
listen to the pronunciation of objective
الإنجليزية - التركية

Erkekler amaçlarına ulaştı. - The men achieved their objectives.


Nesnel olduğumu düşünüyorum. - I think I'm objective.


Objektif olarak bakınca, onun görüşleri rasyonalizmden epey uzak. - From an objective viewpoint, his argument was far from rational.

Hemşirelerin, hastaları hakkında objektif olmaları zordur. - It's hard for nurses to be objective about their patients.

(Hukuk) hedef

Bu çok önemli bir hedef ve ulaşmak oldukça zor olacak. - That is a very important objective and it will be quite tricky to achieve.

Ayaklanma, hedeflerine ulaşmakta başarısız oldu. - The uprising failed to achieve its objectives.


Tarafsız kalmaya çalış. - Try to stay objective.

Tom tarafsız görünüyor. - Tom seems to be objective.

{s} hedeflenen
{i} erek
(Tıp) Duyulur, hissedilir, idrak edilir
{i} ismin i hali
{s} amaçlanan
{i} nesne

Nesnel olduğumu düşünüyorum. - I think I'm objective.

{i} mercek
(Biyokimya) özdek mercek
(Denizbilim) özdel mercek
(Askeri) HEDEF: Girişilen bir hareketin fiziksel amacı, örneğin ele geçirilmesi ve/veya elde tutulması komutanın planı için çok önemli olan belirli taktik arazi arızası. Ayrıca bakınız: "target"
(Tıp) Başkaları tarafından müşahede edilir
(Tıp) Mikroskobun objektifi (adesesi)
ismin hali
(Hukuk) maksat
(Hukuk) gaye
(Bilgisayar) mesleki hedefi
(Bilgisayar) mesleki hedef

Tom, Ayn Rand felsefesinin gerçekten tarafsız olduğuna inanmaktadır. - Tom believes the philosophy of Ayn Rand is truly objective.

ismin-i hali
{i} tarafsızlık
objective account
Objektif anlatım
objective analysis
(Denizbilim,Meteoroloji) objektif analiz
objective anxiety
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) nesnel kaygı
objective correlative
nesnel karşılık
objective force level
(Askeri) amaçlanan kuvvet seviyesi
objective forecast
(Meteoroloji) objektif tahmin
objective function
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) amaç işlevi
objective glass
objective item
(Dilbilim) nesnel madde
objective methods
(Gıda) nesnel yöntemler
objective nouns
(Dilbilim) nesne görevindeki isimler
objective orientation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) nesnel yönelim
objective point
(Askeri) vuruş noktası
objective pronoun
(Dilbilim) nesnel adıl
objective reality
objektif realite
objective reality
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) nesnel gerçeklik
objective rights
(Politika, Siyaset) nesnel haklar
objective scoring
(Dilbilim) nesnel notlandırma
objective statement
(Bilgisayar) hedef belirtici cümle
objective tax
(Ticaret) objektif vergi
objective tax burden
(Ticaret) objektif vergi yükü
objective test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) nesnel test
objective test
(Dilbilim) nesnel sınav
objective test
(Askeri) hedef testi
objective tree
hedef ağacı
objective case
ismin  i hali
objective case
belirtme yağdayı
objective function
amaç fonksiyon
objective value
nesnel değer
objective lens
objektif mercek
objective mount
mercek çerçevesi
objective noise meter
objektif gürültü ölçme aygıtı
objective of
objective setting
objektif ayarı
objective area
(Askeri) TAARRUZ HEDEF BÖLGESİ: İçinde askeri kuvvetler tarafından ele geçirilmesi veya ulaşılması gereken bir hedef bulunan tanımlanmış bir coğrafi bölge. Bu bölge komuta ve kontrol amaçları için yetki unsuru tarafından tanımlanır
objective area; operating assembly; operational area; Operations Aerology shipbo
(Askeri) hedef bölgesi; çalışan donanım; harekat sahası; Harekat Aeroloji Meteoroloji Ve Oşinografi Merkezi (METOC) Bölümü
objective case
ismin i hali
objective case
objective case
ismin -i hali
objective correlative
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) nesnel karşılık (t.s. eliot)
objective criterion
nesnel olcut
objective evidence
(Nükleer Bilimler) tarafsız delil
objective folder
(Askeri) HEDEF DOSYASI: Bir hedef hakkında toplanan ve askeri harekatın icrasında ve planlanmasında kullanılan haberler. Bir hedef dosyası, harita ve şemalar ile arazi engellerini ve buna benzer hususlar hakkında fotoğraf ve bilgileri ihtiva edebilir
objective folder
(Askeri) hedef dosyası
objective force level
(Askeri) AMAÇLANAN KUVVET SEVİYESİ: Onaylanmış askeri hedefleri elde etmek, görev veya sorumlulukları yerine getirmek için belirli bir zaman içinde ve belirli kaynakları kullanarak ulaşılması gereken askeri kuvvet seviyesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "military requirement"
objective genitive
ismin in hali
objective lens
(İnşaat) görüntü merceği
objective performance
nesnel basarim
objective plane
(Askeri) HEDEF SATHI: Toprağa teğet veya hedef sathına uygun satıh, özellikle, bir bomba veya merminin vuruş noktasında bulunan satıh
objective point
(Askeri) VURUŞ NOKTASI: Bak. " point of impact"
objective probability
nesnel olasilik
objective rallying point
(Askeri) hedef toparlanma bölgesi
objective rallying point
(Askeri) Hedefte toplanma bölgesi
objective value
(Ticaret) nesnel kıymet
objective value
(Ticaret) tarafsız değer
objective value
(Ticaret) objektif değer
(Dilbilim) amaçlar

