
listen to the pronunciation of orders
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bunlar senin siparişlerin. - Those are your orders.

Hepimizin siparişleri var. - We all have our orders.


Siparişinizi alabilir miyim, lütfen? - May I have your order, please?

Bir sandviç sipariş etmek istiyorum. - I would like to order a sandwich.

{f} buyurmak
(Hukuk) emir

Askerler emirleri izlemeliler. - Soldiers must follow orders.

Burada emirler verme. - You don't give orders here.

sipariş vermek

Garson, sipariş vermek istiyorum. - Waitress, I'd like to order.

Sipariş vermek istediğinizde bana söyleyin. - Tell me when you'd like to order.


Ismarlamak için kim hazır? - Who's ready to order?

Hey, siz arkadaşlar pizza ısmarlamak istiyor musunuz? - Hey, do you guys want to order a pizza?


Tom her şeyin düzenli olduğunu düşündü. - Tom thought everything was in order.

Her şey düzenli görünüyor. - Everything looks in order.


Tom'a bir şey yapmasını emretmek zorunda değildim. - I never had to order Tom to do anything.

sipariş etmek

Bir sandviç sipariş etmek istiyorum. - I would like to order a sandwich.

Tom pizza sipariş etmek isteyen tek kişi değil. - Tom isn't the only one who wants to order a pizza.


Temel etiketleri sırayla öğrenelim. - Let's learn the basic tags in order.

Tom düşüncelerini sıraya koyamadı. - Tom couldn't put his thoughts in order.

orders are orders
emir emirdir
orders in Council
orders emission control orders
(Askeri) yayım kontrol emirleri
{f} düzenle

O, odasını düzenledi. - She put her room in order.

Biz sorunları çözmek ve bilgiyi düzenlemek için bilgisayarlar kullanırız. - We use computers to solve problems and to put information in order.

{i} tarikat

Tom bir tarikata üyeydi. - Tom belonged to a religious order.

{f} emir vermek

Sana asla hiç emir vermek istemiyorum. - I never give you any orders.

Başkan emir vermek için toplantıyı aradı. - The chairman called the meeting to order.


Benim komutanın emirlerini görmezden gelemiyorum. - I can't ignore my commanding officer's orders.

İngiliz komutan adamlarına gece dinlenmelerini emretti. - The British commander ordered his men to rest for the night.

{i} şeref rütbesi
{i} ödeme emri
{i} dizi
(Biyoloji,Gıda) takım

Yarışa katılmak için yeni bir takım kuruldu. - A new team was formed in order to take part in the race.

Bütünüyle sipariş edilmiş bir takıma çoğunlukla bir zincir denilir. - A totally ordered set is often called a chain.

{f} tavsiye etmek (doktor)
{i} nişan
{i} mezhep
{i} paso
{i} çalışır durum

Sami'nin SUV'u mükemmel çalışır durumda. - Sami's SUV is in perfect working order.

{f} sıraya koymak
{i} basamak

Çocuklara sınıfta yüksek sesle konuşmamalarını emretti. - He ordered the boys not to shout in the classroom.

Bugün, öğretmenimiz bize sigara içenlerin asla büyümeyeceğini söyledi. Bunu kanıtlamak için, Petya adında bir yedinci sınıf öğrencisini vurdu. - Today, our teacher told us that those who smoke will never grow up. In order to prove it, she shot a seventh-grader named Petya.

{i} asayiş
{f} sipariş et

Bir sandviç sipariş etmek istiyorum. - I would like to order a sandwich.

John kitabı Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki yayıncıya sipariş etti. - John ordered the book from the publisher in the United States.

{i} yöntem

Veri açığının üstesinden gelmek için, basit bir yöntem geliştirdim. - In order to overcome the data gap, I developed a simple methodology.

{f} söylemek
consent orders
(Ticaret) muvafakat emirleri
fill or kill orders
(Ticaret) kalanını iptal et
odd lot orders
(Ticaret) küsurat emir
düzenini sağlamak

Onun odası her zaman düzensizdir. - His room is always out of order.

