of or relating to or characteristic of ıreland or its people

listen to the pronunciation of of or relating to or characteristic of ıreland or its people
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف of or relating to or characteristic of ıreland or its people في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

of or relating to or characteristic of Ireland or its people
of or relating to or characteristic of ıreland or its people


    of or re·lat·ing to or char·ac·ter·is·tic of Ire·land or its peo·ple

    التركية النطق

    ıv ır rileytîng tı ır kerıktırîstîk ıv ayrlınd ır îts pipıl


    /əv ər rēˈlātəɴɢ tə ər ˌkerəktərˈəstək əv ˈīrlənd ər əts ˈpēpəl/ /əv ɜr riːˈleɪtɪŋ tə ɜr ˌkɛrəktɜrˈɪstɪk əv ˈaɪrlənd ɜr ɪts ˈpiːpəl/