Rather an odd name, Mavis, isn't it? I at last ventured to observe. Yes, - but it suits her wonderfully. She sings quite as sweetly as any thrush, so she merits her designation..
orig. Mavis de Trafford Young born Aug. 11, 1922, Montreal, Que., Can. Canadian-born French writer. She moved to Europe in 1950 and settled in Paris. Her essays, novels, plays, and especially short stories delineate in unsentimental prose and with trenchant wit the isolation, detachment, and fear that afflict rootless North American and European expatriates. The New Yorker has published more than 100 of her stories (more than of any other writer) and much of her nonfiction
التركية النطق
/ˈmāvəs/ /ˈmeɪvɪs/
علم أصول الكلمات
() Coined in the end of the 19th century from a poetical name for the song thrush.