
listen to the pronunciation of loans
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف loans في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} ödünç para

Mary ailesinden ödünç para istedi. - Mary asked her family for a loan.

Tom Mary'ye herhangi bir ödünç para veremediğini söyledi. - Tom said he couldn't loan any money to Mary.


Sanırım Tom'a borç para vermek kötü bir fikir. - I think it's a bad idea to loan Tom money.

Tom Mary'den borç istemeyecek kadar akıllı olmalı. - Tom should know better than to ask Mary for a loan.

loans to
(Hukuk) ödünç

Bana bir kalem ödünç verebilir misin? - Can you loan me a pen?

Banka ona 500 dolar ödünç verdi. - The bank loaned him 500 dollars.

(Hukuk) borçlanma
commercial loans
ticari krediler
consumer loans
(Ticaret) tüketici kredileri
foreign loans
yabancı krediler
foreign loans
(Ticaret) dış krediler
foreign loans
dış borç
(Ticaret) ikraz etmek
(Ticaret) ödünç para verme

Tom bize biraz ödünç para vermeye istekli olacağını söylüyor. - Tom says he'd be willing to loan us some money.

Tom, Mary'yi ona biraz ödünç para vermesi için ikna etti. - Tom convinced Mary to loan him some money.

(Dilbilim) alıntı
borç vermek
(Ticaret) kredi verme
(Ticaret) avans

Tom'un avans ricası geri çevrildi. - Tom's loan request was turned down.

(Dilbilim) aktarma
(Ticaret) borç verme

Kimse bana para borç vermez. - Nobody would loan me money.

other loans
(Ticaret) diğer borçlar
state loans
(Ticaret) devlet borçları
{f} borç ver

Tom, Mary'ye bir dolar borç verdi. - Tom loaned Mary a dollar.

Kimse bana para borç vermez. - Nobody would loan me money.

ödünç verme

Şirket bankanın yeni makineler almak için onlara bir miktar para ödünç vermesini istedi. - The company asked the bank to loan them some money to buy new machinery.

Keşke arabamı Tom'a ödünç vermeseydim. - I wish I hadn't loaned Tom my car.

Eurocurrency loans
uluslararası para piyasası kredileri
bank loans
banka kredileri
emergency loans and advances
acil krediler ve teminatlar
installment loans
Taksitli kredi
interest on loans
kredi faizleri
make loans
Kredi sağlamak

Before First National Bank makes any loans, the money supply is the $100 of deposits in the bank.

mikro kredi
nonperforming loans
NPL=TOA. Banka bilançolarında Tasfiye Olunacak Alacaklar kalemi. (Türkiye'de ki uygulamada) Kredi anapara veya faizinin vadesinden itibaren 90 gün içinde ödenmemesi veya 90 gün içinde ödenmeyeceği kanaati oluşan krediler bu kaleme dahil edilir. Birikmiş faiz ve diğer masraflar TOA bakiyesine dahil edilmemekle birlikte yine bankanın (kısmen vazgeçebileceği) alacaklarıdır
debenture loans
(Ticaret) tahvilli borçlar
discount loans
(Ticaret) iskonto ve iştira senetleri
interests from loans
(Ticaret) kredilerden alınan faizler
{f} ödünç ver

Bana sözlüğünü ödünç ver, lütfen. - Please loan me your dictionary.

Bana bir kalem ödünç verebilir misin? - Can you loan me a pen?

{i} ödünç verilen şey
{f} özellikle faiz karşılığında ödünç para vermek
(fiil) ödünç vermek
ödünç alma
{f} ödünç vermek
bilhassa faiz karşılığında ödünç para vermek
loan collection sergide gösterilmek üzere sahipleri tarafından ödünç olarak verilen resim veya eşy

Sanırım Tom'a borç para vermek kötü bir fikir. - I think it's a bad idea to loan Tom money.

