
listen to the pronunciation of map
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bana bu haritada gösterirmisiniz, lütfen? - Will you show me on this map, please?

Haritaya güvenmeme rağmen o hatalıydı. - Although I trusted the map, it was mistaken.

{f} eşle
harita,v.harita çiz: n.harita
(out ile) planlamak
haritasını çıkarmak
Haritalamak, ayrıntılarını çıkarmak
(Askeri) Askeri Yardım Programı; tamamlanmamış iniş noktası; tamamlanmamış iniş usülleri (Military Assistance Program; missed approach point; missed approach procedure)
(Tıp) Grafik, şema, harita
{f} planlamak
{i} plan
dili ismini duyurmak
{f} out ayrıntılarıyla planlamak
eşlem, eşlemek
(Askeri) HARİTA: Dünya veya diğer gezegenlerin kısmi veya tüm olarak yüzey özelliklerinin, doğal ve yapma yönleri ile, belirli bir ölçeğe göre, genellikle düz bir yüzeyde grafik olarak gösterilmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "administrative map", "artillery map", "battle map", "cadastral map", "chart index", "contour map", "chart series", "control map", "chart sheet", "hypsographic map", "controlled map", "index map", "general map", "intermadiate map", "large scale map", "line route map", "meractor chart", "map chart", "photo map", "map index", "map series", "plane table map", "map sheet", "plot map", "medium scale map", "provisional map", "operation map", "regional chart", "planimetric map", "semitant colled map", "sky map", "situation map", "small-scale map", "strategic map", "spot map", "target chart", "tactical map", "topographic map", "traffic map", "traffic circulation map", "weather map"
{f} haritasını yapmak
map haritaya dök
Web sayfasında bir resmin bir noktasından resmin o noktasıyla ya da çağrıştırdığı konuyla ilgili baska alanlara linkler verilmesi Bir map edilmiş oduğunu browser üzerinde mouse ile dolaştığınızda sol alt kösede beliren koordinatladan anlayabilirsiniz
off the map ortadan kaybolmuş
Yüklenen Grafiğin Tıklatınca Değişik Bağlantıları Çağıran Sistemdir
ayrıntılarıyle planlamak
{i} surat
(DA) Harita (MD)
harita çizmek
map maker
map out
map out
map out
map program
harita programı
map symbol
harita sembolü
map making
yapım harita
map of medium scale
orta ölçekli harita
map out
Ayrıntı bir şekilde planlamak
map symbols
harita sembolleri
map technician
Harita teknikeri, harita teknisyeni
map trek
haritada bir rotanın takip edilerek bir menzile varılması
map chart
(Askeri) SAHİL KROKİSİ, MÜŞTEREK KARADENİZ HARİTASI: Müşterek bir kara-deniz bölgesinin; kara sahasında bir kara haritasına, deniz sahasında bir deniz haritasına ait nitelikleri kullanarak, askeri harekat, özellikle amfibik hareketçinin en çok fayda sağlayacak özel niteliklerle temsil edilmiş şekli. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
map code
(Askeri) HARİTA KODU: Bir harita üzerindeki yerleri belirtmek için kullanılan kod
map compilation
(Askeri) HARİTA ORİJİNALİ: Nihai tersim ve basım işleri için hazır olan haritada gösterilecek lüzumlu bilgileri havi kanova
map convergence
(Askeri) HARİTA YAKLAŞIMI: Bir harita veya şemada, bir meridyenin diğerine doğru eğim gösterdiği açı. Ayrıca bakınız: "convergence"
map coordinate code
(Askeri) HARİTA KOORDİNAT KODU: Bir harita üzerindeki noktaların mevkilerini tayin etmek için tatbik edilen gizli kod usulü. Bu usul ile, istenilen noktanın gizli hatlara veya yardımcı noktalara olan mesafesi bulunarak bu noktanın mevkii tayin edilir
map course
(Askeri) HARİTA ROTASI: Harita üzerinde, bir kara veya hava kuvveti tarafından takip edilen veya takip edilecek yolu gösterir çizgi
map data