Uçağın kontrolleri düzensizdi. - The controls of the plane were out of order.

(Kanun) hükmetmek
(Matematik) bölük
(Bilgisayar) sırala

O, dosyaları alfabetik olarak sıraladı. - She sorted the files in alphabetical order.

İsimler alfabetik olarak sıralanmıştır. - The names are in alphabetical order.


Hâlâ siparişimi bekliyorum. - I'm still waiting for my order.

İngiltere krallarından biri, halktan biriyle evlenmek için tahttan çekildi. - One of England's kings abdicated the throne in order to marry a commoner.

(Bilgisayar) sırası

Biletler başvuru sırasına göre ayrılacak. - Tickets will be allotted in order of application.

Öğretmen boy sırasına göre çocukları sıraya dizdi. - The teacher lined the children up in order of height.

(Biyokimya) düzel

Kitaplarınızı düzeltin. - Put your books in order.

Onları düzeltmek için cümleleri benimsiyor musun? - Have you been adopting sentences in order to correct them?

(Ticaret) ordino
(Bilgisayar) kerte
mimari üslup
tertip etmek
düzen sağlamak
(Ticaret) borsa emirleri
komut vermek
(Denizbilim) ordo

Dün bir Türkçe gramer sipariş ettim. - I ordered a Turkish grammar yesterday.

Şu anda bu tür tüm kazaklar bitti. Onları Tokyo'daki ana mağazadan sipariş edeceğiz. - All sweaters of this type are out of stock now. We'll order them from the main store in Tokyo.

(Havacılık) dozen

Odasını her zaman iyi durumda tutar. - She always keeps her room in good order.

Oda kusursuz durumda. - The room is in immaculate order.

(Kimya) mertebe
receive orders
emir almak
received orders
gelen siparişler
sealed orders
(Askeri) kapalı zarf emirleri
standing orders
attention to orders
(Askeri) EMRE DİKKAT !: Bir emir subayının, bir emir okumaya başlamadan önce verdiği ikaz komutu
holy orders
takdis merasimi
initial orders
başlangıç komutları

Ne ısmarlamak istiyorsunuz,beyler? - What do you wish to order, gentlemen?

Affedersiniz fakat ben bunu ısmarlamadım. - Excuse me, but I didn't order this.


Onu Boston'dan posta havalesi ile aldım. - I got it mail order from Boston.


Bilişimsel dil bilimi eğitimi yapmak için çeşitli dilleri bilmek gerekli, ancak, insan bilgisayarların kullanımı da bilmelidir. - In order to study computational linguistics it's necessary to know various languages, however, one also has to be familiar with the use of computers.

Gelişmeleri takip etmek için üç çeşit gazete okurum. - I read three kind of newspapers in order to keep abreast with the times.


Sana hediye yollayabilmem için adresine ihtiyacım var. - I need your address in order to send you a present.

O gelinceye kadar her şey yolundaydı. - Everything was in order until he came.


Gitmeden önce kitaplarımı düzenlemek için vaktim yok. - I have no time to put my books in order before I go.

Biz sorunları çözmek ve bilgiyi düzenlemek için bilgisayarlar kullanırız. - We use computers to solve problems and to put information in order.


Tebrikler kesinlikle usulüne uygun. - Congratulations are definitely in order.

sailing orders
sefer talimatı
unfilled orders
yerine getirilmemiş siparişler
Governor's orders
Valinin emirleri
call-up orders
emir-up çağrı
foreign money orders
yabancı para havaleleri
general staff orders
genel kurmay siparişler
lower orders
alt emir
marching orders
emir yürüyüş
misspelling of infra-orders
infra-siparişlerin yazım hatası
obey orders
itaat emir

Tetikte ol. Tahliye emri herhangi bir zamanda olabilir. - Be on alert. The evacuation order may occur at any moment.

Tom emri yerine getirmeyi reddetti. - Tom refused to execute the order.


Tom işlerini düzene koydu. - Tom put his affairs in order.