(Hukuk) faiz karşılığında ödünç para vermek
(Hukuk) ikraz
miscellaneous loans
diğer krediler
mortgage loans
ipotek karşılığı borç
structural adjustment loans
(Ticaret) yapısal uyum kredileri
voluntary loans
(Ticaret) isteğe bağlı borçlar
weekly loans
(Ticaret) haftalık ikrazat
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The amount included in the salary package for any low-interest loans provided
Transfers for which repayment is required Only loans with maturities of over one year are included in DAC statistics Data on net LOANS include deductions for repayments of principal (but not payment of interest) on earlier loans This means that when a loan has been fully repaid, its effect on total net flows over the life of the loan is zero
Funds that have been borrowed where a property is used to secure the debt
A form of financial aid that must be repaid with interest Loans provide monetary assistance through participating lenders, colleges, the federal government, and other organizations Loan funds are to be used for educational purposes and must be repaid
The largest and most common of the financial aid programs Loans must be repaid but most student loans offer reduced interest rates and repayment can be deferred until after graduation The most common loans are the Federal Stafford Loans (with the interest either subsidized or unsubsidized), Federal Perkins Loans, and Federal Parent Loans (PLUS)
Money provided to students, which must be repaid Generally, student loans have low interest rates, permit a long time for repayment and have liberal deferment provisions Some current loan programs: Stafford Subsidized Loan – A subsidized low interest loan offered in conjunction with private lenders Interest and principal are deferred for periods of at least half time enrollment Stafford Unsubsidized Loan – A low interest loan available to students not eligible to borrow any or all of the subsidized Stafford Loan Interest must be paid by the student or capitalized during the school period Perkins Loan – A federal low interest loan, offered by the college as the lender, based on the availability of funds PLUS Loan – Parent Loan to Undergraduate Students
Quick Reply Loan Application
A sum of money lent to another party who agrees to repay the capital lent over a period of time and usually to pay interest on the outstanding balance
plural of loan
Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) Federal Perkins Loan Program Federal Stafford Loan Program (subsidized or unsubsidized) Student Educational Loan Fund (SELF)
Funds are lent to eligible borrowers and must be repaid to the government or lending agency
Money that must be repaid, with interest Educational loans are usually subsidized by the state or federal government, or by colleges Subsidized loans carry lower interest rates than commercial loans, and often repayment doesn't begin until the student leaves college Eligibility for subsidized loans is determined by student need, while unsubsidized loans are available to all students, regardless of need There are many different types of loans, with different interest rates, repayment schedules, maximum borrowing limits, and interest accrual periods, so it is important for students and their families to thoroughly understand each specific loan offered
amounts borrowed from banks, finance houses, other business or individuals
Financial instrument comprising Bank loans and Other loans Negotiated loans made by chartered banks and other financial institutions
Borrowed money that must be repaid with interest
Financial assistance that must be repaid
financial aid provided by a lending institution, the federal or state goverment, or sometimes the graduate institution to an individual student Loans generally are based on financial need and must be repaid after graduation The US Department of Education provides additional information on loans at www ed gov/offices/OSFAP/Students/sfa html
A type of financial assistance that requires repayment of the amount, with interest, to the lender Many student loan programs have low interest rates, and do not require repayment until after a student graduates or ceases to be enrolled at least half-time
Some insurance policies and contracts give the owner of the policy the ability to borrow against the value of the policy/contract; see your contract for details and disclosures Term Insurance policies do not allow loans
Financial aid that needs to be paid back
Borrowed money These can come from the government, schools or private financial institutions like banks Loans are distributed in a variety of ways, depending on the type and source, and must be repaid over an allotted period of time with interest
financial aid awards that the student (or other party like a parent, for example) borrows from a lender, the school or other third party Loans must be repaid by the borrower according to the terms of a promissory note, usually with interest
are monies that require repayment, but typically not until after graduation Loan options frequently offer low interest rates and long-term payments
Funds that are borrowed by the student or parent for a specific amount of time and must be paid back Student loans in most cases are need-based aid
Funds for educational expenses, which usually must be repaid to the lending foundation, often with a pre-determined interest percentage added to the loaned amount
blanket loans
plural form of blanket loan
installment loans
plural form of installment loan
juice loans
plural form of juice loan
The permission to borrow any item

Thank you for the loan of your lawn mower.

The contract and array of legal and/or ethical obligations surrounding a loan

He made a payment on his loan.

A sum of money or other valuables or consideration which an individual, group or other legal entity borrows from another individual, group or legal entity (the latter often being a financial institution) with the condition that it be returned or repaid at a later date (sometimes with interest)

He got a five grand loan.

To lend (something) to (someone)

When you loan somebody something, they have the responsibility to safeguard it.