(Askeri) HARİTA ESASLARI: Harita yapmada kullanılan veya çizilmiş bir harita üzerinde mevcut olan bilgiler. Bir atış planından veya hava raporundan elde edilen topçu atış esasları, harita esaslarına bir örnek teşkil eder
map declination
(Askeri) HARİTA SAPMASI: Herhangi bir noktada, grid kuzeyi hattı ile manyetik kuzey hattı arasında kalan açı. Ayrıca bakınız: "declination constant"
map digitizing system
harita sayılaştırma sistemi
map exercise
(Askeri) PLAN TATBİKATI, HARİTA TATBİKATI: Muharebe durumları harita üzerinde gösterilmek ve safhaları harita üzerinde halledilmek suretiyle idare edilen taktik veya stratejik tatbikat
map index
(Askeri) harita indeksi
map index
(Askeri) HARİTA İNDEKSİ: Harita serilerinin aralarındaki ilişkiyi, kapsamlarını, mevcudiyetini ve seri hakkında daha detaylı bilgi edinmek üzere tasarlanmış grafik anahtar. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
map k
(Askeri) HARİTA K EMSALİ, HARİTA KAT SAYISI: Bir atış planının ölçeği ile kullanılmakta olan mesafe cetveli ölçeği arasındaki farkın düzeltilmesinde faydalanılan nisbi emsal
map light
harita lambası
map light
seyyar lamba
map maneuver
(Askeri) HARP OYUNU: Muhasım kuvvetler askeri harekatının harita üzerinde idare edildiği tatbikat şekli. Askeri birlik ve teşkiller işaret ve sembollerle temsil edilir ve kıtaların arazi üzerindeki manevraları, işaret ve semboller hareket ettirilmek suretiyle belirtilir
map matching guidance
(Askeri) HARİTA İLE GÜDÜM: Bir füze veya uçuş halindeki aracı; rota arazisi üzerinde evvelce yapılmış bir keşif uçuşuyla elde edilen ve füze veya aracı uçuş esnasında altındaki araziden alınacak radar ekolarına kendisi uydurması suretiyle sevk için faydalanılan bir radarskop film vasıtasıyla güdüm
map measurer
(Askeri) KÜVİMETRE: Küçük bir tekerlek veya makara ile kadrandan ibaret alet. Küçük tekerlek, harita üzerinde bir noktadan diğer noktaya kadar döndürülerek yürütülür, ve bu iki nokta arasındaki mesafe kadranda okunur
map orientation
(Askeri) HARİTAYI YÖNÜNE KOYMA: Bir haritadaki kuzey hatları hakiki kuzey istikametine gelecek şekilde döndürülmek suretiyle, bir haritanın yönüne konması
map overlay technique
harita çakıştırma tekniği
map overlays
(Askeri) Harekat taktik krokisi
map plane
(Askeri) HARİTA PROJEKSİYON DÜZLEMİ: Üzerinde bir bölgenin planimetrisi ve rölyefi geçirilmiş yatay bir satıh
map problem
(Askeri) HARİTA MESELESİ: Araziye çıkmadan ve yalnız harita üzerinde verilecek taktik bir meseleye ve haritadaki arazi tafsilatına göre hal ve idare edilen tatbikat meselesi
map projection
(Askeri) HARİTA PROJEKSİYONU: Bak. "projection"
map reading
(Askeri) HARİTA OKUMA: Bir haritada gösterilen bilgileri okuyup anlama sanatı. Memleketin coğrafi durumunu, belirli noktaların mevkilerini, kıtaların yerlerini vesaireyi bulmak üzere, bir harita üzerinde görülen teferruatın ayırt edilmesi
map reconnaissance
(Askeri) HARİTA KEŞFİ, HARİTA MÜTALAASI: Taktik bir plan veya manevranın hazırlanması için gerekli bilgileri elde etmek üzere, bir harita üzerindeki yol, orman ve su yolları gibi arazi tafsilatının incelenmesi
map reference
(Askeri) HARİTA REFERANSI, PLAN REFERANSI: Dünya üzerindeki bir noktanın yerini, haritada yeri belli olan bir noktaya, genel olarak bir grid veya enlem-boylam şebekesine bağlı olarak tanımlama vasıtası
map reference code
(Askeri) HARİTA MÜRACAAT KODU: Esas itibariyle, haritalara ait grid koordinatları ile diğer bilgilerin kodlanmasında kullanılan bir kod sistemi. Bu kod rakamların kriptolanması gereken hallerde, arzu edilirse, diğer maksatlar içinde kullanılır
map scale
