
listen to the pronunciation of magnetic
الإنجليزية - التركية
mıknatıs özelliği olan
{s} çekici

Mars'ta Manyetik alanlar, onun güney yarımküresinde mantar gibi türemiştir. - Magnetic fields on Mars sprout like mushrooms in its southern hemisphere.

Bu onların dünyanın manyetik alanını kullanamadıklarından dolayı olabilir. - This may be because they could not use the earth's magnetic field.

manyetik alan

Mars'ta Manyetik alanlar, onun güney yarımküresinde mantar gibi türemiştir. - Magnetic fields on Mars sprout like mushrooms in its southern hemisphere.

Güneş lekeleri güneş manyetik alanının çok güçlü olduğu Güneş bölgeleridir. - Sunspots are regions of the Sun where the solar magnetic field is very strong.

çekici manyetizmaya magnetic coil mıknatıs bobini magnetic field mıknatısın tesir alanı
magnetic induction temas olmadan bir mıknatısın
çok cazip
mıknatısla çekilen
(Mühendislik) mıknatıs

Öğrenciler fen sınıfında bir mıknatıs kullandılar. - The students used a magnet in science class.

Mıknatıs demiri çeker. - A magnet attracts iron.

magnetic induction
(Bilgisayar) manyetik irgiti indüklenme
magnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) manyetik irgiti
magnetic alloy
manyetik alaşım
magnetic amplifier
manyetik amplifikatör
magnetic analysis
manyatik analiz
magnetic annealing
mıknatıslı tavlama
magnetic armature
manyetik armatür
magnetic armature loudspeaker
manyetik armatürlü hoparlör
magnetic axis
manyetik eksen
magnetic azimuth
manyetik azimut
magnetic bar
mıknatıs çubuğu
magnetic bias
manyetik ön alan
magnetic brake
manyetik fren
magnetic brake
manyetik eğleç
magnetic bridge
manyetik köprü
magnetic capacity
manyetik kapasite
magnetic card
manyetik kart
magnetic card file
manyetik kart dosyası
magnetic cell
manyetik hücre
magnetic character
manyetik karakter
magnetic chuck
mıknatıslı torna aynası
magnetic circuit
manyetik devre
magnetic coil
manyetik bobin
magnetic compass
manyetik pusula
magnetic controller
manyetik denetleyici
magnetic core
manyetik çekirdek
magnetic core storage
manyetik çekirdek bellek
magnetic coupling
mıknatıslı bağlaşma
magnetic course
manyetik rota
magnetic current
manyetik akım
magnetic cutter
manyetik kesici
magnetic damping
manyetik amortisman
magnetic declination
mıknatıssal sapma
magnetic declination
manyetik sapma
magnetic declination
manyetik deklinasyon
magnetic deflection
manyetik sapma
magnetic deflection
mıknatıssal sapma
magnetic delay line
manyetik gecikme hattı
magnetic density
manyetik yoğunluk
magnetic detector
manyetik detektör
magnetic dip
manyetik eğim
magnetic dipole
manyetik dipol
magnetic dipole moment
manyetik dipol momenti
magnetic disk
mıknatıslı disk
magnetic disk
manyetik disk
magnetic disk drive
manyetik disk sürücü
magnetic disk file
manyetik disk dosyası
magnetic displacement
manyetik yer değişim
magnetic disturbance
manyetik tedirginlik
magnetic drum
manyetik silindir
magnetic drum
manyetik tambur
magnetic energy
manyetik enerji
magnetic feedback
manyetik geribesleme
magnetic field
manyetik alan
magnetic field
mıknatıssal alan
magnetic field intensity
manyetik alan yoğunluğu
magnetic field strength
manyetik alan şiddeti
magnetic film
manyetik film
magnetic film
mıknatıslı film
magnetic film store
manyetik film belleği
magnetic flux
mıknatıssal akı
magnetic flux
manyetik akı
magnetic flux density
manyetik akı yoğunluğu
magnetic focusing
manyetik odaklama
magnetic force
mıknatıssal kuvvet
magnetic force
manyetik kuvvet
magnetic friction
manyetik sürtünme
magnetic gate
manyetik kapı
magnetic hardness
mıknatıs sertliği
magnetic head
manyetik kafa
magnetic hysteresis
manyetik histerezis
magnetic ignition
manyetik ateşleme
magnetic image
manyetik görüntü
magnetic induction
manyetik endüksiyon
magnetic ink
manyetik mürekkep
magnetic ink character reader
manyetik mürekkepli karakter okuyucu
magnetic ink character recognition
manyetik mürekkepli karakter tanıma
magnetic ink document reader
manyetik mürekkepli belge okuyucu
magnetic ink document sorter
manyetik mürekkepli belge okuyucu
magnetic intensity
mıknatıssal yeğinlik
magnetic intensity
manyetik şiddet
magnetic iron ore
mıknatıslı demir cevheri
magnetic lag
mıknatıssal gecikim
magnetic lag
manyetik gecikme
magnetic leakage factor
manyetik kaçak faktörü
magnetic lens
manyetik mercek
magnetic lens
mıknatıssal mercek
magnetic line of force
manyetik kuvvet çizgisi
magnetic loudspeaker
manyetik hoparlör
magnetic material
manyetik malzeme
magnetic memory
manyetik bellek
magnetic meridian
manyetik meridyen
magnetic microphone
manyetik mikrofon
magnetic microscope
manyetik mikroskop
magnetic mine
manyetik mayın
magnetic mirror
manyetik ayna
magnetic modulation
manyetik modülasyon
magnetic moment
manyetik moment
magnetic moment
mıknatıs momenti
magnetic monopole
manyetik monopol
magnetic needle
mıknatıslı iğne
magnetic needle
manyetik ibre
magnetic needle
manyetik iğne
magnetic north
manyetik kuzey
magnetic organism
manyetik organizma
magnetic pendulum
manyetik sarkaç
magnetic permeability
mıknatıssal geçirgenlik
magnetic permeability
manyetik geçirgenlik
magnetic pickup
manyetik pikap
magnetic polarization
manyetik polarizasyon
magnetic pole
mıknatıs kutbu
magnetic pole
manyetik kutup
magnetic pole strength
manyetik kutup şiddeti
magnetic potential
manyetik potansiyel
magnetic potentiometer
