
listen to the pronunciation of orthodox
الإنجليزية - التركية

1859'dan itibaren, Amerika'dan Protestan misyonerler gelmeye başladı ve Katolik ve de Rus Ortodoks kiliseleri de misyonerlik çalışmalarına aktif olarak dahil oldular. - From 1859, Protestant missionaries from America started to arrive, and the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches also became actively involved in missionary work.

Aziz Augustine tarafından yazılan İtiraflar bize ortodokslukta biten entelektüel arayışın zamansız bir hikayesini anlatır. - Confessions by St. Augustine tells us the timeless story of an intellectual quest that ends in orthodoxy.

kabul edilmiş
herkesin inandığına inanan
{i} (çoğ. Or.tho.dox) Ortodoks
orthodoxlykabul edilmiş bir fikre uygun olarak
{s} akılcı
akidenin doğruluğu
doktrini sağlam
dinsel inançlarına sadık
yürürlükteki usule uygun
Ortodoks kilisesine mensup
{s} doğru

Yeni Çağ fikirleri geleneksel Hıristiyanlığın ağırbaşlı ortadoksluğu için ferahlatıcı bir alternatiftir. - New Age ideas are a refreshing alternative to the staid orthodoxy of traditional Christianity.

orthodox capitalism
ortodoks kapitalizmi
orthodox christian
ortodoks hristiyan (rus)
orthodox christian
ortodoks hristiyan (asıl)
oriental orthodox churches
doğu ortodoks kiliseleri
eastern orthodox church
doğu ortodoks kilisesi
greek orthodox church
ortodoks kilisesi
the Eastern Orthodox Church
Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi
the Syrian Orthodox church
Süryani Ortodoks kilisesi
greek orthodox
holy spring of orthodox greeks
the Eastern Orthodox
Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi
the Syrian Orthodox
Süryani Ortodoks kilisesi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Pertaining to the rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Of or pertaining to Orthodox Judaism
Pertaining to the Ukranian orthodox Greek Catholic Church
Adhering to whatever is traditional, customary or generally accepted
Conforming to the established, accepted or traditional faith or religion
holding the commonly accepted faith
{a} found in doctrin or belief, true
adhering to the rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Correct belief A term used for the mainstream church in East and West until the Church split Subsequently the term came to refer to the Eastern churches in communion with Constantinople While the term Catholic, also originally used to refer to the church both in the East and West, came to refer solely to the Roman Catholic Church
1 A member of a sect of Christendom that originally broke away from the Roman Catholic church The two main branches of Orthodoxy are Greek and Russian These sects claim to be conservative and therefore original in their views, though they are every bit as apostate as Roman Catholicism Their main differences have to do with who is leader and where he lives They have disregarded the Bible teaching that Jesus Christ is leader of the true Christian congregation, and that he lives in heaven 2 There are branches of Judaism that claim to be orthodox, i e , conservative, notably the Hassidic Jews, easily distinguished on the streets of New York and other places where they are found in concentration by the black clothing, beards and long forelocks of the men 3 The word in lower case can be used in a general sense to mean conventional, and conforming to established doctrine <<His orthodox views on raising children have not helped him to be a success in raising his own >>
From the Greek "ortho", which means straight or correct and "dox", meaning belief or opinion, orthodox refers to the approved form of a philosophy, ideology, doctrine, religion, and so on Belief or opinion that does not conform to orthodoxy is labeled HERESY (from Greek for choice or to choose) For a seeker, the word orthodox raises the question, "Approved by whom?", and the word heresy, "Am I bound by the disapproval of others?"
If you describe someone as orthodox, you mean that they hold the older and more traditional ideas of their religion or party. orthodox Jews. orthodox communists. = conservative, traditional
According or congruous with the doctrines of Scripture, the creed of a church, the decree of a council, or the like; as, an orthodox opinion, book, etc
The spelling Orthodox is also used for meaning 3
of or relating to or characteristic of the Eastern Orthodox Church
The word orthodox comes from Greek, and it can mean either true teaching or true glory A teaching that is orthodox is genuine When written with a capital letter, it can designate the eastern churches after the split between Rome and Constantinople in AD 1054
The Orthodox churches are Christian churches in Eastern Europe which separated from the western church in the eleventh century. the Greek Orthodox Church. adj. Coptic Orthodox Church Orthodox Catholic Church Ethiopian Orthodox church Greek Orthodox Church Orthodox Judaism Russian Orthodox Church
{s} observant; conservative; religious
(Gr "correct or true belief") The common and official name used by the Greek Christians and Eastern Christian Church The Orthodox Church maintains her belief that she alone has kept the true Christian faith, complete and unaltered
The most traditional branch of Judaism The most traditional branch of Judaism
In a religious sense: When written in lower case, it generally means a traditional or historical belief
