
listen to the pronunciation of laws
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Kanun) mevzuat
(Kanun) kanun ve tüzükler

Yasalara uymak zorundasın. - You have to abide by the laws.

Yasalar örümcek ağı gibidir, küçük sinekleri yakalayabilirler fakat yaban arısı ve eşek arılarının geçmesine izin verirler. - Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.

(Hukuk) hukuk

Ceza hukuku, ceza yasası olarak da bilinen, bir suç olarak sınıflandırılmış olan bir hareket için takibat gerektirir. - Criminal law, also known as penal law, involves prosecution for an act that has been classified as a crime.

Erkek kardeşim hukuk öğrenimi için Amerika'ya gitti. - My brother went to the United States to study law.


Kanun herkes için aynıdır. - The law is the same for everyone.

Yeni vergi kanunu boşluklarla dolu. - The new tax law is full of loopholes.

(Hukuk) yasa

Yasalar örümcek ağı gibidir, küçük sinekleri yakalayabilirler fakat yaban arısı ve eşek arılarının geçmesine izin verirler. - Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.

Newton yerçekimi yasasını kanıtlamıştır. - Newton established the law of gravity.

laws of motion
(Matematik) hareket kanunları
laws of thought
(Felsefe) düşünme yasaları
laws of war
(Kanun) savaş hukuku
laws of electrolysis
elektroliz Kanunları
laws and policies
kanun ve politikalar
laws concerning environment
(Askeri) çevre ile ilgili kanunlar
laws concerning mining
(Askeri) madencilik ile ilgili kanunlar
laws of association
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bağlantı yasaları
laws of bankruptcy
iflas hukuku
laws of oleron
(Askeri) oleron adası yasaları
laws of oleron
(Askeri) oleron deniz kanunları
laws of similitude
benzeşim kanunları
labor laws
(Ticaret) iş yasaları
labour laws
(Kanun) iş kanunları
three-strikes laws
(Fizik) Mükerrer suç kanunları
(Kanun) hukuk kuralı
Habitual Offender laws
(Fizik) Mükerrer suç kanunları
according to the laws
kanunlara göre
building laws
inşaat hukuku
competition laws
(Kanun) rekabet yasaları
compliance with laws
(Askeri) hukuka uygunluk
conflict of laws
yasalar çatışması
divine laws
ilahi kanunlar
divine laws
tanrısal kanunlar
export laws
ihracat yasaları
fen bilimlerinde kanun
(Kanun) objektif hukuk
(Ticaret) yöntem
moral laws
muslim canonical laws
other laws
(Ticaret) sair yasalar
poor laws
(Ticaret) yoksulları koruma kanunu
poor laws
(Ticaret) yoksul yasaları
traffic laws
trafik yasaları
Faraday's laws of electrolysis
Faraday elektroliz kanunları
bachelor of laws
hukuk fakültesi mezunu
conflict of laws
yasal uyuşmazlık
emergency laws
olağanüstü hal kanunları
gaming laws
kumar yasaları
gas laws
gaz kanunları
gas laws
gaz yasaları
evlilik yoluyla akrabalar
{i} kural

Araba sürerken trafik kurallarına uymamız gerekiyor. - You should obey the traffic laws when you drive.

Her şey doğanın kurallarına tabidir. - Everything is subject to the laws of nature.

