
listen to the pronunciation of neither!
الإنجليزية - التركية
ne ... ne de

O, sadece İngilizce ve Almanca konuşur, onlardan hiçbirini anlamam. - He speaks only English and German, neither of which I understand.

Şu iki öğrenciden hiçbiri testi geçmedi. - Neither of those two students passed the test.

ne ne de
ikisi de değil
(ikisinden) hiçbiri
ne de
not one of two; not either
değil bir iki; değil ya
It is neither here nor there Onun önemi yok Mesele onda değil
ikisinden hiç biri
pron. hiçbiri
de değil
ne bu ne öteki
(isim) ... ne de, de değil
Neither of them knows Hiç birinin haberineither white nor red nor black ne beyaz ne kırmızı ne de siyah
{s} ikisinden hiçbiri, ne bu ne öteki: Neither of them knows. Hiçbirinin haberi yok. bağ. ne, ne de: neither white nor red nor black ne beyaz
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
not one of two; not either

Neither definition seems correct.

not either (used with nor)

Neither now, nor ever will he forsake his mother.

also not

If you won’t correct it, neither will I.

not either; generally used to introduce the first of two or more coördinate clauses of which those that follow begin with nor
after a negative statement used to indicate that the next statement is similarly negative; "I was not happy and neither were they"; "just as you would not complain, neither should he"
If you say that one person or thing does not do something and neither does another, what you say is true of all the people or things that you are mentioning. I never learned to swim and neither did they Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland. = nor
You use neither to refer to each of two things or people, when you are making a negative statement that includes both of them. At first, neither man could speak. Neither is also a quantifier. Neither of us felt like going out. Neither is also a pronoun. They both smiled; neither seemed likely to be aware of my absence for long
If you say that something is neither here nor there, you mean that it does not matter because it is not a relevant point. `I'd never heard of her before I came here.' --- `That is neither here nor there.'
Not either; not the one or the other
{n} not either, no one
{c} nor
{s} not this and not that
pron. not this and not that
You use neither in front of the first of two or more words or expressions when you are linking two or more things which are not true or do not happen. The other thing is introduced by `nor'. Professor Hisamatsu spoke neither English nor German The play is neither as funny nor as disturbing as Tabori thinks it is
You use neither after a negative statement to emphasize that you are introducing another negative statement. I can't ever recall Dad hugging me. Neither did I sit on his knee. = nor
similarly not
not either one




    ... URS GASSER: So first of all, let me clarify neither Vint ...
    ... to behavioral change actually it's neither necessary ...