
listen to the pronunciation of medicine
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} tıp

Oğlum tıp öğrenimi için Amerika'ya gitti. - My son has gone to America to study medicine.

Profesyonel çevirmenler çoğunlukla sadece tek bir alanda uzmanlaşırlar, örneğin hukuk ve tıp. - Professional translators quite often specialize in just one field, for example law or medicine.


O, eczanede ilaç satıyor. - She sells medicine in the pharmacy.

Bana ilaç gerekiyor. Eczane nerede? - I need medicine. Where is the pharmacy?

{i} doktorluk

O doktorluktan men edildi. - He was banned from practising medicine.

Babam doktorluk uygulaması yapmaktadır. - My father practices medicine.

(Tıp) Tıp (ilmi), tababet, hekimlik
ilaçla tedavi etmek
ilaç vermek
{i} büyü

Büyükanne, Çin ilaçlarının en iyi olduğuna inanıyor. - Grandmother believes that Chinese medicines are the best.

Ecza dolabında büyük bir şişe aspirin var. - There's a big bottle of aspirin in the medicine cabinet.

ilkel insanlar arasında büyü
medicine ball jimnastikte kullanılan iri ve ağırcamedicine dance Kızılderililer arasıda dini bir dansı
{i} sihirbazlık
(Tıp) tıp ilmi

Bana ilaç gerek. Eczane nerede? - I need medicine. Where is the pharmacy?

Bana ilaç gerekiyor. Eczane nerede? - I need medicine. Where is the pharmacy?

veterinary medicine
{i} veterinerlik
medicine cabinet
ecza dolabı
medicine cabinet
ilaç dolabı
medicine droper
(Gıda) damlalık
medicine ball
çalışma topu
medicine ball
sağlık topu
medicine ball
jimnastik topu
medicine man
sihirbaz hekim
medicine breath
Kötü ağız kokusu

How to cure a medicine breath.