manyetik potansiyometre
magnetic powder clutch
manyetik tozlu kavrama
magnetic power
manyetik güç
magnetic pressure
manyetik basınç
magnetic printing
manyetik baskı
magnetic prospection
manyetik arama
magnetic pumping
manyetik pompalama
magnetic quantum number
manyetik kuantum sayısı
magnetic recorder
manyetik kayıt cihazı
magnetic recorder
manyetik kaydedici
magnetic recording
manyetik kayıt
magnetic recording head
manyetik kayıt kafası
magnetic relay
manyetik röle
magnetic resistance
manyetik direnç
magnetic resonance
manyetik rezonans
magnetic rigidity
manyetik sertlik
magnetic saturation
manyetik doyma
magnetic screen
manyetik ekran
magnetic separator
mıknatıslı ayırıcı
magnetic separator
manyetik separatör
magnetic separator
manyetik ayırıcı
magnetic shell
manyetik yaprak
magnetic shell
mıknatıssal yaprak
magnetic shield
manyetik kalkan
magnetic sound
manyetik ses
magnetic sound recording
manyetik ses kaydı
magnetic sound track
manyetik ses yolu
magnetic spark plug
manyetik buji
magnetic speaker
manyetik hoparlör
magnetic spectrometer
manyetik spektrometre
magnetic spectrum
manyetik spektrum
magnetic storage
manyetik depolama
magnetic store
manyetik bellek
magnetic storm
manyetik fırtına
magnetic substance
manyetik madde
magnetic susceptibility
manyetik alınganlık
magnetic switch
manyetik anahtar
magnetic tape
manyetik bant
magnetic tape drive
manyetik bant sürücüsü
magnetic tape file
manyetik bant dosyası
magnetic tape group
manyetik şerit grubu
magnetic tape librarian
manyetik bant kitaplıkçısı
magnetic tape library
manyetik bant kitaplığı
magnetic tape parity
manyetik bant paritesi
magnetic tape reader
manyetik bant okuyucu
magnetic tape unit
manyetik bant birimi
magnetic thermometer
manyetik termometre
magnetic thin film
ince manyetik film
magnetic track
manyetik rota
magnetic transmission
manyetik transmisyon
magnetic transparency
manyetik saydamlık
magnetic tuning
manyetik akortlama
magnetic unit
manyetik birim
magnetic variable star
manyetik değişken yıldız
magnetic vector
manyetik vektör
magnetic vector potential
manyetik vektör potansiyeli
magnetic viscosity
manyetik viskozite
magnetic wave
manyetik dalga
magnetic wire
manyetik tel
magnetic wire store
manyetik tel bellek
magnetic chuck
(Mühendislik) mıknatıslı ayna
magnetic compass
pusula manyetik
magnetic disk storage
Manyetik disk depolama
magnetic distributor
manyetik dağıtıcı
magnetic heading
manyetik baş
magnetic leakage
manyetik kaçak, manyetik sızıntı
magnetic resonance imaging
manyetik rezonans görüntüleme
magnetic resonance imaging
(Tıp, İlaç) Manyetik rezonans görüntülemesi: Çok güçlü bir mıknatıs ve radyo dalgaları kullanılarak canlı dokunun görüntülenmesini sağlayan ve iyonizan radyasyon içermeyen kesitsel bir radyolojik inceleme yöntemi
magnetic spectrograph
manyetik spektrograf
magnetic stripe
manyetik şerit
magnetic striping
manyetik ses yolu geçirme, mıknatıslama
magnetic tape cluster
manyetik teyp küme
magnetic tape storage
manyetik teyp depolama
magnetic tape store
manyetik teyp mağaza
magnetic wire storage
manyetik tel depolama
magnetic azimuth
(Askeri) MANYETİK AZİMUT, MANYETİK İSTİKAMET AÇISI: Manyetik kuzeye nazaran ölçülen semt, istikamet açısı
magnetic bearing
(Askeri) Bak. "bearing"
magnetic circuit
(Askeri) Bak. "magnetic mine"
magnetic compass
(Askeri) MIKNATISI/MANYETİK PUSULA: İstikametleri göstermek için mıknatıslı bir ucu bulunan alet. Bu istikametler, gözlem noktasında dünyanın manyetik alanının yatay bileşenine göre pusulalarda görünür
magnetic course
(Askeri) MANYETİK ROTA: Manyetik kuzey hattı ile hareket hattı arasındaki açı ölçülerek tespit edilen bir hareket veya uçuş istikameti
magnetic declination
(Askeri) TABİİ MANYETİK SAPMA, TABİİ MANYETİK İNHİRAF: Herhangi bir mahalde, manyetik kuzeyle gerçek kuzey arasındaki istikamet farkını belirlemek üzere, belli derece Doğu veya Batı olarak gösterilen, manyetik ve coğrafi meridyenler arasındaki açı. Deniz ve hava seyrüseferlerinde, "magnetic declination" yerine, "magnetic variation" terimi kullanılır ve açıya pusula sapması veya manyetik sapma denilir. Diğer hallerde, "magnetic declination", manyetik sapmanın, alçalış veya yoğunluğun zamana göre normal veya normal olmayan değişmesini gösteren "magnetic variation" deyimiyle aynı manaya gelmez. Ayrıca bakınız: "magnetic variation", "declination"
magnetic detection system
(Askeri) Manyetik arama sistemi
magnetic deviation
(Askeri) MAGNEYİK ARIZİ SAPMA, MANYETİK ARIZİ İNHİRAF: Manyetik tabii sapma (manyetic declination) 'nin aksine, manyetik arızi sapma; bir istikamet açısı miktarında, çıkarılması gereken belirli bir miktarı ifade eden pusula hatası miktarıdır. Buna sadece (deviation) da denir
magnetic disk unit
(MDU) manyetik disk birimi
magnetic equator
(Askeri) MANYETİK EKVATOR: Belirli bir süre için manyetik eğilimin (alçalış) sıfır olduğu tüm noktaları birleştiren, bir harita veya şema üzerinde çizilen bir hat. Ayrıca bakınız: "aclinic line"
magnetic field
(Askeri) MANYETİK ALAN, ARZ MANYETİK ALANI: Bir mıknatıs çevresi veya bir elektrik akımı gibi manyetik kuvvetlerin mevcut bulunduğu alan veya saha
magnetic field
çekim alanı
magnetic field strength
(Nükleer Bilimler) magnetik alan şiddeti
magnetic field vector
manyetik alan vektoru
magnetic focussing
manyetik odaklama
magnetic hand scanner
manyetik el tarayıcısı
التركية - التركية

