
listen to the pronunciation of p-material
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف p-material في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

raw material

Japonya, Çin'den hammadde ithal eder ve Çin'e hazır ürün ihraç eder. - Japan imports raw materials from China and exports finished products to it.

Odun, kağıt üretimi için bir hammaddedir. - Wood is the raw material for making paper.


Gemi Endonezya'dan ham madde taşıyor. - The ship transports raw materials from Indonesia.

Japonya ham maddelerinin çoğunu ithal etmek zorunda. - Japan has to import most of its raw materials.


Bir kitap için materyal topluyor. - She is collecting material for a book.

Sizce ben çok materyalist miyim? - Do you think I'm too materialistic?


Bu malzeme bir elbise için uygun değildir. - This material is not suitable for a dress.

Bu malzemenin herkes için yararlı olduğunu düşünüyorum. - I think that this material is of benefit to everyone.


Ben maddi kazançla ilgilenmiyorum. - I am not interested in material gain.

1894 yılında maddi sorun tekrar ivedi oldu. Küçük ailesiyle birlikte, doktor Grodno'ya taşınmak zorunda kaldı. - In 1894 the material question again became pressing. With his little family, the doctor had to move to Grodno.

bulk material
Tartmalık malzeme
functionally graded material
İşlevsel tabakalı kompozit malzeme
material world
Fani dünya, madde dünyası
binding material
(İnşaat) bağlayıcı malzeme
binding material
bağlayıcı madde
bulk material
(İnşaat,Teknik) dökme malzeme
bulk material
(Askeri) kaba malzeme
certified reference material
(Bilgisayar) sertifikalı dayanak malzeme
certified reference material
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) sertifikalı referans malzeme
component material
(Ticaret) yarı işlenmiş mallar
component material
(Ticaret) ara malları
durable material
(Askeri) dayanıklı malzeme
exception material
(Askeri) istisnai malzeme
fertile material
üretken madde
fill material
(Askeri) dolgu malzemesi
fissile material
(Fizik) fisil madde
friction material
sürtünme malzemesi
hull material
(Askeri) gövde malzemesi
lump material
topak gereç
(sıfat) maddi, maddeci, maddesel, bedensel, gerekli, zaruri
material errors
(Ticaret) temel hatalar
material errors
(Ticaret) önemli hatalar
obsolete material
(Ticaret) kullanılmayan materyal
parent material
(Tarım) ana materyal
printed material
basma kumaş
printed material
(Askeri) basılı malzeme
refractory material
(İnşaat) refraktör malzemesi
rigid material
esnemez gereç
solid material
solid material
sağlam malzeme
study material
çalışma materyali
surgical material
(Tıp) cerrahi malzeme
wooden material
ağaç malzeme
active material
aktif madde
amorphous material
amorf madde
animal material
hayvani madde
bituminous material
bitümlü malzeme
building material
inşaat malzemesi
building material
yapı gereci
calcareous material
kalkerli malzeme
carburizing material
karbonlama malzemesi
cladding material
giydirme gereci
coloring material
boyama malzemesi
combustible material
yanıcı madde
conductive material
iletken malzeme
conductive material
iletken gereç
create from raw material
ham maddeden üret
enriched material
zenginleştirilmiş materyal
filling material
dolgu maddesi
heat insulating material
ısı yalıtım maddesi
initial material
ana madde
insulating material
yalıtım malzemesı
insulating material
yalıtım malzemesi
magnetic material
manyetik malzeme

Bu kumaşı etek yapacağım. - I'm going to make this material into a skirt.

Bu kumaşı yeni bir elbise için almak istiyorum. Maliyeti nedir? - I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?

material defect
malzeme hatası
material handling
malzeme taşıma
material requirements planning
malzeme ihtiyaç planlaması
metal bonding material
metal tutturucu gereç
packing material
dolgu malzemesi
packing material
paket muhteviyatı
paving material
yol kaplama malzemesi
photographic material
fotograf malzemesi
recycling of waste material
atık maddeleri yeniden kullanma
roofing material
çatı malzemesi
sealing material
spray applied material
sprey uygulamalı materyal
substitute material
yedek malzeme
waste material
Material Engineering
(Bilim, İlim) Malzeme mühendisliği
base material
taban malzeme
bill of material
malzeme listesi
fugitive material
kaçak malzeme
granular material
granüler malzeme, taneli malzeme
{s} to -e değgin
{s} önemli

Japonya yurtdışından birçok önemli ham madde ithal eder. - Japan imports various raw materials from abroad.

