
listen to the pronunciation of living
الإنجليزية - التركية

İnsan ruhu yeryüzünde bulunduğu müddetçe; müzik, canlı bir varlık gibi ona eş ve destek olup büyük anlam katacak. - So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning.

O bir canlı, dolayısıyla doğal olarak sıçıyor da. - It's a living being, so of course it shits.

living wage geçindirebilecek maaş
{i} oturma

Oturma odamda geniş pencereler var. - My living room has wide windows.

Çocuk oturma odasında duruyor. - The boy is standing in the living room.


Ölüm hiçbir şeydir. Onun yerine yaşayarak başla - sadece daha zor değil fakat aynı zamanda daha uzundur. - Dying's nothing. Start instead by living - not only is it harder, but it's longer as well.

Tom yıllarını Boston sokaklarda yaşayarak geçirdi. - Tom spent years living on the streets of Boston.

(Ticaret) maişet

Geçinmek için bize ne yaptığını söyler misin? - Would you tell us what you do for a living?

O kamptaki mülteciler bir aydır kıt kanaat geçinmektedirler. - The refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month.


Parası için onunla evlendi ve onun sıradan yaşantısına katlanamadı. - She married him for his money, and couldn’t put up with his plain way of living.

Şehirde yaşayan insanlar kır yaşantısının zevklerini bilmezler. - People living in town don't know the pleasures of country life.


Yaşayan hiçbir şey havasız yaşayamazdı. - No living thing could live without air.

Denizde yaşayan canlıların çoğu, kirlilikten etkilenir. - Most living creatures in the sea are affected by pollution.


Tom'un geçinmek için ne yaptığını biliyor musun? - Do you know what Tom does for a living?

Tom bir sokak müzisyeni olarak geçinmeyi zor buldu. - Tom found it hard to make a living as a street musician.


Tom geçimini sağlamak için bir kamyon sürmektedir. - Tom drives a truck for a living.

Bir satıcı olarak geçimini sağlıyor. - He makes a living as a salesman.

yaşam standardı

Eski devlet başkanlarının hiçbiri Fransızların yaşam standardını iyileştirmedi. - None of the former heads of State improved the standard of living of the French.

İstatistikler bizim yaşam standardımızın yüksek olduğunu gösteriyor. - The statistics show that our standard of living is high.

{f} yaşa

Sanırım birlikte yaşamamız senin alışkanlıklarını etkiledi. - I think that our living together has influenced your habits.

Sizinle yaşamayı seviyorum. - I love living with you.


Tom geçimini sağlamak için bir kamyon sürmektedir. - Tom drives a truck for a living.

Bir satıcı olarak geçimini sağlıyor. - He makes a living as a salesman.


Yalnız yaşamaya alışkın. - She is used to living alone.

Sizinle yaşamayı seviyorum. - I love living with you.

{s} yaşayanlara özgü
living language yaşayanliving picture canlı tablo
{i} hayat

Ölüm yaşamın zıttı değildir: biz ölümümüzü ölürken geçirmezken hayatımızı yaşarken geçiririz. - Dying is not the opposite of living: we spend our life living while we don't spend our death dying.

Tom hayatı yaşamaya değmezmiş gibi düşünüyor. - Tom started to feel like his life wasn't worth living.

{i} yaşam

Yalnız yaşamaya alışkın. - She is used to living alone.

Seninle yaşamaktan hoşlanıyorum. - I like living with you.

{i} geçim yolu
{i} yaşam tarzı

Ben laik bir yaşam tarzı yaşıyorum. - I'm living a secular lifestyle.

Yeni yaşam tarzına alıştı. - He got accustomed to the new way of living.

{s} güncel
a living faith kuvvetli iman
yaşayanlara ait

Yaşam, yaşayanlara aittir ve yaşayan, değişim için hazırlanmalıdır. - Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change.

{i} papazlık makamı
ekmek parası
living creature

Sakin bir ülkede yaşamak istiyorum. - I would like to live in the quiet country.

Yaşamak için yemelisin.Yemek için yaşamamalısın. - You must eat to live. You must not live to eat.

{s} naklen
living being

O bir canlı, dolayısıyla doğal olarak sıçıyor da. - It's a living being, so of course it shits.