(Askeri) HARİTA ÖLÇEĞİ: Bir harita üzerindeki mesafe ile arazi üzerindeki mesafe arasında, bir orantı ile ifade edilen münasebet: 1: 25.000 veya 1/25.000 (harita üzerindeki bir metre, arazide 25.000 metre). Büyük ölçekli harita daha küçük bir sahayı kaplayan haritadır. (1/25.000 harita 1/100.000 haritadan daha büyük ölçeklidir
map series
(Askeri) HARİTA SERİLERİ: Genellikle küçük ölçekli ve kartografik özellikleri olan ve yapan teşkilat tarafından her sayfasının uygun olarak, aynı seriye bağlı olduğuna dair tanımlandığı bir grup harita ve şemalar
map sheet
(Askeri) HARİTA SAYFASI: Kendi başına yeterli, ya da bir serinin parçası olan tek bir harita veya şema. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
map substitute
(Askeri) HARİTA MUADİLİ: Bir harita için lüzumlu ve sıhhatli esaslar temin edilmediği zaman, harita yerine kullanılmak üzere acele hazırlanmış, geniş sahaları kaplayan hava fotoğrafları, foto harita, mozaik ve geçici haritalar
map support office; marine safety office(r); military satellite communications (
(Askeri) harita destek dairesi; deniz emniyet subayı/dairesi; askeri uydu muhaberesi (MILSATCOM) sistemler dairesi; seferberlik karargah subayı
map template
(Askeri) PLAN MÜŞİRİ: Bak. "map templet"
map templet
(Askeri) PLAN MÜŞİRİ: Belirli boyutta grid karelerine taksim edilmiş olan ve nokta tarifinde kullanılan ince şeffaf levha. Buna (map template) de denir
map you want to display
(Bilgisayar) haritasının adını seçin
(Askeri) HARİTA YAPMAK, HARİTA YAPIMI: Harita için bilgi temin etme ve bu bilgilere dayanarak harita yapma işlemi
choose map data directory
(Bilgisayar) harita veri dizinini seçin
circulation map
(Askeri) trafik düzenleme haritası
city map
(İnşaat) şehir haritası
cognitive map
kavramsal harita
cognitive map
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bilişsel harita
color map
renk haritası
color map
(Bilgisayar) renk eşleme
concept map
kavram dizgesi
contour map
eşyükselti haritası
custom pin map
(Bilgisayar) özel dağılım haritası
data map
(Bilgisayar) veri haritası
device map
(Bilgisayar) üretici
document map
(Bilgisayar) belge bağlantıları
edit map
(Bilgisayar) eşleştirmeyi düzenle
entire map
(Bilgisayar) tüm harita
general map
(Askeri) genel harita
image map
(Bilgisayar) görüntü haritası
intermediate scale map
(Askeri) orta ölçekli harita
(Bilgisayar) gönderim
(Bilgisayar) eşleştiriyor
(Tıp,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim,Politika, Siyaset) haritalama
(Dilbilim) çakıştırma
(Askeri) harita yapmak
naval map
(Askeri) deniz haritası
pixel map
(Bilgisayar) imgecik haritası
process map
(Ticaret) süreç haritası
relief map
rölyef haritası
road map
karayolları haritası
route map
güzergah haritası
route map
yol haritası
strip map
(Askeri) güzergah haritası
strip map
(Askeri) yol krokisi
strip map
(Askeri) yol haritası
view map
(Bilgisayar) harita göster
aerial map
hava haritası
airway map
havayolu trafik haritası
bit map
bit eşlemi
color map
renk eşlemi
contour map
çevre eğrisi haritası
contour map
düzey haritası
contour map
tesviye eğrili harita
geological map
jeolojik harita
karnaugh map
karnaugh haritası
lunar map
ay haritası
{i} haritalandırma
{f} eşle
memory map
bellek haritası
memory map
bellek kesiti
memory map list
bellek haritası listesi
relief map
yükseklikleri gösteren harita
relief map
rölyef harita
star map
gök haritası
topographic map
topografya haritası
weather map
hava haritası
Choropleth map
Koroplet harita
all over the map
Her yerde, haritadaki her yerde
all over the map
(deyim) Sık görülen, sık rastlanan
bit map
bit eslemi
color map
renk eslemi
concept map
kavram haritası
face of a map or chart
bir harita veya şemanın görüntüsünün basılı olduğu yüzü
gene map
Gen haritası
genetic map
(Tıp, İlaç) Gen haritası

