O, adaleti engellemekle suçlanıyordu.
- He was accused of obstruction of justice.
O, adaleti engellemekle suçlanıyordu.
- He was accused of obstruction of justice.
O, adaleti engellemekle suçlanıyordu.
- He was accused of obstruction of justice.
Onlar bizim planımızı engellediler.
- They obstructed our plan.
Kasaba su ikmali ağır yağışlar tarafından ciddi şekilde engellendi.
- The town water supply was seriously obstructed by heavy rainfalls.
O, adaleti engellemekle suçlanıyordu.
- He was accused of obstruction of justice.
Onlar bizim planımızı engellediler.
- They obstructed our plan.