İngilizlerin kanuna ve düzene çok saygıları var. - The British have a lot of respect for law and order.

stop-loss orders
stop-loss emirler
under orders
attention to orders!
(Askeri) emre dikkat!
carry out the orders
emirleri yerine getirmek
checks drawn and money orders
(Ticaret) verilen çek ve ödeme emir
clerk in holy orders
clerk in holy orders
combat orders
(Askeri) MUHAREBE EMİRLERİ: Muharebe meydanındaki harekat ile ilgili emirler. Bunlar; harekat emirlerini, idari emirleri ve veçheleri içine alır
come under starter's orders
çıkışa hazır olmak
contracts and orders outstanding
(Askeri) YERİNE GETİRİLMEMİŞ SÖZLEŞME VE SİPARİŞLER: Sipariş verilmiş fakat teslim alınmamış mallar. Tediyesi yapılmamış sözleşmeler (unliquidated obligations) ve teslim edilmemiş siparişler (undelivered orders) ile aynı anlamdadır
customer orders
(Ticaret) müşteri emirleri
dissemination of orders and request
(Askeri) Emir ve isteklerin dağıtımı
doctor's orders
{i} doktor tavsiyeleri
doctor's orders
(isim) doktor tavsiyeleri
emission control orders
(Askeri) yayım kontrol emirleri
emission control orders
(Askeri) YAYIM KONTROL EMİRLERİ: Elektronik yayın cihazlarının kullanılmasına yetki veren, bunları kontrol eden veya yasaklayan emirler. Ayrıca bakınız: " control of electromagnetic radiation"
enforce one's orders
emirlerini uygulatmak
enforce the orders
emirleri uygulamak
general orders
(Askeri) GENEL EMİRLER: Bir komutanlığın bütün unsurları için yayınlanmış emir şeklindeki daimi talimat. Buna uygulananlar yalnız kişileri veya küçük grupları ilgilendiren özel emirlerdir. Genel emirler, çoğunlukla, yöntem ve idari işler hakkındadır
give orders
emirler yağdırmak
holy orders
(n) sipariş
{i} cins, çeşit
(Mukavele) talep, sipariş; düzenleme; emir
ord düzenle/ısmarla/emret
{i} hane
(Tıp) Biyolojide sınıfın altında ve ailenin üstünde bulunan kısım; alt sınıf

Taro, Londra'dan bazı İngilizce konuşma ders kitapları ısmarladı. - Taro ordered some English conversation textbooks from London.

Tom bara giderdi ve derhal üç bira ısmarlardı. - Tom used to walk into the bar and order three beers right off.

