
listen to the pronunciation of navy
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} donanma

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri donanması, savaş için hazır değildi. - The United States navy was not ready for war.

Kennedy, İkinci Dünya Savaşında bir Donanma kahramanı idi. - Kennedy was a Navy hero in World War Two.

kazma makinesi
deniz filosu
deniz kuvvetleri

Pilota deniz kuvvetleri helikopterini uçurttular. - They made the pilot fly the Navy helicopter.

İlk kez, Japon Deniz Kuvvetleri yenilmişti. - For the first time, the Japanese Navy had been defeated.

devletin gemi kuvveti
(Askeri) DENİZ KUVVETLERİ: Bak. "United States Navy"
navy bean küçük kuru fasulye
koyu mavi
deniz kuvvetler

Pilota deniz kuvvetleri helikopterini uçurttular. - They made the pilot fly the Navy helicopter.

İlk kez, Japon Deniz Kuvvetleri yenilmişti. - For the first time, the Japanese Navy had been defeated.

navy yard harp gemileri tersanesi
(Bilgisayar) denizci mavisi
deniz kuvveti
mekanik ekskavatör
ABD deniz kuvvetlerinin "donanma kaplanları" lakaplı özel kuvvetleri. Bizdeki SAT lar
navy blue
koyu mavi
navy blue
navy yard
harp gemileri tersanesi
navy yard
navy base
donanma üssü
navy exchange
donanma döviz
navy seal
donanma mühür
Navy Antiterrorism Analysis Center; Navy Antiterrorist Alert Center
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Anti-Terörizm Analiz Merkezi; Deniz Kuvvetleri Anti
Navy Capabilities and Mobilization Plan
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri İmkan, Kabiliyetler Ve Seferberlik Planı
Navy Exchange Command
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Kantin Komutanlığı
Navy Integrated Tactical Environmental System
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Entegre Taktik Çevresel Sistemi
Navy Medical Logistical Command
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Tıbbi Lojistik Komutanlığı
Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Harekat Küresel Atmosfer Tahmin Sistemi
Navy Support Instruction
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Destek Direktifi
Navy Tactical Command System Afloat
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Yüzer Taktik Komuta Sistemi
Navy Tactical Intelligence Center
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Taktik İstihbarat Merkezi
Navy Warfare Development Command
(Askeri) Deniz Harp Geliştirme Komutanlığı
Navy cargo handling battalion
(Askeri) Deniz kuvvetleri kargo işleme taburu
Navy cargo handling force
(Askeri) Deniz kuvvetleri kargo işleme kuvveti
Navy component communications staff officer
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri unsuru muhabere karargah subayı
Navy component intelligence staff officer
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri unsuru istihbarat karargah subayı
Navy component logistics staff officer
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri unsuru lojistik karargah subayı
Navy component manpower or personnel staff officer
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri unsuru insan gücü veya personel karargah subayı
Navy component operations staff officer
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri unsuru harekat karargah subayı
Navy component plans staff officer
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri unsuru plan karargah subayı
Navy construction engineer; sea barge
(Askeri) Donanma inşaat mühendisi; deniz şatı
Navy facsimile
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri faksimilesi
Navy forces
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri
Navy lighterage
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri yükleme ve boşaltma layteri
Navy material transportation office
(Askeri) Deniz kuvvetleri malzeme ulaştırma ofisi
Navy medical command instruction
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri sıhhi komuta talimatı
Navy medical pamphlet
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri sıhhiye el kitabı
Navy mobilization processing site
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri seferberlik işlem bölgesi
Navy overseas air cargo terminal
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri deniz aşırı hava kargo terminali
Navy tactical air control system
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri taktik hava kontrol sistemi
navy complete penetration
(Askeri) TAM NÜFUZ (DENİZ KUVVETLERİNDE): Bak " complete penetration "
navy complete penetration
(Askeri) tam nüfuz
navy fast frigate
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri hızlı fırkateyni
navy pontoon causeway
(Askeri) BAHRİYE TOMBAZLI GEÇİŞ YOLU: Bataklık veya çamurlu araziyi geçmekte kullanılan bahriye tombazından yapılmış geçit yolu
navy pontoon causeway
(Askeri) bahriye tombazlı geçiş yolu
navy serial number
