تعريف noktaları في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- points
- plural form of point
- Third-person singular simple present indicative form of point
- A one-time charge by a lender to lower the interest rate of a loan One point is equal to 1% of the loan amount
- Prepaid interest assessed at closing by the Lender Each point is equal to 1% of the loan amount (for example, two points on a $100,000 mortgage would cost $2,000)
- The two metal surfaces in a distributor which close or open to allow current to flow or not through the ignition coil. Each surface is called a point singular (theres usually a moving point which is pushed by the distributor cam and a fixed point which isnt), but theyre made together in a unit and serviced or replaced that way and are hence normally called points plural
- The site allows lenders to post rates via point ranges Points are broken out on the site for Discount and Origination The definitions for each are as follows: Discount Points = Interest Charges paid up-front when a borrower closes a loan A point is equal to 1 percent of the loan amount (e g 1 5 points on a $100,000 mortgage would cost the borrower $1,500) Generally, by paying more points at closing, the borrower reduces the interest rate of his loan and thus future monthly payments Origination Points = A fee imposed by a lender to cover certain processing expenses in connection with making a real estate loan Usually a percentage of the amount loaned, such as one percent
- Finance charges paid by the borrower at the beginning of a loan in addition to monthly interest; each point equals one percent of the loan amount
- Charges levied by the mortgage lender and usually payable at closing One point represents 1% of the face value of the mortgage loan
- An amount paid to a mortgage lender, at the time of closing, above and beyond the regular interest payments Each point equals 1% of the mortgage face amount When you are buying a home, points are tax-deductible in full for the year you pay them, provided that they aren't out of line for your area and that they represent prepaid interest, which they usually do If you pay points when you refinance, however, you must amortize the tax deduction over the life of your loan BACK TO TOP
- A point is equal to one percent of the principal amount of your mortgage For example, if you get a mortgage for $100,000, one point is means you pay $1000 to the lender Lenders frequently charge points in both fixed-rate and adjustable-ratemortgages in order to increase the yield of the mortgage and to cover loan closing costs These points are usually collected at closingand may be paid by the borrower or the home seller, or may be split between them
- third-person singular of point
- Amount payable to the lending institution by the borrower or seller to increase the lender's effective yield, which allows a reduction in the note rate of the loan One point is equal to one percent of the loan amount
- Upfront fee charged by a lender, separate from interest but designed to increase the overall yield to the lender A point is 1% of the total principal amount of the loan For example, on a $200,000 mortgage loan, a charge of 3 points would equal $6,000 Since points are considered a form of prepaid mortgage interest, they are tax deductible, usually over the term of the loan, but in some cases in a lump sum in the year they are paid
- In reference to a loan, points consist of a lump sum payment made by the borrower at the outset of the loan period Generally, each point equals one percent of the loan amount See also seller's points
- {i} track switcher on a railroad track; ends of the toes
- Up-front interest to compensate the lender for processing a mortgage Also known as "loan origination fees " Each point equals 1% of the loan Points are also referred to as "discount points" because usually the more points paid, the lower the interest rate
- Points are prepaid interest on your mortgage, charged by the lender at the time of the closing Each point is one percent of the loan amount that is, 2 points on a $100,000 mortgage would be $2,000 (More Info)
- (Otomotiv) Two or more metal terminals, located inside the distributor on vehicles with non-electronic ignitions. These terminals are brought into contact and then separated by the movement of the cam wheel on the rotating distributor shaft. The points regulate the intensity and duration of the current that's conducted, to each spark plug by interrupting the flow of current from the coil as they open and close. Also called contact points, breaker points, or ignition points
- A one-time charge paid to the lender for issuing a loan Each point equals one percent of the loan amount and is used to obtain revenue in addition to the interest rate
- Fees paid to lenders A point is equal to 1 percent of a mortgage amount For example, if your mortgage was $100,000 and you were required to pay 2 1/2 points to get it, the charge to you would be $2500 Some points that you pay when obtaining a mortgage may be tax-deductible Lenders sometimes use the term "basis points " A basis point is 1/100 of a point For example, if you are charged 1/2 point (1/2 percent of the mortgage), the lender will think of it as 50 basis points Points may be further classified into origination points or discount points
- nokta
- dot
Please sign on the dotted line.
- Lütfen noktalı çizginin üzerini imzala.
Blind people read by touching, using a system of raised dots called Braille.
- Görme engelli insanlar Braille denilen kabartılmış noktalardan oluşan bir sistem kullanarak, dokunarak okurlar.
- nokta
- point
This lake is deepest at this point.
- Bu göl bu noktada en derin.
Everyone has both strong and weak points.
- Herkesin hem güçlü hem de zayıf noktaları vardır.
- nokta
- spot
Seeing the face of his wife covered in green spots, he had a heart attack. Yet another victim of the killer cucumber!
- Karısının yeşil noktalarla kaplanmış yüzünü görünce kalp krizi geçirdi. Katil salatalığın bir kurbanı daha!
There were ten police officers on the spot.
- Noktada on polis memuru vardı.
- nokta
- full stop
There needs to be a full stop at the end of a sentence.
- Bir cümlenin sonunda nokta olması gerekir.
There's a full stop missing from the end of the sentence.
- Bu cümlenin sonunda bir nokta eksik.
- nokta
- period
You can't replace the comma with a period in this sentence.
- Bu cümlede virgülü bir noktayla değiştiremezsiniz.
There needs to be a period at the end of a sentence.
- Bir cümlenin sonunda bir nokta olmalı.
- nokta
- stage
- nokta
- (Bilgisayar) dots
The Earth and Sun are just tiny dots among the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
- Dünya ve Güneş, Samanyolu Galaksi'sindeki milyarlarca yıldız arasında sadece ufacık noktadırlar.
What are those little dots?
- Şu küçük noktalar nedir?
- nokta
- vertex
- nokta
- (Bilgisayar) points
Everyone has both strong and weak points.
- Herkesin hem güçlü hem de zayıf noktaları vardır.
You sure guessed the critical points of that teacher's exam.
- O öğretmenin sınavının kritik noktaları emin olarak tahmin ettin.
- nokta
- (Bilgisayar) pels
- nokta
- police post
- nokta
- (Havacılık) spool
- nokta
- subject
- nokta
- {i} speck
- nokta
- punctum
- nokta
- the point is
- güçlü ve zayıf noktaları
- strengths and weaknesses
- iyonosfer kontrol noktaları
- (Elektrik, Elektronik) ionospheric control points
- kutu noktaları
- (Bilgisayar) box dots
- merkez noktaları
- (Gıda) central points
- nokta
- (Matematik) point
- nokta
- spot, speck
- nokta
- point, item, particular (under discussion)
- nokta
- post
- nokta
- place, spot
- nokta
- tittle
- nokta
- stop
There needs to be a full stop at the end of a sentence.
- Bir cümlenin sonunda nokta olması gerekir.
One should add a full stop at the end of the sentence.
- Cümlenin sonunda nokta konulmalı.
- nokta
- speckle
- nokta
- point, dot; full stop, period; speck, spot; place, spot; subject, point; military post, police post
- nokta
- full point
- nokta
- particular
The teacher particularly emphasized that point.
- Öğretmen özellikle o noktaya vurgu yaptı.
- nokta
- punctuation period, Brit. full stop
- nokta
- point (along a road where a policeman or soldier is always to be found)
- nokta
- pinpoint
- nokta
- point, dot
- nokta
- fleck
- nokta
- period , dot , point
- nokta
- macula
- odak noktaları
- (Hukuk) focal points
- pusula noktaları
- points of the compass