(Tıp) Sistematik tasnif
order around emir yağdırmak
purchase orders
(Bilgisayar) sipariş formları
sailing orders
(Askeri) SEYİR EMRİ: Harp esnasında NCS teşkilatı kurulduğu zaman gemi komutanına verilen ve bütün seyir teferruatını ihtiva eden yazılı talimat. Bu emir; seyir saatlerini, uğranılacak limanları vesaireyi gösterir. Buna (sailing instruction) da denir
sealed orders
(Askeri) KAPALI ZARF EMİRLERİ: Belirli bir zamandan önce veya belirli bir mahalle varmadan önce açılmaması talimatı ile bir kıta veya gemi komutanına, mühürlü bir zarf içinde verilen gizli veya hizmete özel emirler
sealed orders
denize çıktıktan sonra açılmak üzere kaptana verilen kapalı zarf içindeki emir
special orders
(Askeri) ÖZEL EMİRLER: Nasıp, tayin, yeniden tayin, geçici görevlendirme, nakil, terfi, rütbe indirimi, faal görevden ayrılma, ihraç, emeklilik ve subaylar kurulunda, askeri mahkemede, soruşturma kurulunda görevlendirme gibi, normal olarak şahısların durumlarıyla ilgili direktifleri yayımlamak için kullanılan emirler
stand ready receive orders
el pençe divan durmak
standing orders
standing orders
iç tüzük
statutory rules and orders
(Ticaret) tüzük ve yönetmelikler
take holy orders
papaz olmak
take orders
papaz olmak
take orders
emir almak
technical orders
(Askeri) TEKNİK TAMİMLER: Kara ve hava kuvvetlerine ait uçakların ve diğer malzemenin çalıştırılmasını ve kullanılmasını gösteren talimat
temporary duty pending further orders
till further orders
başka emir gelinceye kadar
verbal orders commanding officer
which window is for money orders
para havalesi hangi gişede
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
{n} priesthood, state of the clergy
Hexadecimal codes in 3270 data streams which direct the control unit's actions
OR 20
heaths@ncia net
Holy Orders, the Sacrament that makes one a deacon, priest, or bishop, received in "apostolic succession" through a line of bishops going back to the Apostles and ultimately to Our Lord Himself The term "Orders" is used variously to refer to the state of "being in Orders," and to designate the various ranks of the clergy including the non-Sacramental grades of tonsure, porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte, and Subdeacon Tonsure is not properly an Order; porter, lector, exorcist, and acolyte are called Minor Orders; subdeacon, deacon, priest, and bishop are the Major Orders Only bishops can confer Holy Orders; some simple priests including abbots and certain prelates can confer the Minor Orders on their subjects
{i} formal written instructions to report to military duty at a specific time and place
a) with respect to the monastic or regular life, groups of communities following the same rule or under a common administrative and spiritual structure b) with respect to the Christian ministry, the various grades consisting of the major orders - bishop, priest, deacon, sub-deacon - and the minor orders - acolyte, exorcist, reader, doorkeeper
Authorization to place a schedule
In Orders or in Holy Orders Belonging to the clerical order or rank To take Orders To become a clergy-man The word “order” means not only a mandate, but also an official rank, and in the Catholic Church, a “rule” of life, as Ordo albus (white friars or Augustines), Ordo niger (black friars or Dominicans) In “Holy Orders” is in the plural number, because in the Protestant Church there are three ranks of clergymen - deacons, priests, and bishops In the Catholic Church there are four major orders and four minor ones According to Du Cange, the Ordines majores are Subdeaconatus, Deaconatus, Presbyteratus, and Episcopalis (Subdeacon, Deacon, Priest, and Bishop)
Buy or sell a given number of shares
Term referring to standardized ornamental types of columns, based on ancient Greek and Roman architecture The three Greek orders are the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian The five Roman orders are the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite
In regard to securities, it is a client's instruction to a broker to buy or sell a security There are many types of order qualifiers that stipulate such things as the amount of time in which to leave an order in and at what price to execute an order
An order is a written document signed by a judge, either after hearing or by agreement of the parties It is binding on the parties to the suit who must obey its terms An order can be temporary or final
the properties used to differentiate among orders are those that reflect the type and degree of dominant soil-forming processes that took place All orders end with "-sol," for example: Entisol
To arrange or command to come to a specified place or decision
third-person singular of order
This section of the back office records the complete information regarding orders for your shopsite store, including credit card information This page is secure, whereas the email notification of the order you receive is not If you cannot view your orders, your store may need to be verified
OrderID CustomerID Amount 4021 12 $842 21 8532 12 $582 20 8192 49 $12 43
Shall mean Delhi Electricity Control Orders, 1959, as amended from time to time and the provisions made thereunder
plural of order
orders of magnitude
plural form of order of magnitude
orders out
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of order out
Orders of the Mishnah
collection of Jewish law and ethics (comprised of 63 tractates)
orders of knights
groups of knights that came together in Palestine for the purpose of protecting Christian pilgrims
Anton Piller orders
plural form of Anton Piller order
alphabetical orders
plural form of alphabetical order
batting orders
plural form of batting order
boil orders
plural form of boil order
change orders
plural form of change order
control orders
plural form of control order
court orders
plural form of court order
doctor's orders
the number nine
execute orders
plural form of execute order
gag orders
plural form of gag order
gagging orders
plural form of gagging order
get one's marching orders
To be dismissed disgracefully
insertion orders
plural form of insertion order
last orders
A short period of time, which is usually announced by ringing a bell and is about 5 minutes long, just before a public house is no longer allowed to serve alcoholic beverages due to licensing laws

A pint of lager, plase. - Sorry, mate, you missed last orders.

money orders
plural form of money order
moral orders
plural form of moral order
A decoration, awarded by a government, a dynastic house, or a religious body to an individual, usually for distinguished service to a nation or to humanity
To issue a command
A rank in the classification of organisms, below class and above family; a taxon at that rank

Magnolias belong to the order Magnoliales.