تعريف magnetic في التركية التركية القاموس.

Suni veya tabii mıknatıs
Buzdolabı gibi metal eşya üzerine yapıştırılan üzerinde resim ya da yazı bulunan, mıknatıslı küçük etiket
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
of, relating to, operating by, or caused by magnetism

a magnetic recorder.

determined by earth's magnetic fields

magnetic north.

having the properties of a magnet, especially the ability to draw or pull
having an extraordinary ability to attract

He has a magnetic personality.

{a} attractive, drawing
of or relating to or caused by magnetism; "magnetic forces"
If something metal is magnetic, it acts like a magnet. magnetic particles
{s} of or pertaining to magnets; capable of being magnetized or attracted by a magnet; having the property of attracting iron or steel; operating via magnetic means; attractive, compelling
having the properties of a magnet; i e of attracting iron or steel; "the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material"
1 Of or pertaining to a magnet
levitation Support technology that keeps a vehicle separated from its guideway by riding a surface of magnetic force
of attracting iron or steel; "the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material"
Endowed with extraordinary personal power to excite the feelings and to win the affections; attractive; inducing attachment
possessing an extraordinary ability to attract; "a charismatic leader"; "a magnetic personality"
A separator that uses a magnetic field to attract and hold ferromagnetic particles
having the properties of a magnet; i
of attracting iron or steel; "the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material" determined by earth's magnetic fields; "magnetic north"; "the needle of a magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole" capable of being magnetized of or relating to or caused by magnetism; "magnetic forces
(scalar) potential --The magnetic force at a point in space is a *"vector" quantity, one which has both direction and strength To specify it, three numbers are required--for instance, one specifying its strength and two its direction However, the magnetic field near the surface of the Earth (and at any other location where electric currents are absent) is of a relatively simple kind, describable by a single varying quantity--an ordinary number or "scalar", as distinct from a vector A similar simplified representation exists for the force of gravity, even when its sources are complicated The magnetic scalar potential was introduced for describing the Earth's magnetic field by Gauss and is described in terms of "spherical harmonics " It is still being used
Having, susceptible to, or induced by, animal magnetism, so called; as, a magnetic sleep
You use magnetic to describe something that is caused by or relates to the force of magnetism. The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces. + magnetically mag·neti·cal·ly metal fragments held together magnetically
You use magnetic to describe tapes and other objects which have a coating of a magnetic substance and contain coded information that can be read by computers or other machines. her magnetic strip ID card
Pertaining to the magnet; possessing the properties of the magnet, or corresponding properties; as, a magnetic bar of iron; a magnetic needle
having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull; "an attractive force"; "the knife hung on a magnetic board"
determined by earth's magnetic fields; "magnetic north"; "the needle of a magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole"
field The space around a magnet where magnetism can be detected It acts in all directions and is strongest at the poles of the magnet
capable of being magnetized of or relating to or caused by magnetism; "magnetic forces
Any metal, as iron, nickel, cobalt, etc
A magnet
An example of stored, or potential energy When magnets are moved towards eachother, energu may be stored in their attraction or repulsion
1) Putting out magnetic energy 2) Able to be magnetized
If you describe something as magnetic, you mean that it is very attractive to people because it has unusual, powerful, and exciting qualities. the magnetic effect of the prosperous German economy on would-be immigrants. adj. magnetic iron ore magnetic dipole magnetic field magnetic force magnetic permeability magnetic resonance magnetic resonance imaging nuclear magnetic resonance
Capable of becoming a magnet; susceptible to magnetism; as, the magnetic metals
which may receive, by any means, the properties of the loadstone, and which then, when suspended, fixes itself in the direction of a magnetic meridian
determined by earths magnetic fields
Of or pertaining to, or characterized by, the earth's magnetism; as, the magnetic north; the magnetic meridian
capable of being magnetized
Magnetic North
At a given point, the direction in which the magnetic North Pole of the Earth lies
magnetic North Pole
The point on the Earth where compasses point to. It is constantly drifting and is currently located on Ellesmere Island some 1,000 km from the geographic North Pole
magnetic anisotropy
The dependence of any magnetic property of a material on the direction in which it is measured
magnetic bearing
Bearing relative to the nearest magnetic pole
magnetic bearings
plural form of magnetic bearing
magnetic circuit
A closed path of magnetic flux
magnetic compass
An instrument containing a freely suspended magnetic element which displays the direction of the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field at the point of observation
magnetic declination
The angle between the magnetic and geographical meridians at any place, expressed in degrees east or west to indicate the direction of magnetic north from true north. In nautical and aeronautical navigation, the term magnetic variation is used instead of magnetic declination and the angle is termed variation of the compass or magnetic variation. Magnetic declination is not otherwise synonymous with magnetic variation which refers to regular or irregular change with time of the magnetic declination, dip, or intensityJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