Ben hiçbir canlıyı küçümsemiyorum. Tabii ki ben Allah değilim. Ben de kulum; hatalarım olmuştur, yalanlamıyorum. - I don't look down upon any living being. Needless to say, I'm no God. I'm a human being myself; I may have made mistakes, I do admit.

living room

O, ne mutfakta ne de salonda. - She is neither in the kitchen nor in the living room.

living conditions
yaşam şartları
living cells
canlı hücreler
living environment
yaşam çevresi
living expenses
(Eğitim) yaşam giderleri
living expenses data
(Bilgisayar) sabit giderler
living organism
canlı organizma
living space
yaşam alanı

Ortalama bir Amerikan yaşam alanı Japonya'daki yaşam alanının iki katı kadar büyüktür. - The average American living space is twice as large as the living space in Japan.

Ev halkı, aynı yaşam alanını ve parayı paylaşan bir gruptur. - A household is a group that shares the same living space and finances.

living space
yaşama alanı
living thing

Tüm canlılar varlığın tek zincirine bağlıdırlar. - All living things are connected in one chain of being.

Yeryüzündeki tüm canlılar karbon içerirler. - All living things on Earth contain carbon.

living tissue
canlı doku
living arrangement
geçerli anlaşma
living being
canlı varlık
living conditions
hayat şartları
living creatures
canlı yaratıklar
living death
yaşayan ölü
living language
yaşayan dil
living room
oturma odası

Bu ev yakında, iki yatak odası ve bir oturma odası var, ve dekorasyonu kötü değil; ayda 1500. - This house is nearby, it has two bedrooms and a living room, and the decoration isn't bad; it's 1500 a month.

Çocuk oturma odasında uyuyor. - The boy sleeps in the living room.

living together
birlikte yaşama
living wage
geçinmeye yetecek vergin
living area
yaşam alanı
living conditions
yaşam koşulları
living dead
Yaşayan ölü, zombi
living for many years
yıllarca yaşayan
living in

Tom'un Boston'da yaşayan bir sürü arkadaşları var. - Tom has many friends living in Boston.

Bu alanda yaşayan insanlar su yokluğu nedeniyle ölüyor. - People living in this area are dying because of the lack of water.

living in caves
mağaralarda yaşayan
living language
Dil yaşayan
living legend
yaşayan efsane
living of
living off
uzakta yaşayan
living on
living on my own
Kendi yaşayan
living out of
dışında yaşayan
living person
yaşayan kişi
living proof
geçirmez yaşam
living quarter
çeyrek yaşam
living quarters
İkâmet edilen yeri, yaşanılan yer
living rock
rock yaşam
living soul
soul yaşam
living space
hayat sahası
living through
hayatta kalmak

She was living through her daughter.

living through
ile yaşam
living together in a colony
birlikte koloni yaşayan
living up to
kadar yaşayan
living will
canlı olacak
living a life of ease
ekmek elden su gölden
living accommodation
(Askeri) yaşam düzeni
living account
(Ticaret) canlı hesap
living and other
(Bilgisayar) sabit ve diğer
living beings
living beyond the means
(Ticaret) borçla yaşama
living creature
canlı varlık
living creatures

Denizde yaşayan canlıların çoğu, kirlilikten etkilenir. - Most living creatures in the sea are affected by pollution.

living hell
(Konuşma Dili) gerçek cehennem
living image of
-in tıpkısı
living in adultery
(Kanun) dost hayatı yaşama
living matter
(Biyoloji) canlı madde
living picture
canlı tablo
living quarters
living space
yaşam yeri
living substance
(Teknik,Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) canlı madde
living tissue equivalent
(Tıp) canlı doku eşdeğeri
living unit
yaşama hacmi
living wage
geçindirebilecek maaş
living wage
(Ticaret) geçimi sağlayacak maaş
living wage
geçinmeye yetecek ücret

Bazı işçiler geçinmeye yetecek ücret bile kazanmıyor. - Some workers don't even earn a living wage.

living will
(Tıp) yan vasiyet
living will
(Tıp) yaşamla ilgili karar
{f} hayatın tadını çıkarmak
ikamet etmek
{f} hayatta kalmak
live and learn yaşadıkça ögrenmek
{s} parlak

Mars yaşayabileceğimiz geleceği parlak bir yer. - Mars is a promising place where we may be able to live.

