name of a spirit in the play the tempest by shakespeare

listen to the pronunciation of name of a spirit in the play the tempest by shakespeare
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
name of a spirit in the play the tempest by shakespeare


    name of a Spir·it in the play the tem·pest by Shake·speare

    التركية النطق

    neym ıv ı spîrıt în dhi pley dhi tempıst bay şeykspir


    /ˈnām əv ə ˈspərət ən ᴛʜē ˈplā ᴛʜē ˈtempəst ˈbī ˈsʜākˌspēr/ /ˈneɪm əv ə ˈspɪrət ɪn ðiː ˈpleɪ ðiː ˈtɛmpəst ˈbaɪ ˈʃeɪkˌspiːr/