Bilim adamları uzun yıllardır sürdürdükleri gen haritası çalışmalarını nihayet tamamladılar.

genome map
Gen haritası
geographical map
coğrafi harita
guide map
rehber harita
hash map
(Bilgisayar) Verileri düzenli olarak kovalara (bucket) bölen ve aramayı kolaylaştıran bir veri yapısı
heat map
en yuğun verilerin sıcak renklerle gösterildiği grafik harita
linkage map
(Biyoloji) Genetik bağlantı haritası
(Bilgisayar) Dokulara görüntü ekleme işlemi
harita çizerek
{i} haritalandirma

Büyük kentlerde kaybolmazsın, her yerde haritalar var! - You can't get lost in big cities; there are maps everywhere!

Haritalar tüm askerlere dağıtıldı. - Maps were distributed to all the soldiers.

mosaic map
mozaik harita
off the map
Haritada gösterilmeyen, uzak veya önemsiz (yer)
ordnance map
mühimmatın haritası
pocket map
cep harita
rainfall map
yağış haritası
road map
Karayolu haritası, yol haritası, yol planı
road map
yol haritası

Bir yol haritası alabilir miyim, lütfen? - May I have a road map, please?

Bir yol haritası alabilir miyim? - May I have a road map?

seafloor map
sualtı dip haritası
site map
site haritası
sketch map
kroki harita
soil map
toprak haritası
spare map
yedek harita
synoptical map
synoptical haritası
texture map
doku eslemi
the body of map
haritanın gövdesi
treasure map
hazine haritası
world map
dünya haritası
map haritaya dök
harita alımı
{f} harita çiz: prep.harita çizerek
{i} harita
harita yapımı
التركية - التركية
Fas'ın resmi haber ajansı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Someone's face
A continuous function
To inform someone of a particular idea
A diagram of components of an item
The butterfly Araschnia levana
A function

The discrete topology is always continuous, therefore functions with discrete domains are always maps.

To act as a function on

f maps A to B, mapping a\in A to b\in B.

To act as a continuous function on

The discrete topology is always continuous, therefore functions with discrete domains are always mappings.