magnetic declinations
plural form of magnetic declination
magnetic dip
The angle between magnetic north and the horizontal (as shown by a compass held vertically)
magnetic energies
plural form of magnetic energy
magnetic energy
The potential energy of a magnetic field
magnetic equator
A line drawn on a map or chart connecting all points at which the magnetic inclination (dip) is zero for a specified epoch
magnetic field
a condition in the space around a magnet or electric current in which there is a detectable magnetic force and two magnetic poles are present
magnetic fields
plural form of magnetic field
magnetic flux
a measure of the strength of a magnetic field in a given area
magnetic flux densities
plural form of magnetic flux density
magnetic flux density
The measurable component of the response of a medium to the presence of a magnetic field
magnetic lens
a magnetic field with axial symmetry capable of converging a beam of charged particles of uniform velocity and of forming images of objects placed in the path of such beam
magnetic levitation
a method of supporting and transporting objects and vehicles by using a magnetic field to counterbalance the gravitational pull
magnetic mine
A mine which responds to the magnetic field of a target
magnetic moment
The torque exerted on a magnet within a magnetic field; a vector, being the product of the strength of the magnet and the distance between its poles
magnetic monopole
a hypothetical particle having an isolated north or south pole; the magnetic equivalent of an isolated electric charge
magnetic north
At a given point on Earth's surface, the direction of Earth's magnetic field, i.e. the direction into which the compass needle of a magnetic compass points
magnetic permeability
a measure of the magnetisation of a material in a magnetic field; symbol μ. Materials with values less than 1 are diamagnetic those above are paramagnetic
magnetic poetry
Poetry, often terse and surreal, created by assembling magnetic pieces bearing words or word fragments
magnetic polarity
the state of being a north pole or south pole; the magnetic equivalent of electric charge
magnetic recording
The recording of a signal; sound or image, on a magnetizable vessel or medium for storage, and retrieval purposes
magnetic recordings
plural form of magnetic recording
magnetic resonance imaging
A technique that uses nuclear magnetic resonance to form cross sectional images of the human body for diagnostic purposes
magnetic reversal
Any of several reversals in the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field (such that a compass points South) that have happened over geologic time
magnetic stirrer
laboratory equipment. A machine that produces a rotating magnetic field, so that a magnetic stir bar will automatically stir a chemical solution. They often incorporate an electric heating plate
magnetic stripe
A band of magnetic material in which tiny iron-based particles are used for data storage, used on swipecards
magnetic susceptibility
a measure of the magnetization of a material per unit of applied magnetic field
magnetic tape
A type of (usually) acrylic tape with a fine coating of magnetically sensitive material on one side, used for recording audio and other data
magnetic tapes
plural form of magnetic tape
magnetic thermometer
a thermometer who operation is based upon Curie's law; typically used to measure temperatures below 1°K
magnetic variation
In navigation, at a given place and time, the horizontal angle between the true north and magnetic north measured east or west according to whether magnetic north lies east or west of true north
magnetic variation
In cartography, the annual change in direction of the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field
magnetic field
A force field whose direction can be visualized with a bar magnet and iron filings A magnetic field can be created by a "permanent" magnet or by electric currents Charged particles can move freely along magnetic fields, but may circulate around them rather than crossing them
Magnetic bearing
(Mühendislik) A magnetic bearing is a bearing which supports a load using magnetic levitation. Magnetic bearings support moving machinery without physical contact, for example, they can levitate a rotating shaft and permit relative motion without friction or wear. They are in service in such industrial applications as electric power generation, petroleum refining, machine tool operation and natural gas pipelines. They are also used in the Zippe-type centrifuge used for uranium enrichment
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
{i} (Medicine) MRI, diagnostic technique which uses a magnetic field and radio waves to provide computerized images of internal body tissues
magnetic attraction
pulling or drawing together as if with magnets
magnetic azimuth
measurement taken between one point on the horizon and the magnetic pole
magnetic bottle
container consisting of any configuration of magnetic fields used to contain a plasma during controlled thermonuclear reactions
magnetic bottle
A magnetic field used to confine plasma, as during nuclear fusion
magnetic bubble memory
A memory that stores data in the form of bubbles, or circular areas, on a thin film of magnetic silicate. No longer used in most computers, magnetic bubble memory is similar to RAM but does not lose the stored information when the computer is turned off
magnetic bubble memory
a nonvolatile storage device that holds information in the form of bubbles on a thin film of magnetic silicate; no longer used in most computers
magnetic card
card with a magnetic strip of information on the back (i.e. identification card, credit card, etc.)
magnetic card
A card, such as a bank card for use in an automated teller machine, that has a magnetizable strip or surface on which data can be recorded
magnetic code
code that is magnetically activated
magnetic compass
compass based on an indicator (as a magnetic needle) that points to the magnetic north
magnetic compass
