
listen to the pronunciation of mil
الإنجليزية - التركية
bir incin binde biri
{i} bin

Bin millik yolculuk bir tek adımla başlar. - A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Önümüzdeki dört yıl boyunca On beş bin milyon euro tasarruf edilmeli. - Fifteen thousand million euros must be saved over the course of the next four years.

00254 cm
(Askeri) MİLYEM: Bir daire çevresinin 1/6400'ünü kaplayan açı esasına göre elde edilmiş açı ölçüsü birimi. Bir milyem; 1000 ölçü birimi mesafede (1) birimin kapladığı açıdır
{k} military
{i} binde bir
bir pusun binde biri olan tel kalınlığı ölçüsü
mil line
mil hattı
mil error
(Askeri) MİLYEM HATASI: Atış esaslarında milyem olarak ifade edilen açısal hata. Milyem hatası, doğrusal mesafede metre cinsinden hata demek olan metre hatasından (meters error) dan farklıdır
mil formula
(Askeri) BİNDE BİR KAİDESİ, MİLYEM FORMÜLÜ: Topçulukta kullanılan bir formül. Bu formül şu şekilde ifade edilir: M W/R. Burada (M) iki nokta arasındaki milyem cinsinden açıyı, (W) iki nokta arasındaki yarda (metre) cinsinden aralığı, (R) ise, mesafenin yarda cinsinden binler adedini gösterir. Bu formül, 600 milyemden küçük olan açılar için muteberdir. Buna "mil relation" da denir
mil relation
(Askeri) MİLYEM FORMÜLÜ, BİNDE BİR KAİDESİ: Bak. "mil formular"
mil rule
(Askeri) MİLYEM KAİDESİ: Elin gözden belirli bir uzaklıkta tutulması ile gözetleyiciye, açısal mesafeyi kabaca tahmin imkanı veren usul
dili şimdiye ve geleceğe ait değer veya yarar
yük vagonları için mil hesabı ile verilen kira
mil başına verilen ücret
mil hesabı ile mesafe
per mil
Binde bir
artillery mil
(Askeri) milyem

Bir zamanlar fakir olan ama güzel bir kızı olan bir değirmenci vardı. - Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but he had a beautiful daughter.

Büyükbabam bir değirmenciydi. - My grandfather was a miller.

per mil
mil başına
{i} değirmen makinası
{i} pervane (böcek)
artillery mil
(Askeri) MİLYEM: Bak. "mil"
five per mil
binde beş
infantry mil
(Askeri) MİLYEM: Bak. "mil"
التركية - التركية
Göze sürme çekmeye yarayan kemik veya fil dişinden yapılmış, ince ve uzun araç
Dantel örülen tığ
Türlü işlerde kullanmak için yapılan ince ve uzun metal çubuk
Selin getirdiği çamur
Türlü işlerde kullanılmak için yapılan ince ve uzun metal çubuk
Uzaklık ölçü birimi: "Köprü ile Kadıköy arasındaki mesafenin kaç mil olduğunu bilmiyordum."- A. Rasim
Elişi yapılan tığ
Selin getirdiği kumlu toprak
ince ve uzun metal çubuk
Göze sürme çekmeye yarayan, kemik veya fil dişinden yapılmış ince ve uzun araç
Uzaklık ölçü birimi
Selin sürükleyip getirdiği çok küçük taneli çamurlaşmış kum ve toprak karışımı
Sivri çelik kalem
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Bir kilometreden fazla mesafe, uzaklık
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Mesafeyi gösteren işaret çubukları
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Göze sürme çekecek âlet
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İğne gibi ince ve uzun bir âlet
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Elektromotordan iş tezgâhına kuvvet nakleden uzun çelik çubuk
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Ucu sivri çelik kalem
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Selin bıraktığı en verimli münbit toprak
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Sivri dağ tepesi
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Bir çarkın, üzerinde döndüğü mihver, eksen
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (C.: Melâik) Tahta kaşık
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Havuz
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Dolu, dolusu
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Cemaat. (Bak: Mele')
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İstimal eden, kullanan
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Abbreviation of million

You can get things done without money, but you can do a hell of a lot more with it, and $10 mil is a good starting point.

A unit of measurement equal to 1⁄1000 of an inch, usually used for thin objects, such as sheets of plastic
a former subdivision (1/1000) of the Maltese lira
An angular mil, a unit of angular measurement equal to 1⁄6400 of a complete circle. At 1000 metres one mil subtends about one metre (0,98 m). Also 1⁄6000 and 1⁄6300 are used in other countries
A unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch

In reports in America, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism. - In reports in the United States, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism.

In reports in the United States, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism. - In reports in America, guerrilla resistance by the Iraq military is called terrorism.