medicine bundle
tıp paket
medicine cup
ilaç ölçek kabı
medicine dropper
Damlalık (fen deneylerinde kullanılan)
medicine information
tıp bilişim
medicine locker
ilaç dolabı
medicine used to treat syphilis
tıp frengi tedavisinde kullanılan
medicine chest
ilaç kutusu
medicine chest
ecza dolabı
medicine chest
ilaç dolabı
medicine container
(Tıp) ilaç kabı
medicine expenses
doktor masrafları
medicine man
büyücü doktor
medicine measuring spoon
(Tıp) ilaç ölçü kaşığı
medicine packaging
ilaç ambalajlanması
medicine trolley
(Tıp) pansuman arabası
medieval history of medicine
(Tıp) orta çağ tıp tarihi
complementary medicine
tamamlayıcı tıp
license to practice medicine
Doktorluk yapma ruhsatı
personalized medicine
Kişiselleştirilmiş tıp
aerospace medicine
(Askeri) hava-uzay tababeti
apply medicine
aviation medicine
(Askeri) hava hekimliği
community medicine
(Tıp) toplum hekimliği
containing medicine
cough medicine
(Tıp) öksürük ilacı
disaster medicine
afet tıbbı
doctor of internal medicine
evidence based medicine
(Tıp) kanıta dayalı tıp
forensic medicine institution
adli tıp kurumu
modern medicine
çağdaş tıp
oral medicine
(Diş Hekimliği) ağız hastalıkları
prescribe medicine
(Tıp) ilaç yazmak
preventive medicine
(Tıp) önleyici tıp
reproductive medicine
(Tıp) üreme tıbbı
sell medicine
ilaç satmak
School of Medicine
Tıp Bilimyurdu
criminal medicine
adli tıp
dental medicine
diş ilacı
forensic medicine
adli tıp
give one a dose of one's own medicine
anladığı dilden muamele etmek
patent medicine
patent medicine
hazır ilaç
preventive medicine
koruyucu hekimlik
preventive medicine
koruyucu ilaç
proprietary medicine
tescilli ilaç
psychological medicine
psikolojik ilaç
take one's medicine
başa geleni çekmek
veterinary medicine
veteriner ilacı
aboriginal medicine
yerli ilaç
administer a medicine
ilaç vermek
alternative medicine
Alternatif tıp
apply medicine
ilaç sürmek
ayurvedic medicine
(Tıp, İlaç) Ayurveda veya Ayurvedik tıp, (Devanagari dilinde; आयुर्वेद ), Hindistan'ın alt kıtasında ortaya çıkan antik bir sağlık sistemidir. Günümüzde Hindistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka'da uygulanmaktadır. Çin ve Tibet tıp sistemleri üzerinde etkileri olmuştur. Ayurveda "Ayur" ve "veda" olarak iki kelimeden oluşmuştur. "Ayur" hayat veya hayat ilkesi anlamına gelen "ayus" kökenlidir, "veda" ise "bilgi" anlamına gelir . Ayurvedik bilginin Hindistan'da Risi ve Munilere ifşa edilen spiritüel bilgiye dayalı olduğuna inanılır
bad medicine
kötü ilaç
behavioral medicine
davranışsal tıp
chief of medicine
clinical medicine
cold medicine
soğuk tıp
conventional medicine
geleneksel tıp
family medicine
aile hekimliği
give so. a dose of his own medicine
vermek çok. kendi ilaç dozu
give someone a dose of their own medicine
(deyim) Birine kendisinin size veya başkalarına yaptığı gibi kötü davranmak
give someone a taste of their own medicine
(deyim) Birine kendisinin size veya başkalarına yaptığı gibi kötü davranmak
inflammation of the iris (medicine)
iris (tıp iltihabı)
laboratory medicine
laboratuvar tıbbi
legal medicine
adlı tıp
maternal-fetal medicine
maternal-fetal tıp
nuclear medicine
nükleer tıp
practice of medicine
tıp uygulaması
practices one branch of medicine
tıp uygulamaları bir dal
prescription medicine
Reçeteli ilaç, reçeteyle satılan ilaç
take some medicine
birkaç ilaç kullan
traditional medicine
Geleneksel tıp
tribal medicine man
İlkel kabilelerde büyücü doktor
western medicine
Batı tıp
US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Kara Kuvvetleri Sağlık İyileştirme ve Koruyucu Hekimlik Merkezi
adolescent medicine
(Tıp) adolesan tıbbı
ancient history of medicine
(Tıp) eski çağ tıp tarihi
are there any side effects associated with this medicine
bu ilacın herhangi bir yan etkisi var mı
behaviour medicine
davranış tıbbı
bureau of medicine and surgery
(Askeri) DENİZ KUVVETLERİ SAĞLIK DAİRESİ: ABD Deniz Kuvvetlerinin ve Deniz Piyade Sınıfının sağlık işleri ile ilgili teşkilat
dose of one's own medicine
(deyim) ayni metodu kullanarak misilleme yapmak
environmental medicine
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ TEBABETİ: Tebabette, çevrenin insan üzerindeki etkilerine tahsis edilmiş bölüm. Bu terim "meşguliyetle tedavi tebabeti occupational medicine" ile eşanlamlıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "biomedicine"
environmental medicine
(Askeri) meşguliyetle tedavi tababeti
forensic medicine
(Tıp) Aynı zamanda "legal medicnie" adını da alır, hukuk sorunlarına tıp kurallarının uygulanması anlamına gelir
i am taking this medicine
bu ilacı kullanıyorum
internal medicine
occupational medicine
(Tıp) meslek hekimliği
occupational medicine
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ TABABETİ: Bak. "environmental medicine"
oriental traditional medicine
(Tıp) doğu-geleneksel tıp
ottoman faculty for medicine
(Tarih) cerrahhane
physical medicine
