
listen to the pronunciation of measurement
الإنجليزية - التركية

Uluslararası Sun-Earth Explorer 3 uzay gemisi kuyruklu yıldız Giacobini-Zinner'in kuyruğu boyunca uçarken 11 Eylül 1985'te ilk doğrudan kuyruklu yıldız ölçümleri yaptı. - The International Sun-Earth Explorer 3 (ISEE-3) spacecraft made the first ever direct cometary measurements on September 11, 1985 as it flew through the tail of Comet Giacobini-Zinner.

Ölçümler hassas olmalı. - The measurements need to be precise.


Ölçümler hassas olmalı. - The measurements need to be precise.

Kesin ölçümler gerekli. - Precise measurements are needed.

{i} ölçme
measurement bases
(Ticaret) ölçüm esasları
measurement errors
(Ticaret) ölçme hataları
measurement procedure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ölçüm yordamı
measurement process
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ölçüm süreci
measurement relay
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ölçme rölesi
measurement signal
(Bilgisayar) ölçülen sinyal
measurement signal
(Bilgisayar) ölçüm sinyali
measurement standard
(Bilgisayar,Teknik,Ticaret) ölçüm standardı
measurement system
ölçüm sistemi
measurement systems
ölçüm sistemleri
measurement uncertainty
(Ticaret) ölçüm belirsizliği
measurement unit
(Askeri,Ticaret) ölçüm birimi
Measurement of human heartbeat
(Tıp, İlaç) Kâlp atış ölçümü
measurement and evaluation
ölçme ve değerlendirme
measurement and uncertainty
hacim ve belirsizlik
measurement data evaluation
ölçüm veri değerlendirme
measurement of bones
kemik ölçümü
measurement of the head
kafa ölçümü
measurement of the skull
Kafatası ölçümü
measurement account
(Ticaret) ölçü hesabı
measurement and signature intelligence
(Askeri) ÖLÇÜM VE İMZA İSTİHBARATI: Kaynak, yayınlayıcı, gönderici ile ilgili herhangi bir ayırt edici özelliğin tanımlanması amacıyla özel teknik algılayıcılardan elde edilen verilerin (metrik, açı, mekansal, dalga boyu, zamana bağlılık, modülasyon, plazma ve hidromanyetik) niceliksel ve niteliksel analizinden elde edilen bilimsel ve teknik istihbarat bilgisi ve bunların daha sonraki tanımlama ve/veya ölçümün kolaylaştırılması. Ayrıca MASINT'da denir
measurement and signature intelligence
(Askeri) ölçü ve işaret istihbaratı
measurement bias
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ölçüm yanlılığı
measurement capability
(Ticaret) ölçüm yeteneği
measurement cargo
(Askeri) ÖLÇÜ YÜKÜ: 2240 poundluk tonu 40 küp fitlik yer kaplayan veya her küp fitte 55 pounddan az ağırlık veren ve nakliye, yükleme boşaltma ücretleri ölçü üzerinden hesaplanan yük
measurement criteria
ölçüm kriterleri
measurement criterion
ölçüm kriteri
measurement law
(Kanun) ölçüler kanunu
measurement microphone
ölçme mikrofonu
measurement of flow
akım ölçümü
measurement of length
uzunluk ölçüleri
measurement of sound
(Askeri) ses ölçümü
measurement of tension
gerilme ölçümü
measurement of vessels
(Askeri,Ticaret) gemilerin ölçülmesi
measurement precision
ölçüm hassasiyeti
measurement procedure
olcum yordami
measurement process
olcum sureci
measurement quantity
(Ticaret) ölçüm büyüklüğü
measurement relay
olcme rolesi
measurement signal
olculen sinyal
measurement standard
olcum standardi
measurement ton
(Ticaret) deniz tonu
measurement ton
(Askeri) ölçü tonu
measurement ton
(Askeri) ÖLÇÜ TONU, ÖLÇÜ TONİLATOSU: Yükün, 40 fit küplük birimler halinde ifade edilen kübik hacim ölçüsü. Bir geminin yük sahası kübik kapasitesini göstermek için kullanılır. Buna (freight ton) ve (ship ton) da denir
measurement ton; military technician; ministry team
(Askeri) ölçü tonu; askeri teknisyen; bakanlık timi
measurement tonnage
(Askeri) ölçüm tonajı
measurement tons per day
(Askeri) ölçü tonu / gün
measurement traceability
(Ticaret) ölçümün izlenebilirliği
measurement transformer
(Ticaret) ölçüm transformatörü
measurement  certificate
(Askeri) emniyet belgesi
mental measurement
zihinsel ölçüm
method of measurement
olcum yontemi
ölçü birimi
accuracy of measurement
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) ölçümün doğruluğu
accuracy of measurement
ölçmede doğruluk
coherent unit of measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tümleşik ölçüm birimi
consistency measurement method
kıvam ölçme yöntemi
definite method of measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tanımlı ölçüm yöntemi
derived unit of measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) türetilmiş ölçüm birimi
indirect measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dolaylı ölçme
initial measurement
(Ticaret) başlangıç ölçümü
noisy measurement
(Bilgisayar) gürültülü ölçüm
null measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sıfırlamalı ölçme
null method of measurement
(Bilgisayar) sıfırlama ölçüm yöntemi
perform measurement
ölçümden geçirmek
perform measurement
ölçüm yapmak
precision measurement
hassas ölçü
precision measurement
duyarlı ölçü
result measurement audit
(Ticaret) sonuç ölçüm denetimi
result of a measurement
ölçüm sonucu
sensor measurement
duyucuyla ölçüm
static measurement
(Bilgisayar) statik ölçüm
static measurement
duruk ölçüm
substitution measurement
(Bilgisayar) ornatmalı ölçme
substitution measurement
yerine koymalı ölçme
uncertainty of measurement
ölçüm belirsizliği