To create a visual representation of a territory, etc. via cartography
A visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary
{v} to lay down or make a map, to draw
{n} a delineation of lands, seas, countries
(Gıda) Modified Atmosphere Packaging
a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it) to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets) explore or survey for the purpose of making a map; "We haven't even begun to map the many galaxies that we know exist"
Mapping is the interpretation of an experience by the observer Even when two observers are present for the same event, their recollection of that event will vary, either a little or greatly, depending on how closely their mapping agrees Mapping is particularly noticeable when comparing observations of non-consensus Mapping can be automatic, in the cases of familiar things, or it can require an initial parsing of the environment As an example, some Tools map certain entities as familiar beasts from their home, either existant, extinct or even mythological, as this makes them easier to handle Some Tools also present themselves with an aggressive mapping, which is similar to masking Cf model
Mediterranean Action Plan MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MCSD: Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development MCSD: Barcelona and Mediterranean Conference on Sustainable Development M&D Guidelines: Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines MED 21: Agenda 21 for the Mediterranean MEDA: Euro-Med Assistance Programme (Mesures d’ accompagnements) MED POL: Mediterranean Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme MEDO: Mediterranean Environment and Development Observatory MEDU (MED Unit): Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan MEL: Marine Environment Laboratory (of IAEA) MEPIELAN: Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation METAP: Mediterranean Environmental Technical Assistance Programme MTS: MAP Technical Reports Series
Graphic representation of the physical features (natural, artificial, or both) of a part or the whole of the Earth's surface, by means of signs and symbols or photographic imagery, at an established scale, on a specified projection, and with the means of orientation indicated
A function that assigns a value to some other value
locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences; "map the genes"
a representation of the earth's surface METEORITE a fallen meteor, a fragment of rock or metal reaching earth's surface from outer space MOON a satellite that orbits a planet, due to gravitational attraction
Cartography; a hand-drawn or printed document describing the spatial distribution of geographical features in terms of a recognizable and agreed symbolism A spatial representation, usually graphic on a flat surface, of spatial phenomena Digital; the collection of digital information about a part of the earth's surface
Manifold Absolute Pressure; the absolute pressure in the intake manifold of an engine
Also, such a representation of the celestial sphere, or of some part of it
a spatial representation, usually graphic on a flat surface, of spatial phenomena
a function such that for every element of one set there is a unique element of another set
A map is a drawing of a particular area such as a city, a country, or a continent, showing its main features as they would appear if you looked at them from above. He unfolded the map and set it on the floor Have you got a map of the city centre?
A representation of all or part of the earth or sky (eg a city, country or continent) May be included in a TRAVEL BROCHURE
A graphic representation (most commonly on a flat surface) of the spatial organization of any part of the physical universe at any scale, which symbolizes a wide variety of information, both static and dynamic
To translate a range of memory in one address space (physical or virtual) to a range in another address space The virtual-memory manager accomplishes this by adjusting its VM tables for the kernel and user processes
To represent by a map; often with out; as, to survey and map, or map out, a county
To map an area means to make a map of it. a spacecraft which is using radar to map the surface of Venus
explore or survey for the purpose of making a map; "We haven't even begun to map the many galaxies that we know exist"
A document depicting in graphics or photogrammetric form, normally to scale and usually on a flat medium, a selection of material or abstract features on or in relation to the surface of the earth or of a heavenly body [SAA]
A representation of the surface of the earth, or of some portion of it, showing the relative position of the parts represented; usually on a flat surface
An abstract representation of features on the surface of the Earth
Generally, to make a computer resource "look like" something else When you log onto a network, locations on one or more servers are "mapped" to drive letters When you run My Computer or Explorer from Windows95, your computer shows a series of drives that are physically located on the network, and not on your machine The icon looks like a hard drive connected to a wire
If a locus has been genetically mapped, the "ORF Map" and "Genetic position" under the Sequence Coordinates section of the locus page will display details of the locus/feature The Roman numeral to the right of "Map" indicates the chromosome to which the locus maps The number to the right of "Genetic Position" indicates the map position of the locus (in centimorgans) from the centromere, where negative numbers indicate distances to the left of the centromere (the left arm) and positive numbers correspond to right arm distances
(verb) To map one set of elements to another is to describe an association of each element in the source set to an element in the target set In this tutorial the elements are numbers, the sets are ranges of numbers, and functions are used to map the numbers
A graphic representation of geographically distributed phenomena The information displayed may be in the form of symbols or signs
to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets)
An abstract representation of the physical features of a portion of the Earth's surface graphically displayed on a planar surface Maps display signs, symbols, and spatial relationships among the features They typically emphasize, generalize, and omit certain features from the display to meet design objectives (e g , railroad features might be included in a transportation map but omitted from a highway map)
Hence, figuratively: To represent or indicate systematically and clearly; to sketch; to plan; as, to map, or map out, a journey; to map out business
make a map of; show or establish the features of details of; "map the surface of Venus"
In NLP map is a general term synonymous with description or subjective representation of reality
A graphic representation of features using points, lines, and areas defined both by position with reference to a coordinate system and by their non-spatial attributes
{f} create a geographic diagram; plan; outline
plan, delineate, or arrange in detail; "map one's future"
extent The rectangular limits (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) of the area of the Earth's surface you want to display using ARC/INFO The geographic extent specified by the minimum bounding rectangle of a study area extent The rectangular limits (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) of the area of the Earth's surface you want to display using ARC/INFO The geographic extent specified by the minimum bounding rectangle of a study area
A city map
A flat representation of the surface of the Earth or other celestial body
depict as if on a map; "sorrow was mapped on the mother's face"
Anything which represents graphically a succession of events, states, or acts; as, an historical map
{i} two dimensional depiction of a geographic or celestial area; diagram of a route
a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)
MAP is the containing element of a grouping of shape-link identification pairs (the AREA element) used to identify image map linking destinations with geometric regions on an image
EDA has the possibility to display simple maps on a character screen There are two types of maps: built-in maps, i e maps which are part of the EDA system EDA is supplied with two of these maps: Swiss cantons and CEE regions, but this might be different at your installation The second type of maps are called user defined maps; these are maps stored under a very simple form either in a normal external file, with a WA on an EDA file (in this case the map is automatically made into the current active map whenever the corresponding WA is read from that file) or stored in a casid/map library For more details see the MAP command, as well as the appendix, where you will find information on how to prepare such a map The link between the data and any such map is established through the casids; in fact the casid id and the map id must be the same in order to get a map on the screen
approval If you say that someone or something put a person, thing, or place on the map, you approve of the fact that they made it become well-known and important. the attempts of the Edinburgh Festival's organisers to put C.P. Taylor firmly on the map. modified American plan. Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features usually geographic, geologic, or geopolitical of an area of the Earth or of any celestial body. Globes are maps represented on the surface of a sphere. Cartography is the art and science of making maps and charts. Major types of maps include topographic maps, showing features of the Earth's land surface; nautical charts, representing coastal and marine areas; hydrographic charts, which detail ocean depths and currents; and aeronautical charts, which detail surface features and air routes. bit map conformal map four colour map problem
Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic, an international network of over 100 technical experts in 40 countries, including epidemiologists, economists and public health specialists, who provide analysis of the worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic Information on MAP is available on the U S Census HIV/AIDS Surveillance web page (Go to AIDS Links to connect to web sites for this and related services and organizations )
locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences; "map the genes
map key
A legend; a small description of the symbols used, in an inset
map of Tassie
A woman's pubic hair
map out
To organise the basic plan for a project
map projection
any systematic method of transforming the spherical representation of parallels, meridians and geographic features of the Earth's surface to a nonspherical surface, usually a plane
map room
A room in a library set aside for the storage and use of maps
Attributive form of map key, noun