{f} (yaşam/ömür) sürmek, geçirmek, (hayat) yaşamak
Assisted living
(Engellilik) Yardımla sürdürülen yaşam
cost of living allowance
Asgari geçim indirimi
{s} güncel
(sıfat) canlı, yaşayan, hayat dolu, diri; elektrikli, hareketli; güncel; naklen; elektrik yüklü; sönmemiş; yanmamış; parlak
{s} yaşayan

Mike'ın Şikago'da yaşayan bir arkadaşı var. - Mike has a friend who lives in Chicago.

Kılıçla yaşayan kılıçla ölecek. - He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

{f} yaşa

Mike'ın Şikago'da yaşayan bir arkadaşı var. - Mike has a friend who lives in Chicago.

Mirketler Afrika'da yaşar. - Meerkats live in Africa.


Kazada çok sayıda canlı kayboldu. - Many lives were lost in the accident.

Kazadan kısa bir süre sonra orada canlı bir hayvan buldular. - Soon after the accident they found a live animal there.

make a living
geçimini sağlayabilme
cost of living
geçim sıkıntısı
{f} on ile geçinmek
{s} yanmamış
{f} on ile beslenmek
{s} hareketli

Bugünkü parti gerçekten hareketliydi, değil mi? - Today's party was really lively, wasn't it?

Dün gece hareketli bir partimiz vardı. - We had a lively party last night.

{s} sönmemiş
{f} off
cost of living index
(Kanun) hayat pahalılığı endeksi
(Televizyon) canlı yayın

Bizi izlemeye devam edin. Canlı yayınımız kısa süre içinde geri dönecek. - Stay tuned. Our live stream will return shortly.

Futbol maçı öğleden sonra saat beş'te canlı yayınlanacak. - The soccer game will be transmitted live at five p.m.

cereyanlı (tel/ray vb)

Dan radyoda canlı çaldı. - Dan played live on the radio.

akım taşıyıcı
akım taşıyan
patlamamış bomba
elektrikli (tel)
ömür geçirmek
yaşamak (hayat)
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gerilim altında
sick of living
canından bezmek
struggle make a living
ekmeğini taştan çıkarmak
struggle to make a living
geçim derdine düşmek
(Havacılık) akım geçen
gereksinimlerini karşılamak
çıngıyla yüklü
canlı (yayın)
(yayın) naklen

Oturmak için bir yer arıyorum. - I'm looking for a place to live.

Burası Fadıl'ın oturmak istediği yerdir. - This is where Fadil wanted to live.

(bomba/vb.) patlamamış
a living
bir yaşam
be living
be living
ömür sürmek
hayatta olmak
{s} patlamamış (bomba)

Geçinmek için yeterli para kazanmıyor. - He doesn't earn enough money to live on.

Artık kıt kanaat geçinmek zorunda olmayacakları zamanı dört gözle bekliyorlardı. - They looked forward to a time when they would no longer have to live from hand to mouth.

live a lie sahte hayat geçirmek

Bizim evin önceki sahipleri Liverpool'a taşındı. - The previous owners of our house moved to Liverpool.

Onlar Liverpool'lu idi. - They were from Liverpool.

sağ olmak
{s} elektrik yüklü, cereyanlı (tel, ray v.b.)
{s} radyo, TV canlı
sürmek live a double life iki yüzlü hayat yaşamak

Tom ve Mary yaşamlarının geri kalanını birlikte geçirmek istediler. - Tom and Mary wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

hayat dolu

O hayat dolu bir kız. - She is a lively girl.

O, hayat dolu bir genç adam. - He is a lively young man.

the living
the living
التركية - التركية

تعريف living في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Şakacı, lâtifeci
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Aldatıcı, dolandırıcı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Çevik, atılgan
şakacı, tagılgan
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A state of having life

It is also pertinent to note that the current obvious decline in work on holarctic hepatics most surely reflects a current obsession with cataloging and with nomenclature of the organisms—as divorced from their study as living entities.

Financial means; a means of maintaining life; livelihood

What do you do for a living?.

Used as an intensifier

He almost beat the living daylights out of me.

Present participle of live
A position in a church (usually the Church of England) that has attached to it a source of income. The holder of the position receives its revenue for the performance of stipulated duties
The state of being alive
In use or existing

Hunanese is a living language.