Faraday's laws of electrolysis
Faraday elektroliz kanunları
Newton's laws of motion
Newton hareket kanunları, Newton devinim yasaları
basic laws
temel yasalar
basic laws
temel kanunlar
by laws
collection of laws (of a frankish ruler)
Bir Frenk cetvel kanunları (toplama)
constitutional laws of 1875
1875 anayasal kanunları
corn laws
mısır yasaları
corporation laws
şirket kanunları
decree laws
kararname yasaları
dietary laws
diyet kanunları
future in-laws
evlenilecek kişinin aile fertleri
gas laws
gaz kanunları, gaz yasaları
in accordance with scientific laws
bilimsel yasalara uygun olarak
mining laws
madencilik yasaları, madencilik hukuku
not in accordance with the laws
uygun olmayan yasalar ile
observe laws
yasalara uymak
pass laws
strict laws
katı yasalar
who can delay the passage of new laws
yeni yasaların kabulünü kim geciktirebilir
adjustment laws
(Politika, Siyaset) uyum yasaları
approximation of laws
(Avrupa Birliği) mevzuatın yaklaştırılması
approximation of laws
avrupa birliği sürecinde üye ülkelerin yasalarının topluluk müktesebatına uyumlu hale getirilmesi
blast scaling laws
(Çevre) infilak ölçekleme kanunları
complement laws
(Matematik) tümleyen yasaları
conflict of laws
kanunlar arası çelişki
conflict of laws
kanuni ihtilaf
conflict of laws
devletler özel hukuku
copyright laws
telif hakkı yasaları
environmental laws
(Ticaret) çevre kanunları
european laws
(Politika, Siyaset) avrupa yasaları
harmonization of laws
(Avrupa Birliği) kanunların uyumlaştırılması
highway laws
karayolları hukuku
human laws
(Kanun) kanunu beşeriye
human laws
(Kanun) beşeri kanunlar
{i} dava

Dava karar verilmeden kalır. - The lawsuit remains undecided.

Avukatlar davaları kazandıklarında çok miktarda dolar kazanırlar. - Lawyers make mega bucks when they win cases.

sokaklarda emniyet
{i} ilke
polis law and order küçük suçlara karsı şiddet
the law hâkim veya avukatlar sınıfı
{i} yasal çözüm

Avukat müvekkili adına ikna edici bir şekilde konuştu. - The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.

Avukat, müvekkilinin masum olduğuna inanıyordu. - The lawyer believed in his client's innocence.


Avukatın vasiyetimi hazırlamasını istedim. - I asked the lawyer to make out my will.

Avukat benim vasiyetimi düzenledi. - The lawyer drew up my will.

liquor laws
alkollü içki hukuku
mendel laws
(Biyoloji) mendel kanunları
mendel's laws
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mendel yasaları
mendel's laws
(Tıp) Avusturyalı bir rahip tarafından ortaya atılan ve heredite ile ilgili kuramlar getiren bir teori
mental health laws
ruh sağlığı hukuku
mining laws
(Madencilik) madencilik hukuku
mining laws
(Madencilik) madencilik yasaları
newton's laws of motion
(Fizik) newton devinim yasaları
newton's laws of motion
(Fizik) newton hareket kanunları
opposition to laws
(Kanun) kanunlara karşı muhalefet
opposition to the laws
(Kanun) kanunlara muhalefet
patent laws and legislation
patent hukuku ve mevzuatı
radiation laws
(Meteoroloji) radyasyon yasaları
repeal of laws
(Kanun) kanunların ilgası
republic laws
(Kanun) cumhuriyet kanunları
satisfy laws and regulations
(Kanun) kanunları yerine getirmek
social laws
sosyal kanunlar
supported by laws
yasalarla desteklenen
tariff laws
(Ticaret) gümrük tarifesi mevzuatı
the in laws
eşin ailesi
three laws of motion
hareketin üç kanunu
us antitrust laws
(Ticaret) abd antitröst yasaları
usury laws
(Ticaret) tefecilik yasaları
التركية - التركية

تعريف laws في التركية التركية القاموس.