ninja loans
plural form of ninja loan
payday loans
plural form of payday loan
stock loans
plural form of stock loan
{v} to lend, which see
{n} any thing lent, use, interest of money
emergency loans and advances
loans to a bank that does not meet the necessary requirements for receiving credit
fabricate loans
record or claim fictitious loans
A loan is a type of financial aid which must be repaid, with interest
A sum of money or other valuables or consideration which an individual, group or other legal entity borrows from another individual, group or legal entity (this latter often being a financial institution) with the condition that it be returned or repaid at a later date (sometimes with interest). Occasionally collateral is required to assure that the borrower repays his or her debt or returns the consideration thus loaned. Most loans require some sort of positive (or at least a lack of negative) credit to be established by the borrower first
Money lent to a borrower that must be repaid with interest
A loan is a sum of money that you borrow. The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans. loan repayments. see also bridging loan, soft loan
If something is on loan, it has been borrowed. impressionist paintings on loan from the National Gallery
Money borrowed that must be repaid, usually with interest
give temporarily; let have for a limited time; "I will lend you my car"; "loan me some money"
A sum of money usually borrowed for a specific reason (to obtain an education, buy a car etc ) The entity lending the money (i e , a bank) usually charges interest for the use of the money The amount of money borrowed is typically repaid with interest over a period of time
A type of financial aid which must be repaid, with interest The federal student loan programs (FFELP and FDSLP) are a good method of financing the costs of your college education These loans are better than most consumer loans because they have lower interest rates and do not require a credit check or collateral The Stafford Loans and Perkins Loans also provide a variety of deferment options and extended repayment terms
A loan made by a life insurance company from its general funds to a policy-owner on the security of the cash value of a policy
If someone gives you a loan of something, you borrow it from them. He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat
a word borrowed from another language; e g `blitz' is a German word borrowed into modern English
Borrowed money (principal) that is generally repaid with interest
a sum of money lent at interest; as, he repaid the loan
a form of financial assistance whereby a student receives money to help with college expenses now, but must repay it at a later date with interest Interest rates and deferment procedures vary depending upon the source Contact the USCA Financial Aid Office for more information
The contract and array of legal and/or ethical obligations surrounding a loan. He made a payment on his loan
If you loan something to someone, you lend it to them. He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit We were approached by the Royal Yachting Association to see if we would loan our boat to them. = lend Loan out means the same as loan. It is common practice for clubs to loan out players to sides in the lower divisions The ground was loaned out for numerous events including pop concerts
Money that is lent In life insurance a loan can be taken against the cash value of a life insurance policy If the insured dies while there is an outstanding loan balance, the amount of the loan and any unpaid interest due will be deducted from the death proceeds
A sum of borrowed money (principal) that is generally repaid with interest Back to Top ^
That which one lends or borrows, esp
A sum of borrowed money (principal) that is generally repaid with interest
The principal, or amount of total borrowed money, that is repaid with interest
money borrowed that is usually repaid with interest
Borrowed money that is usually repaid with interest
The act of lending; a lending; permission to use; as, the loan of a book, money, services
a sum of money lent by one person or organisation to another, usually with interest Loans differ from grants in that they have to be repaid This requires that the recipient is creditworthy, can provide security against default and has a cash flow sufficient to make the interest and capital payments
A loan made by a life insurance company from its general funds to a policyowner on the security of the cash value of a policy Generally, loans may reduce the policy's death benefit and cash value
A repayable sum of money borrowed by an eligible student who has proved financial need, with a promise to repay as specified in an agreement between the borrower and the lender
Money lent to a borrower that must be repaid with interest Back to Top
to let out money at interest
A sum of money borrowed (principal) usually for a specific reason (e g , to obtain an education, buy a car, etc ) The entity lending the money (e g a bank) usually charges interest for use of the money The amount of money borrowed is typically repaid with interest over a period of time
{i} amount of money that has been borrowed; something borrowed; act of giving temporarily
A loan made by a life insurance company from its general funds to a policyowner on the security of the cash value of a policy
{f} lend a sum of money for a period of time; give temporarily, lend
Financial aid that must be repaid with interest after a student leaves school
A loanin
money or an object that is lent, usually with the understanding that the loan will be paid back, usually with interest
To lend; sometimes with out
To lend. This usage is confined to the US (or perhaps parts thereof) and elsewhere is ungrammatical (loan being the noun, and lend the verb)
Money borrowed that must be repaid
the temporary provision of money (usually at interest)
student loans
Loans taken for the purpose of subsidizing education costs
student loans
This amount represents amounts of loans disbursed to students from Federal Direct Loan program, Perkins Loan program, and University Loan program The Federal Direct Loans are totally funded by the federal government, Perkins Loans by repayments from former students, and University Loans by repayments from students and contributions
student loans
A sum of money loaned temporarily to a student, which must be re-paid upon commencement of work

    التركية النطق



    /ˈlōnz/ /ˈloʊnz/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'lOn ] (noun.) 12th century. Middle English lon, from Old Norse lAn; akin to Old English l[AE]n loan, lEon to lend, Latin linquere to leave, Greek leipein.


    ... loans, so the banks weren't taking any risks, ...
    ... and making loans. I mean, you have to have regulations so that you can have an economy ...