accuracy of measurement
ölçme hassaslığı
accurate measurement
hassas ölçüm
strain measurement
uzama ölçümü
unit of measurement
ölçü birimi
central tendency measurement
Merkezi eğilim ölçümleri, aritmetik Ortalama, medyan
countersink measurement
havsa ölçüsü
performance-based measurement
performansa dayalı ölçme
vibration measurement
titreşim ölçümü
absolute error of measurement
mutlak olcum hatasi
actual measurement
(Mimarlık) bitmiş ölçü
aircraft vulnerability measurement
(Askeri) TAYYARE HASSASİYET ÖLÇÜSÜ: Tayyarenin hassasiyeti üzerinde müessir olan ve tayyare bünyesindeki koruyucu cihazları, proje kıstaslarını, denge, güven derecesi, düşmana karşı koyacak silah kabiliyeti ve bir mürettebatın ustalık derecesini içine alan faktörlerin ölçüsü
base unit of measurement
temel olcum birimi
coherent unit of measurement
tumlesik olcum birimi
comparison measurement
(Bilgisayar) karşılaştırmalı ölçme
complementary measurement
(Bilgisayar) tümler ölçme
conservation of a measurement standard
olcum standardinin korunmasi
criteria for measurement
ölçüm kriterleri
derived unit of measurement
turetilmis olcum birimi
differential measurement
ayrimsal olcme
differential method of measurement
fark olcum yontemi
dimensional measurement
boyutsal ölçüm
dimensional measurement
boyutsal ölçme
direct comparison method of measurement
dogrudan karsilastirmali olcum yontemi
direct measurement
dogrudan (dolaysiz) olcme
direct method of measurement
dogrudan olcum yontemi
dynamic measurement
dinamik olcum
echometric measurement
yankili olcum
flow rate measurement
(Nükleer Bilimler) akış hızı ölçümü
fluid measurement
akışkan ölçümü
fundamental method of measurement
temel olcum yontemi
indirect measurement
dolayli olcme
indirect method of measurement
(Bilgisayar) dolaylı ölçüm yöntemi
ionic current measurement
(Otomotiv) iyonik akım ölçümü
key measurement point
(Nükleer Bilimler) önemli ölçme noktası
linear measurement
linear measurement
multiple of a unit of measurement
olcum biriminin  ust katlari
noisy measurement
gurultulu olcum
null measurement
sifirlamali olcme
null method of measurement
sifirlamali olcum yontemi
of measurement
tanimli olcum yontemi
pain measurement
(Tıp) ağrı ölçümü
performance and work measurement analysis
performance measurement
basarim olcumu
point of measurement
(Otomotiv) ölçüm noktası
pore pressure measurement
boşluk basıncı ölçümü
precise measurement
hassas ölçüm
precise measurement
duyarlı ölçüm
precision measurement equipment laboratory
(Askeri) hassas ölçüm teçhizat laboratuvarı
principle of measurement
olcum ilkesi
qualitative measurement
nitel olcme
quantitative measurement
nicel olcme
rain measurement
(Meteoroloji) yağmur ölçümü
range measurement
erim olcumu, uzaklik olcumu
reliable measurement test
(Ticaret) güvenilir ölçüm testi
resonance method of measurement
cinlamali olcme yontemi
result of a measurement
olcum sonucu
river flow measurement
akarsu akım ölçümü
sediment transport measurement
sediment taşınım ölçümü
sensor measurement
duyucuyla olcum
standart error of measurement
(Dilbilim) ölçünlü hata ölçümü
static measurement
duruk olcum
submultiple of a unit of measurement
olcum birimin ast katlari
substitution measurement
yerine koymali olcme
symbol of a unit of measurement
olcum biriminin simgesi
system of units of measurement
olcum birimleri sistemi
uncertainty of measurement
olcum belirsizligi
veya diopric measurement device
diyoptri aleti
veya diopric measurement device
jeodezide dik açıların aplikasyonunda kullanılan, mimari gönye olarak da bilinen, kesik koni şeklinde bir kutuya benzeyen ölçüm aleti
vibration measurement
vibrasyon ölçümleri
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The act of measuring
Magnitude (or extent or amount) determined by measurement
{n} a mensuration, the act of measuring
The procedure of applying a standard scale to a variable or a set of values
The extent, size, capacity, amount
The act or process of quantitatively comparing results with requirements
The measurement of the quality, value, or effect of something is the activity of deciding how great it is. the measurement of output in the non-market sector
means a repeatable, objective procedure for generating a measure The resulting measure(s) are scaled in a known way, and reference values, reliability and validity are known Detailed information about 'Measurement' 'Construct Validity', 'Reliability', 'Levels of Measurement', 'Survey Research', 'Scaling', 'Qualitative Measures', 'Unobtrusive Measures' can be found at trochim human cornell edu/kb/measure htm
The assignment of numbers to objects
Determination of the magnitude of a quantity
The result of reading a sensor A typical measurement is the value of the beam position
the act or process of measuring; "the measurements were carefully done"; "his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate"
how much -- "There are several other measurements used in the customary system " (234)
Normally a numerical value
The process of using dimensions, quantity, or capacity by comparison with a standard in order to mark off, apportion, lay out, or establish dimensions
