
listen to the pronunciation of observation
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} gözlem

Onun gözlemi şiddetli fakat o çok az diyor. - His observation is sharp, but he says very little.

O güçlü bir gözlem duygusuna sahiptir. - He has an acute sense of observation.

{i} yorum

Bu bir hakaret değil, bu bir yorum. - It's not an insult. It's an observation.

(Ticaret) araştırma
dikkatlı bakma
(Ticaret) görüş

Bilim, dikkatli gözleme dayanmaktadır. - Science is based on careful observation.

Ampirik veriler yalnızca gözleme dayanır. - Empirical data is based solely on observation.

observation post topçu rasat mevzii
{i} gözlem sonucu
observation car yolcuların etrafı seyretmesine uygun şekilde geniş pencereleri olan vagon
{i} gözetim
dikkatli bakma
{i} ileri sürülen düşünce/fikir
observational gözlem kabili
{i} rasat
{i} seyretme
gizlice bakma
observation helicopter
(Askeri) gözetleme helikopteri
observation helicopter
(Askeri) gözlem
observation hole
gözetleme deliği
observation noise
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gözlem gürültüsü
observation plane
(Askeri) gözetleme uçağı
observation port
gözetleme deliği
observation post
(Askeri) gözetleme noktası
observation satellites
(Askeri) gözlem uyduları
observation station
(Askeri) gözlem istasyonu
observation tower
(Askeri) gözlem kulesi
observation well
(Coğrafya,Teknik) gözlem kuyusu
observation balloon
meteoroloji balonu
observation tower
gözetleme kulesi
observation ward
müşahede odası
observation window
gözetleme cami, kontrol cami
observation aircraft
(Askeri) gözlem uçağı
observation aircraft
(Havacılık) meteoroloji uçağı
observation airplane
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME UÇAĞI: Keşif, gözetleme ve irtibat işleri için kullanılan uçak. Gözetleme maksadıyla kullanılan başlıca uçak çeşitleri şunlardır: Hafif bombardıman uçağı (light bombardment airplane), av uçağı (fighter airplane), ve irtibat uçağı (liasion airplane). Buna " observation plane" de denir
observation angle
(Aydınlatma) gözlem açısı
observation at ocean station
(Askeri) okyanus istasyonunda gözlem
observation aviation
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME HAVACILIĞI: Askeri havacılığın bir dalı. Esas görevleri; yakın hedefleri gözetlemek ve keşfetmek, topçu ateşini gözetlemek ve Kara Kuvvetlerine mensup birlikler arasında teması muhafaza etmek olan askeri havacılık kolu
observation aviation
(Askeri) gözetleme havacılığı
observation balloon
(Askeri) gözetleme balonu
observation balloon
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME BALONU: Yükseltilmiş bir gözetleme yeri olarak kullanılan sabit balon. Bu balon, özellikle, topçu ateşini tevcih ve düşman faaliyetini gözetleme için kullanılır
observation battalion
(Askeri) ölçme taburu
observation battalion
(Askeri) ÖLÇME TABURU: Ses, ışık ve radar gözetlemesi yapmak, topoğrafik hizmet ve metro esasları sağlamak üzere kurulmuş topçu teşkili. Bu tabur, kolordu topçusunun kuruluşundadır
observation camp
(Askeri) TECRİT VE MÜŞAHEDE KAMPI: Askere yeni alınan erlerin daha evvel yakalanmış olabilecekleri bulaşıcı hastalıkların teşhisi ve tespitine yetecek kadar bir süre için alıkondukları yer
observation camp
(Askeri) tecrit ve müşahede kampı
observation car
geniş pencereli vagon
observation car
seyirlik vagonu
observation coach
panaromik vagon
observation error
rasat hatası
observation error
gözlem yanılgısı
observation field
(Çevre) gözlem sahası
observation fire
(Askeri) GÖZETLEMELİ MAYIN ATEŞLEMESİ: Hedefi gözetlemek ve elektrikli bir ateşleme cihazı kullanmak suretiyle, bir sualtı mayınının, bir gözcü tarafından patlatılması. Bu usul, müsademeli ateşleme (contact fire) den farklı olarak, yalnız görülebilen hedeflere karşı kullanılır. Ayrıca bakınız: "contact fire"