(Askeri) FİZİKİ TABABET: Hasta ve yaralıların tedavisinde; fizik tedavisi (physical therapy), meşguliyetle tedavi (occupational therapy) ve bedeni ve ruhi geliştirme tedavisi (physical reconditioning) usullerinden koordineli olarak faydalanan bir teşhis ve tedavi branşı
physical medicine service
(Askeri) FİZİKİ TEDAVİ SERVİSİ: Bir hastanede fiziki tababetle meşgul olan servis. Ayrıca bakınız: "physical medicine"
preventive medicine company
(Askeri) sağlık koruma bölüğü
preventive medicine company
(Askeri) SAĞLIK KORUMA BÖLÜĞÜ: Sahra ordusu ve menzil sahasındaki birliklerin sağlığı ve morali üzerinde etkisi olacak çevre ile ilgili ve diğer faktörleri incelemek, değerlendirmek ve kontrol etmek üzere kurulmuş birlik
preventive medicine officer
(Askeri) SAĞLIK KORUMA SUBAYI: Hastalık ve muharebe dışı yaralanmaların önlenmesi sağlık şartlarının yükseltilmesi için hazırlanan programları yürütmek ve murakabe etmek üzere, bir komutanlığa atanmış sağlık subayı. Bu subay; sağlık koruma hususunda özel eğitim gören, tecrübe sahibi olan ve bu sahaya karşı yakın bir ilgi gösteren bir subaydır
preventive medicine officer
(Askeri) sağlık koruma subayı
proprietary medicine
(Ticaret) müstahzar ilaç
religion and medicine
(Tıp) din ve tıp
space medicine
(Askeri) UZAY TABABETİ: Bak. "space biology"
take one's medicine
take one's medicine
take one's medicine
yapmak zorunda kalmak
take one's medicine
hak ettiği cezaya boyun eğmek
veterinary medicine
(isim) veterinerlik
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The profession of physicians, surgeons and related specialisms; those who practice medicine
black magic, superstition
Ritual Native American magic used (notably by a medicine man) to promote a desired outcome in healing, hunting, warfare etc
The study of the cause, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease or illness
A substance which specifically promotes healing when ingested or consumed in some way
A treatment or cure
a substance possessing or reputed to possess curative or remedial properties
A physician
A philter or love potion
The profession of physicians and surgeons; those who practice medicine
in alchemy, was that agent which brought about the transmutation of metals, or renewed old age; the philosopher's stone, and the elixir of life “How much unlike art thou, Mark Antony! Yet, coming from him, that great medicine hath With his tinct gilded thee ” Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra l 5 Father of Medicine Aretæos of Capadocia, who lived at the close of the first and beginning of the second century, and Hippocrates of Cos (B C 460-357) are both so called
The study of what gets man sick PREVIOUS PAGE
To give medicine to; to affect as a medicine does; to remedy; to cure
The study of the cause, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of disease or illness
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries; "he studied medicine at Harvard"
Among the North American Indians, any object supposed to give control over natural or magical forces, to act as a protective charm, or to cause healing; also, magical power itself; the potency which a charm, token, or rite is supposed to exert
Any substance administered in the treatment of disease; a remedial agent; a remedy; physic
(medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
Medicine is the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and nurses. He pursued a career in medicine I was interested in alternative medicine and becoming an aromatherapist Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine
treat medicinally, treat with medicine
the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques
Ritual Native American magic used to promote a desired outcome, in hunting, warfare, etc
Short for Medicine man
Hence, a similar object or agency among other savages
Medicine is a substance that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness. People in hospitals are dying because of shortage of medicine. herbal medicines. Set of scientific fields related to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and maintenance of health, practiced in doctors' offices, health maintenance organization facilities, hospitals, and clinics. In addition to family practice, internal medicine, and specialties for specific body systems, it includes research, public health, epidemiology, and pharmacology. Each country sets its own requirements for medical degrees (M.D.'s) and licenses. Medical boards and councils set standards and oversee medical education. Boards of certification have stringent requirements for physicians seeking to practice a specialty and stress continuing education. Advances in therapy (see therapeutics) and diagnosis have raised complex legal and moral issues in areas such as abortion, euthanasia, and patients' rights. Recent changes include treating patients as partners in their own care and taking cultural factors into consideration. Ayurvedic medicine aerospace medicine alternative medicine complementary medicine Chinese medicine traditional family medicine forensic medicine holistic medicine industrial medicine occupational medicine internal medicine legal medicine Medicine Bow Mountains medicine man nuclear medicine preventive medicine sports medicine tropical medicine physical medicine and rehabilitation rehabilitation medicine
