, especially at courts, as a position of honor and education; now commonly, in England, a youth employed for doing errands, waiting on the door, and similar service in households; in the United States, a boy employed to wait upon the members of a legislative body
Refers to an HTML document on the World Wide Web or to a particular web site; usually pages contain links to related documents (or pages)
A single document in a Web site written in HTML You can use FrontPage to create and modify pages without having to know HTML
To attend (one) as a page
The smallest unit, measured in bytes, of information that the virtual memory system can transfer between physical memory and backing store As a verb, page refers to the transfer of pages between physical memory and backing store
To mark or number the pages of, as a book or manuscript; to furnish with folios
Any one of several species of beautiful South American moths of the genus Urania
One side of a leaf of a book or manuscript
work as a page; "He is paging in Congress this summer"
A contrivance, as a band, pin, snap, or the like, to hold the skirt of a woman's dress from the ground
One side of a leaf
One side of a leaf; a sheet of paper which is printed on both sides (One leaf = 2 pages )
One side of a leaf of a book, magazine, newspaper, letter, and so on When counting pages, remember, the back of a sheet, even if it is blank, also counts as a page
All Web sites are a collection of electronic "pages " Each Web page is a document formatted in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) that contains text, images or media objects such as RealAudio player files, QuickTime videos or Java applets The "home page" is typically a visitor's first point of entry and features a site index Pages can be static or dynamically generated All frames and frame parent documents are counted as pages
Policy Analysis for the Greenhouse Effect The PAGE model is a much smaller and simpler version of the ESCAPE model developed for Environmental Resources Limited of London The PAGE model includes all major greenhouse gases Emission projects are not modeled, rather they are specified by the user The model can generate emission-reduction costs and marginal costs As with the ESCAPE model, PAGE was intended to help inform the policy debate on climate change within the European Community
English industrialist who pioneered in the design and manufacture of aircraft (1885-1962)
The type set up for printing a page
A document, or collection of information, available by way of the World Wide Web It is short for web page To make information available over the web, you must organize it into pages A page may contain text, graphics, video, and/or sound files A homepage is an example It is basically everything you can view without clicking on anything within the page You can scroll if it does not fit on your screen, but if you click on a link on the site itself, for example, it will take you to another page Every webpage has a unique URL For example, www monstercommerce com/support_index asp is a different webpage than www monstercommerce com/default asp The default page is the homepage for Monster Commerce Multiple web pages make up a website The website for the two pages above is www monstercommerce com This is also a domain name
A record; a writing; as, the page of history
one side of a sheet of paper; if folded or bound, one side of one leaf
A page is a young person who takes messages or does small jobs for members of the United States Congress or state legislatures
If someone who is in a public place is paged, they receive a message, often over a speaker, telling them that someone is trying to contact them. He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding I'll have them paged and tell them you're here
one side of one leaf (of a book or magasine or newspaper or letter etc ) or the written or pictorial matter it contains
call out somebody's name over a P A system
a boy who is employed to run errands
the front page of the Guardian. 1,400 pages of top-secret information
A serving boy - a youth attending a person of high degree, especially at courts, as a position of honor and education
{f} call, summon (e.g. to the telephone); number pages, number sheets of paper in a collection; look through the pages of something
One side of a leaf in a publication
One side of a leaf; may be abbreviated as p or pg to top
A contrivance, as a band, pin, snap, or the like, to hold the skirt of a womans dress from the ground
system work as a page; "He is paging in Congress this summer
A document, or collection of information, available by way of the World Wide Web To make information available over the WWW, it is organized into pages A page may contain text, graphics, video, and/or sound files
A Page, in the WWW environment, is an individual computer file which can be addressed by a hypertext link Documents and collections are constructed of linked pages
A hypertext document, or section of a document, as viewed through a World Wide Web browser; a unit of information Also known as a node
one side of one leaf of a book or magasine or newspaper or letter etc
(verb) To call somebody electronically With telephone service, when you page someone, that person's pager activates and sounds an alarm With the Internet, a page is usually a call to chat, and will pop up a window on the recipient's desktop (noun) A document displayed on the web A page may consist of a single screen or multiple screens reached by scrolling down or to the right
a youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings
A record; a writing
) or the written or pictorial matter it contains in medieval times a youth acting as a knight's attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood a youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings a boy who is employed to run errands United States diplomat and writer about the Old South (1853-1922) English industrialist who pioneered in the design and manufacture of aircraft (1885-1962) call out somebody's name over a P
To mark or number the pages of as a book or manuscript
You can refer to an important event or period of time as a page of history. a new page in the country's political history
(1) A single document in a Web site written in HTML (2) One side of a leaf in a publication
in medieval times a youth acting as a knight's attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood
A table in the Midgard database where each record is a node in a tree structure Pages are the structure of a Midgard site Page names appear as directories in a Midgard targeted URL Each Page node may have children Elements which are meant to define the dynamics of a web page
Page Down
A keyboard key that when pressed scrolls down to the next page of content
Page Downs
plural form of Page Down
Page Up
A keyboard key that when pressed scrolls up to the previous page of content
Page Ups
plural form of Page Up
page boys
plural form of page boy
page down
To scroll down to the next page of content

