
listen to the pronunciation of möchten
ألمانية - التركية
arzu etmek,ummak,istemek
Was möchten Sie trinken ?
Ne içmek istersiniz ?
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف möchten في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Yurt dışında olsam ve param bitse, ben daha fazla istemek için ailemi ararım. - If I were abroad and I ran out of money, I would call my parents to ask for more.

Bence Tom'un ortağın olmasını istemek büyük bir hata olurdu. - I think asking Tom to be your partner would be a big mistake.

{f} erdi
Geçmişe ait bir gelecek zamanı belirtir: The day when he would depart was drawing near. Gideceği gün yaklaşıyordu
{f} ermiydi (soru hali)
{f} cekti
{f} ermi (soru hali)
{f} caktı
ألمانية - الإنجليزية

Would you like some tea or some coffee? - Möchten Sie etwas Tee oder Kaffee?

What would you like? I would like a dog. - Was möchten Sie? Ich möchte einen Hund.

As a modal verb

What dost thou professe? What would’st thou with vs?.

{n} a dyer's weed for yellow
Indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly
You use would when you are referring to the result or effect of a possible situation. Ordinarily it would be fun to be taken to fabulous restaurants It would be wrong to suggest that police officers were not annoyed by acts of indecency It would cost very much more for the four of us to go from Italy
{f} helping verb for use in a question, request or expression of desire (used to make the statement more polite)
When would precedes a verb, it questions the absoluteness of the verb and makes the verb conditional
would WEAK STRONG Would is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. In spoken English, would is often abbreviated to 'd
politeness You use would, usually in questions, when you are politely asking someone to do something. Would you come in here a moment, please? Oh dear, there's the doorbell. See who it is, would you, darling. = could
You use would to say that someone was willing to do something. You use would not to indicate that they refused to do something. They said they would give the police their full cooperation She indicated that she would help her husband He wouldn't say where he had picked up the information
Indicating in action or state that is conditional on another
You use would to talk about something which happened regularly in the past but which no longer happens. Sunday mornings my mother would bake. I'd stand by the fridge and help = used to
Commonly used as an auxiliary verb, either in the past tense or in the conditional or optative present
You use would not to indicate that something did not happen, often in spite of a lot of effort. He kicked, pushed, and hurled his shoulder at the door. It wouldn't open He kept trying to start the car and the battery got flatter and flatter, until it wouldn't turn the engine at all
politeness You use would, usually in questions with `like', when you are making a polite offer or invitation. Would you like a drink? Perhaps you would like to pay a visit to London
If you say that someone would have liked or preferred something, you mean that they wanted to do it or have it but were unable to. I would have liked a life in politics She would have liked to ask questions, but he had moved on to another topic
You use would, or would have with a past participle, to indicate that you are assuming or guessing that something is true, because you have good reasons for thinking it. You wouldn't know him His fans would already be familiar with Caroline It was half seven; her mother would be annoyed because he was so late
Used to express a polite request
You use would have with a past participle when you are saying what was likely to have happened by a particular time. Within ten weeks of the introduction, 34 million people would have been reached by our television commercials
Indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state
Used to indicate a wish or desire (usually contrary to facts)
Möchten Sie eine Tasse Kaffee?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Möchten Sie etwas trinken, während Sie die Speisekarte durchgehen?
Would you like something to drink while you peruse the menu?
Möchten Sie gerne eine Tasse Kaffee?
Would you care for a cup of coffee?
Möchten Sie irgendetwas ändern, hinzufügen oder richtigstellen?
Do you wish to make any alterations, additions or corrections?
Möchten Sie noch ein Stück Apfelkuchen?
Would you like another piece of apple pie?
möchten, das jemandem etwas tut
to want somebody to do something
Die Studenten möchten mehr Mitsprache bei Entscheidungen, die ihre Ausbildung be
The students want a greater say in decisions that affect their education
Für wann möchten Sie einen Termin haben?
When would you like an appointment?
Mit Ron und seiner neurotischen Frau möchten wir lieber nichts zu tun haben.
We rather disown Ron and his neurotic wife
Wenn sie keinen Fragebogen erhalten haben, aber einen ausfüllen möchten, setzen
If you are not in receipt of a questionnaire but would like to complete one, please get in touch with us
Wir möchten der Universität für ihre Unterstützung danken.
We wish to acknowledge the support of the university
Wir möchten heute alleine etwas unternehmen.
Today, we want to get out and about on our own
Wir möchten in einer Kirche heiraten.
We would like to be married in a church
Wir möchten nicht, dass das Grundstück einsehbar ist.
We don't want the property to be overlooked
Wir möchten, dass die Friedensdividende den Menschen in der Region zugute kommt.
We want the people in the region to reap the benefits of the peace dividend
Wir möchten, dass möglichst viele Leute kommen.
We'd like as many people as possible to attend