Kişilerin Belli Bir konudaki Görüşlerini Elektronik posta aracılığıyla grup üyelerine dağıtmaları . iki çeşit mailing list vardır. Birincisinde her kullanıcı grup uyelerinın adreslerine sahiptir ve to bolumune herkesın adresini yazarak gönderir. İkincisinde mesajlar bir bilgisayara gönderilir. ve mesajların dağıtımını bu bilgisayar gerçekleştirir
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
تعريف mailing lists في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
Mailing Lists are electronic discussion groups that line a group of people to either by a common interest These mailing lists distribute information on that topic or interest throughout the Internet via its global E-mail system People send messages to a common computer with a listserv or majordomo program that distributes the list to all other members of the group Some mailing lists are digests in which the messages are compiled and send out a regular intervals, other are direct mail so that each mailing is sent to all the other members of the group Some mailing lists work like a newsletters and are 'read only' The subscribers of 'read only list' receive the mailing but do not participate directly in what is sent to the list members Modem: A modem is a device for transmitting data from one computer to another using the telephone line
A discussion platform in which any member belonging to a list can send messages through e-mail to all other members Today, on the Internet, mailing lists are available on thousands of subjects These are usually free
Many of our accounts allow you to create and manage mailing lists with Majordomo You can create as many lists as you like, without even bothering us! Few hosts allow you to create real, managed mailing lists on your own Don't think that this is at all like listing a bunch of people as an alias with our email forwarding feature These lists will have fully automatic (or moderator-confirmed, if you prefer) subscriptions and unsubscriptions, moderated posting (if you choose), and digests As far as we know, nobody else has a system with which you can set up your own mailing lists with the very popular Majordomo software
Mailing lists are automated mail distribution programs that allow individuals that share a common interest to exchange electronic mail JCN uses Majordomo mailing list management software We can set up a mailing list for your business or special interest on your server or independently running from one of JCN's servers Majordomo automates the functions of subscribing and unsubscribing to lists Users simply email a subscription request to the Majordomo program If the subscription request is approved by the list owner, the person is added to the mailing list Email sent to the address of the list will be sent out to all the list subscribers automatically For more information on how mailing lists work take a look at the Majordomo info file
A (usually automated) system that allows people to send e-mail to one address, whereupon their message is copied and sent to all of the other subscribers to the mail list In this way, people who have many different kinds of e-mail access can participate in discussions together Available with packages : 110,120, 200, 210, 220, 300, 310, 320
A service through which discussion groups communicate via shared e-mail messages (pg 97)
Mailing Lists are a convenient and automated way to broadcast email to a group of email addresses When an email message is sent to the mailing list name, it is automatically forwarded to all the addresses in the list Mailing list members can receive and reply to all emails sent to the list Members can also automatically subscribe or un-subscribe from a mailing list Thelix Internet features Majordomo mailing lists Back to Top
There are more than 4,000 topic-oriented, e-mail-based message bases that can be read and posted to Users subscribe to the lists they want to read and receive messages via e-mail Mailing lists are operated using listserv software Thus, many Internauts call mailing lists "listserver " There are two types of lists: moderated and unmoderated Moderated lists are screened by a human before messages are posted to subscribers Messages to unmoderated lists are aut omatically forwarded to subscribers
Many web host providers offer software to assist you in operating a mailing list This software usually includes automated subscription requests and subscriber database management
There are more than 4,000 topic-oriented, email-based message bases that can be read and posted to Users subscribe to the lists they want to read and receive messages via email Mailing lists are operated using listserv software Thus, many users call mailing lists 'listservs' There are two types of lists: moderated and unmoderated Moderated lists are screened by a human before messages are posted to subscribers Messages to unmoderated lists are automatically forwarded to subscribers
Also known as listservs, let you use e-mail to participate in discussion groups on topics of special interest to you
An electronic group discussion specific to a topic or an interest carried out with email messages All subscribers to a mailing list receive all copies of all messages sent to that list Invites participation from subscribers but usually has guidelines for posting
Disinfection generally requires updated definition files Be sure to subscribe to the mailing list of the antivirus vendor you use, to keep informed of updates to these critical files
Similar to newsgroups, except that with mailing lists, group messages are sent to your e-mail box either as single messages or compiled into digests Some are moderated, others pass messages unchecked, and others only allow the owner of the mailing list to post messages Also see list server
A mailing list is similar to a newsgroup, but instead of visiting to read or post, the discussion is e-mailed to you
Discussion groups of people who use e-mail to pontificate on specific subjects of interest In some cases, newsgroups utilize mailing lists to keep their members informed
An electronic group discussion, which has a specific topic or an interest that is carried out with email messages All subscribers to a mailing list receive all copies of all messages sent to that list This invites participation from subscribers but will usually have guidelines that have to be followed for posting