(Askeri) deniz sicil numarası
navy serial number
navy serial number
(Askeri) deniz askerlik numarası
navy supplies
(Askeri) DENİZ İKMAL MADDELERİ: Deniz makamları tarafından tedarik edilip depolanan ve Deniz Birlik, teşkil ve müesseselerine dağıtılan ikmal maddeleri
navy unit commendation
navy vessels
savaş gemileri
navy weather central
navy yard
askeri tersane
National Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Operations Center; Navy Satellite Operati
(Askeri) Milli
national support element; Navy support element
(Askeri) milli destek unsuru; Deniz Kuvvetleri destek unsuru
naval component commander; Navy component Command; network control center; North
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri unsur komutanı; Deniz Kuvvetleri unsur Komutanlığı; ağ kontrol merkezi; Kuzey Amerika Hava
component command navy
(Askeri) deniz unsur komutanlığı
merchant navy
ticari filo
merchant navy
(Ticaret) deniz ticaret filosu
merchant navy
(Ticaret) ticaret gemisi
united states navy
(Askeri) abd deniz kuvvetleri
united states navy
(Askeri) abd donanması
British Navy
İngiliz donanması
cruiser, battle-ship, navy ship
kruvazör, savaş gemisi, donanma gemisi
dark navy
Köyü lacivert
royal australian navy
Kraliyet Avustralya donanmasının
royal navy
kraliyet donanması
(NL) elevated causeway system (Navy lighterage)
(Askeri) yükseltilmiş geçiş yolu sistemi (Deniz Kuvvetleri layteri)
Commander, United States Navy, Central Command
(Askeri) ABD Merkez Komutanlığı Dz.K.K
Department of the Navy
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Bakanlığı
Joint Army, Navy, Air Force publication
(Askeri) Müşterek Kara Kuvvetleri, Deniz Kuvvetleri, Hava Kuvvetleri yayımı
Secretary of the Navy
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Bakanı
Secretary of the Navy instruction
(Askeri) Donanma Eğitim Bakanı
United States Navy
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Donanması
United States Navy Forces, Southern Command
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Deniz Kuvvetleri, Güney Komutanlığı
United States Navy Reserve
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Deniz İhtiyat Kuvveti
antiterrorism alert center (Navy)
(Askeri) antiterörizm alarm merkezi (Deniz Kuvvetleri)
army and navy munition board
construction capabilities contract (Navy); Construction Capabilities Contract Pr
(Askeri) İnşaat İmkan ve Kabiliyetleri Sözleşmesi (Deniz Kuvvetleri); İnşaat İmkan ve Kabiliyetleri Sözleşmesi Süreci; İnşaat İmkan ve Kabiliyetleri Sözleşmesi Programı
department of the navy
(Askeri) DENİZ KUVVETLERİ BAKANLIĞI: Deniz Kuvvetlerinin hükümet kabinesinde oturan yürütme organı ile ABD Deniz Piyade Sınıfı karargahı; ABD'nin deniz-hava kuvvetini de içine alan bütün faal deniz kuvvetlerine ait ihtiyat, asli teşkilleri; Deniz Kuvvetleri komutanının kontrol ve nezareti altındaki bütün sahra karargahları, kuvvetler, üsler, tesisler, faaliyetler ve görevler; kanuni bakımdan deniz kuvvetlerinin bir kısmı olarak faaliyette bulundukları takdirde ABD Sahil Güvenlik Teşkilatı. Bak. "Military Department". DEPARTURE AIRFIELD (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, ABD SAVUNMA KURULU): KALKIŞ MEYDANI: Birliklerin ve/veya teçhizatın uçuş için uçağa bindirildikleri hava alanı. Bak. "air field"
destroyer (Navy ship)
(Askeri) destroyer (Deniz Kuvvetleri Gemisi)
helicopter combat support (Navy); helicopter control station; helicopter coordin
(Askeri) helikopter muharebe desteği (Deniz Kuvvetleri); helikopter kontrol istasyonu; helikopter koordinasyon bölümü
merchant navy
ticaret filosu
offshore petroleum discharge system (Navy)
(Askeri) deniz aşırı akaryakıt boşaltma sistemi (Deniz Kuvvetleri)
rescue coordination team (Navy)
(Askeri) kurtarma koordinasyon timi (Dnz.)
secretary of the navy
(Askeri) DENİZ KUVVETLERİ KOMUTANI: A. B. D'nde; Deniz Kuvvetlerinin başına Başkan tarafından tayin edilen şahıs
supporting navy war plan
united states navy
(Askeri) ABD DENİZ KUVVETLERİ, ABD DONANMASI: ABD silahlı kuvvetlerinin deniz harbi için eğitim görmüş, teşkilatlandırılmış ve teçhiz edilmiş kısmı. Buna kısaca (navy) denir. UNITED STATES PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION CENTER: ABD SAVAŞ ESİRLERİ DANIŞMA MERKEZİ: Düşman ve ABD savaş esirleri için ABD içindeki milli danışma merkezi. UNITED STATES PROPERTY AND DISBURSING OFFICER: ABD MAL SORUMLUSU VE TEDİYE SUBAYI: UNITED STATES PROPERTY AND FISCAL OFFICER: ABD MAL SORUMLUSU VE TEDİYE SUBAYI: ABD'nde her eyalette ve Kolombiya mıntıkasında bulunan ve bulunduğu eyalet veya mıntıka milli muhafız teşkilatına mensup olan bir subay. Bu subay görevli olduğu eyalet veya mıntıkada milli muhafız teşkilatı elinde bulunan bütün ABD fon ve mallarının alınması ve muhasebesinden sorumlu olmak üzere fiili hizmet görür
التركية - التركية

