
listen to the pronunciation of monetary
الإنجليزية - التركية

Parasal değer Amerikan toplumunda egemen değerdir. - Monetary value is the dominant value in American society.

Onların parasal problemleri var. - They have monetary problems.

(Ticaret) moneter
paraya ait
{s} para ile ilgili
{s} parayla ilgili, parasal, para
(Mukavele) paraya ait, parayla ilgili
sikkeye ait
{s} para

IMF Uluslararası Para Fonu (IMF) anlamına gelir. - IMF stands for International Monetary Fund.

Onların parasal problemleri var. - They have monetary problems.


Mali olarak ressama yardım ettiler. - They assisted the painter financially.

O, sayısız makbuz ve banka kayıtlarıyla ilgili yaptığı hesaplamalara dayandırarak, bilgisayarında tam bir mali kayıt yaptı. - He made a complete financial record on his computer, basing his calculations on countless receipts and bank records.

monetary approach
(Ticaret) parasal yaklaşım
monetary asset
(Ticaret) parasal varlık
monetary items
(Ticaret) parasal kalemler
monetary policy committee
(Ticaret) para politikası kurulu
monetary system
(Ticaret) parasal sistem
monetary union
(Ticaret) parasal birlik
monetary unions
para birlikleri
monetary erosion
para erozyonu
monetary fund
monetary policy
para politikası
monetary resource
parasal kaynak
monetary standard
parasal standard
monetary system
para jüyesi
monetary system
para sistemi
monetary unit
para birimi
monetary value
para değeri
monetary base
1. Halkın ve bankaların elinde tuttuğu toplam para
monetary compensation
maddi tazminat
monetary incentive
Parasal teşvik, para teşviki
monetary injection
parasal enjeksiyon
monetary pool
paranın toplandığı havuz
monetary transmission mechanism
(Ekonomi) Parasal Aktarım Mekanizması: Para politikası kararlarının üretim, tüketim, istihdam gibi reel ekonomik aktiviteleri ekonominin kendi dinamikleri aracılığı ile etkilemesini sağlayan mekanizmadır. Örneğin, Merkez Bankasının kısa vadeli faizleri değiştirerek, enflasyon beklentileri, piyasa faiz oranları, vade yapısı, para - kredi büyüklükleri ile aktif fiyatlarını etkilemesi ve belli bir süre sonra bu değişmelerin reel büyüklükler üzerinde etkili olması bu mekanizmanın çalışma biçimini oluşturur. Ancak, böyle bir mekanizmanın net olarak tespit edilmesi, davranışsal bir takım tanımlamalar da gerektirdiğinden, oldukça zordur
monetary unit concept
Para ölçüsü kavramı.Muhasebenin temel kavramlarından para ölçüsü kavramı
monetary accomodation
(Ticaret) parasal uyumlaştırma
monetary affairs
(Ticaret) parasal işler
monetary aggragates
(Ticaret) parasal toplamlar
monetary aid
para yardımı
monetary and penal provisions
(Ticaret) akçeli ve cezai hükümler
monetary aspect
(Ticaret) parasal yön
monetary assets
(Ticaret) parasal aktifler
monetary assistance
para yardımı
monetary authorities
(Ticaret) parasal yetki kurumları
monetary autonomy
(Ticaret) parasal özerklik
monetary bill
(Ticaret) para senedi
monetary capital
(Ticaret) parasal sermaye
monetary claim
(Ticaret) parasal alacak hakkı
monetary compensation amount
(Ticaret) parasal fark giderici miktar
monetary depreciation
(Ticaret) parasal değer kaybı
monetary depression
(Ticaret) para krizi
monetary disturbance
(Ticaret) parasal rahatsızlık
monetary economy
(Ticaret) parasal ekonomi
monetary effect
(Ticaret) parasal etki
monetary equivalent
(Ticaret) parasal karşılık
monetary expansion
(Ticaret) para arzının artırılması
monetary gold
(Ticaret) parasal altın
monetary gold stock
(Ticaret) parasal altın stoku
monetary indicator
(Kanun) parasal gösterge
monetary inflation
(Ticaret) para enflasyonu
monetary legislation
(Ticaret) para mevzuatı
monetary liabilities
(Ticaret) parasal borçlar
monetary measures
(Ticaret) para tedbirleri
monetary method
(Ticaret) parasal yöntem
monetary nationalism
(Ticaret) parasal milliyetçilik
monetary payment
(Ticaret) parasal ödeme
monetary phenomenon
(Ticaret) parasal olay
monetary point of view
(Ticaret) parasal bakış açısı
monetary policy multiplier
(Ticaret) para politikası çarpanı
monetary pressure
para sıkıntısı
monetary reserves
(Ticaret) para karşılıkları
monetary reserves
(Ticaret) parasal rezervler
monetary reserves
(Ticaret) para ihtiyatları
monetary rule
(Ticaret) parasal kural
monetary sector
(Ticaret) parasal sektör
monetary sovereignty
(Ticaret) iktisadi ve mali egemenlik
monetary standard
(Ticaret) parasal standart
monetary taxes
(Ticaret) nakdi vergiler
monetary transactions
(Ticaret) parasal işlem
monetary value
(Ticaret) para kıymeti
international monetary fund
international monetary fund
European Monetary Union
Avrupa Para Birliği
International Monetary Fund
Uluslararası Para Fonu
domestic monetary unit
ülke para birimi
international monetary economics
uluslararası para ekonomisi
belarusian monetary unit
Beyaz Rusya para birimi
brazilian monetary unit
brazilian para birimi
contractionary monetary policy
(Ekonomi) Daraltıcı para politikası
dividend, perk, monetary gift
temettü, ikramiye, para hediye
equatorial guinea monetary unit
Ekvator Ginesi para birimi
lack of monetary control
mali kontrol eksikliği
nepalese monetary unit
Nepal para birimi
nigerian monetary unit
nigerian para birimi
non monetary
parasal olmayan
parasal olmayan
slovakian monetary unit
Slovakya para birimi
sri lankan monetary unit
Sri Lankalı para birimi
the International Monetary Fund
Uluslararası Para Fonu
International Monetary Fund (UN)
(Askeri) Uluslar Arası Para Fonu (UN)
anticipated monetary expansion
(Ticaret) beklenen parasal genişleme
applied monetary system
(Ticaret) uygulamalı para sistemi
clothing monetary allowance
economic and monetary union
(Avrupa Birliği) (EMU) Ekonomik ve Parasal Birlik
european monetary cooperation fund
(Avrupa Birliği) (FECOM) Avrupa Parasal İşbirliği Fonu
european monetary system
(Avrupa Birliği) (EMS) Avrupa Para Sistemi
fiduciary monetary system
(Ticaret) itibari para
fiduciary monetary system
(Ticaret) güvene dayalı para
{s} parasal