The atlas's map-key font size is too small.

map maker
cartographer, one who makes maps
map out
plan, delineate, or arrange in detail; "map one's future"
map out
If you map out something that you are intending to do, you work out in detail how you will do it. I went home and mapped out my strategy I cannot conceive of anybody writing a play by sitting down and mapping it out This whole plan has been most carefully mapped out
map projection
a projection of the globe onto a flat map using a grid of lines of latitude and longitude
map reconnaissance
examining an area by looking at a map as preparation or as a replacement for an actual patrol
map reference
prominent feature on a map used as a point of reference in navigation
a person who can read maps; "he is a good map-reader
the practice of using a map to find which way you should go
I need a map
Indicates that the speaker needs a map
Karnaugh map
A visual representation used for expressions in Boolean algebra
Ordnance Survey map
any of a large series of high quality, detailed maps of Great Britain produced in a variety of scales originally for military, but now for leisure or business use
all over the map
In widely scattered directions; in a widely varying manner

I hit it all over the map,” Anderson joked.

all over the map
Widely scattered or distributed; numerous and differing greatly

The Kip Hanrahan Band, which opened the concert, is after its own ambitious American-Latin fusion, with internationalist rhythms, introspective lyrics and musicians from all over the map.

blind map
A map with political boundaries and major geographical features shown, but without names. Sometimes used for testing or training purposes
concept map
A diagram showing the relationships among concepts, with the concepts drawn in rectangular boxes, which are connected with labelled arrows that denote the relationships between concepts, such as "is a", "gives rise to", "results in", "is required by," or "contributes to"
contour map
A map made to show the relief measurements of the land by means of contour lines
fate map
a diagram of an embryo of some organism showing the structures that will develop from each part
hash map
A hash table
heat map
A two-dimensional graphic representation of data in which different values are represented by different colours
horseshoe map
Any of a class of chaotic maps of the square into itself, used in the study of dynamical systems
image map
An image on a web page that is divided into shaped portions, each of which has an associated hyperlink
knowledge map
a user interface element similar to a graphical organizer, which displays connections between data by a series of shapes (or images) representing ideas and arrows representing relations between them. It is a form of knowledge visualization and is also known as a concept map
locator map
A locator map, sometimes referred to simply as a locator, is typically a simple map used in cartography to show the location of a particular geographic area within its larger and presumably more familiar context. Depending on the needs of the cartographer, this type of map can be used on its own or as an inset or addition to a larger map
A function that maps every element of a given set to a unique element of another set; a correspondence
Present participle of map
Assigning a PC to a shared drive or printer port on a network
mind map
A diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea
overworld map
a map of the overworld
overworld map
by extension, the overworld itself, as navigated using this map
physical map
A topographical map
physical map
A map showing how much DNA separates two genes, measured in base pairs, as opposed to a genetic map
relief map
A map that shows the three-dimensional topography of terrain, usually by use of contours but sometimes by hatching
road map
A structured representation of objects over a period of time to display a development plan. Road maps are used in business for strategic planning and communications
road map
A map with a visual representation of roads used for automobile travel and navigation. A road map may contain other relevant data, such as terrain or rail roads
salt dough map
A three-dimensional relief map, made from salt dough or a similar substance, often by children for educational purposes
shake map
Alternative spelling of shakemap
site map
A webpage that lists the contents and shows the structure of a website, to aid in navigation
texture map
To map a texture to a three-dimensional model
texture map
A matrix of data, representing texture, added to a polygon or polyhedron in the process of texture mapping
the map is not the territory
Our models of the world, and our sensations of the world, are not the true world
thematic map
A geographic map that displays the spatial pattern of a theme or series of attributes
tongue map
A schematic map of the human tongue, labelling which parts are (supposedly) receptive to different tastes
topic map
A representation of knowledge consisting of a graph of topics (representing any concept, from people, countries, and organizations to software modules, individual files, and events), associations (which represent the relationships between them), and occurrences (which represent relationships between topics and information resources relevant to them)
topographical map
A map that indicates the topography of the ground, and includes physical features such as rivers, woods and habitation
treasure map
A map, on which is marked the location of buried treasure