A group of religious adherents, especially monks or nuns, set apart within their religion by adherence to a particular rule or set of principles; as, the Jesuit Order
To request some product or service
A request for some product or service
The number of vertices in a graph
A partially ordered set
A society of knights; as, the Order of the Garter, the Order of the Bath
Arrangement, disposition, sequence
The highest exponent appearing in a polynomial
A command
To set in (a good) order (2)
The relation on a partially ordered set that determines that it in fact a partically ordered set
The overall power of the rate law of a chemical reaction, expressed as a polynomial function of concentrations of reactants and products
a power of polynomial function in an electronic circuit’s block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc
The sequence in which a side’s batsmen bat; the batting order
The state of being well arranged
The cardinality, or number of elements in a set or related structure
partial orders
plural form of partial order
religious orders
plural form of religious order
short orders
plural form of short order
standing orders
plural form of standing order
total orders
plural form of total order
); "I gave the waiter my order" (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict" established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order" place in a certain order; "order these files" bring order to or into; "Order these files" make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage" give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed" issue commands or orders for
{v} to bid, tell, direct, regulate, set apart
{n} a command, method, rule, rank, class
General Staff orders
instructions issued by the military Chief of Staff which determine Israeli military actions
Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders
{i} (Law) international agreement in which countries agree to enforce legal orders for maintenance payments (i.e. child support, alimony, etc.), REMO
act against someone's orders
disobey orders, not do what one was told
doctor's orders
{i} instructions given by the doctor
holy orders
Someone who is in holy orders is a member of the Christian clergy. He took holy orders in 1935
holy orders
the sacrament of ordination
issue orders
give commands
last orders
the time when customers in a bar or pub can order one more drink before the bar closes American Equivalent: last call
lower orders
an offensive expression for working class people considered as a group
marching orders
an order from a superior officer for troops to depart
obey orders
obey commands
obeyed his orders
did as he commanded, followed his commands
obeyed orders
obeyed commands, did as he was ordered
a request for food or refreshment as served in a restaurant or bar etc
a request for food or refreshment (as served in a restaurant or bar etc ); "I gave the waiter my order"
A direction of the adjudicating body on some matter
To give orders; to issue commands
Right arrangement; a normal, correct, or fit condition; as, the house is in order; the machinery is out of order
An ecclesiastical grade or rank, as of deacon, priest, or bishop; the office of the Christian ministry; often used in the plural; as, to take orders, or to take holy orders, that is, to enter some grade of the ministry
To give an order for; to secure by an order; as, to order a carriage; to order groceries
Of intellectual notions or ideas, like the topics of a discource
In the context of sensemaking, order refers to an organization or structure of information For example, an order might be an organization of elements into disjoint or overlapping classes, arrangement into a taxonomy, an organization in terms of objects and attributes, organization in terms of a table, or a precedence relation The term order is more general than the term ordering See also structuring
putting in order; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list" (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude" a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities; "IBM received an order for a hundred computers" a body of rules followed by an assembly (often plural) a command given by a superior (e
{i} arrangement; instruction; command; request for something; religious group; brotherhood, fraternity; particular social club; (Biology) main taxonomic category which ranking is under class and above family
a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge); "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"
a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London" a request for food or refreshment (as served in a restaurant or bar etc
Hence: A commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods; a direction, in writing, to pay money, to furnish supplies, to admit to a building, a place of entertainment, or the like; as, orders for blankets are large
give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed"
To put in order; to reduce to a methodical arrangement; to arrange in a series, or with reference to an end
putting in order; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"
Temporary in nature and used for many purposes: setting up investigative committees ( as distinguished from commissions), changes in rules and other parliamentary uses Formal motion in writing
A body of persons having some common honorary distinction or rule of obligation; esp