Mühür mumu
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Formal, standardized norms that have been enacted by legislatures and are enforced by formal sanctions
Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder (EOS)
Natural Law - Laws that are fundamental to human nature and discoverable by human reason Common Law - System of law based on common custom and precedent Civil Law - Laws dealing with relationships between individuals Criminal Law - Law dealing with offenses against the state, their prosecution and punishment Canon Law - Law of the church courts in the Roman Catholic Church that deals with the rule and administration of the church Roman Law - A system of laws from the Romans which is the basis of modern Civil Law Martial Law - A period when civil authority is inadequate and military force is used to suppress insurrection, riot, or disorder, or to deal with public calamity It usually included the suspension of civil rights or liberties The 10 Commandments - The laws of God for right human conduct to God and to other people
The official rules of the game prepared by the Croquet Association
plural of law
The formal rules which are legally established by a society (in U S , laws are passed by legislatures)
Acts passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President or passed over Presidential veto
The constitutional provisions, legislative statutes or judicial precedents that apply to a court case
The rules adopted by formal governmental action that govern our lives in various respects
the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
are standards of conduct that are enforced by the coercive power of the state Laws tend to be more complex and formal than ethics or morals A society's laws will usually reflect its moral consensus, and the law will establish a ethically minimal standard of conduct Laws, however, are not ethics Some actions may be legal but unethical; some actions may be ethical but illegal
laws of war
Law concerning acceptable practices while engaged in war, like the Geneva Conventions
Laws of the Indies
Entire body of law promulgated by the Spanish crown in the 16th-18th centuries for the governance of its colonies. It consists of a compendium of decrees on church government and education, upper and lower courts, political and military administration, Indians, finance, navigation, and commerce. A summary promulgated in 1681 contained 6,377 laws; though criticized for its inconsistencies, for excessive attention to unenforceable details, and for depriving colonists of a responsible role in government, it was the most comprehensive law code ever instituted for a colonial empire, and it set forth humane (if often ignored) principles for treatment of Indians
laws of matrimony
regulations of the relationship between man and woman
laws of mechanics
fundamental laws of kinetics statics and kinematics
laws of nature
way that nature functions and cannot be changed
laws of personal status
regulations of the relationship between man and woman
laws of physics
way that things work, laws of how nature works
laws of succession
laws of inheritance, laws that set rules and regulations for inheritance
laws of the Torah
law in which circumstances are not considered, Jewish religious laws as written in the Bible
laws of thought
Traditionally, the three fundamental laws of logic: (1) the law of contradiction, (2) the law of excluded middle (or third), and (3) the principle of identity. That is, (1) for all propositions p, it is impossible for both p and not p to be true (symbolically, (p p)); (2) either p or not p must be true, there being no third or middle true proposition between them (symbolically p p); and (3) if a propositional function F is true of an individual variable x, then F is true of x (symbolically, (x) [F(x) F(x)]). Another formulation of the principle of identity asserts that a thing is identical with itself, or (x) (x = x)
laws of torts
set of laws that deal with civil wrongs
laws of war
systems of rules concerning the behavior of two enemy sides during war
labor laws
laws dealing with work issues
land laws
legal rules and regulations dealing with the land and real estate industry
Bachelor of Laws
A collegiate degree, usually involving three years of study that involves the study of law
Black Laws
plural form of Black Law
De Morgan's laws
By analogy, the pair of laws in set theory which state that the complement of the intersection of two sets is equal to the union of their complements, and the complement of a union of two sets is equal to the intersection of their complements
De Morgan's laws
The laws of formal logic that state that the negation of a conjunction of two terms is equivalent to the disjunction of the negations of each of the terms, and the negation of a disjunction of two terms is equivalent to the conjunction of the negations of each of the terms
Good Samaritan laws
plural form of Good Samaritan law
Jim Crow laws
plural form of Jim Crow law
Kepler's laws
the three laws of planetary motion discovered by Kepler in the early 17th century
Kirchhoff's circuit laws
a pair of fundamental natural laws dealing with the relations of currents at a junction and the voltages around a loop
Kirchoff's circuit laws
Common misspelling of Kirchhoff's circuit laws
a conical hill
A topographic surname, perhaps originally meaning someone who lives near a burial mound
A patronymic surname
blue laws
plural form of blue law
blue sky laws
plural form of blue sky law
canon laws
plural form of canon law
canon laws
Religious rules, regulations and edicts
civil laws
plural form of civil law
criminal laws
plural form of criminal law
A well-established, observed physical characteristic or behavior of nature

Newton and Einstein understood the law of gravitation in very different ways.

A category of English "common law" petitions that request monetary relief, as opposed to relief in forms other than a monetary judgment; compare to "equity"
a tumulus of stones
A statement that is true under specified conditions
One of the official rules of cricket as codified by the MCC
The police

Here comes the law — run!.