Erkekler amaçlarına ulaştı. - The men achieved their objectives.


Pazarlama bölümü ve satış bölümü hedefleri mutlaka aynı değildir. - The objectives of the marketing department and the sales department are not necessarily the same.

Ayaklanma, hedeflerine ulaşmakta başarısız oldu. - The uprising failed to achieve its objectives.


Birinin kendi inançlarını tarafsızca analiz etmesi zordur. - It is difficult to objectively analyze one's own beliefs.

Bazı kültürler tarafsızca diğerlerinden daha iyidir. - Some cultures are objectively better than others.

advanced development objective
(Askeri) ileri geliştirme hedefi
nesnel bir şekilde
documented objective evidence
belgelenmiş nesnel kanıt
nesnel olarak
business objective
iş hedefi
educational objective
eğitim amacı
fixed focus objective
sabit odaklı objektif
intermediate objective
ara hedef
learning objective
objektif öğrenme
long-term objective
uzun vadeli hedefi
meet the objective
Amacına ulaşmak, hedefine ulaşmak, maksatına ulaşmak

A building must serve the needs and purposes of the people who use it. If the building does this, then the architect has met the objective.

çok amaçlı
regard as objective
karşılamak amacı
War Consumables Distribution Objective
(Askeri) Harp Kabilisarf Maddelerinin Dağıtımı
achieve one's objective
amacına ulaşmak
advanced development objective
(Askeri) İLERİ GELİŞTİRME HEDEFİ (HV.): Aşağıdaki hususların temini yolunda yapılacak çalışmaların genel niteliklerini gösterir; (a) Mevcut teknolojik imkanlar ötesinde yapılması düşünülen uzun vadeli bir harekat ihtiyacını yerine getirmek, (b) Mümkün olan askeri bir uygulama ile önemli teknolojik ilerleme kaydetmek
aim at its objective
hedefine yönelmek
air force objective series papers
(Askeri) HAVA KUVVETLERİ HEDEF DÖKÜMANLARI SERİSİ: Yayınlanma tarihinden itibaren 5: 15 yıllık bir devreyi kapsayan uzun vadeli program hedeflerinin, prensip hedeflerinin, plan direktiflerinin, kuvvetlerin, kuvvet programlarının, vazifelerin, görevlerin ve çeşitli hedeflerin resmi şekilde belirtilmesini, münasip şekilde koordine edilmesini ve yetkili bir belge ve direktif mahiyetinde, her an faydalanılabilecek bir kaynak halinde elde bulundurulmasını temin için hazırlanmış dokümanlar. AIR FORCE OF THE UNITED STATES: AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ HAVA İHTİYAT KUVVETLERİ: Bu terimi; ABD Muvazzaf Hava Kuvvetlerini ifade eden "United States Air Force" ile karıştırmamalıdır. AIR FORCE PERSONNEL (ON DUTY) WITH THE ARMY: KARA ORDUSUNDA GÖREVLİ HAVA PERSONELİ: Hava Kuvvetleri komutanının emirleriyle belirli özel görevler için Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı teşkilleri emrine verilmiş, Hava Kuvvetlerine mensup askeri personel. Bunlar hava kuvvetleri kuvvesine dahildirler
air objective
amphibious objective area
(Askeri) amfibi hedef bölgesi
amphibious objective area
(Askeri) AMFİBİ HEDEF BÖLGESİ: Amfibi görev kuvveti tarafından emniyete alınacak olan hedefin bulunduğu yer içinde komuta ve kontrol, amaçları için başlangıç direktifinde belirlenen coğrafi bölge. Bu bölge, amfibi görev kuvvetinin vazifesinin başarılmasına imkan tanıyacak büyüklükte olmak ve gerekli deniz, hava ve kara harekatının yürütülmesi için yeteri büyüklükteki bir bölgeyi sağlamak zorundadır
amphibious objective study