A unit used in measuring diameter of a wire or thickness of insulation over a conductor One one-thousandth of an inch ( 001")
{i} unit of volume that is equal to one thousandth of a liter
{i} unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch that is used to measure thickness; smallest Cypriot monetary unit; one thousand, one thousandth
one mil is one one-thousandth of an inch (0 001")
One-thousandth of an inch (10^-3 inch) Equal to 25 4 microns
an angular unit used in artillery; equal to 1/6400 of a complete revolution a unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch; used to specify thickness e
A measure of paint film thickness, equal to one one-thousandth of an inch (0 001 inch)
One thousandth of an inch (0 0254 mm)
One one-thousandth of an inch; the measurement used to gauge the thickness of PVC and rubber pond liners
The top-level domain created for United States military entities
a unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch; used to specify thickness (e g , of sheets or wire)
One thousandth of an inch (0 001 ")
One thousandth of an inch ( 001 inch)
One-thousandth of an inch (x10-3 inches) Equal to 25 4 microns
Unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch (0 001 inch)
a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter
U S military sites
One thousandth of an inch, the unit of measure often used to quantity bar code printing and scanning dimensions
(pronounced MILL) : A domain name suffix denoting an abbreviation for military In Internet addresses, mil indicates a site belonging to a military branch or organization
One thousandth (0 001) of an inch (1 mil = 25 4 microns )
a Cypriot monetary unit equal to one thousandth of a pound
One-thousandth of an inch
of sheets or wire a Cypriot monetary unit equal to one thousandth of a pound
One thousandth of an inch, or 0 0254 millimeter
Mil means the same as million. Zhamnov, 22, signed for $1.25 mil over three years. U.S. military organization (in Internet addresses). Slang. A million dollars
(US military)
= One thousandth of an inch
an angular unit used in artillery; equal to 1/6400 of a complete revolution
- One thousandth (0 001) of an inch (1 mil = 25 4 microns)
A unit of linear measure equaling a thousandth of an inch, or 0 0254 mm For example, 5 mils is 0 005 inches
One thousandth of an inch
An English and Scottish occupational surname for a miller
angular mil
A unit of angular measurement equal to 1/6400 of a complete circle. At 1000 metres one mil subtends about one metre (~0,98 m). Also 1/6000 and 1/6300 are used in other countries
circular mil
The non-SI unit for measuring the cross-sectional area of an electrical conductor: 1 CM= area of a circle having diameter of 0.001 inch; use capitals to distinguish from centimeter; 0.000 506 7 sq millimeters
A person who owns or operates a mill, especially a flour mill
The common name of a flour-smelling mushroom, Clitopilus prunulus
{n} one who attends a mill, a fly
{i} family name
circular mil
A unit of cross-sectional measurement, especially of wire, equal to the area of a circle with a diameter of one mil
A miller is a person who owns or operates a mill in which grain is crushed to make flour. American bandleader and composer whose orchestra was one of the most popular groups of the big-band era. American writer whose novels Tropic of Cancer (1934) and Tropic of Capricorn (1939) were banned in the United States because of their sexual content. American poet whose work is based on his adventures in the West. His collections include Specimens (1868) and Joaquin et al. (1869). American economist. He shared a 1990 Nobel Prize for contributions to financial economics. American religious leader who preached that Christ's Second Coming would take place in 1843. Miller's followers later organized the Advent Christian Church (1860). someone who owns or works in a mill which makes flour. or owlet moth Any of the more than 20,000 moth species in the lepidopteran family Noctuidae, common worldwide. Some species have a 1-ft (30-cm) wingspan, the largest of any moth, but most species have a wingspan of 1.5 in. (4 cm) or less. The wings are usually dull-coloured. Both larvae and adults of most species feed at night. Adults feed on fruits, sap, and nectar. The larvae of many species are agricultural pests (e.g., cutworm, bollworm) that feed on foliage and seeds, bore into stems and fruits, and eat or sever roots. A few species prey on scale insects. Mary Boykin Miller Hemingway Ernest Miller Miller Arthur Miller George Armitage Miller Alton Glenn Miller Henry Valentine Miller Jonathan Wolfe Miller Neal Elgar Richardson Dorothy Miller Shreve Henry Miller
Called also moth miller
machine tool in which metal that is secured to a carriage is fed against rotating cutters that shape it
The hen harrier
any of various moths that have powdery wings
United States playwright (born 1915)
any of several moths that have powdery wings
{i} mill operator, mill owner; any of several types of moths
United States novelist whose novels were originally banned as pornographic (1891-1980)
A maneuver on the balance beam, a back dive with a quarter twist to a handstand, followed by a half pirouette Named for U S gymnast Shannon Miller, who created it
Three twists followed by a backward double somersault
machine tool in which metal that is secured to a carriage is fed against rotating cutters that shape it someone who works in a mill (especially a grain mill) United States playwright (born 1915) United States novelist whose novels were originally banned as pornographic (1891-1980) United States bandleader of a popular big band (1909-1944)
A triple-twisting double Back Somersault, originally performed as "2½ In - ½ Out", nowadays usually performed as "Full In - Double Full Out", with 1 twist in the 1st Somersault, and 2 twists in the 2nd Somersault; Named after Wayne Miller (USA) - Winner, 1966 & 1970 World Championships
A moth or lepidopterous insect; so called because the wings appear as if covered with white dust or powder, like a miller's clothes
One who keeps or attends a flour mill or gristmill
someone who works in a mill (especially a grain mill)
A milling machine
A triple-twisting double Back Somersault, originally performed as "2½ In - ½ Out", nowadays usually performed as "Full In - Double Full Out", with 1 twist in the 1st Somersault, and 2 twists in the 2nd Somersault; Named after Wayne Miller (USA) - Winner, 1966 & 1970 World Championships
United States bandleader of a popular big band (1909-1944)
The eagle ray
plural of mil
per mil
Per thousand
التركية - الإنجليزية
{i} mile

It is no more than half a mile to the sea. - Denize yarım milden daha fazla değil.

