p-e ratio

listen to the pronunciation of p-e ratio
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف p-e ratio في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Uygulama, vücut kütle indeks oranını hızlı bir şekilde hesaplamanı sağlıyor. - The application allows you to quickly calculate the ratio of body mass index - BMI.

Kanal düşük sinyal-gürültü oranına sahip. - The channel has low signal-to-noise ratio.

{i} orantı
{i} rasyo

Objektif olarak bakınca, onun görüşleri rasyonalizmden epey uzak. - From an objective viewpoint, his argument was far from rational.

O, saygın rasyonel ve özellikle güzel. - She is reputable, rational and above all pretty.

activity ratio
aktivite oranı
aspect ratio
(Bilgisayar) en/boy oranı
aspect ratio
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görüş oranı
aspect ratio
(Bilgisayar) görünüm oranı
availability ratio
yararlanılırlık oranı
axle ratio
(Otomotiv) aks oranı
benefit cost ratio
(Ticaret) fayda maliyet oranı
benefit cost ratio
(Ticaret) karlılık endeksi
bond ratio
(Ticaret) tahvil oranı
completion ratio
çağrı sonuçlanma oranı
concentration ratio
(Ticaret) yoğunlaşma oranı
coverage ratio
(Ticaret) karşılama oranı
creep ratio
sünme oranı
creep ratio
akma oranı
crop moisture ratio
(Çevre) ürün nem oranı
damping ratio
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sönüm oranı
dependency ratio
(Sigorta,Ticaret) bağımlılık oranı
distribution ratio
(Biyokimya) dağılım oranı
duty ratio
(Bilgisayar) çalışma doluluk oranı
duty ratio
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) çalışma doluluğu oranı
employment ratio
(Ticaret) istihdam oranı
equity ratio
(Ticaret) özvarlık oranı
error ratio
(Bilgisayar) hata oranı
expansion ratio
(Askeri,Havacılık) genişleme oranı
financial ratio
(Ticaret) finansal oran
folding ratio
(Bilgisayar) katlama oranı
gear ratio
(Otomotiv) dişli oranı
glide ratio
(Havacılık) süzülme oranı
golden ratio
(Matematik) altın kesit
golden ratio
(Matematik) altın oran
hedge ratio
(Ticaret) korunma oranı
height ratio
(Bilgisayar) yükseklik oranı
hit ratio
yakalama oranı
interest ratio
faiz oranı
inventory turnover ratio
(Ticaret) envanter dönüşüm hızı
likelihood ratio test
(Bilgisayar) olabilirlik oran sınaması
likelihood ratio test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) olabilirlik oranı testi
mixing ratio
(Meteoroloji) karışma oranı
mixture ratio
karışım oranı
opportunity cost ratio
(Ticaret) fırsat maliyeti oranı
pitch ratio
(Havacılık) adım oranı
precision ratio
hassaslık oranı
precision ratio
duyarlılık oranı
profitability ratio
(Ticaret) karlılık oranı
ratio legis
(Latin) kanunun amacı
ratio meter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) oranölçer
request ratio
(Ticaret) karşılık oranı
reserve ratio
(Ticaret) yasal yedek oranı
reserve ratio
(Ticaret) karşılık oranı
reserve ratio
(Ticaret) rezerv oranı
return ratio
(Ticaret) verim oranı
revenue account ratio
(Ticaret) gelir hesabı oranı
sacrifice ratio
(Ticaret) fedakarlık oranı
sensitivity ratio
duyarlılık oranı
slenderness ratio
(Askeri,İnşaat) narinlik oranı
solvency ratio
(Ticaret) ödeme gücü oranı
split ratio
(Tıp) bölünme oranı
standing wave ratio
duran dalga oranı
subsidence ratio
(Gıda) alçalma
suppression ratio
iniklik oranı
void cement ratio
çimento boşluk oranı
weight ratio
(Otomotiv) ağırlık oranı
yield ratio
(Ticaret) getiri oranı
yield ratio
(Ticaret) verim oranı
activity ratio
işleklik oranı
air fuel ratio
hava yakıt oranı
alpha ratio
alfa oranı
area ratio
alan oranı
aspect ratio
en boy oranı
asphalt void ratio
asfalt boşluk oranı
axial ratio
eksenel oran
bath ratio
banyo oranı
branching ratio
dallanma oranı
breeding ratio
üretim oranı
burnout ratio
yanma oranı
california bearing ratio
california taşlama oranı
capacity ratio
kapasite nispeti
capture ratio
yakalama oranı
carbon nitrogen ratio
karbon azot oranı
carrier to noise ratio
taşıyıcı gürültü oranı
cash ratio
disponibilite oranı
charge mass ratio
yük kütle oranı
common ratio
ortak oran
complex ratio
kompleks oran
compression ratio
sıkıştırma oranı
compression ratio
kompresyon oranı
conductance ratio
iletkenlik oranı
contrast ratio
kontrast oranı
control ratio
kontrol oranı
conversion ratio
dönüşüm oranı
critical compression ratio
kritik sıkıştırma oranı
cross ratio
çapraz oran
current ratio
cari oran
deviation ratio
sapma oranı
dividend payout ratio
temettü ödeme oranı
dividend price ratio
temettü fiyat oranı
exchange ratio
değişim oranı
expansion ratio
genleşme oranı
financial ratio
mali oran
focal ratio
odak oranı
gyromagnetic ratio
mıknatıslı fırdolanım oranı
humidity mixing ratio
nem karışım oranı
hydrogen water vapour ratio
hidrojen su buharı oranı
impedance ratio
empedans oranı
inverse ratio
ters oran
isotopic ratio
izotopik oran
lecithin sphingomyelin ratio
lesitin/sfingomiyelin oranı
lift drag ratio
kaldırma sürükleme oranı
likeli ratio test
oran testi
likelihood ratio
olabilirlik oranı
liquidity ratio
likidite oranı
liquor ratio
banyo oranı
mark space ratio
darbe boşluk oranı
pressure ratio
basınç oranı
sex ratio
cinsiyet oranı
throughput ratio
iş/zaman oranı
velocity ratio
hız oranı
Poisson's ratio
Poisson katsayısı
abundance ratio
bolluk oranı
capital adequacy ratio
(Ekonomi) Sermaye yeterlilik oranı
cost ratio
masraf yüzdesi
coverage ratio
borçları kapsayan gelir oranı