(Askeri) AMFİBİ HEDEF ÇALIŞMASI: Amfibi harekat planlaması için gereken bir daimi veya yarı daimi yapıdaki temel istihbarat bilgilerini sağlamak üzere tasarlanan bir çalışma. Her bir çalışma; stratejik mahale, amfibi vasıtalar tarafından ele geçirilme hassasiyetine ve diğer düşüncelere göre seçilen özel bir bölge ile ilgilidir
aperture of objective
objektif çapı
corporate objective
kurumsal amaç
corporate objective
kurumsal hedef
environment quality objective
çevre kalite amacı
environmental quality objective
çevre kalite hedefi
general mobilization reserve material objective
(Askeri) GENEL SEFER YEDEĞİ MALZEME HEDEFİ: İdhar edilmiş harp yedeği ihtiyaç toplamı hariç, sefer yedeği malzeme hedefi. Bu terim ancak, tek yönetici (single manager) kalemlerine uygulanır. Ayrıca bakınız: "mobilization reserves"
immerson objective method
imersiyon objektif methodu
initial objective
(Askeri) İLK HEDEF: Bak. "objective"
intelligence program objective memorandum
(Askeri) istihbarat programı hedef memorandumu
intermediate objective
(Askeri) ARA HEDEF: Esas hedefe ulaşabilmek için ele geçirilmesi veya imha edilmesi gereken kilit noktası (key position) önemli bir nokta veya hedef
limited objective attack
(Askeri) MAHDUT HEDEFLİ TAARRUZ: Genel olarak, düşman cephe hattı üzerinde veya yakınında bulunan belirli tek bir hedefe yapılacak kısa hedefli taarruz. Buna, kısaca, (limited attack) da denir
material objective
(Askeri) CANSIZ HEDEF: İnsan vesaire gibi canlı hedefler dışındaki hedef
materiel inventory objective
(Askeri) malzeme envanter hedefi
materiel inventory objective
(Askeri) MALZEME ENVANTER HEDEFİ: M gününde bir malzeme ikmal ve tahliye kanalı temin etmek ve teçhiz etmek için ve onaylanmış ABD kuvvet yapısı (faal ve yedek) ABD malzeme desteğine tahsis edilmiş Müttefik kuvvetleri, savaş malzemesi planlama amaçları için idame ettirmek amacıyla elde hazır bulundurulması gereken malzeme miktarı. Savaş malzeme ihtiyacının, savaş malzeme istihsali imkan ve kabiliyeti ve savaş malzeme istihsali düzenlemelerini aştığı miktardır. M-günü kuvvet malzeme ihtiyaçları ve savaş yedek malzeme ihtiyaçlarını içerir
mobilization reserve material objective
(Askeri) SEFER YEDEĞİ MALZEME HEDEFİ: Hesaplanmış, sefer yedeği malzeme ihtiyacından; maddenin topyekün vazife, modernleşme, depolama özelliği, depolama ve bakım faaliyetleri yönlerinden taşıdığı önemi gözden geçirildikten sonra, bir kuvvet komutanlığı veya tek yönetici (single manager) nin stoklanmasını tavsiye ettiği miktar. Bu miktar, hesaplanmış sefer yedeği malzeme ihtiyacının aynı da olabilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "mobilization reserves"
mobilization reserve materiel procurement objective
(Askeri) SEFER YEDEĞİ MALZEME TEDARİK HEDEFİ: Yürürlükteki Müşterek stratejik hedefler planını desteklemek üzere, bir maddeden, barış zamanı, barış kuvveti malzeme tedarik hedefine ilaveten, tedariki gereken miktar. Sefer yedeği malzeme hedefini, sefer yedeği stok üzerine çıkaran bu miktardır. Ayrıca bakınız: "mobilization reserves"
multiple objective defense
(Askeri) ÇOK HASSAS NOKTALI HASSAS BÖLGE SAVUNMASI: Düşman hava taarruzundan müteessir olabilecek muhtelif tesisleri ihtiva eden 2000 yardadan fazla çaptaki bir bölgenin aktif hava savunması
objektif olarak