skill development
punishment for one's actions; "you have to face the music"; "take your medicine"
{i} art and science of disease treatment and health maintenance; medication, remedy, drug; substance used for medical treatment
The science of diagnosing, treating, or preventing disease and other damage to the body or mind
The general medicine skill is used to attempt to find out what is wrong with someone who is ill from disease, poisons or something else unspecified The means to cure almost any disease does exist, but to be effective an accurate diagnoses is required It is a Hidden Task since a fumbled roll will result in a mis-diagnosis with possibly dangerous results A diagnosis will take a certain length of time to perform This will normally be 1-2 hours in a hospital, but with rare causes or less equipment the time will be increased It is an Academic skill
A substance intended, or capable of being used for the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state
Intoxicating liquor; drink
The science which relates to the prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease
(medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques
Medicine Hat
a town in Alberta, Canada
medicine ball
A large, heavy sphere of leather or plastic filled with sand and used for athletic training or physical rehabilitation
medicine balls
plural form of medicine ball
medicine cabinet
A cupboard in the bathroom that contains toiletries and other items; a bathroom cabinet
medicine cabinet
A cupboard where drugs and medical paraphernalia are stored
medicine cabinets
plural form of medicine cabinet
medicine dance
A ritual dance ceremony performed as a form of therapy
medicine man
A Native American shamanistic healer
medicine men
plural form of medicine man
medicine show
A traveling presentation which sells miracle cures and other products between various entertainment acts
medicine shows
plural form of medicine show
Medicine Bow Mountains
Northwest section of the Front Range, in the central Rocky Mountains, U.S. Averaging a height of 10,000 ft (3,050 m), the mountains run southeast for about 100 mi (160 km) from Medicine Bow, Wyo. , to Cameron Pass, Colo., just northwest of Rocky Mountain National Park. The highest summit, Medicine Bow Peak, reaches 12,014 ft (3,662 m). The name refers to the practices of local Indians, who collected wood for bows in the area and held ceremonial medicine dances
Medicine Bow River
A river, about 193 km (120 mi) long, of southern Wyoming flowing north and west to the North Platte River
Medicine Hat
A city of southeast Alberta, Canada, near the Saskatchewan border southeast of Calgary. Founded in 1883, it is a trade center in a farming and ranching region. Population: 40,380
medicine ball
A large heavy stuffed ball used in conditioning exercises
medicine ball
heavy ball used in physical training
medicine bundle
A covered or wrapped parcel containing items of personal or tribal religious significance, used by certain Native American peoples
medicine cabinet
cabinet where medicines are stored
medicine chest
cabinet that holds medicines and toiletries
medicine dance
A ritual dance performed by some Native American peoples to obtain supernatural assistance, as in healing or crop control
medicine lodge
A building or structure used by certain Native American peoples for ceremonies
medicine man
a person in a Native American tribe who is considered to have the ability to cure illness and disease shaman, witch-doctor witch-doctor. Priestly healer or shaman, especially among the American Indians. The medicine man (often a woman in some societies) commonly carries a kit of objects such as feathers, stones, or hallucinogenic plants that have magical associations. The work of healing often involves the extraction by sucking, pulling, or other means of offending substances from the patient's body. Singing, recitation of myths, and other ceremonies often accompany the healing rite
medicine man
a Native American shaman
medicine show
A traveling show, popular especially in the 19th century, that offered varied entertainment, between the acts of which medicines were peddled
medicine woman
A female shaman or shamanistic healer, especially among Native American peoples
Chinese medicine
traditional Chinese medicine
a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
An otherwise unpleasant situation can be pleasant when a pleasant aspect is deliberately introduced

