تعريف oranları في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- rates
- The plural form of rate
- Appraises or assesses; settles the rank; qualifies
- Deposit Account Rates - Certificates of Deposit Rates - Mortgage Rates
- The amount of money per thousand dollars (or percentage) used to determine the bond premium
- The rates that BPA charges for the power it sells at wholesale from Federal hydroelectric projects in the Northwest and for delivering power over its transmission lines Rates are established through a public process (the Wholesale Power and Transmission Rate Proceedings) and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission By law, BPA rates are designed to pay all costs of producing and transmitting power, interest on capital investment, and amortization Power revenues must also pay a portion of the irrigation cost of Federal projects judged to be beyond the ability of irrigators to pay As a group, also called wholesale rates
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- Deposit Accounts
- a local tax on property (usually used in the plural)
- of Ships are the largeness andcapacity of ships of war, and are six: The difference is commonly reckoned by the length and breadth of the gun deck, the number of tuns they contain, and the number of men and guns they carry
- The pricing scale that determines the policyholder's premium amount Normally, the rates are applied to the coverage amount to calculate the policyholder's premium
- Established charges for the transport of goods
- The sales price on goods or services sold to users
- The amount charged by the local council or water authority to provide services to a property
- Mortgage Links
- Taxes, usually on property, levelled by local government
- Lock Time APR (%)
- oran
- ratio
What's the student/teacher ratio at your school?
- Okulundaki öğrenci / öğretmen oranı nedir?
The application allows you to quickly calculate the ratio of body mass index - BMI.
- Uygulama, vücut kütle indeks oranını hızlı bir şekilde hesaplamanı sağlıyor.
- oran
- {i} rate
How much is the monthly rate?
- Aylık oran ne kadardır?
At what rate did the illness spread?
- Hastalık ne oranda yayıldı.
- oran
- proportion
The media blew the whole thing out of proportion.
- Medya her şeyi orantısız olarak açığa vurdu.
With every increase of scientific knowledge, man's power for evil is increased in the same proportion as his power for good.
- Bilimsel bilginin her artışıyla insanın kötülük için gücü iyilik için gücü gibi aynı oranda artırılır.
- oran
- (Biyoloji) quotient
- oran
- proportion; estimate; ratio, rate
- faiz oranları
- (Ticaret) interest rates
- federal fon oranları
- (Ticaret) federal funds rate
- indirim oranları
- discount rates
- oran
- (Ticaret) margin
- oran
- incidence
- oran
- (Kanun) quorum
- oran
- (Bilgisayar) zoom
- oran
- magnification
- oran
- rating
- oran
- (Bilgisayar) zoom to
- oran
- (Tıp) rate ratio
- reel faiz oranları
- (Ticaret) real interest rates
- oran
- measure
You can use a psychrometer to measure relative humidity.
- Nispi nem oranını ölçmek için, bir psikrometre kullanabilirsiniz.
As a measure to prevent another period of inflation, our government has jacked up interest rates.
- Enflasyonun başka dönemini önlemek için bir önlem olarak, bizim hükümet faiz oranlarını yükseltti.
- değişme oranları
- (Hukuk) conversion rates
- efektif vergi oranları
- (Ticaret) effective rates of tax
- emek/sermaye oranları
- (Ticaret) labor capital proportions
- emek/sermaye oranları
- (Ticaret) labour capital proportions
- faaliyet oranları
- (Ticaret) operating ratios
- gerçek faiz oranları
- (Hukuk) real interest rate
- gümrük oranları
- (Hukuk) duty rates
- kısa vadede ortalama faiz oranları
- (Hukuk) average short-term interest rates
- mesleki ücret oranları
- (Ticaret) craft rates
- mevduat faiz oranları
- (Kanun) interest rates on deposits
- navlun oranları
- (Ticaret) freight rates
- nominal faiz oranları
- (Ticaret) nominal interesi rates
- oran
- relation
- oran
- rate , ratio
- oran
- percentage
The percentage of carbohydrates in animal cells is approximately 6 percent.
- Hayvan hücrelerindeki karbonhidrat oranı yaklaşık yüzde altıdır.
The animal cell has a greater percentage of proteins than the plant cell.
- Hayvan hücresi, bitki hücresinden daha büyük bir protein oranına sahiptir.
- oran
- proportion; ratio; rate
- oran
- rate, ratio
- reel ticaret oranları
- (Ticaret) real terms of trade
- tarife oranları kotası
- (Ticaret) tariff rate quotas
- yıllık büyüme oranları
- (Hukuk) annual growth rates