As I paged down through the year-old comments, I came to one young man's posting, in which he casually mentioned that he was looking for a boyfriend.

page fault
An alert (such as an interrupt or exception) indicating that a page of memory was accessed without being loaded
page faults
plural form of page fault
page flow
a directory of Web app files that work together to implement a UI feature
page flows
plural form of page flow
page in
To transfer (memory contents) to auxiliary storage
page out
To transfer (memory contents) to auxiliary storage
page proof
A trial page or proof that has been made up into pages
page up
To scroll up to the previous page of content

When I paged up or down, the text would sometimes get mangled and duplicated.

page wire
Wire that is knotted into rectangles to create a continuous mesh, a page wire fence, usually used to enclose animals like sheep, goats, or cows
A written work, usually a novel, which is sufficiently interesting or suspenseful to keep the reader 'turning the pages'
Page Down key
{i} key on a computer keyboard which moves the cursor down a set number of lines
Page Three girl
{i} woman who models topless and whose picture is published on the third page of "The Sun" (tabloid newspaper which is published daily in the United Kingdom and Ireland)
Page Up key
{i} key on a computer keyboard which moves the cursor up a set number of lines
page 1
first page
page 2
second page
page boy
{i} smooth hair style with the ends of the hair curled under at shoulder length
page break
mark in a word processor program which indicates the beginning of a new page
page down
move the cursor down a set number of lines by pressing the Page Down key or by using the scroll bar
page impression
A page impression occurs every time a particular Web page is displayed by someone using the Internet
page impression
Occurs every time a particular Web page is displayed by someone using the Internet A page impression is similar to a "hit," except that a hit is also registered when a spider, or similar program, accesses the Web page
page impression
a successful page request that displays the desired content in a user's browser
page impression
page view
page out
To write the contents of a modified (dirty) page from physical memory to swap space
page out
moving data from main memory to virtual memory
page printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
page proof
Proof of type and graphics as they will look on the finished page complete with elements such as headings, rules and folios
page proof
A layout of pages as they will appear in the publication
page proof
a typeset page with copy editing changes made to it
page proof
Proof of type, in page form to top
page proof
proof of the made-up pages in a book, often used not only to check accuracy of typesetting but also as an advance promotional tool
page proof
Proofs of typographic material separated into pages in the form in which they will finally appear These are to be distinguished from galley proofs in which material is not separated into pages
page proof
A document showing type and graphics as they will look on the finished page
page proof
Proof pulled after the work has been made up into pages
page scanner
scanner which receives pages from a feeder similar to the page feeder on a fax machine
page traffic
the number of people who read a page in a magazine, newspaper etc
page up
{f} move the cursor up a set number of lines by pressing the Page Up key or by using the scroll bar
page views
A term used as a measurement of Web site traffic that calculates the number of individual pages viewed by distinct customers during a specified period of time
page views
A term used as a measurement of website traffic that calculates the number of individual pages viewed by distinct customers during a specified period of time
page views
Number of times a user requests a page that may contain a particular ad Indicative of the number of times an ad was potentially seen, or "gross impressions " Page views may overstate ad impressions if users choose to turn off graphics (often done to speed browsing)
page views
Counting term for how often a page is requested and visited by a visitor to a web site Also see Banner Impressions
page views
Also called Page Impressions Hit to HTML pages only (access to non-HTML documents are not counted)
page views
Also called Page Impressions Hit to HTML pages only (access to non-HTML documents are not counted) [Back to The Top]
page views
number of times a user requests a page that may contain a particular ad
page views
The number of times users request a web page Page view is used interchangeably with page impression
page views
also known as page impression or simply an impression, is when a webpage is presented to a website visitor Home pages generally get more page views than other pages in the site, which is why more advertisers place their banners on home pages
page views
Number of times a userrequestsa pagethat may contain a particular ad Indicative of the number of times an ad was potentially seen, or "gross impressions " Page views may overstate ad impressions if users choose to turn off graphics (often done to speed browsing)
page views
and Page Impressions Page view data can provide information on specifically what pages are being viewed by visitors to the site and how often Whilst hit data can be distorted by the number and type of page elements Page views and impressions are much more accurate as they record the number of whole pages displayed
page views
All Web sites are collections of electronic" pages " Each Web page is an HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document that may contain text, images, or media objects A page can be either static or dynamically generated
page views
Used to describe the number of times users request a page Another way of indicating how many times your ad was seen
page views
The number of times that a page is called up by visitors to a site By counting page views, you can establish which pages are read the most
page views
A hit to any file that is classified as a Page Contrast with Hit, which counts files of every type
page views
Same as Impressions
page views
An attribute of a web site: the measure of how many times a complete page of the web site is displayed to a viewer and does not include the supporting graphic files Every time a complete page is displayed it is counted as one page view Also known as page impressions
page views
measure of how many times a complete page is displayed Count one page view each time a page is displayed
page views
Also called Page Impressions Hits to HTML pages only (access to non-HTML documents are not counted)
page views
The number of times a user requests a page that contains a particular Banner advertisement and is indicative of the number of times it is potentially seen However, if a user chooses to turn off graphics to speed up browsing, page views may overstate the actual figure
page views
Also called page impressions Hits to HTML pages only
page views
Also called Page Impressions Hit to HTML pages only (access to non-HTML documents, such as images, are not counted)
page views
A measure of the number of times an HTML file was requested from the server Unlike hits, image files aren't counted Unlike unique visitors or users, one person visiting the same page multiple times may be counted
back page
the final page of a publication of some sort; especially a book
code page
Alternative spelling of codepage
front page
So important as to warrant being put on the front page of newspapers