Of everyday life

These living conditions are deplorable.

True to life

This is the living image of Fidel Castro.

A style of life

plain living.

{a} alive
{n} a livelihood, a benefice
the financial means whereby one lives; "each child was expected to pay for their keep"; "he applied to the state for support"; "he could no longer earn his own livelihood"
(informal) absolute; "she is a living doll"; "scared the living daylights out of them"; "beat the living hell out of him"
people who are still living; "save your pity for the living" (informal) absolute; "she is a living doll"; "scared the living daylights out of them"; "beat the living hell out of him" still in active use; "a living language" true to life; lifelike; "the living image of her mother" pertaining to living persons; "within living memory" dwelling or inhabiting; often used in combination; "living quarters"; "tree-living animals
Means of subsistence; sustenance; estate
the condition of living or the state of being alive; "while there's life there's hope"; "life depends on many chemical and physical processes"
still in existence; "the Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil"; "the only surviving frontier blockhouse in Pennsylvania"
the experience of living; the course of human events and activities; "he could no longer cope with the complexities of life"
people who are still living; "save your pity for the living"
having life; existing; in action or use
Active; lively; vigorous; said esp
{i} act of one that lives; lifestyle; income, livelihood, sustenance
Producing life, action, animation, or vigor; quickening
Manner of life; as, riotous living; penurious living; earnest living
Having characteristics of life, i e , internal chemical reactions, sensitivity to surroundings, etc
Ignited; glowing with heat; burning; live
{s} having life, alive; currently in existence; current; realistic; vital, necessary; strong; flowing; active; full of life
in living memory: see memory. cost of living Living Theatre The living will standard of living
true to life; lifelike; "the living image of her mother"
dwelling or inhabiting; often used in combination; "living quarters"; "tree-living animals"
You use living when you are talking about the quality of people's daily lives. Olivia has always been a model of healthy living. the stresses of urban living
The state of one who, or that which, lives; lives; life; existence
(used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried; "carved into the living stone"
still in active use; "a living language"
In canon law, a position in a church (usually the Church of England) that has attached to it a source of income. The holder of the position receives its revenue for the performance of stipulated duties
Sites touching on the personal side of life by providing information and resources that allow people to live on their own terms Living includes gardening, home improvement, interior design, architecture, food, parenting and like subjects
Being alive; having life; as, a living creature
of states of the mind, and sometimes of abstract things; as, a living faith; a living principle
You use living to talk about the places where people relax when they are not working. The spacious living quarters were on the second floor The study links the main living area to the kitchen
Power of continuing life; the act of living, or living comfortably
The work that you do for a living is the work that you do in order to earn the money that you need. Father never talked about what he did for a living He earns his living doing all kinds of things
pertaining to living persons; "within living memory"
The benefice of a clergyman; an ecclesiastical charge which a minister receives
The living are people who are alive, rather than people who have died. The young man is dead. We have only to consider the living. dead
dwelling or inhabiting; often used in combination; "living quarters"; "tree-living animals
1 Full of life, interest, and vitality
Issuing continually from the earth; running; flowing; as, a living spring; opposed to stagnant
living bandage
A bandage or dressing made from skin cells cultured from a sample of the patient's skin
living bandages
plural form of living bandage
living conditions
The conditions in which someone lives, seen in terms of their sanitary value, social status etc
living dead
The undead; zombies
living down
Present participle of live down
living fossil
Any species discovered first as a fossil and believed extinct, but which is later found living

The coelacanth and the dawn redwood are living fossils.

living fossil
Any living species which very closely resembles fossil relatives in most anatomical details

Crocodiles are living fossils that haven't changed their appearance much in millions of years.

living fossils
plural form of living fossil
living hell
A continuing state of extreme pain, punishment or torment with no seeming chance of reprieve
living impaired
living in poverty
Present participle of live in poverty
living in sin
Present participle of live in sin
living language
a language which is still spoken in the contemporary period, as opposed to a dead language
living languages
plural form of living language
living rock
Rock that is carved in situ

temples hewed from the living rock.