Malzeme koşulları son derece önemlidir. - Material conditions are extremely important.

material adverse change
(Finans) Kredi verenlerin ilerde kendi aleyhlerine düşündükleri ciddi değişiklik
material derived from plants
materyal bitkiler elde
material disposal
malzeme atma
material fatigue
malzeme yorgunluğu
material flow
Malzeme akışı
material goods
material incentive
maddi teşvik
material movement
malzeme hareketi
material subsidiary
(Finans) İştirak
material subsidiary
(Finans) İştirak, katılım
maddi olmayan
plastic material
plastik malzeme
production material
üretim için kullanılan esas materyal
promotion material
(Pazarlama) promosyon malzemesi
radiopaque material
radyoopak madde
recycling of waste material
atık malzeme geri dönüşüm
refractory material
refrakter malzeme, tuglamsi gereç
row material
ham madde
source material
specified bovine material
sığır malzeme belirtilen
starting material
Başlangıç maddesi
stowing material
ramble malzemesi, dolgu gereci
virgin material
bakire malzeme
waste material
atık malzeme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف p-material في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

bill of material
Alternative form of bill of materials
composite material
Any engineered material composed of two radically different materials in a tightly bonded matrix and having properties significantly different from either constituent
genetic material
The material used to store genetic information in the nuclei or mitochondria of an organism's cells; either DNA or RNA
genuine issue of material fact
A dispute over a material fact upon which the outcome of a legal case may rely, and which therefore must be decided by a judge or jury; a dispute which precludes summary judgment

Beyoncé successfully moved for summary judgment, contending that Armour had not established any genuine issues of material fact.

genuine issues of material fact
plural form of genuine issue of material fact
hazardous material
A substance, natural or man-made, which is intrinsically dangerous or otherwise poses a safety hazard. Examples are materials which are explosive, poisonous, chemically active (including acids and other corrosives), radioactive, or biologically active (including human blood and other medical waste)
A person who is qualified for a certain position or activity

Joe Manchin is a great governor, and I also believe he is presidential material.

Matter which may be shaped or manipulated, particularly in making something

Asphalt, composed of oil and sand, is a widely used material for roads.

A sample or specimens for study

With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get.

Text written for a specific purpose

We were a warm-up act at the time; we didn't have enough original material to headline.

Cloth to be made into a garment

You'll need about a yard of material to make this.

Having to do with matter

This compound has a number of interesting material properties.

Worldly, as opposed to spiritual

Don't let material concerns get in the way of living a good life.


This is the most material fact in this lawsuit.

material breach
a breach of a treaty which releases other parties from any obligation under it
material breach
a breach of contract sufficiently serious to destroy the contract
material conditional
A conditional statement in the indicative mood

A implies B'' is a material conditional.

material fact
A fact essential to make a case or a defense, or the absence of which negates a case or defense
material fact
A fact that might alter an insurer's decision to agree to provide insurance to a person or alter the terms and conditions or the rate of premium on a policy
material fact
A fact that might alter a person's decision to buy a property or change the terms and price a buyer is willing to accept
material implication
An implication as defined in classical propositional logic, leading to the truth of paradoxes of implication such as Q --> (P --> P), to be read as "any proposition whatsoever is a sufficient condition for a true proposition"
material logic
The branch of logic that focuses on the content of reasoning
material support
Any property, or service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safe houses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel, and transportation, except medicine or religious materials
raw material
Any input to a factory or other installation which processes it

The assembly plant's raw materials are finished parts from Asian suppliers.

raw material
A material in its unprocessed, natural state considered usable for manufacture

Petroleum is the raw material refined into various fuels and needed for countless chemicals.

time and material
A form of contractual compensation involving payment for materials used and at agreed rates for the those involved in performing the services

The remodelling of the second floor will be fixed-price, but the repair work has to be on a time and material basis.

that of which anything is composed or may be constructed
bulk material
Material ordered, stored, issued, and sold by weight (such as bar stock or minerals), volume (such as cement or oil), or footage (such as lumber)
functionally graded material
Material characterized by the variation in composition and structure gradually over volume, resulting in corresponding changes in the properties of the material
{a} corporeal, essential, important, real
Material Safety Data Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): A compilation of information required under the OSHA Communication Standard on the identity of hazardous chemicals, health, and physical hazards, exposure limits, and precautions. Section 311 of SARA requires facilities to submit MSDSs under certain circumstances
material adverse change
(Finans) "Material Adverse Change" or "Material Adverse Effect" means, when used in connection with the Company or Parent, as the case may be, any change or effect that is materially adverse to the business, financial condition or results of operations of such entity and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole
material misstatement
(Finans) Accidental or intentional untrue financial statement information that influences a companys value or price of stock
material movement
A material movement (also called a goods movement or stock movement) is an event that causes a change in stock
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف p-material في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

(Tekstil) cloth



    ... into great cultural and material exchange ...
    ... four years. The problem here is that you have facilities, material that aren't entirely ...