ratio of income used to cover specific debts as opposed to total company debts (Accounting).

debt equity ratio
borç özkaynak oranı
debt-to-equity ratio
borç-to-öz sermaye oranını
delinquency ratio
suç oranı
domestic cost ratio
yurtiçi maliyet oranı
expense ratio
gider oranı, masraf nispeti
expenses ratio
masraf oranı
factor use ratio
üretim faktörü kullanma oranı
feedback ratio
geribesleme oranı
fineness ratio
incelik oranı
geometric ratio
geometrik orantı
golden ratio
Altın oran, doğada sayısız canlının ve cansızın şeklinde ve yapısında bulunan özel bir orandır. Doğada bir bütünün parçaları arasında gözlemlenen, yüzyıllarca sanat ve mimaride uygulanmış, uyum açısından en yetkin boyutları verdiği sanılan geometrik ve sayısal bir oran bağıntısıdır. Doğada en belirgin örneklerine insan vücudunda, deniz kabuklulularında ve ağaç dallarında rastlanır. Platon'a göre kozmik fiziğin anahtarı bu orandır. Altın oranı bir dikdörtgenin boyunun enine olan "en estetik" oranı olarak tanımlayanlar da vardır
gyromagnetic ratio
mıknatıslı firdolanım oranı
harmonic ratio
armonik oran, uyumlu oran
humidity ratio
(Mühendislik) belirli bir hacimde veya nemli hava örneğinde havadaki su buharının kuru hava kütlesine oranı.Nemlilik oranı
hydrogen water vapour ratio
hidrojen su buhari oranı
incremental capital output ratio
(Ekonomi) Marjinal sermaye/hasıla katsayısı
leverage ratio
(Finans) Kullanım oranı, kullandırma oranı, risk oranı, borçlanma oranı, kaldıraç oranı
loan to value ratio
İpotekli Konut Kredisi Tutarının Gayrimenkulün Değerine Oranı
mark space ratio
darbe-boşluk oranı
miss ratio
kaçırma oranı
mixing ratio
karışım oranı
noise ratio
gürültü oranı
novelty ratio
yenilik oranı
odds ratio
(İstatistik) Olasılık Oranı (OO)
operating ratio
işletim oranı
output ratio
çıkış oranı
payout ratio
ödeme oran
picture ratio
görüntü oranı, görüntü boyutu, çerçeve oranı
price earnings ratio
fiyat kazanç oranı
price-earning ratio
(Finans) Bir hisse senedinin cari piyasa fiyatının firmanın vergiden sonra hisse başına düşen net gelirlerine bölünmesiyle elde edilen oran
price-earnings ratio
fiyat kazanç oranı
price-to-earnings ratio
fiyat-kazanç oranı
receivable turnover ratio
alacak devir hızı oranı
reserve requirement ratio
mevduat munzam karşılık oranı
serviceability ratio
hizmet verebilirlik oranı
stripping ratio
dekapaj nisbeti, örtü oranı
void ratio
boşluk oranı
w/c ratio
(İnşaat) (water/cement ratio) Su/çimento oranı
worker turnover ratio
işgücü dönüşüm oranı oranı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف p-e ratio في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