observation flight
(Askeri) gözlem uçuşu
observation helicopter
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME HELİKOPTERİ: Diğer görevler için kullanılabilmekle birlikte öncelikle gözetleme ve keşif için kullanılan helikopter
observation hive
(Arılık) gözlem kovanı
observation mine
(Askeri) gözetlemeli mayın
observation mine
(Askeri) GÖZETLEMELİ MAYIN: Hedefi gözetleyen bir gözcü tarafından, elektrik ceryanı ile ateşlenebilen sualtı mayını
observation mirror
dikiz aynası
observation noise
gozlem gurultusu
observation of fire
(Askeri) ATIŞIN GÖZETLENMESİ: Top ateşinin; mermi vuruş veya paralanma noktasının hedefe nazaran mevkiini tayin etmek ve ateş esaslarında düzeltme yapmak maksadıyla gözetlenmesi. Bu gözetleme karadan veya havadan yapılabilir. Buna, (surveillance of fire) da denir
observation of fire
(Askeri) atışın gözetlenmesi
observation period
gözleme süresi
observation pier
(Askeri) gözlem iskelesi
observation pipes
piyezometre boruları
observation pipes
gözlem boruları
observation pipes
rasat boruları
observation plane
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME UÇAĞI: Bak. "observation airplane"
observation plot
(Politika, Siyaset) gözlem noktası
observation point
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME NOKTASI: Bak. "observation post"
observation point
rasat noktası
observation point
gözetleme noktası
observation point
(Askeri) gözlem noktası
observation position
(Askeri) gözlem amacıyla veya hyi
observation post
ask. gözetleme noktası/yeri
observation post
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME NOKTASI: Alçaktan süratle uçan düşman uçaklarının ve diğer vasıtalarla tespit edilemeyen hedeflerin yaklaşmalarını önceden görüp birliği ikaz için hava gözetleme gözcülerinin yerleştirildikleri nokta
observation post/tower
(Askeri) Gözetleme kulesi
observation post; operational publication (USN); ordnance pamphlet
(Askeri) gözetleme noktası/yeri; harekat yayımı (Birleşik Devletler Deniz Kuvvetleri (USN) ); ordu donatım el kitabı
observation squadron
(Havacılık) keşif filosu
observation station
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME YERİ, GÖZETLEME NOKTASI: Bak. "observation point"
observation tower
seyir kulesi
observation welt
rasat kuyusu
axial observation
(Askeri) eksenine gözetleme
noisy observation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gürültülü gözlem
unilateral observation
(Askeri) yandan gözetleme
angle of observation
gözlem açısı
automatic meteorological observation station
otomatik meteoroloji gözlem istasyonu
direct observation
dolaysız gözlem
error of observation
gözlem hatası
field observation
alan gözlemi
hourly observation
saat başı gözlem
meteorological observation
tenek gözlemi
meteorological observation
hava gözlemi
meteorological observation station
hava gözlem istasyonu
under observation
gözlem altında
under observation
based on observation
Gözleme dayalı
groundwater observation well
yeraltı suyu gözlem iyi
naturalistic observation
doğal gözlem
kendini gözlem
to keep under the observation
müşahede altında tutmak
to take under observation
izlemeye almak
aerial observation post
(Askeri) hava gözetleme yeri
aerial observation post
(Askeri) HAVA GÖZETLEME YERİ: Bir hava aracındaki gözetleme yeri
air observation
(Askeri) Hava gözetlemesi
air observation
(Askeri) HAVA GÖZETLEMESİ: Bak. "aerial observation"
air observation post
(Askeri) HAVA GÖZETLEME YERİ: Bak. "aerial observation post"
array observation
(Çevre) dizin gözlem
astronomical observation
(Askeri) ASTRONOMİK GÖZLEM, ASTRONOMİK RASAT: Enlem, boylam, zaman ve semti veya istikamet açısını tayin etmek üzere gök cisimlerinin gözlemi