A request to deliver specified quantities of goods or to render specific services Order line Each line on a customer's purchase order An order line always contains one Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) only, but the number may vary
A command; a mandate; a precept; a direction
To give an order to; to command; as, to order troops to advance
A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position; a rank; a row; a grade; especially, a rank or class in society; a group or division of men in the same social or other position; also, a distinct character, kind, or sort; as, the higher or lower orders of society; talent of a high order
arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events, etc ; "arrange my schedule"; "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times"
An instruction to purchase or sell an option, first transmitted to a broker office, and then submitted to the exchange floor for execution
A negotiable document Surrender of the original property endorsed is required by transportation lines upon delivery of the freight, in accordance with its terms
correct or proper actions or conduct in meetings of a house or committee a decision of the Senate or the House of Representatives by which the houses direct their committees, members, officers and their own actions
Instruction to a broker/dealer to buy, sell, deliver, or receive securities or commodities that commits the issuer of the "order" to the terms specified See: indication, inquiry, bid wanted, offer wanted
Regular arrangement; any methodical or established succession or harmonious relation; method; system Of material things, like the books in a library
established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order"
a condition of regular or proper arrangement; "he put his desk in order"; "the machine is now in working order"
a body of rules followed by an assembly (often plural) a command given by a superior (e
(usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy; "theologians still disagree over whether `bishop' should or should not be a separate order"
In biology, a category that's part of the scientific system for grouping together related plants, animals and other organisms (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) Order is the category that ranks below a class and above a family
a military or law enforcement officer that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
Hence, to regulate; to dispose; to direct; to rule
a formal association of people with similar interests; "he joined a golf club"; "they formed a small lunch society"; "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today"
place in a certain order; "order these files"
a number of vertices in a graph
a document that requires the discharger to take specific action with an associated deadline It is authorized by statute, binding on the recipient, and directly enforceable by prosecution
bring order to or into; "Order these files"
a power of polynomial function in an electronic circuit's block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc
A direction to carry out an action that has already been agreed to by the House Orders can be addressed to committees, or individual Members, or officials of the House When the House commands, it is by an "order," but fact, principles, and the Members' own opinions and purposes are expressed in the form of resolutions
a body of religious persons or aggregate of convents living under a common rule; as, the Order of the Bath; the Franciscan order
Good arrangement; opposite to chaos
"I gave the waiter my order"
A mandate or command given by a governmental authority, as in a court order or an executive order (e g , DOE order) An executive order also may be called a "directive "
(often plural) a command given by a superior (e g , a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
issue commands or orders for
To set in (any) order (1)
Instruction to a broker/dealer to buy, sell, deliver, or receive securities or commodities which commits the issuer of the "order" to the terms specified See: indication, inquiry, bid wanted, offer wanted
The order is the number of defined positions (with 1's and 0's)
A directive of the court, on a matter relating to the main proceedings, that decides a preliminary point or directs some steps in the proceedings Generally used in the following contexts: (Invalidating Prior Conviction) An order issued by the court following a hearing in which a prior conviction is found invalid because certain legal standards were not met during the time of trial and conviction (Setting Fee) An order that directs a defendant to reimburse the county for costs incurred for a court-appointed attorney (to Show Cause) An order to appear in court to give reasons why an action cannot, should not have been, or has not been carried out (Suspension) An order that suspends a person's driving privilege, either at the request of the DMV or by order of a court
To admit to holy orders; to ordain; to receive into the ranks of the ministry
Integer value that determines the smoothness of the B-spline, and the number of points influencing the path of the curve at a given position The higher the order, the smoother the curve, and the more points influence the path of the curve
A court document signed by a judge or commissioner that gives an order and requires that someone do or not do something
An Order is a legal document made by us or the Courts authorising the charity trustees to carry out an act which otherwise they have no power to do We cannot make an Order to do anything which overrides a specific prohibition in the charity's governing document