Traditional method for picking and processing teas in India without using CTC technology
prepared using a technique which leads to larger leaf styles mirroring hand-produced teas
of or pertaining to or characteristic of Judaism; "Orthodox Judaism"
Sound in opinion or doctrine, especially in religious doctrine; hence, holding the Christian faith; believing the doctrines taught in the Scriptures; opposed to heretical and heterodox; as, an orthodox Christian
Orthodox is from the Latin [ortho] meaning right, and [doxus] meaning doctrine or belief In Theological terms it means sound theological doctrine as represented by the strict adherence to the law of God's Word, the Bible Many Orthodox Churches still use forms of worship that were practiced in the first centuries, as they were based to a great degree on passages of Scripture [back]
Approved; conventional
An orthodox Jew is one who believes that all of Jewish law is binding P
adhering to what is commonly accepted; "an orthodox view of the world" of or pertaining to or characteristic of Judaism; "Orthodox Judaism" of or relating to or characteristic of the Eastern Orthodox Church
adhering to what is commonly accepted; "an orthodox view of the world"
comes from two Greek words which mean "right" and "honor " Thus, the term orthodox in Christian usage means to rightly honor God It may be viewed as meaning that one should rightly accept and obey all of the foundational teachings of the Bible
Orthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people. Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment. = conventional unorthodox
Orthodox Church
The Eastern body of Christendom
Orthodox Church
The Eastern Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church
Any non-Catholic Church
Orthodox Church
That part of Christendom apart from the Catholic Church
Orthodox Jew
An adherent of Orthodox Judaism
Orthodox Judaism
The most traditional Rabbinic branch of Judaism, believing the written Torah and the oral Torah were literally given to Moses by God
orthodox spin
finger spin
Orthodox Christian
member of the Christian Orthodox Church, member of the Orthodox sect of Christianity
Orthodox Church
The Eastern Orthodox Church. one of the Christian churches in Greece, eastern Europe, and parts of Asia
Orthodox Church
Christian church of the countries formerly comprising the Eastern Roman Empire and the countries evangelized from it
Orthodox Jew
Jew who adheres to the teachings of the Torah as interpreted in the Talmud, Jew who strictly observes Jewish laws and traditions
Orthodox Jew
a believer in the religion known as Orthodox Judaism, a form of the Jewish religion that strictly follows the laws given in the holy books called the Torah, including rules about food and clothes. Men who are Orthodox Jews wear black clothes and large black hats and usually have long beards
Orthodox Jewry
Jews who adhere to the teachings of the Torah as interpreted in the Talmud, Jews who strictly observe Jewish laws and traditions
Orthodox Judaism
The branch of Judaism that is governed by adherence to the Torah as interpreted in the Talmud. Religion of Jews who adhere strictly to traditional beliefs and practices; the official form of Judaism in Israel. Orthodox Jews hold that both the written law (Torah) and the oral law (codified in the Mishna and interpreted in the Talmud) are immutably fixed and remain the sole norm of religious observance. Orthodox Judaism has held fast to such practices as daily worship, dietary laws, intensive study of the Torah, and separation of men and women in the synagogue. It also enjoins strict observance of the Sabbath and does not permit instrumental music during communal services. A leading center of Orthodoxy in the U.S. is New York's Yeshiva Univ
Orthodox Judaism
branch of Judaism which most strictly observes Jewish rites and traditions, branch of Judaism that adheres to the teachings of the Torah as interpreted in the Talmud
Orthodox Rabbi
rabbi ordained by the Jewish orthodox movement
orthodox church
derived from the Byzantine Church and adhering to Byzantine rites
orthodox jew
Jew who practices strict observance of Mosaic Law
orthodox judaism
beliefs and practices of a Judaic sect that strictly observes Mosaic Law Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud
orthodox sleep
a recurring sleep state during which rapid eye movements do not occur and dreaming does not occur; accounts for about 75% of normal sleep time
orthodox sleep
Sleep characterized by a slow alpha rhythm and the absence of REM
Oriental Orthodox
Describing Eastern Churches that have differences of dogma with the Chalcedonian Churches
Eastern Orthodox
Pertaining to the faith, practices, etc. of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
One of the three major divisions of Christianity derived from the Byzantine Church; it comprises the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church and others
Greek Orthodox
Describing any Eastern Orthodox Church that is ethnically Greek or uses Greek liturgy
Greek Orthodox Church
Any of a number of organizations based primarily in Greece and affiliated with the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christianity
Russian Orthodox Church
Any of a number of organizations based primarily in Russia and affiliated with the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christianity
left arm orthodox
a style of bowling used by a left-handed bowler in which finger spin is used to move the ball from leg to off (for a right-handed batsman)
