(Askeri) GAYRİ MUHARİP: Vazifesi icabı, bilfiil muharebeye iştirak etmeyen veya silah taşımayan Şahıs veya teşkilat. Dini işlere ve sağlık sınıfına mensup kimseler gayri muhariptirler
In a war, non-combatants are people who are not members of the armed forces. The Red Cross has arranged two local ceasefires, allowing non-combatants to receive medical help. = civilian combatant
non-combatant non-combatants in AM, usually use noncombatant1. Non-combatant troops are members of the armed forces whose duties do not include fighting. The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action. combatant
Any person connected with an army, or within the lines of an army, who does not make it his business to fight, as any one of the medical officers and their assistants, chaplains, and others; also, any of the citizens of a place occupied by an army; also, any one holding a similar position with respect to the navy