Tom'un parasal sorunlar yaşadığının farkında mıydın? - Were you aware Tom was having financial problems?

Parasal sorunlar yaşıyor musunuz? - Are you having financial problems?

{s} finansal

Finansal sorunlarımız ciddi. - Our financial problems are serious.

Finansal desteği durdurmaya karar verdik. - We decided to cease financial support.

initial clothing monetary allowance
(Askeri) İLK NAKDİ GİYECEK İSTİHKAKI: Bak. "clothing monetary allowance"
limping (monetary) standard
(Ticaret) aksak para esası
optimum monetary area
(Ticaret) optimum para alanı
standard clothing monetary allowance
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Of, pertaining to, or consisting of money
Monetary means relating to money, especially the total amount of money in a country. Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation. relating to money, especially all the money in a particular country (monetarius, from moneta; MONEY). adj. International Monetary Fund monetary policy United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
relating to or involving money; "monetary rewards"; "he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services
Of or pertaining to money, or consisting of money; pecuniary
{s} pertaining to money, fiscal
Of or pertaining to money, or consisting of money
relating to or involving money; "monetary rewards"; "he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services"
monetary impotence
The inability of GDP to respond to a change in the money supply or in interest rates
monetary instrument
in the United States, refers to coins and currency of a foreign country, travelers’ checks, bearer negotiable instruments, bearer investment securities, bearer securities, stock on which title is passed on delivery, and similar material or checks, drafts, notes, money orders, and other similar instruments which are drawn on or by a foreign financial institution and are not in bearer form

defined in 31 USC § 5312(a)(3)(C)).