Of periods of time or occurrences, and the like
logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements; "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation"
a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude"
a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities; "IBM received an order for a hundred computers"
{f} command; request something (i.e. "I wish to order coffee and cake"); arrange; manage
An order is an expression of interest to either buy or sell an instrument
make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage"
Instruction for a broker or dealer to buy or sell a security or commodity
a body of rules followed by an assembly
An order is an instruction, from a client to a broker to trade An order can be placed at a specific price or at the market price Also, it can be good until filled or until close of business
Short for the current order of literature from the {Society} <<The order came in, so I should pick up my {bound volumes} >>
a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
one of the five classical architectural formulas consisting of base, column, and entablature: seen most easily in the capital of a column, the orders range from the plainest (Tuscan and Doric) to the scrolled Ionic, the leafy Corinthian, and the most elaborate Composite, a combination of the Ionic and Corinthian
That which prescribes a method of procedure; a rule or regulation made by competent authority; as, the rules and orders of the senate
(architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude"
The sequence in which a side's batsmen bat; the batting order
A religious group
assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
(Ticaret) A single entry and/or document that specifies items, services, prices, dates and quantities and has a specific identifier for referencing or tracing
Conformity with law or decorum; freedom from disturbance; general tranquillity; public quiet; as, to preserve order in a community or an assembly
A number of a chemical reaction
appoint to a clerical posts; "he was ordained in the Church"
In Classical architecture, any of several styles defined by the particular type of column, base, capital, and entablature they use. There are five major orders: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian (all developed in Greece), and Tuscan and Composite (developed in Rome). The form of the capital is an order's most distinguishing characteristic. Both the Doric and Ionic orders originated in wooden temples. The Doric is squat and simple. The Ionic, distinguished by the scrolls, or volutes, on its capital, resembles a capital I. The Corinthian capital is more ornate, with carved acanthus leaves and scrolls. The Romans modified the Greek orders to produce the Tuscan (a simplified form of the Doric) and Composite (a combination of the Ionic and Corinthian) orders. See also colossal order. Calatrava Order of colossal order giant order Garter The Most Noble Order of the Order of the Legion of Honour money order order in council rules of order pecking order Teutonic Order
The customary mode of procedure; established system, as in the conduct of debates or the transaction of business; usage; custom; fashion
(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations; "We cannot regulate the way people dress"; "This town likes to regulate"
Used to describe the relationship between the rate of a step in a chemical reaction and the concentration of one of the reactants consumed in that step See first-order reaction, pseudo-first-order reaction, second-order reaction, and zero-order reaction
sealed orders
encoded commands, classified commands
six orders of the Mishna
six major topics of a Jewish religious book (sowing, festival rites, women, damages, holiest days, and purification rites)
standing battle orders
permanent operational and managerial instructions which must be carried out at the beginning of a battle or operation
standing orders
military instructions that determine operation procedures for regular issues
standing orders for operations
set procedures, commands that are performed and followed regularly; regular battle equipment
strict orders
clear instructions; stringent commands
take orders
be appointed as a priest; receive commands
take orders
receive and be expected to follow directions or commands; "I don't take orders from you!
take orders
be ordained; enter the Christian ministry; "She took orders last month"
take orders
receive and be expected to follow directions or commands; "I don't take orders from you!"
under his orders
following his orders; in accordance with his orders
under orders
under command, by a command, by an order
work orders
Municipal by-laws ("zoning" by-laws) require among other things that residential property be maintained in a safe and habitable condition, and that a property's use conform to specific requirements (no illegal basement apartments, satellite antenna, etc )
work orders
The focal point for this dictionary is the Work Order, Engineering Master or Quote Master Detail is presented down to material level

    التركية النطق



    /ˈôrdərz/ /ˈɔːrdɜrz/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'or-d&r ] (verb.) 13th century. Middle English, from ordre, n..


    ... SAL KHAN: But you're doing it at one, two orders of magnitude ...
    ... SAL KHAN: Two orders of magnitude cheaper. ...