While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads them to a pirate's fortune.

weather map
a map that shows the analysis of meteorological quantities at various levels of the atmosphere
Choropleth map
A choropleth map (Greek χώρο– + πλήθ[ος], ("area/region" + "multitude") is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or per-capita income
Short form for Karnaugh Map
The Karnaugh map, also known as a Veitch diagram (K-map or KV-map for short), is a tool to facilitate management of Boolean algebraic expressions. A Karnaugh map is unique in that only one variable changes value between squares, in other words, the rows and columns are ordered according to the principles of Gray code
The Karnaugh map, also known as a Veitch diagram (K-map or KV-map for short), is a tool to facilitate management of Boolean algebraic expressions. A Karnaugh map is unique in that only one variable changes value between squares, in other words, the rows and columns are ordered according to the principles of Gray code
all over the map
(deyim) Marked by a high degree of variation
all over the map
all over the map
in a state of disorder
conformal map
In mathematics, a transformation of one graph into another in such a way that the angle of intersection of any two lines or curves remains unchanged
genetic map
(Tıp, İlaç) The arrangement of genes on a chromosome
heat map
a graphical representation of data where the values taken by a variable in a two-dimensional table are represented as colors
karnaugh map
The Karnaugh map, also known as a Veitch diagram (K-map or KV-map for short), is a tool to facilitate management of Boolean algebraic expressions. A Karnaugh map is unique in that only one variable changes value between squares, in other words, the rows and columns are ordered according to the principles of Gray code
linkage map
(Biyoloji) A map of the genes on a chromosome based on linkage analysis. A linkage map does not show the physical distances between genes but rather their relative positions, as determined by how often two gene loci are inherited together. The closer two genes are (the more tightly they are linked), the more often they will be inherited together. Linkage distance is measured in centimorgans (cM)
{s} diagramed, outlined, planned
Simple past and past participle of to map
a UDI software-only driver that maps one metalanguage to another, for example a Fibre Channel to SCSI mapper A mapper is 100% UDI code, unlike an external mapper Also known as an internal mapper
A software product that takes data from your accounting system and routes the necessary data fields into an EDI file and/or takes information from an EDI file and routes it into the necessary format for your accounting system
A device that translates MIDI data from one form to another in real time
a clerk who marks data on a chart
In the Enterprise Access Builder, a class that maps the properties of a bean (for example, a record) to or from the properties of a set of beans (for example, business objects) Mappers are constructed in the mapper builder
In the Enterprise Access Builder for Transactions, a class that maps the properties of a bean (for example, a record) to or from the properties of a set of beans (for example, business objects)
One who maps
Measurement-based Analysis of Preferences in Planned Emissions education, - a computer program that determines if ozone formation is limited by either NOx or VOCs
Used in all kinds of systems/emulators To expand the capabilities of their system, manufactors invented new way to produce carts In order for an emulator to play a game, it needs to support the mapper of this particular game Over 100 mappers exists
{i} mapmaker, cartographer
In network operations, the logical association of one set of values, such as addresses on one network, with quantities or values of another set such as devices on another network It includes name-address mapping, internetwork-route mapping and protocol-to-protocol mapping
The relationship of virtual addresses to physical addresses using the address translation tables in the Memory Management Unit Source: PG
(n ) often used to indicate an allocation of processes to processors; allocating work to processes is usually called scheduling See also load balance
The associating of one set of values or format to a different set of values or format Often it is the linking of EDI file formats to internal company file formats
In this context, mapping stands for model mapping It defines the similarity and differences between two data models The mapping specifies the transition of the data from an initial data structure to a final data structure
(genetics) the process of locating genes on a chromosome
The process of transforming one coordinate space into another
In IDL, language mapping includes a definition of the language-specific data types and procedure interfaces to access objects through the ORB Mapping includes the structure of the client stub interface (not required for object-oriented languages), the Dynamic Invocation Interface, the implementation skeleton, the object adapters, and the direct ORB interface A language mapping also defines the interaction between object invocations and the threads of control in the client or implementation
Present participle of to map
the method of assigning pixel values to represent fractal equations There are a variety of mapping methods, most of which use a "standard" complex plane geometry