monetary instrument
coins and currency
monetary policy
The process by which the government, central bank, or monetary authority manages the supply of money, or trading in foreign exchange markets
monetary unit
A standard unit of a currency, of which the value of coins or notes are multiples
monetary overhang
A phenomenon where people have money holdings due to the lack of ability to spend them
monetary assets
money, personal wealth, capital
monetary base
money held by the banks and the public; unit of currency
monetary control
control of the production of money, control over the rate of exchange
monetary fund
a reserve of money set aside for some purpose
monetary gold
Gold held by governmental authorities as a financial asset
monetary injection
change in the amount of money in an economy
monetary interest
rate of interest on monies that the Bank of Israel allots to the commercial banks
monetary laws
regulations for financial issues, laws for damage or injury
monetary loss
loss resulting from changes in the buying power of money
monetary management
method used to change the level of activity in the economy by influencing the supply of money or interest rates, credit management
monetary policy
Measures employed by governments to influence economic activity, specifically by manipulating the money supply and interest rates. Monetary and fiscal policy are two ways in which governments attempt to achieve or maintain high levels of employment, price stability, and economic growth. Monetary policy is directed by a nation's central bank. In the U.S., monetary policy is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve System, which uses three main instruments: open-market operations, the discount rate, and reserve requirements. In the post-World War II era, economists reached a consensus that, in the long run, inflation results when the money supply grows at too rapid a rate. See also monetarism
monetary policy
policy of a country or central bank in regards to money, amount of involvement which a government has on the market activity by influencing the level of export
monetary reform
fundamental change in the economy, change in the unit of currency
monetary restraints
placing of restrictions on the supply of money or on the interest rate of an economy
monetary standard
monies held by the public and the banks; unit of currency
monetary system
system of money which deals with interest and rates of exchange
monetary transaction
business deal that involves the exchange of money
monetary union
agreement between countries to maintain a stable rate of exchange
monetary unit
The coins, notes, unit of account which a country uses legally Since the end of the 19th century, most countries have a single monetary unit on their territory For example the dollar in the USA, the French franc in France, the Deutsche Mark in Germany are all monetary units
monetary unit
unit of currency
monetary unit
The nominal units used to measure assets and liabilities The monetary unit used is usually the local currency unit (such as the Canadian dollar)
monetary unit
the currency used by a country to compare exchange rates with other countries -- "In the United States the basic monetary unit is the dollar " (210)
monetary unit
The standard unit of value of a currency, as the dollar in the United States or the peso in Mexico
monetary unit
a monetary unit
monetary value
the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold); "the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver"; "he puts a high price on his services"; "he couldn't calculate the cost of the collection
moldovan monetary unit
monetary unit in Moldova
mongolian monetary unit
monetary unit in Mongolia
moroccan monetary unit
monetary unit in Morocco
mozambique monetary unit
monetary unit in Mozambique
International Monetary Fund
The international organization entrusted with overseeing the global financial system by monitoring foreign exchange rates and balance of payments, as well as offering technical and financial assistance when asked. Abbreviated as IMF
contractionary monetary policy
(Ekonomi) Contractionary monetary policy is monetary policy that seeks to reduce the size of the money supply. In most nations, monetary policy is controlled by either a central bank or a finance ministry
Economic and Monetary Union
European Monetary System
technique designed to create economic unity for the nations of the European Economic Community by adjusting exchange rates between currencies and linking them to one another, EMS
European monetary union
financial alliance among certain European countries
International Monetary Fund