living room
A room in a private house used for general social and leisure activities
living rooms
plural form of living room
living standard
standard of living
living tissue
Any tissue of a living organism containing cells that are being replaced when they die
living up
Present participle of live up
living will
A document, made by a person when still legally fit to do so, expressing his desire to be allowed to die instead of being kept alive by artificial means, in the event of being severely disabled or suffering from a terminal illness
living wills
plural form of living will
Alternative form of living room
living apart together
{i} situation when a couple that is not married lives in separate homes but has an intimate relationship
living arrangement
an arrangement to allow people (or ideas) to co-exist
living being
{i} living creature, animal
living conditions
state in which one lives
living creature
creature that is alive, person
living death
a state of constant misery
living death
A situation or period of time characterized by unremitting pain and suffering
living death
existence that is worse than death
living doll
{i} adorable person, beautiful person, wonderful person
living fossil
living organism of which the most closely related organisms have been extinct and exist only in fossil form
living fossil
An organism, such as a coelacanth or the ginkgo, that is the sole surviving member of an otherwise extinct taxonomic group. an ancient animal or plant that still exists and has not changed
living granite
highly succulent stemless clump-forming plants with gray-green leaves similar in texture to lumps of granite; South Africa
living history
reenactment of historical scenes or events for the purposes of education and preservation
living language
language that is currently spoken
living legend
person who has become very famous in his lifetime
living picture
such a tableau as imitating a work of art
living picture
A tableau in which persons take part; also, specif
living quarters
housing available for people to live in; "he found quarters for his family"; "I visited his bachelor quarters
living quarters
dwelling, residence, quarters
living rock
usually unbranched usually spineless cactus covered with warty tubercles and having magenta flowers and white or green fruit; resembles the related mescal; northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States
living room
The living room in a house is the room where people sit and relax. We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. = sitting room, lounge. A room in a private residence intended for general social and leisure activities. Also called front room. the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc = lounge
living room
room where most family activities occur, TV room, den
living room
a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax
living soul
active soul, person who is alive
living space
space in which one lives
living space
space sought for occupation by a nation whose population is expanding
living standard
level of living, rank of lifestyle
living standard
Living standards or living standard is used to refer to the level of comfort in which people live, which usually depends on how much money they have. Cheaper housing would vastly improve the living standards of ordinary people Critics say his reforms have caused the fall in living standards. the level of comfort and the amount of money that people have = standard of living
living thing
a living (or once living) entity
living together
cohabitation: living together (as spouses)
living trust
A trust that becomes operative during the lifetime of the settlor; opposed to a trust under will The same as a trust inter vivos
living trust
a trust that one establishes during one's lifetime which is not part of one's will, but is usually established by a separate written trust agreement The same as "inter vivos trust "
living trust
A trust that is created and goes into effect during the lifetime of the grantor
living trust
An arrangement which takes effect during the lifetime of the creator of a trust A living trust avoids probate on assets, which are titled in the name of the trustee of the trust As of 1998, the terms of a trust must be revealed to beneficiaries and heirs of the creator of the trust when the terms become irrevocable The terms usually become irrevocable when the creator of the trust dies
living trust
A trust set up and in effect during the lifetime of the grantor Also called inter vivos trust
living trust
A trust that is created during the grantor's life time by revocablely (the grantor may make changes at any time prior death) transferring property to a trust but retains the power to alter the trust The trust assets avoid probate and publicity upon the death of the grantor All assets in the trust are treated as an incomplete gift and do not change the income, estate or gift tax status of the grantor
living trust
A trust created during the lifetime of the one who sets it up See also testamentary trust
living trust
A trust that an individual establishes during the individual's lifetime, enabling the person to control the assets contributed to the trust Also known as an inter vivos trust
living trust
Trust established during the life of the trustee
living trust
A trust created during someone's lifetime to hold assets during that person's lifetime and thereby remove those assets from probate at death
living trust
A trust created during your lifetime It is revocable, which means it can be amended or terminated anytime while you are competent It is legally referred to as a revocable inter vivos trust The trust becomes irrevocable upon your death A living trust is used primarily to avoid probate and manage property It does not save taxes
living trust
a trust created and operating during the grantor's lifetime
living trust
A trust which is in effect during the life of the grantor
living trust
A trust that takes effect while the settlor is still alive
living trust
A trust established during the lifetime of the grantor
living trust