Benim kültürüm objektif olarak onlarınkinden daha üstün. - My culture is objectively superior to theirs.

z. nesnel olarak
{i} tarafsızlık
(isim) tarafsızlık
kıyı seyri
(isim) tarafsızlık
peacetime force material procurement objective
(Askeri) BARIŞ GÜCÜ MALZEME TEDARİK HEDEFİ: Bir madde ile ilgili barış gücü malzeme miktarını barış gücü malzeme ihtiyacı ile denkleştirmek için barışta bu maddeden tedarik edilmesi gereken miktar. Bu, barış gücü malzeme ihtiyacının barış gücü malzeme miktarını tecavüz ettiği miktardır. Bak. "mobilization reserves"
personal objective
bireysel hedef
procurement objective
(Askeri) PERSONEL TEDARİK PLANI; PERSONEL TEDARİK HEDEFİ: Kara Kuvvetlerinin belirli sayı ve rütbede personel tedarik yetkisi
program objective memorandum
(Askeri) program amacı muhtırası
project objective
proje hedefi
psychological warfare objective
(Askeri) PSİKOLOJİK HARP HEDEFİ: Ulaşılması, psikolojik harpten faydalanılarak gerçekleştirilecek veya kolaylaştırılacak askeri, politik, ekonomik veya başka mahiyette bir hedef. Bak. "psychological warfare"
qualitative material development objective
(Askeri) MALZEME NİTELİK GELİŞTİRME HEDEFİ: Yeni malzeme geliştirilmesiyle ilgili ve tatbik imkanı, bir malzeme nitelik şartının tespitine müsaade edecek derecede kesin bir karara bağlanmayan bir askeri ihtiyaca ait ve Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca onaylanmış bir rapor
realize an objective
amaç gerçekleştirmek
recruiting objective
(Askeri) GÖNÜLLÜ ASKER ALMA HEDEFİ, GÖNÜLLÜ ASKER ALMA GAYESİ: Gönüllü asker alma hizmeti (recruiting service) tarafından belirli bir süre içinde temin edilecek personel miktarını tespit eden maksat, gaye
requirements objective
(Askeri) lojistik destek hedefi
requirements objective
(Askeri) İHTİYAÇ HEDEFİ, GAYE İHTİYAÇLAR: Elde bulundurulacak ve herhangi bir anda verilecek emir, cereyan etmekte olan harekatı ve hedefleri destekleyecek azami malzeme miktarı. Bu miktar; yeniden sipariş devresi miktarı, tedarik süresi miktarı, ikmal seviyesi emniyet payı, korunabilir sefer yedeği malzeme hedefleri veya acil ikmal seviyesi ve icabında idhar edilmiş harp yedeği ihtiyaç şeklinde gösterilen ihtiyaçların toplamından ibarettir
requirements objective
(Askeri) ihtiyaç hedefi
requisitioning objective
(Askeri) GAYE İSTEK SEVİYESİ: Devam etmekte olan harekatı desteklemek için elde veya emre hazır bulundurulması gerekli azami malzeme miktarı. Bu miktar; işletme ikmal seviyesi; emniyet seviyesi ile yerine göre sipariş ve sevk süresi veya tedarik süresi olarak gösterilen stoklar toplamından ibarettir. Ayrıca bakınız: "level of supply"
seizing the objective
(Askeri) Hedefi yakalamak SELECTION OF AGENCIES FOR
small objective defense
(Askeri) HASSAS NOKTA SAVUNMASI: Çapı 2000 veya daha az yarda olan bir bölgenin aktif hava savunması
stockage objective
(Askeri) STOK HEDEF: Yapılmakta olan harekatı desteklemek için elde bulundurulması gerekli malzeme azami miktarı. Bu miktar, işletme ikmal seviyesi ile ikmal seviyesi emniyet payı halinde gösterilen stoklar toplamından ibarettir. Bak. "level of supply"
surface objective
(Askeri) SU ÜSTÜ HEDEFİ: Su üzerinde bulunan her çeşit hedef
testing objective
(Dilbilim) sınama amacı
the objective case
dilb. -i hali, akuzatif, yükleme durumu
total materiel objective
(Askeri) TOPLAM MALZEME HEDEFİ: Barış gücü malzeme ihtiyacı ile sefer yedeği malzeme toplamı. Ayrıca bak "mobilizatıon reserves"
total materiel procurement objective
(Askeri) TOPLAM MALZEME TEDARİK HEDEFİ: Malzeme tedarik hedefi toplamı. Bir maddeden, malzeme hedefi mevcudu aştığı takdirde, toplam malzeme hedefiyle dengelemek için barışta tedarik edilmesi gereken miktar. Bu miktar aynı zamanda barış gücü malzeme tedarik hedefi ile sefer malzeme tedarik hedefinin toplamıdır. Ayrıca Bak " mobilization reserves"
transient objective
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ HEDEF: Bombalanması mümkün hedefler olarak gözönüne alınan, geçici yapılar ve askeri tesisler
transient objective
(Askeri) geçici hedef
underwater objective
(Askeri) SUALTI HEDEFİ: Sualtında bulunan veya su altında hareket eden herhangi bir hedef
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Based on observed facts
The objective case; a noun or pronoun in that case
Not influenced by the emotions or prejudices
The lens or lenses of a camera, microscope, or other optical device closest to the object being examined
Of, or relating to a noun or pronoun used as the object of a verb
Of or relating to a material object, actual existence or reality
A material object that physically exists
A goal that is striven for
grasping and representing facts as they are
{a} proposed as or having an object
of or relating to a noun or pronoun used as the object of a verb
A specific statement of a desired short term condition or achievement; includes measurable end results to be accomplished by specific teams or individuals within time limits
A measurable, definable accomplishment which furthers the goals of the organization
serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes; "objective case"; "accusative endings