تعريف navy في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) İçi oyuk olan şey
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Üç direkli gemi
Ortaçağ'da açık denizlerde kullanılmış yelkenli gemi
Yalnız pruva direği kabasorta, öbür direkleri sübye donanımlı olan, genellikle üç direkli yelkenli gemi
üç direkli yelkenli gemi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A dark blue colour, usually called navy blue

navy colour:.

Belonging to the navy
A country's entire sea force, including ships and personnel
A governmental department in charge of a country's sea force
Having a dark blue colour
{n} a fleet of ships of war only, a force by sea
A country's navy consists of the people it employs to fight at sea, and the ships they use. Her own son was also in the Navy. a United States navy ship
an organization of military naval forces
a governmental department in charge of a countrys sea force
Canada's navy is represented on the east coast in Halifax, and on the west coast in Victoria Its mission is to defend Canada's maritime interests, which include fisheries patrols, pollution monitoring, and drug interdiction
Never Again Volunteer Yourself
The whole of the war vessels belonging to a nation or ruler, considered collectively; as, the navy of Italy
The officers and men attached to the war vessels of a nation; as, he belongs to the navy
a dark shade of blue
a countrys entire sea force, including ships and personnel
{i} collection of battle ships; sea branch of the military, fighting unit equipped for sea warfare
Something that is navy or navy-blue is very dark blue. I mostly wore black or navy trousers. a navy-blue blazer. Warships and craft of every kind maintained by a nation for fighting on, under, or over the sea. A large modern navy includes aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, submarines, minesweepers and minelayers, gunboats, and various types of support, supply, and repair ships, as well as naval bases and ports. Naval ships are the chief means by which a nation extends sea power. Their two chief functions are to achieve sea control and sea denial. Control of the sea enables a nation and its allies to carry on maritime commerce, amphibious assaults, and other seaborne operations that may be essential in wartime. Denial of the sea deprives enemy merchant vessels and warships of safe navigation. See also U.S. Navy
A fleet of ships; an assemblage of merchantmen, or so many as sail in company
a variable color averaging a dark grayish purplish blue
navy bean
A white bean of a variety of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris
navy beans
plural form of navy bean
navy blue
Having a navy blue color
navy blue
A dark blue color

navy blue colour:.