If a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, a barrel of laughs can wash down the big pills you might need to swallow.

allopathic medicine
traditional medicine (non-homeopathic)
Attributive form of allopathic medicine

allopathic-medicine proponent.

alternative medicine
any of various medical methods and practices used in place of, or as well as, conventional medicine
bad medicine
Any advice or treatment that has no value or exacerbates the problem

Many economists believe that trying to spend your way out of a recession is bad medicine.

complementary medicine
any of several therapies that combine conventional medical practices with those of alternative medicine such as acupuncture or homeopathy
evidence-based medicine
Heath care whose policies and practices are derived from the systematic, scientific study of the effectiveness of various treatments

In the last decade, the health care field has been under the spell of evidence-based medicine—a social movement aimed to strengthen the scientific base of health care and determine the effectiveness of clinical interventions.

family medicine
A particular specialty in the field of medicine, one that deals with only general conditions, but of all persons
herbal medicine
A herbal drug or similar preparation
herbal medicine
internal medicine
The medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis, management and nonsurgical treatment of unusual or serious diseases
molecular medicine
the branch of medicine that studies the manipulation of genes, and the subsequent effect on genetic diseases
nuclear medicine
The branch of medicine that uses radioactive isotopes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
orphan medicine
orphan drug
patent medicine
A medicine that is protected by a patent
patent medicine
Any medicine with a proprietary formula which can be bought without a prescription, irrespective of whether it is protected by a patent
Any system of treatment of physical ailments, or substances prescribed for such treatment, purported to be medical or supported by critical medical science but which cannot be shown to be effective
regenerative medicine
Medicine that replaces or regenerates human cells, tissue or organs, to restore or establish normal function
reproductive medicine
The area of medical specialization concerned with aiding fertility and reproduction
socialized medicine
An umbrella term for any system of government-run health care
socialized medicine
A politically charged term used to contrast such systems with free market alternatives and emphasize the perceived link to socialism
space medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the effects of space travel on human beings
sports medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the effects of sport and exercise on the body, especially the treatment of injuries so received, and also studies the physiology of exercise
taste of one's own medicine
A punishment inflicted on the one who used to inflict the same punishment on others
traditional Chinese medicine
The medical theory and practices of Chinese culture, especially herbal medicine, acupuncture and osteopathy, for preventing or treating illness, or promoting health and well-being; abbreviated as TCM
traditional medicine
a system of medicine developed before the era of modern medicine
veterinary medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, especially domestic and farm animals
personalized medicine
(Geometri) Personalized medicine or PM is a medical model that proposes the customization of healthcare - with medical decisions, practices, and/or products being tailored to the individual patient
{n} phsic, a remedy
{v} to physic
ayurvedic medicine
(Tıp, İlaç) The traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing
chief of medicine
A Chief Physician, also called Head Physician, Senior Consultant, Chief of Medicine, is a physician in a senior management position at a hospital or other institution. In many institutions, it's the title of the most senior physician, but it may also be used as the title of the most senior physician of a particular department within a larger institution. A Chief Physician generally is in charge of medical matters and often is the superior of other physicians (including Consultants or Attending physicians), but may also be in charge of other professional groups and areas of responsibility
folk medicine
Traditional medicine as practiced by nonprofessional healers or embodied in local custom or lore, generally involving the use of natural and especially herbal remedies
give someone a dose of their own medicine
(deyim) Give someone the same bad treatment that they have given to others
give someone a taste of their own medicine
(deyim) Give someone the same bad treatment that they have given to others
over-the-counter medicine
A medicine that is sold without a prescription. (synonym) over-the-counter drug
prescription medicine
A drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist; "he told the doctor that he had been taking his prescription regularly"(synonym) prescription drug, prescription, ethical drug
Bachelor of Medicine
bachelor's degree in medicine (British degree)
Chinese medicine
a kind of medicine that uses herbs and acupuncture
Chinese medicine
method of healing based on traditional Chinese treatments (such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, etc.)
Doctor of Medicine
physician, doctor trained in medicine
New England Journal of Medicine
a US journal (=serious magazine) for doctors, surgeons, and other people working in medicine, which has technical reports on new methods of medical treatment, medicines, drugs etc Lancet, the JAMA
New England Journal of Medicine
American journal in which doctors and medical researchers publish studies and new discoveries (one of the premier journals in the medical profession)
aerospace medicine
aviation medicine, aeromedicine, branch of medicine that deals with diseases and physical disturbances resulting from flying (specifically with space flight) and their treatment
alternative medicine
encompasses many different disciplines and treatments The glossary below briefly describes some popular terms and offers resources to learn more
alternative medicine
Any form of practice that is outside the realm of conventional
alternative medicine
it is a term used to describe health care practices that come from a wide variety of cultures, are intended to restore health, and are not a part of common medical practice in the United States
alternative medicine
any treatment outside the usually accepted medical therapies for disease processes
alternative medicine
any form of therapy used alone, without recommended standard/conventional treatment
