leonard peltier

listen to the pronunciation of leonard peltier
الفرنسية - الإنجليزية
Leonard Peltier (born 1944), leader in the American Indian Movement, indigenous rights activist who is presently serving a prison sentence for a crime he allegedly committed (he is considered a political prisoner by Amnesty International)
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
(born 1944) leader in the American Indian Movement, indigenous rights activist who is presently serving a prison sentence for a crime he allegedly committed (he is considered a political prisoner by Amnesty International)
الإنجليزية - الفرنسية
Leonard Peltier (né en 1944), dirigeant du mouvement indien américain qui défendit la cause indienen et qui lutta pour obtenir des droits égaux , il fut emprisonné et accusé d'un meurtre qu'il n'a jamais commis (considéré comme prisonnier politique p