An arrangement in which a property owner (trustor) transfers assets to a trustee who assumes specified duties in managing the asset After payment of operating expenses and trustee's fees, the income generated by the trust property is paid to or used for the benefit of the designated beneficiary
living trust
A revocable trust formed while you are alive It is often used to avoid probate or to provide for the orderly management of assets if you should become disabled or incompetent BACK TO TOP
living trust
A trust created during the grantor's lifetime, which becomes effective during the grantor's lifetime as opposed to a testamentary trust, which takes effect at the death of the grantor A living trust is also known as an inter vivos trust
living trust
A revocable or irrevocable trust created during the life of the grantor that is also known as an inter vivos trust
living trust
A trust that can be revoked by its creator Revocable trusts become irrevocable when their creators die They can become irrevocable sooner if the creators give up the power to revoke The most common kind of revocable trust is a device used as a testamentary or will substitute Their principal purpose is to avoid probate Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
living trust
a trust that is created while the trustor is still alive It can be either revocable (changed during the trustor's lifetime) or irrevocable (unchangeable)
living trust
Under a living trust, the management of a person's property is left to a trustee with instructions for distributions during the lifetime of the individual and at his or her death These distributions may include charitable gifts, such as those to the Indiana University Foundation, for Indiana University
living trust
A written legal document that creates an entity to which you transfer ownership of your assets Contains your instructions for managing your assets during your lifetime and for their distribution upon your incapacity or death Avoids probate at death and court control of assets at incapacity Also called a revocable inter vivos Trust A Trust created during one's lifetime
living trust
A trust set up and in effect during the lifetime of the grantor (Also called inter vivos trust )
living trust
Trust made during the lifetime of the grantor as opposed to one that is created by the will of the Grantor Living trusts can be revocable or irrevocable
living unit
A dwelling for use by one family
living wage
An earning level that supports self-sufficiency without reliance on public and private subsidies
living wage
A wage sufficient to meet the basic needs of a worker and their dependents
living wage
program that requires contractors to pay its full-time employees who provide Proposition A and Cafeteria services to the County, a living wage of either
living wage
salary that is enough to provide for the worker's needs
living wage
A living wage is a wage which is just enough to enable you to buy food, clothing, and other necessary things. Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage. A wage sufficient to provide minimally satisfactory living conditions. Also called minimum wage. a salary that is high enough to allow you to buy the things that you need to live
living wage
a wage sufficient for a worker and family to subsist comfortably
living will
document signed with the formalities necessary for a will containing an individual's specific instructions concerning the type of health care choices and treatments he or she does or doesn't want to receive
living will
A document that sets out guidelines for dealing with life sustaining medical procedures in the eventuality of the signatory's sudden debilitation Living wills would, for example, inform medical staff not to provide extraordinary life preserving procedures on their bodies if they are incapable of expressing themselves and suffering from an incurable and terminal condition They are of doubtful validity in the UK
living will
A statement of your wishes regarding medical treatment, nutrition and hydration should you be unconscious and in an irreversible terminal condition where death is imminent This document allows you to state how much medical treatment you desire and if and when life support, hydration or nutrition may be removed Without a Living Will, these decisions would be left up to the person you name in your Power of Attorney for Health Care document
living will
a document written by someone still legally capable requesting that they should be allowed to die if subsequently severely disabled or suffering terminal illness; "after he discovered he had AIDS he drew up a living will
living will
A type of advance directive in which an individual documents his or her wishes about future medical treatment if he or she is at the end of life and unable to communicate It may also be called a "directive to physicians," "health care declaration," or "medical directive " The purpose of a living will is to guide family members and doctors in deciding how aggressively to use medical treatments to delay death
living will
A written instrument in which one person (the principal) appoints another to make health care decisions in the event that the principal becomes incapacitated This instrument can contain instructions about specific medical treatment that should be applied or withheld
living will
A written statement of a person's intent to refuse or accept extraordinary medical treatment such as artificial life support systems and artificial nutrition or hydration that are designed to prolong life The statement is written when the person is competent in case it is ever needed to show to a judge in order to disconnect life support systems This document if not officially recognized in Massachusetts, but it does provide written evidence of a person's wishes A Living Will is officially recognized in several states
living will
This document lets your physician(s) and others know your choices regarding the use of life prolonging procedures if you are not able to make these decisions for yourself Your physician(s) and your Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare are to follow the directives of the Living Will Your physician is required to make a reasonalbe effort to transfer your care to another physician in the event he/she is unable or unwilling to carry out your wishes as specified in the Living Will