aviation observation
(Askeri) rasadat-ı havaiye
axial observation
(Askeri) EKSENİNE GÖZETLEME: Atışların; silah ile hedefi birleştiren hattın üzerinde veya yakınında bulunan bir noktadan gözetlenmesi. Hedeften silaha ve gözetleyiciye uzatılan hatlar arasında meydana gelen açı 5 den az olmalıdır. Buna "axial spotting" da denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "flank observation"
balloon observation
(Askeri) BALON GÖZETLEMESİ: Yere tespit edilmiş bir balondan topçu ateşinin gözetlenmesi ve idaresi
bilateral observation
(Askeri) iki yandan gözetleme
bilateral observation
(Askeri) İKİ YANDAN GÖZETLEME: Birbirinden uzak iki alet ve iki gözetleyici kullanmak suretiyle, vuruş veya paralanmaların hedeften ne kadar ayrıldıklarını tayin etme usulü. Buna "bilateral spotting" de denir
combat observation and lasing team
(Askeri) muharebe gözetleme ve lazerle hedef işaretleme timi
combined observation
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK GÖZETLEME: Değişik noktalarda bulunan iki veya daha çok gözcü tarafından ateşin gözetlenmesi
combined observation
(Askeri) birleşik gözetleme
direct observation
(Askeri) DİREKT GÖZETLEME: Arazi fotoğrafları veya buna benzer vasıtalardan faydalanma yerine, dürbün veya gözetleme aletleri ile, doğrudan doğruya görerek, yapılan gözetleme. Bknz. "observation"
disguised observation
(Ticaret) gizli gözlem
escape observation
(Fiili Deyim ) göze görülmemek
field observation
saha gözlemleri
flank observation
(Askeri) yan gözetleme
flank observation
(Askeri) YAN GÖZETLEME: Silah ile gözetleyici arasındaki açıklık hedef üzerinde 75: 105 derecelik bir açı meydana getirecek kadar hedefin yanında veya yanına yakın bir noktada bulunan bir gözetleme yerinden atışın gözetlenmesi. Buna "flank spotting" de denir
forward observation
(Askeri) İleri gözetleme
forward observation
(Askeri) İLERİ GÖZETLEME: Atışın ileri gözetleyici tarafından gözetlenmesi ve tanzimi
forward observation post
(Askeri) İLERİ GÖZETLEME YERİ: Bir ileri gözetleyici tarafından gözetleme yapılmak üzere tesis edilen gözetleme yeri. FORWARD OBSERVER (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, ABD SAVUNMA KURULU): İLERİ GÖZETLEYİCİ: Cephe hattı birlikleri ile faaliyet gösteren ve yer ve deniz topçu ateşlerini tanzim etmek için eğitilmiş ve muharebe meydanı bilgilerini geriye ulaştıracak gözetleyici. FORWARD OBSERVER (NATO, ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): İLERİ GÖZETLEYİCİ: İleri birliklere birlikte faaliyet gösteren ateş desteği için istek yapıp tanzimde bulunan muharebe sahası bilgilerini aktaran gözetleyici
geodetic observation
(Çevre) jeodetik gözlem
ground observation
(Askeri) KARA GÖZETLEMESİ: Düşman ve dost mevzileri ile atış vesaire faaliyetlerinin karadaki bir noktadan gözetlenmesi. Buna "terrestial observation" da denir
ground observation post
(Askeri) KARA GÖZETLEME YERİ: Kara gözetlemesinin yapıldığı yer
indirect observation
(Askeri) dolaylı gözetleme
indirect observation
(Askeri) ENDİREKT GÖZETLEME: Bak. "observation"
keep under observation
göz hapsinde tutmak
kerb observation mirror
yan görüş aynası
kerb observation mirror kit
yan görüş aynası kiti
kite observation
(Meteoroloji) uçurtma gözlemleri
laboratory observation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) laboratuvar gözlemi
lateral observation
(Askeri) yan gözetlemesi
lateral observation
(Askeri) YAN GÖZETLEMESİ: Ateş hattının, oldukça sağında veya solunda bulunan bir noktadan ateşin gözetlenmesi
line of observation
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME HATTI: Tam gözetlemenin kaydedildiği anda, bir kestirme aletinden hedefe uzanan hat
noisy observation
gurultulu gozlem
gözlemle ilgili
gözlemle ilgili olarak

