Goethe's last words were not more light! but what he had in mind was to say Mer licht hier net guud. In Hessian this means it isn't very suitable in here.
- Goethes letzte Worte waren nicht Mehr Licht!, sondern was er im Sinn hatte zu sagen war Mer licht hier net guud., was Hessisch ist und so viel bedeutet wie Man liegt hier nicht gut..
Tom knew well that in all the sentences, the last word would always be for Mary.
- Tom wusste genau, dass in all den Sätzen das letzte Wort immer einer zustehen würde: Mary.
This account I am transmitting down the river by canoe, and it may be our last word to those who are interested in our fate.
An Afghan Olympic official said the team holds the right to substitute Andyar with another female athlete, though the IOC would have the last word.
Michaelis was the last word in what was caddish and bounderish.