Navy Cross
A decoration awarded by the U.S. Navy for exceptional heroism in action
navy base
base of operations for a naval fleet
navy bean
Any of several varieties of the kidney bean, cultivated for their edible white seeds. a small white bean which is cooked and eaten, especially in baked beans
navy bean
small white edible bean
navy bean
white-seeded bean; usually dried
navy blue
Prussian blue
navy blue
A dark grayish blue. very dark blue
navy blue
a dark shade of blue
navy blue
dark blue
navy cross
a United States Navy decoration for extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy
navy department
a former executive department of the United States government; created in 1798 and combined with the War Department in 1947
navy gray
A dark gray
navy junior
The child of a member of the U.S. Navy, typically a career officer
navy list
list of naval officers
navy seal
a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfare; "SEAL is an acronym for Sea Air and Land
navy yard
a military shipyard
navy yard
location where naval ships are docked
navy yard
A dockyard for the construction, repair, equipping, or docking of naval vessels
Continental Navy
The name of the United States Navy between 1775 and 1794
People's Liberation Army Navy
The navy branch of the People's Liberation Army, the military arm of the People's Republic of China
Royal Navy
The British navy; formed in the 16th century although England has had naval ships since before the time of Alfred the Great
United States Navy
The ocean-based branch of the United States armed forces. Abbreviated as US Navy or USN
merchant navy
civilian naval fleet dedicated to the sea transport of goods and merchandise
Admiral of the Navy
high ranking naval officer
Imperial Japanese Navy
navy of Japan before 1945
Royal Navy
navy of the United Kingdom
Royal Navy
the part of the UK's military groups that operates at sea in ships and submarines. Naval branch of the armed forces of the United Kingdom. Organized sea power was first used in England by Alfred the Great, who launched ships to repel a Viking invasion. In the 16th century Henry VIII built a fleet of fighting ships armed with large guns and created a naval administration. Under Elizabeth I the navy developed into Britain's major defense and became the means for extending the British Empire around the globe. The maritime forces were given the name Royal Navy by Charles II. In the 18th century it engaged in a long struggle with the French for maritime supremacy, and it later played a key role in Britain's stand against Napoleon. For the rest of the 19th century, it helped enforce what became known as the Pax Britannica, the long period of relative peace in Europe that depended on British maritime supremacy. It remained the world's most powerful navy until the mid-20th century, and it was active in protecting shipping from submarine attack in World Wars I and II. Today it maintains four fighting forces: conventional and nuclear-armed submarines, various surface vessels, naval aircraft, and the Royal Marines. Officers are trained at the Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, Devon. At the start of the 21st century some 42,000 personnel were in service
Sixth Navy
U.S. Naval forces which are spread out across the Mediterranean Sea
United States Navy
branch of the United States armed forces that is combat-ready and equipped to deter aggression and maintain freedom of the seas
United States Navy
Major branch of the U.S. military forces, charged with defending the nation at sea and maintaining security on the seas wherever U.S. interests extend. The Continental Navy was established by the Continental Congress in 1775. It was disbanded in 1784, but the harassment of U.S. merchant ships by Barbary pirates prompted Congress to establish the Department of the Navy in 1798. The navy took part in the War of 1812 and was later important in the Union victory in the American Civil War. Sea victories during the Spanish-American War (1898) led to a period of steady growth. In World War I, its duties were limited to troop transport, minelaying, and escorting merchant ships. The Japanese attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor (1941) led to U.S. entry into World War II, in which, in addition to antisubmarine and troop transport duties, the navy conducted amphibious assaults in the Pacific theater and along the European coast. Aircraft carriers proved decisive in battles with Japanese forces in the Pacific, and they are still the backbone of the navy's fleets. Since World War II it has remained the largest and most powerful navy in the world. The Department of the Navy, a branch of the Department of Defense, is headed by a secretary of the navy. The navy includes the U.S. Marine Corps and, during wartime, the U.S. Coast Guard. In 2000 there were almost 400,000 Navy personnel on active duty, excluding the Marine Corps and Coast Guard. See also U.S. Naval Academy
charlestown navy yard
the navy yard in Boston where the frigate `Constitution' is anchored
merchant navy
all of a country's ships that are used for trade, not war, and the people who work on these ships
merchant navy
country's trading ships; crew that mans these ships
A "prophet" in ancient Israel "Nevi'im" (or Nebiim) became a designation for a section of the Jewish scriptures (see [Tanak] Tanach)
The table of links which is on the top of most WITS's pages
(sometimes spelled nabi; pl neviim) Term for "prophet" in ancient Israel See Nevi'im
The Hebrew word for "prophet," a spokesperson for Yahweh who delivered his God's judgments on contemporary society and expressed his intentions toward the world (Deut 13: 1-5; 18: 9-22; Amos 3: 7; etc )
plural of navy
secretary of the navy
head of a former executive department; combined with the War Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947
united states navy
the navy of the United States of America; maintains and trains and equips combat-ready naval forces
volunteer navy
Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc
volunteer navy
Prussia in 1870, in the Franco-German war, organized such a navy, which was commanded by merchant seamen with temporary commissions, with the claim (in which England acquiesced) that it did not come within the meaning of the term privateer
volunteer navy
A navy of vessels fitted out and manned by volunteers who sail under the flag of the regular navy and subject to naval discipline
volunteer navy
An instrument for m
volunteer navy
Of or relating to Voltaire, the French author
volunteer navy
That form of electricity which is developed by the chemical action between metals and different liquids; voltaic electricity; also, the science which treats of this form of electricity; called also galvanism, from Galvani, on account of his experiments showing the remarkable influence of this agent on animals
volunteer navy
The theories or practice of Voltaire
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف navy في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