device used to determine direction by using a metal needle that always points toward the north
magnetic compass
An instrument that uses a magnetized steel bar to indicate direction relative to the earth's magnetic poles
magnetic core
(computer science) a doughnut-shaped magnet formerly used to store one bit of information in the main memory of a computer; now superseded by semiconductor memories
magnetic declination
The angle between magnetic north and true north at a particular location. Also called magnetic variation
magnetic declination
the angle (at a particular location) between magnetic north and true north
magnetic dip
The angle that a magnetic needle makes with the horizontal plane at any specific location. Magnetic dip is 0° at the magnetic equator and 90° at each of the magnetic poles. Also called magnetic inclination
magnetic dipole
a dipole with opposing magnetic poles
magnetic dipole
Tiny magnet with subatomic dimensions, equivalent to the flow of electric charge around a loop. Examples include electrons circulating around atomic nuclei, rotating atomic nuclei, and single subatomic particles with spin. On a large scale, these effects may add together, as in iron atoms, to make magnetic compass needles and bar magnets, which are macroscopic magnetic dipoles. The strength of a magnetic dipole, its magnetic moment, is a measure of its ability to turn itself into alignment with a given external magnetic field. When free to rotate, dipoles align themselves so that their moments point predominantly in the direction of the magnetic field. The SI unit for dipole moment is the ampere-square metre
magnetic dipole moment
(physics) a current loop gives rise to a magnetic field characteristic of a magnetic dipole; "An orbiting electron in an atom will have a magnetic dipole moment
magnetic disc
device for storing computer data and accessing random access memory
magnetic disk
disk that stores information by magnetic methods
magnetic disk
A memory device, such as a floppy disk, a hard disk, or a removable cartridge, that is covered with a magnetic coating on which digital information is stored in the form of microscopically small, magnetized needles. a disk containing magnetic tape that stores information to be used by a computer
magnetic disk
(computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
magnetic drum
{i} cylinder with a magnetic surface on which data and programs are stored
magnetic equator
A line connecting all points on the earth's surface at which a magnetic needle balances horizontally without dipping. Also called aclinic line
magnetic field
A force field generated by moving electrical charges An electrical current running through a loop of wire generates a magnetic field The strength of the field depends on the current and area of the wire loop Plasma churning through the atmosphere of the Sun drives powerful magnetic fields that sometimes produce cool magnetic storms called sunspots A magnetic dynamo underneath Earth's crust generates a magnetic field around Earth
magnetic field
area of influence of a magnet, magnetic power of a unit of a freight to a unit of speed
magnetic field
The region of space around a magnet or electric current where there is a force on magnetic materials
magnetic field
(H) - the region surrounding a magnet (or current carrying conductor) is endowed with certain properties One is that a small magnet in such a region experiences a torque that tends to align it in a given direction Magnetic field is a vector quantity; the direction of the field is defined as the direction that the north pole of the small magnet points when in equilibrium A magnetic field produces a magnetizing force on a body within it Formally, the forces experienced by moving charged particles, current carrying wires, and small magnets in the vicinity of a magnet are due to magnetic induction (B), which includes the effect of magnetization, while the magnetic field (H) is defined so as not to include magnetization However, both B and H are often loosely used to denote magnetic fields
magnetic field
the lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle
magnetic field
Space around a magnet throughout which magnetic force exists
magnetic field
The region around a magnet in which the magnetic forces act
magnetic field
The region of space near a magnetized body, in which magnetic forces are exerted
magnetic field
1 A region of space wherein any magnetic dipole would experience a magnetic force or torque; often represented as the geometric array of the imaginary magnetic lines of force that exist in relation to magnetic poles
magnetic field
A magnetic field is an area around a magnet, or something functioning as a magnet, in which the magnet's power to attract things is felt. A condition found in the region around a magnet or an electric current, characterized by the existence of a detectable magnetic force at every point in the region and by the existence of magnetic poles. an area around an object that has magnetic power. Region around a magnet, electric current, or changing electric field in which magnetic forces are observable. The field around a permanent magnet or wire carrying a steady direct current is stationary, while that around an alternating current or changing direct current is continuously changing. Magnetic fields are commonly represented by continuous lines of force, or magnetic flux, that emerge from north-seeking magnetic poles and enter south-seeking poles. The density of the lines indicates the magnitude of the field, the lines being crowded together where the magnetic field is strong. The SI unit for magnetic flux is the weber
magnetic field
A field of force around the Sun and the planets, generated by electrical currents, in which a magnetic influence is felt by other currents The Sun's magnetic field, like that of Earth, exhibits a north and south pole linked by lines of magnetic force See also: The Plasma State of Matter See also: Plasma, the Fourth State of Matter
magnetic field
A region of space near a magnetized body where magnetic forces can be detected