The body of rules and standards issued by a government, or to be applied by courts and similar authorities

By law, one is not allowed to own a wallaby in New York City.

a hill

You might climb the Law and behold the face of many counties. (Robert Louis Stevenson Across the Plains, 1892).

A particular such rule

A new law forbids driving on that road.

A one-sided contract
A written or understood rule that concerns behaviours and the appropriate consequences thereof. Laws are usually associated with mores

Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you is a good law to follow.

lemon laws
plural form of lemon law
organic laws
plural form of organic law
positive laws
plural form of positive law
power laws
plural form of power law
Rarely seen and generally considered a misspelling of sisters-in-law. See sister-in-law for notes
sunshine laws
plural form of sunshine law
Habitual Offender laws
(Fizik) Habitual Offender laws (commonly referred to in parlance as three-strikes laws) are statutes enacted by state governments in the United States which mandate state courts to impose harsher sentences on habitual offenders who are convicted of three or more serious criminal offenses
three-strikes laws
(Fizik) Habitual Offender laws (commonly referred to in parlance as three-strikes laws) are statutes enacted by state governments in the United States which mandate state courts to impose harsher sentences on habitual offenders who are convicted of three or more serious criminal offenses
{n} a rule, order, judicial process, justice
(Silahlar) Light Antitank Weapon
pass laws
(plural noun) Laws formerly in operation in South Africa controlling the rights of black people to residence and travel
Constitutional Laws of 1875
In France, a series of fundamental laws that, taken collectively, came to be known as the constitution of the Third Republic. It established a two-house legislature (with an indirectly elected Senate as a conservative check on the popularly elected Chamber of Deputies); a Council of Ministers responsible to the Chamber; and a president with powers resembling those of a constitutional monarch. It left untouched many aspects of the French governmental structure
Corn Laws
laws in Britain in the 19th century controlling the price of foreign corn, and making it more expensive than corn produced in Britain. This protected British farmers from competition, but hurt the ordinary people, and after much protest, the laws were changed in 1846. Any of the regulations governing the import and export of grain (called corn by the English) in Britain. Records mention the imposition of Corn Laws as early as the 12th century. They became politically important in the late 18th and early 19th century, during the grain shortage caused by Britain's growing population, bad harvests, and the blockades imposed in the Napoleonic Wars. When Sir Robert Peel became prime minister the laws were finally repealed (1846). See also Anti-Corn Law League
Jewish religious laws
laws which form the Jewish religion
portable light anti-tank weapon made in United States
the Torah
a generic term which can refer to the Divine commandments (primarily the Decalogue), the Old Testament in general or, most specifically, the Torah
a diminutive of Lawrence
an English surname
an English topographic surname, perhaps originally meaning someone who lives near a burial mound
March Laws
Reform measures enacted by the Hungarian Diet in 1848 (see Revolutions of 1848) that sought to create a modern national Magyar state. The program, presented to the Diet by Kossuth Lajos, provided for internal Hungarian control of its own national guard, budget, and foreign policy. The laws were constitutionally confirmed by Emperor Ferdinand I in April 1848. Austria denied the validity of the laws after the revolution was defeated (1849), but Hungary continued to insist on their legality. The Austrians reimposed their domination of Hungary until, under the Compromise of 1867, Hungary received full internal autonomy
Master of Laws
{i} LL.M, advanced law degree, degree gived for advanced study of law after having acquired a Juris Doctor
Mendel's laws
laws which determine which characteristics are inherited by plants and animals (developed by the Austrian botanist Gregor Mendel)
Murphy's laws
number of humorous aphorisms which claim that life works in the most ironic way (e.g. the very thing that we don't want to happen usually happens, something always goes wrong at the worst time, etc.)
Newton's laws of motion
Relations between the forces acting on a body and the motion of the body, formulated by Isaac Newton. The laws describe only the motion of a body as a whole and are valid only for motions relative to a reference frame. Usually, the reference frame is the Earth. The first law, also called the law of inertia, states that if a body is at rest or moving at constant speed in a straight line, it will continue to do so unless it is acted upon by a force. The second law states that the force F acting on a body is equal to the mass m of the body times its acceleration a, or F = ma. The third law, also called the action-reaction law, states that the actions of two bodies on each other are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction
Nuremberg Laws
{i} number of anti-Semitic laws passed in Nuremberg Germany in 1935 that stripped Jews of their German citizenship and prohibited Aryans from intermarrying with Jews