A collection of test items An objective is an object that has a description and a mastery percentage associated with it which is used as a container for test items Each objective may also have a number of instructional resources associated with it as well Each contained test item is a child of the parent objective
serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes; "objective case"; "accusative endings"
An object glass
Predetermined result toward which effort is directed A specific statement of quality, quantity and time values (back to top)
A management statement reflecting values or desired outcomes related to a vision of the future; (a function is simply a statement of an activity; an objective indicates the intention to achieve an outcome from the performance of the activity and should have both qualitative and quantitative attributes)
Of or pertaining to an object
Your objective is what you are trying to achieve. Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well His objective was to play golf and win. = aim, goal
A fund's investment objective states the financial goals it is aiming for, such as "growth," or "income "
A survey objective is a clear statement of a goal of the survey There are larger goals and specific goals that may be expressed as objectives A specific goal usually includes information on the target population, the specific questions of the study, data elements and population characteristics we are interested in, the estimates required to achieve the goal, and the precision desired for our estimates
The fund's investment strategy category as stated in the prospectus There are more than 20 standardized categories
Objective information is based on facts. He had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary was happening. + objectively ob·jec·tive·ly We simply want to inform people objectively about events. + objectivity ob·jec·tiv·ity The poll, whose objectivity is open to question, gave the party a 39% share of the vote
The objective case
related more to the object or representation out of which knowledge is constructed than to the subject possessing the knowledge Considered transcendentally, objective knowledge is less certain than subjective knowledge; considered empirically, objective knowledge is more certain
The term objective is used to refer to the lens of a refracting telescope The objective lens of a refractor is simply the main lens at the front of the telescope The aperture of a refractor is determined by the diameter of the objective lens
The physical object of the actions taken, e g , a definite tactical feature, the seizure of holding of which is essential to the commander's plan For purposes of RDO and the description of effects-based philosophy, the term objective is used in the broader sense of end state rather than physical objective
A specific statement detailing the desired accomplishments or outcomes of a project at different levels (short to long term) A good objective meets the criteria of being impact oriented, measurable, time limited, specific and practical Objectives can be arranged in a hierarchy of two or more levels (see "Objective hierarchy")
the lens or system of lenses nearest the object being viewed belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events; "concrete benefits"; "a concrete example"; "there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind"
An intent communicated by a statement describing a proposed change in the learner (Bennett and Clasper)
See Accusative, n
If someone is objective, they base their opinions on facts rather than on their personal feelings. I believe that a journalist should be completely objective I would really like to have your objective opinion on this. = impartial subjective + objectively ob·jec·tive·ly Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work. + objectivity ob·jec·tiv·ity The psychiatrist must learn to maintain an unusual degree of objectivity
the lens or system of lenses nearest the object being viewed
A concrete statement describing what the project is trying to achieve The objective should be written at a low level, so that it can be evaluated at the conclusion of a project to see whether it was achieved or not A well-worded objective will be Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Realistic and Timebound (SMART) See 1 2 1 Define the Work / Goals and Objectives for more information
See under Object, n
Same as Objective point, under Objective, a
{i} aim, purpose, goal; objective case (Grammar)
A statement of the desired outcome of a promotion containing: Marketing Goal Quantifiable level of achievement Time and place in which the activity will take place
Pertaining to, or designating, the case which follows a transitive verb or a preposition, being that case in which the direct object of the verb is placed
{s} impartial, unbiased; existing outside of the mind; relating to or characteristic of a direct object (Grammar); expressing or dealing with facts
the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); "the sole object of her trip was to see her children"