alternative medicine
Treatment procedures that are not supported by mainstream medicine, often because of lack of supporting experimental data
alternative medicine
Practices not generally recognized by the medical community as standard or conventional medical approaches and used instead of standard treatments
alternative medicine
a health field other than traditional allopathic (medicine) health field
alternative medicine
Treatments that have not traditionally been used in standard Western medicine, and are not widely taught in medical schools These may include naturopathic medicine (herbs and plants), homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and others
alternative medicine
method of treatment involving message herbal treatments and other means
alternative medicine
the practice of medicine without the use of drugs; may involve herbal medicines or self-awareness or biofeedback or acupuncture
alternative medicine
The use of various non-drug, non-surgical related therapies Using natural means of treatment
anthroposophic medicine
{i} alternative medicine inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner concentrating on making sure that the conditions for health exist in a person
arts medicine
A branch of medicine dealing with the special health needs of performers, such as the injuries and disorders suffered by musicians that result from playing a musical instrument
bachelor of medicine
(a British degree) a bachelor's degree in medicine
bad medicine
bearer of bad news
cold medicine
medicine intended to relieve the symptoms of the common cold
community medicine
Public health services emphasizing preventive medicine and epidemiology for members of a given community or region
complementary medicine
A method of health care that combines the therapies and philosophies of conventional medicine with those of alternative medicines, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and biofeedback. complementary medicine uses treatments that are not part of traditional Western medicine
cough medicine
Cough medicine is liquid medicine that you take when you have a cough
doctor of dental medicine
a doctor's degree in dental medicine
doctor of medicine
a doctor's degree in medicine
doctor of veterinary medicine
doctor who specializes in the treatment of animals, V.M.D
emergency medicine
The medical specialty providing care that requires urgent medical evaluation and care, often for trauma related injury
emergency medicine
Emergency Medicine Physician The medical specialty concerned with the immediate treatment of conditions resulting from sudden illness or injury
emergency medicine
- Immediate, initial recognition and care of medical and surgical emergencies
emergency medicine
the branch of medicine concerned with the prompt diagnosis and treatment of injuries or trauma or sudden illness
family medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with provision of comprehensive health care to people regardless of age or sex while placing particular emphasis on the family unit. Also called family practice
forensic medicine
the branch of medical science that uses medical knowledge for legal purposes; "forensic pathology provided the evidence that convicted the murderer
forensic medicine
science concerned with the application of medical facts to legal issues
forensic medicine institute in Abu-Kabir
place in which autopsies take place in Israel
herbal medicine
This is a complete holistic system of medicine which uses the healing properties of medicinal plants Each patient is treated on an individual basis, according to his needs
herbal medicine
a medicine made from plants and used to prevent or treat disease or promote health
holistic medicine
medical care of the whole person considered as subject to personal and social as well as organic factors; "holistic medicine treats the mind as well as the body
holistic medicine
An approach to medical care that emphasizes the study of all aspects of a person's health, including physical, psychological, social, economic, and cultural factors. Doctrine of prevention and treatment that emphasizes looking at the whole person body, mind, emotions, and environment rather than a single function or organ. It promotes use of a wide range of health practices and therapies, including acupuncture, homeopathy, and nutrition, stressing "self-care" with traditional commonsense essentials. In the extreme, it may accord equal validity to a wide range of health-care approaches, some incompatible and not all scientific. It does not ignore mainstream Western medical practices but does not see them as the only effective therapies. See also alternative medicine
industrial medicine
or occupational medicine Branch of medicine dealing with workers' health and the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries in the workplace. Workplace hazards include exposure to dangerous materials including asbestos and coal dust, radiation exposure, and machinery capable of causing injuries ranging from minor to life-threatening. Industrial medical programs mandate protective devices around machines' moving parts, proper ventilation of work areas, use of less toxic materials, containment of production processes, and protective equipment and clothing. Good industrial medical programs improve labour-management relations, increase workers' overall health and productivity, and reduce insurance costs
internal medicine
the specialty of the general medicine of the internal organs top
internal medicine
The specialty of Medicine which includes prevention, diagnosis, and care of adults with general illness, disease and injury
internal medicine
This major field deals with the diagnosis and treatment of malfunctioning organs and systems within the body
internal medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting the internal organs of the body, especially in adults. a type of medical work in which doctors treat illnesses that do not need operations. Medical specialty dealing with the entire patient rather than a particular organ system, covering diagnosis and medical (rather than surgical) treatment in adults. Its development began in the 17th century with Thomas Sydenham's concept of disease, but until disease-specific therapies were developed in the 20th century, internists could do little to treat diseases. As more specific treatments became available, medical knowledge increased, and subspecialties in specific organ systems were defined, internal medicine became recognized as a specialty
internal medicine
the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and (nonsurgical) treatment of diseases of the internal organs (especially in adults)