P/E ratio
the price per share of the stock divided by the earnings per share of that stock
Poisson's ratio
Of a material in tension or compression, the ratio of the strain in the direction of the applied load to the strain normal to the load. Abbreviated ν
Texas ratio
A measure of a bank's creditworthiness, equal to ratio of the bank's nonperforming loans to the sum of its tangible equity capital and loan-loss reserves
aspect ratio
The ratio of an object's longest dimension to its next-longest dimension
aspect ratio
The ratio of width to height in a flat surface or 2-dimensional abstract construction, such as an image, character, or pixel. 4: 3 (or 1.33: 1) is the standard ratio for NTSC video. 1.85: 1 and 2.35: 1 are the most common aspect ratios for motion pictures
compression ratio
The ratio of the volume between the cylinder head of an internal combustion engine and the piston before and after the compression stroke
compression ratio
The ratio of the size of compressed data after the execution of some compression algorithm to the size of the original data
credit-deposit ratio
the proportion of loan-assets created by banks from the deposits received
deviation ratio
The ratio of maximum permitted frequency deviation, σmax to the maximum permitted modulating frequency, fimax
eudismic ratio
Alternative spelling of eudysmic ratio
eudysmic ratio
A ratio expressing the difference in pharmacologic activity between the two enantiomers of a drug
gear ratio
The ratio of the speeds of rotation of the initial and final gears in a gear train
glide ratio
The maximum ratio of rate of fall to horizontal speed that a glider can maintain
glide ratio
The instantaneous ratio of rate of fall to horizontal speed for a glider
golden ratio
The irrational number (approximately 1·618), usually denoted by the Greek letter φ (phi), which is equal the sum of its own reciprocal and 1, or, equivalently, is such that the ratio of 1 to the number is equal to the ratio of its reciprocal to 1
gyromagnetic ratio
the ratio of the angular momentum to the magnetic moment in an atom etc
lift-to-drag ratio
The maximum ratio of lift to drag of an aerodynamic article such as an a wing, entire aircraft or bird can achieve
lift-to-drag ratio
The instantaneous ratio of lift to drag of an aerodynamic article such as an a wing, entire aircraft or bird
loop ratio
A loop transfer function
modified aspect ratio
An aspect ratio in which a motion picture is formatted to fit a specific type of screen (historically 1.33: 1), as opposed to original aspect ratio
original aspect ratio
The aspect ratio of the rectangular shape that the director intended his or her motion picture to be viewed in, as opposed to modified aspect ratio
price-earnings ratio
The ratio of share price to earnings per share used as an indication of the relative value of the share
A number representing a comparison between two things
The relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)
A judicial decision
ratio decidendi
A judicial decision on a point of law as opposed to an obiter dictum which is merely a judicial opinion
ratio variable
A variable with the features of interval variable and, additionally, whose any two values have meaningful ratio, making the operations of multiplication and division meaningful
ratio variables
plural form of ratio variable
signal-to-noise ratio
A figure of merit comparing the strength of a signal carrying information to the noise interfering with it
signal-to-noise ratio
A way of describing how much interesting information is included in a message or conversation
sine ratio
The ratio of the side of a right-angled triangle opposite to a specified angle to the hypotenuse; when expressed as a real number between 0 and 1 it defines the sine of the angle
student-teacher ratio
The ratio of students to teachers at a school
variation ratio
the proportion of cases not in the mode
aspect ratio
The span-to-mean-chord ratio of an airfoil
aspect ratio
The width-to-height ratio of a film or television image
capital adequacy ratio
(Ekonomi) Capital adequacy ratio (CAR), also called Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio (CRAR), is a ratio of a bank's capital to its risk. National regulators track a bank's CAR to ensure that it can absorb a reasonable amount of loss
golden ratio
In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. The golden ratio is approximately 1.6180339887
leverage ratio
(Finans) The financial leverage ratio is a measure of how much assets a company holds relative to its equity. A high financial leverage ratio means that the company is using debt and other liabilities to finance its assets -- and, every thing else being equal, is more riskier than a company with lower leverage
leverage ratio
(Finans) 1. Any ratio used to calculate the financial leverage of a company to get an idea of the company's methods of financing or to measure its ability to meet financial obligations. There are several different ratios, but the main factors looked at include debt, equity, assets and interest expenses.2. A ratio used to measure a company's mix of operating costs, giving an idea of how changes in output will affect operating income. Fixed and variable costs are the two types of operating costs; depending on the company and the industry, the mix will differ
loan to value ratio
The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is a mathematical calculation which expresses the amount of a first mortgage lien as a percentage of the total appraised value of real property. For instance, if a borrower wants $130,000 to purchase a house worth $150,000, the LTV ratio is $130,000/$150,000 or 87%
odds ratio
The odds ratio is a measure of effect size particularly important in Bayesian statistics and logistic regression
odds ratio
The odds ratio is a measure of effect size particularly important in Bayesian statistics and logistic regression. It is defined as the ratio of the odds of an event occurring in one group to the odds of it occurring in another group, or to a sample-based estimate of that ratio
plowback ratio
(Ekonomi) A fundamental analysis ratio that measures the amount of earnings retained after dividends have been paid out. This is the opposite of the payout ratio, which measures the amount of dividends that are paid out as a percentage of earnings. Also known as "retention rate", "retention ratio" or the "earnings retention ratio"
p-e ratio