In an orthodox way; conventionally
Very strictly observant; Haredi; being either Hasidic or Litvish (Misnagdic)
{a} with soundness of opinion
Coptic Orthodox Church
Principal Christian church in Egypt. Until the 19th century it was called simply the Egyptian Church. It agrees doctrinally with Eastern Orthodoxy except that it holds that Jesus has a purely divine nature and never became human, a belief the Council of Chalcedon rejected (see Monophysite heresy) in AD 451. After the Arab conquest (7th century), service books were written with Coptic and Arabic in parallel texts. Church government is democratic, and the patriarch, who resides in Cairo, is elected. There are congregations outside Egypt, especially in Australia and the U.S., and the church is in communion with the Ethiopian, Armenian, and Syrian Jacobite churches
Eastern Orthodox Church
The body of modern churches, including among others the Greek and Russian Orthodox, that is derived from the church of the Byzantine Empire, adheres to the Byzantine rite, and acknowledges the honorary primacy of the patriarch of Constantinople. Orthodox Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
{i} branch of Christianity in Eastern Europe which does not recognize priests as religious figures
Ethiopian Orthodox church
Independent Christian patriarchate in Ethiopia. Traditionally thought to have been founded by the preaching of the apostle Matthew or the eunuch of the Acts of the Apostles, the church was established in the 4th century by St. Frumentius and his brother Aedesius. Based in Addis Ababa, the church adheres to Monophysite doctrine (see Monophysite heresy). It accepts the honorary primacy of the Coptic patriarch of Alexandria, who appointed its archbishops from the 12th century until 1959, when an autonomous Ethiopian patriarchate was established. Its customs include circumcision, rigorous fasting, and the participation of laypersons known as debtera, who perform liturgical music and dances and act as astrologers, scribes, and fortune-tellers. Its principal adherents are the Amhara and Tigray peoples of the northern and central highlands. See also Coptic Orthodox church
Greek Orthodox Christian
member of the Greek Orthodox Church
Greek Orthodox Church
The state church of Greece, an autonomous part of the Eastern Orthodox Church. the main group of Christian churches in Eastern Europe and southwest Asia, which was formed in the 11th century by separating from the Catholic Church. The Russian Orthodox Church, the main Christian group in Russia, is closely related. orthodox. Independent Eastern Orthodox church of Greece. The term is sometimes used erroneously for Eastern Orthodoxy in general. It remained under the patriarch of Constantinople until 1833, when it became independent. It is governed by 67 metropolitan bishops, presided over by an archbishop
Jewish orthodox court
religious court of Orthodox Judaism court
Russian Orthodox Church
The Eastern Orthodox Church that is under the leadership of the patriarch of Russia and has autonomous branches in other countries. the main religious group of Russia. It is a Christian church that began in the 11th century by separating from the Catholic Church. The Orthodox Church has very complicated religious ceremonies in which the words are mostly sung rather than spoken, and the it is closely related to the Greek Orthodox Church. Orthodox. Eastern Orthodox church of Russia, its de facto national church. In 988 Prince Vladimir of Kiev (later St. Vladimir) embraced Byzantine Orthodoxy and ordered the baptism of his population. By the 14th century, the metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia (head of the Russian church) was residing in Moscow; dissatisfied western Russian principalities obtained temporary separate metropolitans, but authority was later recentralized under Moscow. In the 15th century the church, rejecting Metropolitan Isidore's acceptance of union with the Western church (see Council of Ferrara-Florence), appointed their own independent metropolitan. Moscow saw itself as the "third Rome" and the last bulwark of true Orthodoxy; in 1589 the head of the Russian church obtained the title patriarch, putting him on a level with the patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. The reforms of Nikon caused a schism within the church (see Old Believers), and Peter I abolished the patriarchate in 1721, making church administration a department of the state. The patriarchate was reestablished in 1917, two months before the Bolshevik revolution, but under the soviets the church was deprived of its legal rights and practically suppressed. It saw a great resurgence following the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991). The Russian Orthodox Church in the U.S. became independent from Moscow in 1970
greek orthodox church
state church of Greece; an autonomous part of the Eastern Orthodox Church
In an orthodox manner; with soundness of faith
russian orthodox church
an independent church with its own Patriarch; until 1917 it was the established church or Russia
the Jewish orthodox community
general population of Jews who practice according the the laws of Orthodox Judaism
the court of justice of the Jewish orthodox community
senior legal tribunal of devout Orthodox Jews
extremely religious, very strict in religious observance