magnetic field
The region within which a body or current experiences magnetic forces
magnetic field
The region of space near a magnetized body within which magnetic forces can be detected
magnetic field
The invisible lines of magnetic force produced by electric current flowing in a conductor, such as a transmission line, service wires in a house, or household appliances Measured in terms of lines of force per unit area with the measurement unit being tesla (T) or gauss (G) (one tesla equals 10,000 gauss) Also see electric and magnetic fields
magnetic field
A condition found in the region around a magnet or an electric current, characterized by the existence of a detectable magnetic force at every point in the region and by the existence of magnetic poles
magnetic field
Intermediary for the transmission of the magnetic force; denoted by B
magnetic field
A field of force that is generated by electric currents The Sun's average large-scale magnetic field, like that of the Earth, exhibits a north and a south pole linked by lines of magnetic force more!
magnetic field
A region in which a magnetic force can be detected
magnetic field
A region in which magnetic lines of flux or force occur
magnetic field
Magnetic fields are historically described in terms of their effect on electric charges A moving electric charge, such as an electron, will accelerate in the presence of a magnetic field, causing it to change velocity and its direction of travel An electrically charged particle moving in a magnetic field will experience a force (known as the Lorentz force) pushing it in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field and the direction of motion Also called magnetic flux
magnetic field
All magnetic fields are created by moving electric charge The single moving electron around a nucleus is a tiny electric current These orbiting electrons create magnetic fields and their net effect is to provide the atom with a magnetic field
magnetic field
A detected force that exists around a magnet or electrical field
magnetic field
A region of space that surrounds a moving electrical charge or a magnetic pole, in which the electrical charge or magnetic pole experiences a force that is above the electrostatic ones associated with particles at rest
magnetic field
a region in which magnetic forces can be observed See "electromagnetic field," a more general field also including electric forces
magnetic field
n an unseen field of magnetic force; the field of magnetic force that encompasses the earth and creates the magnetic poles
magnetic field power
direction of activity of a magnetic field
magnetic field strength
the amount of magnetic flux in a unit area perpendicular to the direction of magnetic flow
magnetic field strength
Magnetic intensity
magnetic flux
level of magnetic energy induced vertically to the surface of an area
magnetic flux
a measure of the strength of a magnetic field over a given area
magnetic flux
A measure of the quantity of magnetism, being the total number of magnetic lines of force passing through a specified area in a magnetic field
magnetic flux density
The amount of magnetic flux through a unit area taken perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux. Also called magnetic induction
magnetic force
Attraction or repulsion that arises between electrically charged particles that are in motion. While only electric forces exist among stationary electric charges, both electric and magnetic forces exist among moving electric charges. The magnetic force between two moving charges is the force exerted on one charge by a magnetic field created by the other. This force is zero if the second charge is traveling in the direction of the magnetic field due to the first and is greatest if it travels at right angles to the magnetic field. Magnetic force is responsible for the action of electric motors and the attraction between magnets and iron
magnetic force
strong sexual attraction between two people
magnetic force
attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields of force
magnetic head
An electromagnet, such as one used in a tape recorder, that converts electrical impulses into variations in the magnetism of a surface for storage and subsequent retrieval
magnetic head
device which reads and writes on a storage medium using magnetic currents (Computers)
magnetic head
an electromagnet (as on a tape recorder) that converts electrical variations into magnetic variations that can be stored on a surface a later retrieved
magnetic ink
an ink that contains particles of a magnetic substance whose presence can be detected by magnetic sensors
magnetic ink
ink that contains tiny magnetized particles and is used to print special characters
magnetic intensity
A quantity used in describing magnetic phenomena in terms of their magnetic fields and magnetization
magnetic levitation
{i} maglev, high-speed train technology; electrically operated high-speed train that glides above a track by magnetic fields
magnetic levitation
high-speed rail technology; train is suspended on a magnetic cushion above a magnetized track and so travels free of friction
magnetic levitation
A high-speed rail technology by which a train can travel free of friction at speeds of 480 kilometers (300 miles) per hour or more. The train is suspended on a magnetic cushion about half an inch above an elevated magnetic track, whose moving magnetic field alternately attracts and repels magnets mounted on the train, which is pushed and pulled along by this process
magnetic line of force
a line of force in a magnetic field
magnetic lines of force
Curved lines used to represent a magnetic field, drawn such that the number of lines is related to the strength of the magnetic field at a given point and the tangent of any curve at a particular point is along the direction of magnetic force at that point
magnetic media
magnetic methods of storing information for computers, for example floppy disks or magnetic tape
magnetic meridian
an imaginary line passing through both magnetic poles of the Earth
magnetic meridian
