
listen to the pronunciation of oxyhydrogen
الإنجليزية - التركية
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
of, or using a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen
Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen at over 5000° F
{i} mixture of oxygen and hydrogen which burns at an extraordinarily hot temperature thereby facilitating processes such as welding
Of or pertaining to a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen; as, oxyhydrogen gas
oxyhydrogen light
A light produced by the incandescence of some substances, esp
oxyhydrogen light
lime, in the oxyhydrogen flame
oxyhydrogen light
Coal gas (producing the oxygas light), or the vapor of ether (oxyether light) or methylated spirit (oxyspirit light), may be substituted for hydrogen