internal medicine
branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of internal or non-surgical disorders
internal medicine
General medical care of the adult age group; usually includes cardiology and geriatrics
internal medicine
Internist The diagnosis and treatment of general medical diseases and conditions not usually treated by surgery
lipid-lowering medicine
a medicine that lowers blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase
plural of medicine
mind-body medicine
method of therapy based on the treatment of mental stress in addition to the treatment of physical injuries
modern medicine
medicine of the present time, medical treatment under modern conditions, latest advancements in medicine
natural medicine
healing method which is based upon the use of medicines that are produced by or extracted from nature
nuclear medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radionuclides in diagnosis and treatment of disease. Medical specialty using radioactive elements or isotopes for diagnosis and treatment of disease. A radioisotope is introduced into the body (usually by injection). The radiation it emits, detected by a scanner and recorded, reflects its distribution in different tissues and can reveal the presence, size, and shape of abnormalities in various organs. The isotopes used have short half-lives and decay before radioactivity causes any damage. Different isotopes tend to concentrate in particular organs (e.g., iodine-131 in the thyroid). Radioactive substances are also implanted to treat small, early-stage cancers. This yields a slow, continuous dose that limits damage to normal cells while destroying tumour cells. See also computed axial tomography; diagnostic imaging; positron emission tomography; radiation therapy; radiology
nuclear medicine
the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient's body or to destroy diseased cells
nuclear medicine
medicine that uses radioactive materials to image the body of a patient or for destroying infected cells
occupational medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries occurring at work or in specific occupations
patent medicine
= over-the-counter
patent medicine
medicine that is protected by a patent and available without a doctor's prescription
physical medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of disease by essentially physical means, including manipulation, massage, and exercise, often with mechanical devices, and the application of heat, cold, electricity, radiation, and water. Also called physiatrics, physiatry
physical medicine and rehabilitation
or physiatry or physical therapy or rehabilitation medicine Medical specialty treating chronic disabilities through physical means to help patients return to a comfortable, productive life despite a medical problem. Its objectives are pain relief, functional improvement or maintenance, training in essential activities, and functional testing of areas such as strength, mobility, breathing capacity, and coordination. Physical medicine may use diathermy, hydrotherapy, massage, exercise, and functional training. The last can mean learning to work with a guide dog or a prosthesis or learning new ways to carry out everyday activities with a limb missing, sometimes by using assistive devices. Physician specialists head rehabilitation teams including a physical therapist, rehabilitation engineer, rehabilitation nurse, psychological counselor, and sometimes a respiratory or speech therapist. See also occupational therapy; orthopedics
preventive medicine
the branch of medicine concerned with preventing disease; "the medical establishment doesn't profit from preventive medicine
private medicine
the system in which medical treatment and advice is not provided by the government but is paid for by the patient or their insurance company NHS
quack medicine
{i} compound publicly announced under pretence of healing a specific disease
school of medicine
school where students learn to be doctors
space medicine
field of aviation medicine that deals with the effects of space on humans who fly to space
space medicine
The medical science that is concerned with the biological, physiological, and psychological effects of space flight on humans
sports medicine
the branch of medicine concerned with the treatmentment of injuries or illness resulting from athletic activities
sports medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with injuries or illnesses resulting from participation in sports and athletic activities. Medical and paramedical supervision and treatment of athletes. It has four aspects. Preparation (conditioning) uses diet, exercises, and monitoring of practice sessions to improve performance. Prevention identifies any predisposition to injury or illness and covers warmup, stretching, and design and use of protective equipment. Many surgical techniques developed in sports medicine, particularly for knee injuries, are now used for the general population. Rehabilitation (see physical medicine and rehabilitation) prepares an injured or ill athlete to return to activity after initial treatment
suggestive medicine
Treatment by commands or positive statements addressed to a more or less hypnotized patient
take one's medicine
receive the treatment that one deserves, receive a punishment
thoracic medicine
the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest
tropical medicine
Science of diseases seen primarily in tropical or subtropical climates. It arose in the 19th century when European colonial doctors encountered infectious diseases unknown in Europe. The discovery that many tropical diseases (e.g., malaria, yellow fever) were spread by mosquitoes led to discovery of other vectors' roles (see sleeping sickness, plague, typhus) and to efforts to destroy vector breeding grounds (e.g., by draining swamps). Later, antibiotics came to play an increasingly important role. Research institutes and national and international commissions were organized to control common tropical illnesses, at least in areas with Europeans. As colonies became independent, their governments took over most of these efforts, with help from the World Health Organization and the former colonizing countries
tropical medicine
the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are found most often in tropical regions
veterinary medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, especially domestic animals
veterinary medicine
{i} branch of medicine that studies and deals with the diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases; medical treatment for animals
veterinary medicine
the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals (especially domestic animals)