Light detecting and ranging A technique used to detect atmospheric constituents or related parameters such as atmospheric extinction coefficient Light is produced in a modulated source and the resulting backscattered or reflected light is analyzed to quantify some property of the atmosphere
Light detection and ranging A system that uses a light beam in place of a microwave radar beam to obtain measurements of speed, altitude, direction and range of a target
(Light Detection And Ranging) - a remote-sensing technique that uses a laser light source to probe the characteristics of a surface target A laser emission may be directed downward from a low flying aircraft Information about the target is derived from back-scattered reflectance or fluorescence of the target Chlorophyll pigments in coral reef organisms (e g , algae, seagrasses, coral), when excited by shorter (blue or green) wavelength light, emit light at longer (red) wavelengths, i e , it fluoresces
A remote-sensing system similar to radar, in which laser light pulses take the place of microwaves (lidar)
a measuring system that detects and locates objects on the same principle as radar but uses light from a laser; a potential technology for detecting air turbulence that can affect aircraft
(acronym for Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) a method of detecting distant objects and determining their position, velocity, or other characteristics by analysis of pulsed laser light reflected from their surfaces