A line passing through both magnetic poles of the earth
magnetic mine
(nautical) a marine mine that is detonated by a mechanism that responds to magnetic material (as the steel hull of a ship)
magnetic mine
mine that is set to explode when it senses a change in the magnetic field
magnetic mine
A marine mine detonated by a mechanism that responds to a mass of magnetic material, such as the steel hull of a ship
magnetic moment
the torque exerted on a magnet or dipole when it is placed in a magnetic field
magnetic moment
The product of the pole strength of a magnet and the distance between the poles
magnetic monopole
a hypothetical particle with a single magnetic pole instead of the usual two
magnetic monopole
A hypothetical particle that has only one pole of magnetic charge instead of the usual two. A magnetic monopole would be a basic unit of magnetic charge
magnetic needle
A slender bar of magnetized steel usually suspended on a low-friction mounting and used in various instruments, especially in the magnetic compass, to indicate the direction of the earth's magnetic poles
magnetic needle
thin magnetized rod placed within an instrument (a compass for example) to indicate the direction of the magnetic poles of earth
magnetic needle
a slender magnet suspended in a magnetic compass on a mounting with little friction; used to indicate the direction of the earth's magnetic pole
magnetic north
area indicated as north by a magnetic compass (not truly north)
magnetic north
The direction of the earth's magnetic pole, to which the north-seeking pole of a magnetic needle points when free from local magnetic influence. the northern direction shown by the needle on a compass true north
magnetic permeability
The ability of a substance to acquire high magnetization in relatively weak magnetic fields. Relative increase or decrease in the magnetic field inside a material compared with the magnetic field in which the material is located. In empty space the magnetic permeability is 1, because there is no matter to modify the field. Materials may be classified by the value of their magnetic permeability. Diamagnetic materials (see diamagnetism) have constant relative permeabilities of slightly less than
magnetic permeability
Paramagnetic materials (see paramagnetism) have constant relative permeabilities of slightly more than
magnetic permeability
The relative permeability of ferromagnetic materials (see ferromagnetism) increases as the magnetizing field increases, reaches a maximum, and then decreases. Pure iron and some alloys have relative permeabilities of 100,000 or more
magnetic pole
either of two areas near the North and South poles of the Earth which attracts compass needles
magnetic pole
either of two points where the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field are vertical
magnetic recorder
recorder consisting of equipment for making records on magnetic media
magnetic resonance
The phenomenon of absorption of certain frequencies of radio and microwave radiation by atoms placed in a magnetic field. The pattern of absorption reveals molecular structure. Absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation by electrons or atomic nuclei in response to certain magnetic fields. The principles of magnetic resonance are used to study the atomic and nuclear properties of matter; two common laboratory techniques are nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance. In medicine, magnetic resonance imaging is used to produce images of human tissue
magnetic resonance
resonance of electrons or atoms or molecules or nuclei to radiation frequencies as a result of space quantization in a magnetic field
magnetic resonance imager
{i} MRI, electronic device used to produce an image of internal body parts by using magnetic forces
magnetic resonance imaging
the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images
magnetic resonance imaging
The use of a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer to produce electronic images of specific atoms and molecular structures in solids, especially human cells, tissues, and organs. MRI the process of using strong magnetic fields to make an image of the inside of someone's body for medical reasons. Computer production of images from magnetic resonance. The structural and biochemical information it provides is helpful in the diagnosis of abnormalities without the possibly harmful effects of X rays or gamma rays. It is invaluable in detecting and delineating tumours and in providing images of the brain, the heart, and other soft-tissue organs. MRI may produce anxiety because the patient must often lie quietly inside a narrow tube. Another disadvantage is that it requires a longer scanning time than other computer-assisted forms of scanning, which makes it more sensitive to motion and of less value in scanning the chest or abdomen. However, MRI images provide better contrast between normal and diseased tissue than those produced by other computer-assisted imagery
magnetic storage medium
any storage medium in which different patterns of magnetization are used to represent stored bits or bytes of information; "the hard disk in you computer is magnetic storage
magnetic store
information stored by magnetizing the surface of a storage area (customary method used in computers today)
magnetic storm
a sudden disturbance of the earth's magnetic field; caused by emission of particles from the sun
magnetic storm
A disturbance or fluctuation in the earth's magnetic field, associated with solar flares. Also called geomagnetic storm
magnetic storm
temporary major change in a magnetic field
magnetic stripe
A thin layer of material consisting of oriented ferromagnetic oxide particles, also called pigments, rigidly held together by a resin binder and bonded to a non-magnetic carrier medium such as paper or plastic
magnetic stripe
a short strip of magnetic tape attached to a credit card or debit card; the magnetic stripe contains data that will tell a reading device who you are and what your account number is, etc
magnetic stripe