Nürnberg Laws
(1935) Two measures designed by Adolf Hitler and approved by a Nazi Party convention at Nürnberg, Ger. , on Sept. 15, 1935. The laws deprived Jews of German citizenship and forbade marriage or sexual relations between Jews and "citizens of German or cognate blood." Supplementary decrees defined a Jew as a person with at least one Jewish grandparent and declared that Jews could not vote or hold public office
anti-trust laws
laws designed to prevent cartels or monopoly activity and to safeguard free competition in the market
arbitration laws
laws which regulate the settling of disputes with the help of an arbitrator
aviation laws
regulations for aircraft and the airline industries
bachelor of laws
a three-year law degree
bachelor of laws
graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Legal Studies
banking laws
bank related regulations and laws
basic laws
fundamental laws, laws which are the basis for others; fundamental rules, basic guidelines
bill laws
judicial laws which deal with bills which must be paid
blue laws
{i} puritanical laws, local or government laws that forbid commercial activities on Sundays
Rules and regulations that govern a corporation or an association Usually seen with co-ops and condominiums
secondary laws of an association that govern its internal affairs and deal with routine operational and administrative matters
Rules made by a statutory or local authority eg: council by-laws Also may refer to rules made by a body corporate •Environment
Common name for the booklet Act of Incorporation, By-Laws, the philosophic, policy and operational rules governing the organization
SeeNASD By-Laws
Rules adopted for the regulation of a corporation's own actions, by the corporation itself; a subordinate law adopted by a corporation, association or other body for its self-government or to regulate the rights and duties of its officers and members
Rules and regulations, adopted by an association or corporation, which govern its activities
The rules adopted by an association or corporation governing its general organization and management
Basically, the agreement between the company and its shareholders setting out the internal rules by which the corporation will function These often deal with matters such as meetings of directors and shareholders (see Annex F)
Rules enacted by a governing body of general application
A corporation's rules and regulations They typically specify the number and respective duties of directors and officers and govern how the business is run
Rules adopted by the corporation for the regulation of the corporation's own actions; a subordinate law adopted by the corporation to regulate the actions, rights and duties of the officers and members or its self government
Regulations adopted by a corporation for its internal governance By-laws often deal with matters such as directors and shareholders meetings and the rights and obligations of officers
A corporation's rules and regulations
Rules and regulations governing an association or corporation
code of laws
collection of rules, entire set of laws
company laws
rules of a certain company, company regulations
conflict of laws
applicable law of one state court which differs with the applicable law of another state jurisdiction which also has an interest in the outcome
conflict of laws
Opposition or contradiction in the applicable laws of different states or jurisdictions regarding the rights of the parties in a case. Rules have been created to help determine which set of laws is applicable in a given case, which judicial system is most appropriate for trying the case, and the extent to which other jurisdictions are expected to honour or enforce the outcome of the trial
conflict of laws
An area of law dealing with the clarification of inconsistencies and differences in laws or jurisdictions as they apply to the rights of individuals in particular actions
conform to the laws
{f} comply with the law or regulations
conservation laws
principles of physics which dictate that electrical energy does not change but is preserved
corporation laws
laws which regulate companies and corporations
dietary laws
laws observed by orthodox Jews prohibiting and permitting certain foods
doctor of laws
one who has earned a doctoral degree in law
doctor of laws
an honorary law degree
draconic laws
severe code of laws framed by Draco an Athenian lawgiver in ancient Greece
enforce the laws
{f} impose and compel the laws; compel obedience to the laws
environmental laws
regulations concerning the protection and conservation of the environment
equal protection of the laws
a right guaranteed by the 14th amendment to the US constitution and by the due-process clause of the 5th amendment
game laws
hunting regulations, restrictions on hunting enacted for the preservation of certain animals
gas laws
Laws that relate the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas. Boyle's law named for Robert Boyle states that, at constant temperature, the pressure P of a gas varies inversely with its volume V, or PV = k, where k is a constant. Charles's law named for J.-A.-C. Charles (1746-1823) states that, at constant pressure, the volume V of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute (Kelvin) temperature T, or V/T = k. These two laws can be combined to form a single generalization of the behaviour of gases known as an equation of state, PV = nRT, where n is the number of gram-moles of a gas and R is called the universal gas constant. Though this law describes the behaviour of an ideal gas, it closely approximates the behaviour of real gases. See also Joseph Gay-Lussac