The objective(s) provides the narrow focus for the lab That means that you are supposed to concentrate very specifically on what it is you are supposed to accomplish in the experimental procedure itself The objective(s), therefore, is usually presented in terms of a specific verb that describes what you are supposed to be doing in the lab, such as to measure, to analyze, to determine, to test etc There may be several objectives; if so, list them in bulleted form Often, the objective(s) for the lab is given in the lab manual
A statement describing aims in specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed ways A good learning objective contains one action, the conditions under which the action should be performed and a criterion for its evaluation While developed by Behavioristic psychologists, learning objectives can be a valuable tool in distance teaching that follows other learning theories
Of or pertaining to an object; contained in, or having the nature or position of, an object; outward; external; extrinsic; an epithet applied to whatever ir exterior to the mind, or which is simply an object of thought or feeling, and opposed to subjective
A more specific description of an intended outcome Objectives are usually stated in ways that allow the amount of attainment to be measured In education, objectives are typically about cognition, affect, or psychomotor skill
the primary optical element of a telescope, it gathers the electromagnetic radiation and does the initial focussing
undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; "an objective appraisal"; "objective evidence"
emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings or interpretation; "objective art"
An objective is a high level (most general) statement of what is desired by graduation The objectives are the second part of the program's strategic plan
The fund's investment strategy category as stated in the prospectus There are more than 20 standardized categories E g Aggressive growth, balanced
The way(s) in w hich you will meet your goal(s) For the drinking and driving organization example (see Goal), one objective to meet your goal of raising public awareness may be to conduct a media campaign
belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events; "concrete benefits"; "a concrete example"; "there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind"
A specific, measurable, intermediate end that is achievable and progresses toward meeting an outcome or goal
A measurable result, not an activity, that management has agreed upon to accomplish within a specific timeframe (FEDSIM, 1993) Strategic objectives generally have time frames of from 5 to 10 years
A significant development result which contributes to the achievement of an Agency goal An Agency objective provides a general framework for more detailed planning that occurs for a specific country and regional program
objective case
the form of a noun or pronoun used as the object of a verb or a preposition
objective cases
plural form of objective case
objective clause
A clause that takes place of the direct object of a verb
objective function
A function to be maximized or minimized in optimization theory
objective case
grammatical form that is used as the object of a verb or preposition (Grammar)
objective clause
clause that functions as the object of a verb or preposition (Grammar)
objective complement
A noun, adjective, or pronoun serving as a complement to a verb and qualifying its direct object, as governor in They elected him governor
objective correlative
A situation or a sequence of events or objects that evokes a particular emotion in a reader or audience
objective function
quantitative expression of a goal
objective lens
The large lens at the front end of a viewing system
objective lens
The primary light gathering optic of a refraction telescope, located opposite of the eyepiece
objective lens
– in a compound microscope or a telescope, the lens closest to the object being viewed
objective lens
The second of two figures quoted on a pair of binoculars that indicates the diameter of the lens furthest away from your eye when you're looking through them It's quoted in millimeters and the first figure is the magnification A 10x50 pair, for example, has 10x magnification with a 50mm objective lens
objective lens
The lens of the eyepiece The ratio of the focal length of the objective lens to that of the mirror determines the magnification
objective lens
The lens closest to the object In a stereo (low power) microscope there are objective pairs, one lens for each eyepiece lens This gives the 3-D effect On a high power binocular model there is still only one objective lens so no stereo vision
objective lens
In an optical device using compound lenses, the lens closest to the object observed
objective reason
real reason, relevant cause, factual cause
behavioral objective
A phrase used in behaviorist based instructional design processes to specify an expected outcome of an instructional unit. A well constructed behavioral objective consists of three parts: conditions, behavior, and criteria