cards use the same technology that is employed in credit cards, and are probably the most common type of card in use There are two types of magnetic cards, low-coercivity and high-coercivity The high-coercivity type are less prone to accidental erasure and damage Magnetic stripe cards require that the card come in direct contact with the reader head causing wear and a shorter life span This direct contact requirement also can cause misreads due to dirt and debris accumulation in the reader Certain access control systems allow the user to utilize their existing credit cards, eliminating the need to purchase cards The cards are low in cost but are easily duplicated, are affected by outside magnetic fields, and the readers require occasional cleaning to remove any dirt buildup on the read heads
magnetic stripe
A stripe of magnetic tape that stores personal data on the back of a banking card
magnetic stripe
A strip of magnetic tape affixed to the back of credit cards containing identifying data, such as account number and cardholder name
magnetic stripe
The strip of magnetic recording material on an ID card
magnetic stripe
A stripe of magnetic tape that is affixed on the reverse side of Cards and that meets all applicable standards contained in Chapter 1 of the QUEST Operating Rules
magnetic stripe
The magnetically encoded stripe on the bankcard plastic that contains information pertinent to the cardholder account The physical and magnetic characteristics of the magnetic stripe are specified in ISO Standards 7810, 7811, and 7813
magnetic stripe
Found on most plastic credit and ID cards, this electromagnetic surface is capable of holding a small amount of information Compare smart card
magnetic stripe
-Layer of ferromagnetic material bonded to a non-magnetic carrier, usually plastic, as in credit-cards, to store information electronically Often referred to as mag stripe
magnetic stripe
Encoding Stripe that is Low or High Coercivity ( density ) May be 1, 2, or 3 track (see Encoding)
magnetic stripe
A stripe (on the bankcard) of magnetically encoded cardholder account information affixed to a plastic card
magnetic stripe
A stripe of magnetic information affixed to the back of a plastic credit or debit card It contains customer and account information required to complete electronic financial transactions The physical and magnetic characteristics of this stripe are specified in the International Organization for Standardization standards 7810, 7811, and 7813
magnetic tape
memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information; "he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview
magnetic tape
Magnetic tape is plastic tape covered with iron oxide or a similar magnetic substance. It is used for recording sounds, film, or computer information. = tape. A plastic tape coated with iron oxide for use in magnetic recording. tape on which sound, pictures, or computer information can be recorded
magnetic tape
thin strip of tape upon which can be recorded upon by magnetic means
magnetic variation
deviation in the direction of magnetic attraction
functional magnetic resonance imaging
A form of magnetic resonance imaging that records the flow of blood to areas of the brain when the patient is undertaking a specific neural activity
nuclear magnetic resonance
The absorption of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves), at a specific frequency, by an atomic nucleus placed in a strong magnetic field; used in spectroscopy and in magnetic resonance imaging
a body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in the lodestone
{n} a stone that attracts iron, iron ore, steel
{n} the principles or science of magnetism
The loadstone; a species of iron ore (the ferrosoferric or magnetic ore, Fe3O4) which has the property of attracting iron and some of its ores, and, when freely suspended, of pointing to the poles; called also natural magnet
A body which produces a magnetic field around itself
(physics) a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field
A novelty item, see MERCHANDISE
A body that attracts ferromagnetic materials Can be a Permanent magnet, Temporary Magnet, or Electromagnet
n a piece of metal or iron having the majority of its molecules aligned in the same direction, causing an attractive force, or a magnetic field, to occur
A person or thing that attracts what is denoted by the preceding noun
any piece of iron, steel, or iron ore that has the natural power to draw iron and steel to it
{i} object which has the property of attracting iron or steel; electromagnet; person or thing which attracts
A piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism
A magnet is a piece of iron or other material which attracts iron towards it. a fridge magnet. Any material capable of attracting iron and producing a magnetic field outside itself. By the end of the 19th century, all known elements and many compounds had been tested for magnetism, and all were found to have some magnetic property. However, only three elements iron, nickel, and cobalt exhibit ferromagnetism. See also compass, electromagnet
Any material that has a permanent magnetic field There are plastic magnets like refrigerator magnets, ceramic magnets (usually black), and rare earth magnets (which usually look like metal) Magnets have a north pole and a south pole The north pole of a magnet is the one that attracts the south compass pointer
This attracts magnetic materials such as iron, steel, cobalt and nickel It attracts or repels other magnets
A device which has the ability to attract or repel pieces of iron or other magnetic material Speaker magnets provide a stationary magnetic field so that when the coil produces magnetic energy, it is either repelled or attracted by the stationary magnet 2
Something that can attract magnetic materials
Powerful ceramic magnets provide the stationary field that causes the ferrite material to exhibit circulator properties Typically a pair of magnets is placed either side of the ferrite components
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف magnetic في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(Tıp) (MRI) امسح