special UN agency that was founded in 1944 to stabilize exchange rates and to facilitate international commerce and to provide monetary aid to countries suffering economic hardship, IMF
International Monetary Fund
the IMF. Specialized agency of the United Nations system. It was conceived at the Bretton Woods Conference (1944) and officially founded in 1945 as a voluntary cooperative institution to help ensure the smooth international buying and selling of currency. More than 180 countries are members of the IMF. Its principal functions are stabilizing currency-exchange rates, financing the short-term balance-of-payments deficits of member countries, and providing advice and technical assistance to borrowing countries. Members contribute operating funds and receive voting rights according to their volume of international trade, national income, and international reserve holdings; the U.S. holds in excess of one-sixth of the voting rights, more than twice the percentage of any other member. The IMF has no coercive power over members, but it can refuse to lend money to members that do not agree to adhere to its policies; as a last resort it can ask members to withdraw from the organization. Critics of the IMF contend that the austerity and privatization measures it requires of borrowing countries reduce economic growth, deepen and prolong financial crises, and create severe hardships for the world's poorest people. See also International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; World Bank
afghan monetary unit
monetary unit in the Islamic State of Afghanistan
albanian monetary unit
monetary unit in Albania
algerian monetary unit
monetary unit in Algeria
angolan monetary unit
monetary unit in Angola
argentine monetary unit
monetary unit in Argentina
armenian monetary unit
monetary unit in Armenia
austrian monetary unit
monetary unit in Austria
azerbaijani monetary unit
monetary unit in Azerbaijan
bahrainian monetary unit
monetary unit in Bahrain
bangladeshi monetary unit
monetary unit in Bangladesh
belarusian monetary unit
monetary unit in Belarus
bhutanese monetary unit
monetary unit in Bhutan
bolivian monetary unit
monetary unit in Bolivia
botswana monetary unit
monetary unit in Botswana
brazilian monetary unit
monetary unit in Brazil
british monetary unit
monetary unit in Great Britain
bulgarian monetary unit
monetary unit in Bulgaria
cambodian monetary unit
monetary unit in Cambodia
cape verde monetary unit
monetary unit on Cape Verde
chilean monetary unit
monetary unit in Chile
chinese monetary unit
the monetary unit in the People's Republic of China
colombian monetary unit
monetary unit in Colombia
costa rican monetary unit
monetary unit in Costa Rica
cuban monetary unit
monetary unit in Cuba
cypriot monetary unit
monetary unit in Cyprus
czech monetary unit
monetary unit in Czech Republic
danish monetary unit
monetary unit in Denmark
dominican monetary unit
monetary unit in the Dominican Republic
dutch monetary unit
monetary unit in the Netherlands
ecuadoran monetary unit
monetary unit in Ecuador
egyptian monetary unit
monetary unit in Egypt
el salvadoran monetary unit
monetary unit in El Salvador
equatorial guinea monetary unit
monetary unit in Equatorial Guinea
estonian monetary unit
monetary unit in Estonia
ethiopian monetary unit
monetary unit in Ethiopia
european monetary union
A group of European countries creating one currency for the entire region
european monetary union
Under the terms of the Maastricht Treaty of December 1991, EMU should be implemented in three stages, in accordance with a fixed timetable
european monetary union
The system under which EU members seek to adopt a single currency and other monetary policies under provisions of the Maastrict Treaty
european monetary union
A currency union consisting of most of the members of the European Union, who in January 1999 aligned their monetary policies under a European Central Bank and adopted a common currency, the euro
european monetary union
(Emu), as provided for under the Maastricht Treaty, gave the EU a single currency - the euro The objective is national economic convergence with a view to national political convergence Denmark, Greece, Sweden and the UK all opted out of joining Emu at its commencement on 1 1 99, but Greece subsequently joined on 1 1 2001 The 3 other countries will hold a referendum The UK's economic cycle has gradually moved into phase with that of most euroland (eurozone, euroarea) countries, but the UK is unlikely to join Emu before 2003 at the earliest The UK government's 5 proposed tests for joining are
finnish monetary unit
monetary unit in Finland
fractional monetary unit
a monetary unit that is valued at a fraction (usually one hundredth) of the basic monetary unit