Given a browser and active internet connection, the learner will write an example of a behavioral objective that is observable and measurable.

cost objective
The purpose for which costs are measured
learning objective
Any fact, technique or other outcome that a student is expected to learn or achieve at the end of a specific course of instruction
The characteristic of being objective; neutrality
The world as it really is; reality
That which is perceived to be true to understanding
recovery time objective
In disaster recovery or business continuity, the time goal for the re-establishment and recovery of business function or resource
{a} by way of object or objection
an objective
intermediate objective
goal which is set to be completed before the completion of the main goal
learning objective
The clear and measurable statement of the behavior that must be observed after training is concluded in order to consider the training a success According to Robert Mager's work, a learning objective contains a condition statement, a performance statement, and a criterion statement
learning objective
The component actions, knowledge, and skills students must learn if they are to attain the course (terminal) objective(s) Learning objectives represent the learning difference between where the learner is now and where one wants them to be Also referred to as enabling objectives (Bennett and Clasper)
learning objective
A statement that establishes a measurable behavioral outcome, which is used as an advanced organizer to indicate how the learner's acquisition of skills and knowledge is being measured
learning objective
A statement establishing a measurable behavioral outcome, used as an advanced organizer to indicate how the learner's acquisition of skills and knowledge is being measured
learning objective
Using The Thinking Glossary study guide, the student will be able to recognize and define the thinking glossary
learning objective
A summary of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students will be expected to achieve
learning objective
the specific knowledge or skill that the teacher intends the child to acquire as a result of the teaching and activities set
learning objective
A statement of what the learners will be expected to do when they have completed a specified course of instruction It prescribes the conditions, behavior (action), and standard of task performance for the training setting An Enabling Learning Objective measures an element of the Terminal Learning Objective Sometimes referred to as performance, instructional, or behavioral objectives
learning objective
A statement that establishes a measurable outcome An objective is used as an advanced organizer to indicate how the learner's acquisition of skills and knowledge will be measured
learning objective
A precise three-part statement describing what the student is to be capable of accomplishing in terms of the expected student performance under specific conditions to accepted standards Learning objectives clearly and concisely describe student performance required to demonstrate competency in the material being taught LOs focus the training development on what needs to be trained and focuses student learning on what needs to be learned Both terminal and enabling objectives are learning objectives
main objective
main goal towards which all one's effort and energy is focused
maintenance of the objective
concentration on the goal, adherence to the goal (principle of combat according to which only the goal is important)
if you consider something objectively, you try to think about the facts, and not be influenced by your own feelings or opinions
in an unbiased manner, neutrally, impartially
in an objective way
In the manner or state of an object; as, a determinate idea objectively in the mind
with objectivity; "we must look at the facts objectively"
with objectivity; "we must look at the facts objectively
{i} freedom from prejudice, lack of bias, impartiality
Specific wants which a character may have in a scene and/or play
what the project or programme hopes to achieve in the long-term Overall objectives are often very broad, such as "to increase the quality of rural life"
Quantified, specific statements noting what the Help Desk or Customer Support Center will accomplish, such as /11 reduce total cost of support by 15%" or "decrease customer downtime by 25 hours per quarter "
The measurable steps you will take to narrow or close the gap indicated in the needs statement Objectives should state what is to change, how much change will occur, and by what time change will occur
In a proposal, objectives are statements about expected outcomes that tell who is going to be doing what, when, and how much will be done Measurable objectives become the criteria used to judge the impact of the project on the target audience and/or on organization effectiveness
Objectives are an organization's performance targets-the results and outcomes it wants to achieve They function as yardsticks for tracking an organization's performance and progress
These provide more specific statements of the intent of the syllabus They amplify the aim and provide direction to teachers on the teaching and learning process emerging from the syllabus They define in broad terms the knowledge and understanding, skills, and values and attitudes fundamental to History in Stages 4-5
The anticipated outcomes or benefits that are the expected results of implementing a strategy They are described in measurable terms and indicate a specific period of time during which these results will be achieved Objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic, and time-bound)
Objectives are statements of specific, measurable steps toward attaining a goal Since a goal is abstract and not fully measurable, objectives permit appraisal of progress toward achieving that goal
Quantified bottom line, main, year end, function achievements, e g , develop a mentoring program for adjunct faculty by fall semester 200X Objectives are specific measurable, challenging but realistic, and time limited