The process used to extract classical information from a quantum system A general projective measurement is defined by a set of projectors satisfying and Given the quantum state , the outcome of a measurement with the set is one of the classical indeces associated with a projector The index is the measurement outcome The probability of outcome is , and given outcome , the quantum state ``collapses'' to
A procedure for assigning a number to an object or an event
An observation that reduces the amount of uncertainty about the value of a quantity In the balanced scorecard, measurements are collected for feedback The measurement system gathers information about all the significant activities of a company Measurements are the data resulting from the measurement effort Measurement also implies a methodology, analysis, and other activities involved with how particular measurements are collected and managed There may be many ways of measuring the same thing
the act or process of measuring; "the measurements were carefully done"; "his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate
an estimated value that is, by its nature, subject to error A person can count (an absolute value) one hundred beans and get the same quantity as someone else counting one hundred beans However, if two people each measure (an estimated value) a cup of beans , it is likely that they will have a different quantity of beans Two surveyors measuring the same distance may obtain different values Both of the values should be similar, but they will only approach the true theoretical value through repetition and statistical analysis
A measurement is a result, usually expressed in numbers, that you obtain by measuring something. We took lots of measurements
The systematic process of data collection, repeated over time or at a single point in time
May be a frequency count of kinds of responses, a rating indicating the level of attainment of a desired quality, or the percentage of correct answers on a multiple choice test and so forth
The act or process of quantitatively comparing results to requirements to arrive at a quantitative estimate of performance The specific method for judging when, where and how an action or goal is accomplished
Mapping of an ontologiical event to an epistemological proposition Independent of either formal or natural system Must be discovered independently of either Cannot typically be determined by inverting the prediction mapping Together with prediction, constitutes World 2 in Popper's 3-world philosophy of science Together with prediction, the connection between the formal and natural systems in Rosen's modeling relation [Steve Kercel, Dec 19, 2000]
The process or result of observing an event or object in order to determine its extent or quantity by comparison with a known unit and then assigning it a numerical value
{i} calculation of size or extent; assessment of capacity or dimension; system of measures (liquid measurement, dry measurement)
The act or result of measuring; mensuration; as, measurement is required
A process that assigns by rule a numerical description to observation of some attribute of an object, person, or event
or quantity ascertained by measuring; as, its measurement is five acres
means a repeatable, objective procedure for generating a measure
n Any unit used to stand for the size, quantity or volume of something
Measurement of something is the process of measuring it in order to obtain a result expressed in numbers. Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses
The act or process of measuring in order to compare results with requirements A quantitative estimate of performance
Your measurements are the size of your waist, chest, hips, and other parts of your body, which you need to know when you are buying clothes. Association of numbers with physical quantities and natural phenomena by comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity of the same kind. Weights and measures are standard quantities with which such comparisons are made. The earliest ones measured mass (weight), volume (liquid or dry measure), length, and area using units mostly based on dimensions of the human body. The cubit, representing the distance from elbow to fingertips, was the most widespread unit of measure in the ancient world. As such units were standardized, more were added, including units of temperature, luminosity, pressure, and electric current. Measurements made by the senses instead of by measurement devices are called estimates (see estimation)
A procedure for assigning a number to an object or an event Topic areas: Accountability and Evaluation
measurement ton
A unit of volume for cargo freight usually reckoned at 40 U.S. or Imperial cubic feet
measurement tons
plural form of measurement ton
measurement and uncertainty
The measurement uncertainty narrows down the difference between the actually measured value of a physical quantity and the true value of the same physical quantity
mental measurement
a generic term used to cover any application of measurement techniques to the quantification of mental functions
performance measurement system
A set of measurable criteria and methodology to enable performance to be measured objectively (normally required as part of a performance management system)