gambian monetary unit
monetary unit in Gambia
georgian monetary unit
monetary unit in Georgia
german monetary unit
monetary unit in Germany
ghanian monetary unit
monetary unit of Ghana
greek monetary unit
monetary unit in Greece
guatemalan monetary unit
monetary unit in Guatemala
guinea-bissau monetary unit
monetary unit in Guinea-Bissau
guinean monetary unit
monetary unit in Guinea
haitian monetary unit
the monetary unit in Haiti
honduran monetary unit
monetary unit in Honduras
hungarian monetary unit
monetary unit in Hungary
icelandic monetary unit
monetary unit in Iceland
in monetary terms
about money matters
indian monetary unit
monetary unit in India
indonesian monetary unit
monetary unit in Indonesia
integrated fiscal- monetary policy
policy concerning the degree of government intervention in the level of economic activity by influencing the supply of money and demand for it (Economics)
international monetary fund
a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies
international monetary fund
An organization founded in 1944 to oversee exchange arrangements of member countries and to lend foreign currency reserves to members with short-term balance of payment problems
international monetary fund
An international organization set up to lower trade barriers between countries and to stabilize currency exchange rates
international monetary fund
Established in 1944, purpose is to facilitate the working of the world monetary system It provides foreign currency to member countries as balance of payments support on loan terms
international monetary fund
An international organization created to prevent another collapse in the world monetary system through the stabilization of national currencies throughout the world
international monetary fund
A specialized agency of the United Nations headquartered in Washington Using funds contributed by its members, it will purchase a currency on the application of a member to help the member discharge its international indebtedness and stabilize its currency exchange rates Home Page
international monetary fund
Also known as The Fund, the IMF was created as a central pillar of the post-WWII global economy Its purpose is to coordinate the international monetary system It provides emergency loans to countries that find themselves unable to meet current international payments, in exchange for the imposition of Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) More recently, the IMF has provided funds to guard against speculative attacks on national currencies
international monetary fund
A financial institution created to promote international monetary harmony, monitor exchange rate and monetary policies of member states, and provide credit for member states that experience temporary balance of payments deficits
international monetary fund
an international agency, established after World War II, designed to help countries with balance of payments problems and to ensure the smooth functioning of the international monetary system (chapter 19)
international monetary fund
The international organization created by the Bretton Woods agreement whose objective is to promote the growth of world trade by making loans to countries experiencing balance-of-payments difficulties 348
international monetary fund
A multilateral financial institution established in 1945 to help member countries with international payments problems and to maintain orderly exchange rate policies U S agricultural exports benefit indirectly from activities of the IMF that maintain the global trade in commodities and food
international monetary fund
Established along with the World Bank in 1945, the IMF is a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations and is responsible for stabilizing international exchange loans to its members (including industrialized and developing countries) when they experience balance of payments difficulties These loans frequently carry conditions that require substantial internal economic adjustments by the recipients, most of which are developing countries
international monetary fund
The IMF was established in 1946 to act as the banker of last resort for countries experiencing foreign exchange deficiencies and to monitor currency exchange relationships among nations
international monetary fund
Established along with the World Bank (q v ) in 1945, the IMF is a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations and is responsible for stabilizing international exchange rates and payments The main business of the IMF is the provision of loans to its members (including industrialized and developing countries) when they experience balance of payments difficulties These loans frequently carry conditions that require substantial internal economic adjustments by the recipients, most of which are developing countries