A long-term statement that is directly related to the Corporate Mission Statement These statements are broad, measurable and are measured by specific measurable goals
the status or situation to be achieved once a project has been completed Objectives are often sector specific, region-specific, national or international, or a combination of these
Stated, desirable outcomes of education
- Specifically measurable outcomes which, when completed, will achieve the stated goal
Specific measurable actions by which the goal is achieved, consistent with the purpose, and is time-limited
n measures of success ,concrete measure, end The objectives for a task should provide a picture of what success looks like They should be written in concrete terms and state how success will be measured For example, "improved productivity" is unclear A 0 0001% improvement will satisfy improved productivity A better measure would be set a percentage over a given period
State the specific outcomes that an organization expects to accomplish within a given or stated time frame Should be detailed enough to provide an overall sense of what exactly is desired without outlining the specific steps necessary to achieve that end Objectives are specific and measurable targets for accomplishment during the state time frame Objectives link "upward" to Goals, link "downward" to Strategies, and they also link directly to Outcome/Effectiveness measures Every Objective should have at least one Strategy Whenever possible, every Objective should be linked to an outcome measure [also see Goals and Strategies]
a series of key events or standards that need to be achieved through detailed planning in order to progress to the next level or phase Examples are profit targets, percentage of market share, enter a new market etc
Specific statements of attainable outcome developed annually to implement the six year Goals
The stated goals and needs that define the scope of the KC effort No stated goals Goals are to reduce cost in current production Goals are to identify high cost and high risk areas before the product is transitioned into production Goals are to reduce cost, risk, and time-to-market through front-end attention to areas of low robustness, high cost, and high risk These objectives are clear throughout the extended enterprise
Statements describing the results to be achieved and the manner in which these results will be achieved
Used less frequently than in the past; subsumed into intended learning outcomes
plural of objective
the individual steps that contribute to meeting the aim; use a "to to " statement i e to do [something] to achieve [something]
Objectives are specific outcomes that can be measured using agreed criteria
Statements that clearly describe what the learner will be able to know or do after participating in the CME activity The statements should result from the needs assessment data
The state or quality of being without bias or prejudice; detached, impersonal The journalist's job is to report the facts, not colored by his personal opinion; except in the case of opinions or editorials
As a researcher using qualitative data, you need to be very careful because expectations and preconceived ideas (bias) can affect what you observe, interpret, and conclude Background, previous experiences, interests, and motivations for the research will affect the recording and interpretation of data
judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices
the objectivity concept means that an accountant has to prepare any accounts only on the basis of objective and factual information Thus, this concept attempts to ensure that if, for example, 100 accountants were to draw up a set of accounts for one business, there would be 100 identical accounting statements prepared
An unprejudiced or open orientation to information about the nature of phenomena being studied
The object of understanding
The philosophic position in which one is without bias or prejudice The position is concerned with reality rather than perceptions or feelings
Emphasizing or expressing the nature of reality as it is apart from personal reflection or feelings; independence of mind See also: Conflict of Interest, Ethical Behavior Topic areas: Governance
degree to which information is based on observable phenomena and presented factually with an absence of bias
The state, quality, or relation of being objective; character of the object or of the objective
(the sense of objectivity appropriate to the study of religion): A striving to draw near to the object of investigation at the point where all relevant perspectives on it intersect, thus to comprehend it in its transcendence beyond any one perspective in a way that commands the recognition of those who dwell within them and know them well It is fundamentally a matter of doing justice to the object itself, the object in the round (This meaning of objectivity is to be distinguished from that often associated with modern natural science, namely a comprehensive methodology of distancing: of separating the investigating self from the object of investigation )
The property of being objective See objective <Discussion> <References> Pete Mandik
An author's stance that distances himself from personal involvement
The degree to which the task to be performed is clear and the correct response is definite
The state of being objective, just, unbiased and not influenced by emotions or personal prejudices
That which one understands, often, as intellectually, of all and everything, of what is sensed as felt, thereof
Lack of subjectivity in a test question so that the same score is produced regardless of who does the scoring (p 300)
Accountants' preference for using dollar amounts that are relatively factual-as opposed to merely matters of personal opinion Objective measurements can be verified (See Refer to page 94)
{i} absence of bias, lack of emotional involvement; physical reality (Philosophy)
{i} act of making objective or impartial (also objectivisation)
secondary objective
another purpose that is pursued solely if the primary purpose is not feasible or after the accomplishment of the primary purpose