The island is about two miles off the coast. - Ada kıyıdan yaklaşık iki mil uzaklıktadır.

(İnşaat) shaft

The term ‘milonguero style tango’ was coined in the early 1990s to describe the style of dancing tango that was prevalent in the milongas of downtown Buenos Aires in the 1950s. - 1950'li yıllarda şehir Buenos Aires'in milangolarında yaygın olan tangoyu dans etme stilini tanımlamak için 'Milonguero stili tango' terimi 1990'ların başında uyduruldu.

axle tree
axle, pivot; metal bar

More than a century ago, a comet or a meteor exploded in the sky above the Tunguska River valley in Russia. The explosion knocked down millions of trees over hundreds of miles. - Bir asırdan fazla bir süre önce, Rusya'daki Tunguska Nehri vadisinin üzerindeki gökyüzünde bir kuyrukluyıldız veya bir göktaşı patladı. Patlamada yüzlerce mildeki milyonlarca ağaç yıkıldı.

The emerald ash borer has killed more than a hundred million ash trees across North America. - Zümrüt kül kurdu Kuzey Amerika genelinde yüz milyondan daha fazla kül ağacını daha öldürdü.

milestone (placed beside a road)
statute mile

The value of the painting was estimated at several million dollars. - Resmin tahmini değeri birkaç milyon dolar.

I'd like to be a millionaire. - Milyoner olmak isterim.

metal bar
(Mekanik) stem

When I have finished writing the letter, I will take you to the lake about two miles beyond the hill. - Ben mektubu yazmayı bitirdiğimde, seni yaklaşık olarak tepenin iki mil ötesindeki göle götüreceğim.

This river extends for hundreds of miles. - Bu nehir yüzlerce mil uzanır.

{s} cambered
mil (tıp)
mil / saat
(Askeri) miles per hour
mil akuplemanı
shaft coupling
mil dirseği
mil etrafında döndürmek
mil hesabı ile ücret
mil hesabı ücret
mil işareti
mil kavraması
shaft coupling
mil kovanı
journal bearing
mil kovanı
journal box
mil olarak alınan yol
mil olarak alınan yol
mil olarak uzaklık
mil olarak uzaklık
mil taşı
mil yatağı
pivot bearing
mil yatağı
mil yatağı
mil yatağı
journal bearing
mil üzerinde döndürmek
mil üzerinde dönmek
mil ölçer
(hava) (askeri (mil) olarak) görüş, miktar (bulut); (bulut yüksekliği) tavan (bi
(Askeri) (weather) visibility (in miles), amount (of clouds, in eighths), (height of cloud) top (in thousands of feet), (height of cloud) base (in thousands of feet)
ana mil
main shaft, lead screw
arka mil
back shaft
boru mil
tubular shaft
cephane arabası mil. caisson
(a vehicle)
dokuz mil etmeni
(Kimya) nine mile agent
durdurucu mil desteği
(Otomotiv) stopper shaft stay
döndürülen mil
driven shaft
düşey mil
vertical shaft
el freni mil yatağı
(Otomotiv) brake shaft support bracket
en yakın benzin istasyonu kaç mil uzaklıkta
How many miles is it to the nearest gas station
esnek mil
flexible shaft
ihtiram duruşu mil. standing at attention
(in order to show respect)
itici mil
push rod
içtima borusu mil. assembly
kaval mil
hollow shaft
konik mil
(Otomotiv) tapered shaft
konik mil
taper pin
mafsallı mil
articulated shaft
mevzi almak mil
to take up a position
motris mil
driving axle
nizami mil
statute mile
pilot mil
(Otomotiv) pilot shaft
pivot mil deliği
(Otomotiv) pivot shaft hole
saat ve mil
(Bilgisayar) watch and pin
saatte yüz mil hız yapma
(motosiklet) ton up
saatte yüz mil hızla giden motosikletliler
ton up boys
saatte yüz mil yapmak
do the ton
sabit mil
fixed shaft
sekonder mil
secondary shaft
silecek pivot mil yatağı
(Otomotiv) wiper pivot shaft bearing
ti işareti mil. bugle call
(signaling that something is about to begin)
vaziyet almak mil
to stand at attention
yardımcı mil
auxiliary shaft
yatay mil
horizontal shaft
yivli mil
splined shaft
yivli mil
spline shaft
yüz mil gitmek
do the ton
çatı kancası mil. stacking swivel
(of a rifle)
ölü mil
pivot shaft
üst mil
upper shaft