international monetary fund
Established with the World Bank (q v ) in 1945, a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations and responsible for stabilizing international exchange rates and payments Its main function is to provide loans to its members (including industrialized and developing countries) when they experience balance of payments difficulties These loans frequently have conditions that require substantial internal economic adjustments by the recipients, most of which are developing countries
international monetary fund
(IMF): A public international organization created by the Bretton Woods agreement as the main instrument of international monetary management The IMF helps countries with payments deficits by advancing credits to them Originally, its approval was made necessary for any change in exchange rates It advises countries on policies affecting the monetary system The IMF is provided with a fund composed of member countries' contributions in gold and in their own currencies The system of weighted voting allows the United States to exert a preponderant influence in this body
international monetary fund
an organisation set up in 1945, affiliated to the United Nations which aims to promote trade, monetary co-operation and the stabilisation of exchange rates
international monetary fund
The IMF is an international organization of 183 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment
international monetary fund
The world's primary organization devoted to maintaining monetary stability by helping countries fund balance-of-payment deficits Established in 1947, it now has 170 members
international monetary fund
An international organization of 183 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment The IMF has often provided short-term loans and financial crisis management to developing countries in recent years
international monetary fund
An independent international organization created in 1945 as a result of the Bretton Woods conference The IMF has as its chief purpose the maintenance of international monetary stability
international monetary fund
An autonomous international financial institution that originated at the Bretton Woods Conference of 1994 It's main purpose is to regulate the international monetary exchange system, control fluctuations in exchange rates, in a bid to supposedly alleviate sever balance of payment problems It does this by using a "one size fits all" kind of process, in the mind set that the economic situation: ie: poverty has to get really worse, before it can get better The four components of a typical stabilisation program are
international monetary fund
An organization that makes loans and provides other services intended to stabilize world currencies and promote orderly and balanced trade Member nations may obtain foreign currency when needed, making it possible to make adjustments in their balance of payments without currency depreciation Abbreviated as IMF BACK TO TOP
international monetary fund
The IMP was formed in 1945, following the ratification of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund at Brettonwoods in 1944 It became a specialized United Nations agency in 1947 Its is suppose to encourage international monetary cooperation, facilitated the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, assist member countries in correcting balance of payments deficits and promote foreign exchange stability
international monetary fund
The IMF was established in 1944 to oversee the international financial system, including the orderly exchange of national currencies; being a lender of last resort to member countries that can't borrow from other sources and need to prevent defaulting on loans from other sources; and providing technical assistance and training Most of its money comes from member deposits It has faced the most criticism from the conditionalities it imposes on loans to countries with what's called balance of payments problems, when a country does not take in enough foreign currency to pay for what it buys from other countries, including paying off previous loans Conditionalities usually include tight monetary policies (raising interest rates and lowering inflation), less government spending and more privatization It is widely regarded as focusing on the overt political goal of promoting the worldwide liberalization of capital
international monetary fund