These factors will need to be taken into account by managers wishing to develop a new performance measurement system, or refine an existing one.

performance measurement systems
plural form of performance measurement system
unit of measurement
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; a unit of measure
units of measurement
plural form of unit of measurement
Quantitative or qualitative data collected for feedback The measurement system is another layer underlying all the activities of a company Some measures will be incommensurate outside this unit, even though they are very significant internally, so they can't be directly benchmarked or interpreted outside Other measures will be generic, and they can be aggregated, e g cycle time, customer satisfaction, financial results
plural of measurement
All measurements are given width preceding height Character measurements are vertical, from the highest to the lowest points on the image, including props
The size, shape, scale, format or dimensions of the work All measurements are in metric e g 50 8x50 8x20 32cm for Punk Bear Spirit
The millimeter measurement across the diamond, the widest and narrowest are listed in the round, then depth Diamond rounds are described with three measurements, the widest and narrowest diameter and the depth, in that order One should do the calculations for the irregular shapes
Link - 7 92 inches; Chain - 100 Links or 66 feet; Furlong - 1000 Links or 660 feet; Rod - 5 1/2 yds or 16 1/2 ft (also called a perch or pole); Rood - From 5 1/2 yards to 8 yards, depending on locality; Acre - 43,560 square ft or 160 squ
system of measurement
a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic
unit of measurement
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume