learning disorder

listen to the pronunciation of learning disorder
الإنجليزية - التركية
öğrenme bozukluğu
learning disorders
öğrenme bozuklukları
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Damage or impairment to the nervous system that results in a learning disability
A list of symptoms that psychiatrists say shows a person will have difficulty being able to learn Note that there is no scientific or medical proof to support either the existence of the disorder or the validity of a diagnosis
Refers to any observed learning difficulty
a disorder found in children of normal intelligence who have difficulties in learning specific skills
Any learning difficulty caused by central nervous system (brain) problems
A difficulty in learning to read, write, compute, or do school work that cannot be attributed to impaired sight or hearing, or to mental retardation
A difficulty in learning to read, write, compute, or do schoolwork that cannot be attributed to impaired sight or hearing, or to mental retardation
nonverbal learning disorder
A form of learning disorder, characterised by severe impairment in visual-spatial, motor and social skills. It is very similar to Asperger’s syndrome
learning disorder


    learn·ing dis·or·der

    التركية النطق

    lırnîng dîsôrdır


    /ˈlərnəɴɢ dəsˈôrdər/ /ˈlɜrnɪŋ dɪsˈɔːrdɜr/