Amazing! This new revelation is front page material!.

front page
Which appears on the front page of a publication

The new legislation was front page news.

front page
The first, and initially visible, page of a publication

Congratulations, Dave, you made the front page.''.

covering an entire page
help page
: A part of a website that provides help
home page
The main or first page of a web site, typically with hyperlinks to the other pages

The home page provided by CERN is a good entry point into the Web; it points you to a lot of resources fairly quickly.

home page
The page set to open in a web browser when it is loaded
home page
The Web page which one first visits in any hypertext system or set of hyperlinked documents
jump page
A page of a newspaper on which an article is continued, having been started on a more prominent page

sidebar A facet of a major story that usually runs on the same page or jump page; features angles not covered in main story.

landing page
A web page at which a user first arrives at a website

A good international landing page should have languages in some type of graphic that all browsers can read, followed by a selection of other languages that the user can shoot to quickly.

man page
A helpfile in the Unix operating system
memory page
A page in a book (e.g., a scrapbook) where one can write down special memories, leave momentoes and other items of one or more events
memory page
A page in an annual publication (e.g., a high school yearbook) dedicated to honoring the memory of a person who died during the past year. Often contains one or more photographs, life dates and other comments such as a verse

The yearbook had a nice memory page for the teen-aged girl who died in a car accident this past winter.

next page
The standard text for the hyperlink to the continuation of the current web page
on the same page
In broad agreement or sharing a common general understanding or knowledge (common in office environments)

I want to make sure we're all on the same page with the game plan for the Acme account.

Present participle of page
splash page
A page of a comic book that is mostly or entirely taken up by a single image or panel
splash page
A simple introductory webpage shown to the visitor before he or she proceeds to to the main page

There was a terrible animated logo on the splash page.

tab page
Any of the individual screens associated with a tab on a tab control
title page
the page, near the front of a book, that gives its title and, normally, its author and publisher
turn the page
To move on to new involvements or activities; to make a fresh start

You've been divorced for three years. It's time to turn the page and start looking for somebody else.

web page
A website, by extension from the home page of the site

Dave Bishop, an amateur astronomer, operates a supernova web page at, which lists new discoveries, including images.

web page
A single hypertext document (transmitted as HTML) on the World Wide Web, often hyperlinked to others, and intended to be viewed with a web browser
Alternative spelling of web page
home page
{i} hypertext document on the Internet devoted to a certain subject company or person; start page, initial opening page in a browser
on the same page
(deyim) In agreement
on the same page
(deyim) In business meetings and college classes people often make copies of a single report and hand a copy to each person at the meeting. While they discuss the different points in the report, each person needs to be reading from the same page ("on the same page"). Everyone is "on the same page" when they are all following along and understanding the basic idea that the group is sharing. "On the same page" has a further meaning of people being in basic understanding and agreement on something. Example: "Before we make any decisions today, I'd like to make sure that everyone is on the same page." People are "on the same page" when they look at a problem or a situation in the same way and agree on a course of action. Example: "Each of us has been busy with his own projects lately, so I called this meeting today to bring us all together on the same page."