living will
A living will is a document in which you say what medical or legal decisions you want people to make for you if you become too ill to make these decisions yourself. A will in which the signer requests not to be kept alive by medical life-support systems in the event of a terminal illness. a document explaining what medical or legal decisions someone should make if you become so ill that you cannot make those decisions yourself. Document specifying medical measures to be taken or withheld in the event the writer is disabled. Advances in medical technology now allow the body to be kept alive in circumstances that would normally result in death (e.g., inability to eat, breathe, or maintain the heartbeat), but many people do not want to be kept alive if there is no chance of recovery. Because it is impossible to express one's wishes when in a vegetative state, a living will allows them to be stated in advance. Such a document usually specifies conditions under which a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order is to take effect and authorizes another person to make decisions on the patient's behalf
living will
An instrument that sets forth an individual's views regarding life-sustaining treatment and heroic measures in the event of impending death Using a living will, the individual may specify the types of care he or she wants during the process of dying At present, living wills are not legally enforceable under Massachusetts law Compare health care proxy
living will
a legal document in which you can state what kind of medical care you desire to receive or what life-support procedures you would like to withhold if you became physically or mentally unable to communicate your wishes
living will
A document that sets out guidelines for dealing with life-sustaining medical procedures in the eventuality of the signatory's sudden debilitation Living wills would, for example, inform medical staff not to provide extraordinary life-preserving procedures on their bodies if they are incapable of expressing themselves and suffering from an incurable and terminal condition
living will
A legal document in which an individual states his or her wishes regarding the use of medical procedures and equipment designed to extend life
living will
A written document, which states the wishes of an individual in advance concerning the use of life saving devices and procedures in the event that the person is terminally ill or has suffered an injury and is no longer competent
living will
A document by which an individual, while competent, may specify that in the event there is no reasonable expectation that he/she will recover from a terminal illness or vegetative condition, no extraordinary or heroic measures are to be used to prolong the act of dying; is only employed to prevent the use of life sustaining procedures [Top of Page]
living will
A document that requests no life-support treatment that merely prolongs the dying process in the event of a terminal illness It is the individual's responsibility to notify his or her family and physician of the existence of a living will
living will
A document indicating the type of care and degree of medical intervention you would want in the event of a life-threatening medical condition BACK TO TOP
living will
A general written statement specifying or limiting medical treatment It is an official legal document, but different states have different requirements about witnesses and other rules under which a living will is acceptable
living will
A document expressing whether or not under grave medical conditions, extraordinary, artificial life-sustaining techniques should be used to prolong life
living will
allows a person to state which medical measures may be withheld in the case of a terminal condition A typical living will can prevent doctors from using feeding tubes or permanent breathing devices to keep someone alive A living will must be in writing, signed by you (or if you're physically unable, by a witness attesting to your mark), and by 2 witnesses (one of whom is not a spouse or blood relative), and address situations of terminal illness and life-prolonging procedures
living will
A document that allows a person to state in advance his/her wishes regarding the use or removal of life-sustaining or death-delaying procedures in the event of illness or injury
living will
Document that provides instructions to physicians, health care providers, family and courts as to what life-prolonging procedures are desired if an individual becomes terminally ill or incapacitated
living will
A legal document directing that the maker's or signer's life is not to be artificially supported in the event of a terminal illness or accident
living will
The instrument used to express one's wishes for treatment in the event of irreversible terminal condition or persistent vegetative state Now often replaced by Advance Medical Directive (see above)
living will
Written statement to one's health care agent and physicians It sets forth one's wishes against artificial life support and other heroic measures
living will
A document specifying the kind of medical care a person wants-or does not want-in the event of terminal illness or incapacity
living will
A legal document generated by an individual to guide providers on the desired medical care in cases when the individual is unable to articulate his or her own wishes
(used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried; "carved into the living stone"
a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax
cost of living
The average cost of a standard set of basic necessities of life, especially of food, shelter and clothing
Describing an index or an increase in payment etc that is dependent upon the cost of living
earn a living
Alternative form of make a living
That lives independently of other organisms rather than part of a symbiotic or parasitic relationship
free-living organism
an organism that is not directly dependent on another organism for survival
in living memory
In recent history, in recorded history amongst the lifespan of extant people; events or situations which can be remembered by people that are still alive