Newton'un yer çekimi kanunu organların birbirini çekme tarzıyla ilgili birçok bilimsel deney ve gözlemlere dayalı matematiksel bir anlatımdır. - Newton's law of gravity is a mathematical description of the way bodies are observed to attract one another, based on many scientific experiments and observations.

O bulgular benim kendi gözlemlerimle eşleşiyor. - Those findings match my own observations.

outlier observation
(Bilgisayar) aykırı gözlem
partial observation
kismi gozlem
ratification and observation
rey ve mütalaa
rawindsonde observation
(Askeri) ravinsond gözlemi
satellite observation
(Askeri) uydu gözlemleme
satellite observation
uydu gözlem
seismic observation
(Coğrafya) sismik gözlem
surf observation
(Askeri) dalga gözetleme
surf observation report
(Askeri) dalga gözetleme raporu
synoptic weather observation
(Meteoroloji) sinoptik hava gözlemi
task performance observation
(Askeri) görev performans incelemesi
television infrared observation satellite
(Askeri) televizyon morötesi gözetleme uydusu
terrestrial observation
(Askeri) KARA GÖZETLEMESİ: Bak "ground observatıon"
terrestrial observation
(Askeri) kara gözetlemesi
tidal observation
(Askeri) gel-git gözlemi
tidal observation
(Çevre) gel-git gözleme
tracer observation
(Askeri) İZ GÖZETLEMESİ; İZLİ MERMİ GÖZETLEMESİ: İzli mermilerinin gözetlenmesi
under observation
göz hapsinde bulunmak
under observation
müşahede altında olmak
unilateral observation
(Askeri) YANDAN GÖZETLEME: Ateşin sadece bir taraftan ve tek bir istasyondan gözetlenmesi
upper air observation
(Askeri) yüksek irtifa gözlemi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The act of observing, and the fact of being observed
The act of noting and recording some event; or the record of such noting
A judgement based on observing
A remark or comment
{n} a noting, notice, heed, remark, notations
The result of an act, or of acts, of observing; view; reflection; conclusion; judgment
The particular value assigned to a case on a particular variable
the act of observing; taking a patient look
- Seeing and recording a fact
A research technique in which an investigator collects information through direct participation in and/or observation of a group, tribe, or community (See 36)
A combination of target and specific observing parameters
We use our senses to gather information about the world around us observing is the most fundamental scientific thinking process Only through observing are we able to acquire information about the world around us Given objects to play with the young student will look, touch, smell, taste, and listen to them These sensory actions enable the learner to construct a view of the world and how it works By observing, humans gather information as raw material for constructing fundamental knowledge
a fact or occurrence that is recognized and recorded
If a person makes an observation, they make a comment about something or someone, usually as a result of watching how they behave. `You're an obstinate man,' she said. `Is that a criticism,' I said, `or just an observation?'
– The act of noting and recording facts and events
the act of observing; taking a patient look the act of making and recording a measurement facts learned by observing; "he reported his observations to the mayor"
Closely monitoring a patient's condition but withholding treatment until symptoms appear or change Also called watchful waiting
The act of recognizing and noting some fact or occurrence in nature, as an aurora, a corona, or the structure of an animal
Observation is the action or process of carefully watching someone or something. careful observation of the movement of the planets In hospital she'll be under observation all the time
{i} act of watching; act of looking; act of paying attention; supervision; remark
Observations refer to repeated values of a data variable The rows of a column represent the observations
The immediate perception of a thing or event Other things being equal, observation produces the most solid grounds for accepting a claim, and the most solid grounds for rejecting one that denies one's observation But many circumstances can render even observation unreliable
Performance of what is prescribed; adherence in practice; observance
An observation is something that you have learned by seeing or watching something and thinking about it. This book contains observations about the causes of addictions
The act or the faculty of observing or taking notice; the act of seeing, or of fixing the mind upon, anything
An assessment process in which the teacher systematically observes and records information about student performance in order to evaluate what has been learned A checklist is often used to record what has been observed
The process of direct sensory inspection involving trained observers
The period of time over which GPS data is collected simultaneously by two or more receivers
the act of making and recording a measurement
(1) the act of noting a phenomenon, orten with instruments, and recording it for scientific or other purposes; (2) the result or record of such notation
the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"
a data collection method where the relevant behaviors are recorded
watching the patient and offering treatment only when symptoms increase or change
A set of integrations while the antennas complete an elemental pattern across the source, and possibly while frequency switching, nutator switching, etc
a remark expressing careful consideration
A research method, in which the investigator systematically watches, listens to and records the phenomenon of interest
Hence: An expression of an opinion or judgment upon what one has observed; a remark
Specifically, the act of measuring, with suitable instruments, some magnitude, as the time of an occultation, with a clock; the right ascension of a star, with a transit instrument and clock; the sun's altitude, or the distance of the moon from a star, with a sextant; the temperature, with a thermometer, etc
a dataset processing through the pipeline
The act of noting and recording a phenomenon, often with instruments (cameras, recorders) or note taking observer-as-participant: An observational role revealed to others and offering a very limited time for data collection open-ended question: A question that does not provide a list of alternative answers, but allows the respondent to express his or her position on a topic operational definition: An explicit procedure for defining a variable by the means used to measure it The personal meaning of leisure can be operationally defined as the responses to a set of involvement profile questions ordinal scale: A measurement of a variable that results in the classification of phenomena into a set of ranked or ordered attributes The ordinal scale has the characteristic of the nominal scale (different numbers mean different things) plus the characteristic of indicating "greater than" or "less than " P