Are we all on the same page?.

past of page
{s} numbered, having pages; called (to the telephone); beeped (on a beeper or a pager)
Pages are, well, pages! Generally, any HTML document, or anything that generates an HTML document, would be considered a page This does not include the other stuff that goes into a document, such as graphic images, audio clips, etc This number represents the number of 'pages' requested only, and does not include the other 'stuff' that is in the page What actually constitutes a 'page' can vary from server to server The default action is to treat anything with the extension ' htm', ' html' or ' cgi' as a page A lot of sites will probably define other extensions, such as ' phtml', ' php3' and ' pl' as pages as well Some people consider this number as the number of 'pure' hits I'm not sure if I totally agree with that viewpoint Some other programs (and people : ) refer to this as 'Pageviews'
Generic term that usually refers to HTML documents viewed on the World Wide Web via a web browser
papermoney collectors situation is a bit more complicated as, ideally, they would like to be able to store their treasures in such a way that both sides of notes are easily visible
(Acronym for Past Global Changes ) A core project of the International GeosphereBiosphere Program of the International Council of Scientific Unions that is focused on two temporal streams the last 2000 years studied at interannual to interdecadal resolution, and the longer timescale of the cycles of glaciation/deglaciation
are the second largest informational grouping You should think of these as blank sheets that you insert into a chapter in the ELN, into which you will later enter notes You give each a name when you insert it, which is then displayed with the page icon - a sheet – in the TOC
the generic term for the HTML documents that Web users view on their browsers
Acronym for Past Global Changes, an IGBP Core Project charged with providing a quantitative understanding of the Earth's past environment and defining the envelope of natural climate variability within which we can assess anthropogenic impact on the Earth's biosphere, geosphere, and atmosphere PAGES seeks the integration and intercomparison of ice, ocean, and terrestrial paleorecords and encourages the creation of consistent analytical and database methodologies within the paleosciences [http: //www pages unibe ch/]
Computer Search Reference 653 - MB MO EM IO BA FI CO LS HS MS
third-person singular of page
480  Language: English 
1450  Language: English 
928 Price: $49 95
Plural of page
The generic name for HTML documents when viewed by a browser
1,392 Price: $25 95
A mechanism by which a process can occupy less physical memory than is allocated in the logical address space Performed through the division of memory into pages that can be paged in from or out to the swap area on disk
(Performance Tuning Guide and Reference; search in this book)
The marking or numbering of the pages of a book
calling out the name of a person (especially by a loudspeaker system); "the public address system in the hospital was used for paging"
process of issuing instructions to dressing rooms etc via loudspeakers
A storage scheme that makes use of spare disk space by increasing the available memory
A method of managing virtual memory When a requested page is not found in main memory, an interrupt occurs The paging device machine then transfers the requested inactive page to memory High rates of page swapping can degrade performance
The act of seeking a cellular phone when an incoming call is trying to reach the phone
A one-way alert or alphanumeric message service Messages are normally left via a bureau with a human or automatic operator
A one-way message that tells the subscriber that their attention is required
A processing technique in which data is transferred between a main storage area and an auxiliary storage area Pages are the individual units of transfer used to swap data
(1) The action of transferring instructions, data, or both, between real storage and external page storage
A feature of a wireless device that allows reception of a signal or alphanumeric message
The act of seeking a mobile station in order to deliver an incoming call
A memory management technique in a virtual memory operating system Only a few parts (pages) of a program are actually in memory When a new part is needed, it is paged into memory and older parts are paged out to the storage device (disk)
calling out the name of a person (especially by a loudspeaker system); "the public address system in the hospital was used for paging
the system of numbering pages
A service in which short messages are sent to a portable receiver, which may store or display them in alphanumeric form
(n ) The process of replacing the contents of a page frame with different pages A page is a fixed-sized unit of memory See also page frame
A one-way messaging service ("pagers")
A transfer of pages between main memory and an auxiliary store, such as hard disk drive
The act of seeking a mobile station when a call has been placed to that mobile station
The process by which pages that are allocated to processes and the UBC are reclaimed for reuse
A page is a logical block of memory A paged memory system uses a page address and a displacement address to refer to a specific memory location
Paging has transformed itself from largely a device that lets a person know the phone number of a person trying to reach them to a two-way messaging machine that is trying to bust into the handheld computer market
(Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
single direction radio service for alerting subscribers and leaving messages
(Page, a library assistant) The act of an assistant ("page") who carries books (or other material) to and from the stacks upon request For bibliographic paging, SEE Pagination
Addressing mode in which memory is effectively divided into pages, of which two can usually be accessed from any page
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف page في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

page up
(Bilgisayar) page up