In the context of XML/SGML conversions, this means the specification of the SGML tagging to be produced when a particular style (paragraph or font), coding, or string of text is found in the input file For example, the ChapTitle style may map to the SGML tagging <chapter><title> </title>, meaning that when the paragraph style ChapTitle is found in the input file, then the SGML-encoding software will produce <chapter><title> </title> with the " " representing the text found in the paragraph styled as "ChapTitle"
The process of identifying patches and keys, so that sound files can be played properly A key map will translate values for MIDI messages, so that the correct keys will be played A patch map functions to identify the correct patches (sounds, instruments)
Charting the location of genes on chromosomes
The process of making maps
The process of locating genes on a chromosome
a computer process whereby the search system matches (maps) a given term to the most appropriate MeSH heading
The process of relating a source element to a target and describing the transformation that satisfies the relationship
{i} mapmaking
Determining the physical location of a gene or genetic marker on a chromosome (See Continuous map, Genetic map, Physical map )
Shows the distribution of elements within one sample Each element is assigned a color and the intensity of each pixel is representative of the number of X-ray counts due to that element at that point The generation of high-resolution images with conventional detectors can take up to several hours See qualitative mapping, quantitative mapping, element imaging
or ringing - The shriveling of an edge of a repaired area so that an outline of the repair shows through the top coat of paint In most cases this is caused by the solvents attacking and reacting with the feathered edge of the repair
The process of associating local values or entities with values or entities that are meaningful on remote systems
See: gene mapping, linkage map, physical map
A form of symbolic representation thought to describe the cognitive relationship between the physical and conceptual world (Solso)
The process of linking or associating fields from one table to fields of another table in a database Used in data conversion to copy data from a source table to a destination table when the field names of the two tables are different Mapping is used in SIS2000+ to allow user-defined codes to represent system-generated codes for ease of use It is also used to associate two or more data elements, as needed by the user, in order to accomplish certain functions in the database
The process of making maps, including the collection of geographic information, design and production (See cartography)
(genetics) the process of locating genes on a chromosome a function such that for every element of one set there is a unique element of another set
In EDI, the association of data field contents from an internal computer system to the field contents in the EDI standard being used The same mapping takes place in reverse during the receipt of an EDI document
The process of converting data that is transmitted in one format by the sender into the data format that can be accepted by the receiver
a function such that for every element of one set there is a unique element of another set
The act of determining what pieces of information in the company's data base should be placed into each data element of an EDI message or message set, or in reverse, what data elements of an EDI message or message set should be placed into the company's database
Meteorological & Aeronautical Presentation System
MIND Arts Project Stockport
Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellite (space shuttle experiment)
modular azimuth positioning system
Locate a map at Expedia com and include a link to your website or e-mail the map For maps for places within large Australian cities, try the WhereIS online website Another good resource is Map Machine@ National Geographic Australia's National Mapping Agency has AUSLIG Fab Facts and more USGS What do maps show and Latitude and Longitude Theodora has Maps and Flags - check their details for use on web pages Use Mapmaker from Travelmate to make your own Australian map How far is it? Use this interactive tool to check the distance between two places, then use the map viewer to view the spatial relationship Creating maps online from Online Map Creation
Admission requirements for all students graduating from high school in May 1988 or later MAPS deficiencies must be completed after starting at CU-Boulder through course work or equivalency tests
Third-person singular simple present of to map
Yucatan Peninsula'); document write(' Cancun'); document write(' Maya Riviera'); //-->
Plural of map
IBM methodology
Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction System (MAPS) MAPS is a data assimilation and mesoscale modeling system developed by NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory; it incorporates asynoptic data such as wind profiler and ACARS data into a mesoscale model with horizontal resolution of 30 kilometers

    التركية النطق



    /ˈmap/ /ˈmæp/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ map ] (noun.) 1527. Shortening of Middle English mapemounde 'world map', Old French mapemonde, from Medieval Latin mappa mundi, compound of Latin mappa 'napkin, cloth' and mundus 'world', mappa borrowed from Phoenician (compare Talmudic Hebrew maffa, contraction of menafa 'fluttering banner'). More at mundane.


    maps, mapping, mapped

    رصف المشتركة

    map out


    ... The map is the user interface. ...
    ... And the way to interpret this map is that the good workers ...