Observation is the ability to pay a lot of attention to things and to notice more about them than most people do. She has good powers of observation
the attentive watching of somebody or something; the careful observing and recording of something that is happening, for example, a natural phenomenon; the use of one’s senses to learn something new
facts learned by observing; "he reported his observations to the mayor"
A sensor reading from a Device, such as current, pressure, temperature, valve state or voltage Observations are represented in Livingstone as Observation Variables
Normally a visual description
In meteorology, the evaluation of one or more meteorological elements, such as temperature, pressure, or wind, that describe the state of the atmosphere, either at the earth's surface or aloft An observer is one who records the evaluations of the meteorological elements
  noticing someone and judging his/her action in some way   As teachers, we observe our learners everyday, usually in an unstructured way   This is a type of assessment
The information so acquired
observation deck
A building (such as a hide) from which people may observe wildlife
observation deck
An area of a tall building, often open to the sky, from which the public may look at the surrounding panorama
observation balloon
ballon used for recording facts (mainly for research about weather conditions)
observation car
railroad passenger car with large windows to enable the passengers to view the scenery
observation car
A railway passenger car made so as to facilitate seeing the scenery en route; a car open, or with glass sides, or with a kind of open balcony at the rear
observation dome
lookout consisting of a dome-shaped observatory
observation officer
military officer which observes enemy activity
observation point
very high point from which one can survey the entire area, point from which a view can be clearly seen (as in a national park); place at which a certain phenomenon is being observed (e.g. in scientific research)
observation post
observation point, very high point from which one can survey the entire area
observation post
a position from which an enemy can be watched
observation station
a station set up for making observations of something
observation tower
a tall structure built so that you can see a long way, used to watch prisoners, look for forest fires etc
Pertaining to observation in general
Based on or pertaining to scientific observation
pilot balloon observation
A method of winds-aloft observation, temperature, and relative humidity of the upper that is, the determination of wind speeds and air and to automatically transmit that directions in the atmosphere above a station. This is done by reading the elevation and azimuth angles of a theodolite (instrument) observation while visually tracking a pilot balloon. The ascension rate of the balloon is approximately determined by careful inflation to a given total lift. After release from the ground, periodic readings (usually at one-minute intervals) of elevation and azimuth angles of the balloon are recorded. These data are transferred to a winds-aloft plotting board, and wind speed and direction at selected levels are calculated by trigonometric methods
­ information learned about the world around us that's gathered by using our five senses and scientific equipment
naturalistic observation
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Naturalistic observation is a method of observation, commonly used by psychologists, behavioral scientists and social scientists, that involves observing subjects in their natural habitats. Researchers take great care in avoiding making interferences with the behaviour they are observing by using unobtrusive methods. Objectively, studying events as they occur naturally, without intervention. (Manoli, Frank, 2007)
participant observation
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) Participant observation is a key research method that social scientists, (sociologists) can use to study human behaviour, it can also be used within anthropology, as it can be used to observe human behaviour and to understand how society works
aerial observation
view from above, view from an aircraft
air observation
watching something from up in the air
all around observation
circumferential observation, vantage point from which the entire surrounding area can be seen
cross observation
observing from two positions when their vantage points intersect
field observation
supervision of activity that takes place in the field
fire-range observation
locating the place where shells have fallen
ground observation
observation that is carried out on the ground (not from the air)
instrument observation
observation performed using special optical devices
medical observation
time after the initial diagnosis when doctor performs follow-up exams of a patient in order to keep track of his condition (Medicine)
meteorological observation post
one of a networks of observation posts where meteorological data is recorded
Observational means relating to the watching of people or things, especially in order to learn something new. observational humour The observational work is carried out on a range of telescopes
{s} of observation; supervisory; of awareness
relying on observation or experiment; "experimental results that supported the hypothesis"
Of a pertaining to observation; consisting of, or containing, observations
of participant behavior may be recorded in quantitative (e g , real-time coded categories) or qualitative (e g , note-taking for case study) formats or by special media (i e , audio or video recordings)
Occur at hourly intervals and when required in-between with complex procedures, to ensure patient stability and safety
the unit criteria or specific measure of the observed characteristics of a VSA or VSU that are used to assign a rating to a factor and in some cases a parameter
Plural of observation
An important form of field research Viewing a setting or event first hand See Finding Sources in the Field / Observing in An Introduction to Research Processes
Information about objects and events, collected by using one or more of your senses
radio observation
an observation made with a radio telescope
self-assessment, inspection of oneself
target observation
line that connects an observer with the target of fire, ranging line
under observation
being supervised; under inspection; being traced
visual observation
observation made by the naked eye, observation done without visual aids or other equipment
was sent for observation
was sent for a psychological evaluation