immigration laws
laws that govern the immigration process
in laws
relatives by marriage, spouse's immediate family
Your in-laws are the parents and close relatives of your husband or wife. your relatives by marriage, especially the father and mother of your husband or wife mother-in-law, father-in-law father-in-law
insurance laws
laws which regulate the insurance business
kirchhoff's laws
(physics) two laws governing electric networks in which steady currents flow: the sum of all the currents at a point is zero and the sum of the voltage gains and drops around any closed circuit is zero
The law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. You can also use the law to refer to the people who work in this system. Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties There must be changes in the law quickly to stop this sort of thing ever happening to anyone else The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them
Collectively, the whole body of rules relating to one subject, or emanating from one source; including usually the writings pertaining to them, and judicial proceedings under them; as, divine law; English law; Roman law; the law of real property; insurance law
  All the official rules and codes that govern citizens' actions, including the Constitution, statutory laws enacted by the Legislature, case laws established by court decisions, and administrative law as set forth by executive branch agencies
Laws are rules that everyone in a country has to abide by
The combination of those rules and principles of conduct promulgated by legislative authority, derived from court decisions and established by local custom
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system; "he studied law at Yale"
The law of averages is the idea that something is sure to happen at some time, because of the number of times it generally happens or is expected to happen. On the law of averages we just can't go on losing
Body of recognized rules of conduct and order established and enforced by government
Any edict, decree, order, ordinance, statute, resolution, judicial, decision, usage, etc
If you have to do something by law or if you are not allowed to do something by law, the law states that you have to do it or that you are not allowed to do it. By law all restaurants must display their prices outside
an act or bill which has become part of the legal code through passage by Congress and approval by the President (or via Congressional override)
Law is used to refer to a particular branch of the law, such as criminal law or company (Hukuk) He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school Important questions of constitutional law were involved
The Jewish or Mosaic code, and that part of Scripture where it is written, in distinction from the gospel; hence, also, the Old Testament
Same as Lawe, v
A statement that describes a natural phenomenon; a principle
In general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by an authority able to enforce its will; a controlling regulation; the mode or order according to which an agent or a power acts
Sod's law: see sod. Canadian-born British politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer (1916-1918) and prime minister (1922-1923). Scottish financier active in France, where he engaged in highly profitable speculation on the development of Louisiana. The investment scheme ultimately collapsed, and he fled the country in ruin (1720). Discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct that are recognized as binding by the community. Enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority, such as a group of elders, a regent, a court, or a judiciary. Comparative law is the study of the differences, similarities, and interrelationships of different systems of (Hukuk) Important areas in the study and practice of law include administrative law, antitrust law, business law, constitutional law, criminal law, environmental law, family law, health law, immigration law, intellectual property law, international law, labour law, maritime law, procedural law, property law, public interest law, tax law, trusts and estates, and torts. See also Anglo-Saxon law; canon law; civil law; common law; equity; Germanic law; Indian law; Islamic law (Sharah); Israeli law; Japanese law; jurisprudence; military law; Roman law; Scottish law; Soviet (Hukuk) administrative law Ampère's law Anglo Saxon law Anti Corn Law League antitrust law associative law Avogadro's law blue law Bode's law Bragg law business law mercantile law commercial law canon law Chinese law civil law common law common law marriage commutative law conservation law law of conservation Coulomb's law covering law model criminal law cuneiform law diminishing returns law of distributive law Egyptian law estate law fair trade law Falloux Law faunal succession law of Germanic law Greek law Gresham's law Hardy Weinberg law Hebraic law Indian law international law Israeli law Japanese law Jim Crow Law labour law law code law of cosines law of sines law report Law Andrew Bonar Law John maritime law admiralty law marriage law martial law mass action law of military law Montgomery of Alamein Bernard Law Montgomery 1st Viscount natural law Newton's law of gravitation Ohm's law Olmsted Frederick Law Pascal's law Poor Law procedural law Rhodian Sea Law right to work law Roman law Scottish law Sea Law of the Book of the Law Snell's law Soviet law transitive law Twelve Tables Law of the Weber's law Weber Fechner law Constitutional Laws of 1875 Corn Laws gas laws Indies Laws of the Kirchhoff's laws laws conflict of March Laws Newton's laws of motion Nürnberg Laws personal liberty laws thought laws of