Long believed to be extinct, the purple-bellied speckled turtle was sighted for the first time in living memory in a remote pasture near Chicago'.'.

knock the living daylights out of
To knock out; to hit and cause to be unconscious
To have permanent residence somewhere

He lives in LA, but he's staying here over the summer.

Electrically charged or energized, usually indicating that the item may cause electrocution if touched

Use caution when working near live wires.

Of making a performance or speech, in person

He'll be appearing live at the auditorium.

Having life; that is alive. Used attributively

The post office will not ship live animals.

Of a recorded performance, made in front of an audience, or not having been edited after recording
Of an event, as it happens; in real time; direct

The concert was broadcast live by radio.

Featuring humans; not animated, in the phrases “live actors” or “live action”
Seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens

The station presented a live news program every evening.

To cope

I can't live in a world without you.

Of a performance or speech, in person

This night club has a live band on weekends.

To survive; to persevere; to continue

Her memory lives in that song.

To spend, as one's life; to pass; to maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually

to live an idle or a useful life.

Of firearms or explosives, capable of causing harm

The air force practices dropping live bombs on the uninhabited island.

Being a bet which can be raised by the bettor, usually in reference to a blind or straddle

Tommy's blind was live, so he was given the option to raise.

make a living
To earn enough income to support oneself and, if applicable, one's family
Not living; inanimate
pope's living room
(surfing slang) The inside of a tube (ie. of a wave making a tube)

2001: It was the layback, a casual declaration of civil disobedience in the pope's living room, our own aquatic limbo act. — Jason Borte,

standard of living
A relative measure of the quality of life of a person or group has
by live broadcast; in person
{s} alive, living, possessing life; lively, energetic; important; carrying an electric current; transmitted by live broadcast
not recorded; "the opera was broadcast live
{f} be alive, exist; survive, remain alive; reside, dwell; support oneself, earn money; cohabit; enjoy life
{v} to be in a state of life, exit, last, swim
{a} living, quick, active, merry, strong, firm
living room
oturma odası
Living room
Energy flows through this wire in the mains supply
Vivid; bright
not recorded; "the opera was broadcast live"
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To be alive; to have life; to have, as an animal or a plant, the capacity of assimilating matter as food, and to be dependent on such assimilation for a continuance of existence; as, animals and plants that live to a great age are long in reaching maturity
pursue a positive and satisfying existence; "You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live"
of current relevance; "a live issue"; "still a live option"
To enjoy or make the most of life; to be in a state of happiness
When used in reference to a World Wide Web file, this term designates an object linked to another layer of information [Top of Page]
A circuit that is carrying electricity When live, it can shock you
To feed; to subsist; to be nourished or supported; with on; as, horses live on grass and grain
refers to where something will stay at It's proper position "Hey Jim, Where does this amp rack live at?" "That rack lives on stage right, over there" Submitted by Karl Kuenning RFL from Roadie Net
Being in a state of ignition; burning; having active properties; as, a live coal; live embers
charged or energized with electricity; "a hot wire"; "a live wire"
rebounds readily; "clean bouncy hair"; "a lively tennis ball"; "as resiliant as seasoned hickory"; "springy turf"
He lived like a knave, and died like a fool Said by Bishop Warburton of Henry Rich, first Earl of Holland, the turncoat He went to the scaffold dressed in white satin, trimmed with silver
actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing; "a live television program"; "brought to you live from Lincoln Center"; "live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience"
Having life; alive; living; not dead
Imparting power; having motion; as, the live spindle of a lathe
having life; "a live canary"; "hit a live nerve"; "famous living painters"; "living tissue"; showing characteristics of life; exerting force or containing energy; "live coals"; "tossed a live cigarette out the window"; "got a shock from a live wire"; "live ore is unmined ore"; "a live bomb"; "a live ball is one in play"
(Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
To act habitually in conformity with; to practice
as, no ship could live in such a storm
Full of earnestness; active; wide awake; glowing; as, a live man, or orator
To survive, to persevere, to continue