Conceived at Bretton Woods, founded in 1947 and based in Washington, D C , this pillar of the global economic order has a stated mission: maintaining an orderly process of multilateral lending and helping members resolve temporary “balance of payments” shortfalls, but the agency imposes strict loan conditions known as structural adjustment programs that transform national economies IMF resources come from 182 member countries, whose vote share depends not on population size but on how much money they contribute The United States commands a 17 percent share With major IMF decisions requiring an 85 percent approval, Washington exercises exclusive veto power The IMF almost never votes, however, as the United States forges “consensus” before meetings IN DEPTH
iranian monetary unit
monetary unit in Iran
iraqi monetary unit
monetary unit in Iraq
irish monetary unit
monetary unit in Eire
israeli monetary unit
monetary unit in Israel
italian monetary unit
monetary unit in Italy
japanese monetary unit
monetary unit in Japan
jordanian monetary unit
monetary unit in Jordan
kazakhstani monetary unit
monetary unit in Kazakhstan
kenyan monetary unit
monetary unit in Kenya
kuwaiti monetary unit
monetary unit in Kuwait
kyrgyzstani monetary unit
monetary unit in Kyrgyzstan
laotian monetary unit
monetary unit in Laos
latvian monetary unit
monetary unit in Latvia
lebanese monetary unit
monetary unit in Lebanon
lesotho monetary unit
monetary unit in Lesotho
libyan monetary unit
monetary unit in Libya
lithuanian monetary unit
monetary unit in Lithuania
macao monetary unit
monetary unit in Macao
malawian monetary unit
monetary unit in Malawi
malaysian monetary unit
monetary unit is Malaysia
maltese monetary unit
monetary unit on Malta
mauritanian monetary unit
monetary unit in Mauritania
mauritian monetary unit
monetary unit in Mauritius
mexican monetary unit
monetary unit in Mexico
In a monetary manner
from a monetary point of view; from a financial point of view
myanmar monetary unit
monetary unit in the Union of Burma
nepalese monetary unit
monetary unit in Nepal
nicaraguan monetary unit
monetary unit in Nicaragua
nigerian monetary unit
monetary unit in Nigeria
north korean monetary unit
monetary unit in North Korea
norwegian monetary unit
monetary unit in Norway
omani monetary unit
monetary unit in Oman
pakistani monetary unit
monetary unit in Pakistan
panamanian monetary unit
monetary unit in Panama
papuan monetary unit
monetary unit in Papua New Guinea
paraguayan monetary unit
monetary unit in Paraguay
peruvian monetary unit
monetary unit in Peru
philippine monetary unit
monetary unit in the Philippines
polish monetary unit
monetary unit in Poland
portuguese monetary unit
monetary unit in Portugal
qatari monetary unit
monetary unit in Qatar
romanian monetary unit
monetary unit in Romania
russian monetary unit
monetary unit in Russia
sao thome e principe monetary unit
monetary unit on Sao Tome e Principe
saudi arabian monetary unit
monetary unit in Saudi Arabia
seychelles monetary unit
monetary unit in Seychelles
sierra leone monetary unit
monetary unit in Sierra Leone
slovakian monetary unit
monetary unit in Slovakia
somalian monetary unit
monetary unit in Somalia
south african monetary unit
monetary unit in South Africa
south korean monetary unit
monetary unit in South Korea
spanish monetary unit
monetary unit in Spain
sri lankan monetary unit
monetary unit in Sri Lanka
sudanese monetary unit
monetary unit in the Sudan
surinamese monetary unit
monetary unit in Suriname
swaziland monetary unit
monetary unit in Swaziland
swedish monetary unit
monetary unit in Sweden
syrian monetary unit
monetary unit in Syria
tajikistani monetary unit
monetary unit in Tajikistan
tanzanian monetary unit
monetary unit in Tanzania
thai monetary unit
monetary unit in Thailand
the monetary unit assumption
basic outlook in accounting that deals with uniform units of currency
tongan monetary unit
monetary unit in Tonga
tunisian monetary unit
monetary unit in Tunisia
turkish monetary unit
monetary unit in Turkey
turkmen monetary unit
monetary unit in Turkmenistan
ugandan monetary unit
monetary unit in Uganda
ukranian monetary unit
monetary unit in Ukraine
united arab emirate monetary unit
monetary unit in the United Arab Emirates
uruguayan monetary unit
monetary unit in Uruguay
uzbekistani monetary unit
monetary unit in Uzbekistan
venezuelan monetary unit
monetary unit of Venezuela
vietnamese monetary unit
monetary unit in Vietnam
western samoan monetary unit
monetary unit in Western Samoa
yemeni monetary unit
monetary unit in Yemen
yugoslavian monetary unit
monetary unit in Yugoslavia
zairese monetary unit
monetary unit in Zaire
zambian monetary unit
monetary unit in Zambia