A rule established by authority, society, or custom
In philosophy and physics: A rule of being, operation, or change, so certain and constant that it is conceived of as imposed by the will of God or by some controlling authority; as, the law of gravitation; the laws of motion; the law heredity; the laws of thought; the laws of cause and effect; law of self- preservation
A law is one of the rules in a system of law which deals with a particular type of agreement, relationship, or crime. the country's liberal political asylum law The law was passed on a second vote
or recognized, and enforced, by the controlling authority
disapproval If you accuse someone of thinking they are above the law, you criticize them for thinking that they are so clever or important that they do not need to obey the (Hukuk) One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law
the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do
disapproval If you say that someone lays down the law, you are critical of them because they give other people orders and they think that they are always right. traditional parents, who believed in laying down the law for their offspring
{f} litigate; sue, prosecute
a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature; "the laws of thermodynamics"
A statement that summarizes the results observed in an experiment that is repeated many times by many different scientists A scientific law is widely accepted as true or as a fact
In arts, works, games, etc
An act of Congress that has been signed by the President or passed over his veto by Congress Public bills, when signed, become public laws The digits before the number correspond to the Congress, and the one or more digits after the hyphen refer to the sequence in which the bills were signed by the president
the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order
The laws of an organization or activity are its rules, which are used to organize and control it. the laws of the Church of England Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game. = rule
The final product of the legislative process It is the end result of the introduction of a bill, its passage by both houses, and its approval by the Governor (or the overriding of his/her veto by the legislature), and its recording by the Secretary of State
A rule made and carried out by a government
A term normally used in technology for an extreme form of theory that claims absolute predictability of cause and effect, as presented in formal scientific statements such as Newton's Laws of Gravitation Practical experience indicates that the only true law is that there are no absolute laws, since all events are infinitely interlinked in the total field, and all cause/effect chains are subject to infinite regress In practice, 'laws' are best understood as useful guidelines, describing probable performance to a high, but never absolute, degree of certainty
In morals: The will of God as the rule for the disposition and conduct of all responsible beings toward him and toward each other; a rule of living, conformable to righteousness; the rule of action as obligatory on the conscience or moral nature
The rules of construction, or of procedure, conforming to the conditions of success; a principle, maxim; or usage; as, the laws of poetry, of architecture, of courtesy, or of whist
Law is the study of systems of law and how laws work. He came to Oxford and studied law He holds a law degree from Bristol University. see also court of law, rule of law
An organic rule, as a constitution or charter, establishing and defining the conditions of the existence of a state or other organized community
A law is a rule or set of rules for good behaviour which is considered right and important by the majority of people for moral, religious, or emotional reasons. inflexible moral laws. = code
A law is a scientific rule that someone has invented to explain a particular natural process. the law of gravity
In mathematics: The rule according to which anything, as the change of value of a variable, or the value of the terms of a series, proceeds; mode or order of sequence
Law or the law is all the professions which deal with advising people about the law, representing people in court, or giving decisions and punishments. A career in law is becoming increasingly attractive to young people Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal
legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity; "there is a law against kidnapping"
A bill that has been passed by the legislature and signed by the executive
a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society
{i} rule enacted by a community or country; body of rules by which order and justice is maintained; study of laws, jurisprudence; legal profession; custom, principle, convention
A law is a natural process in which a particular event or thing always leads to a particular result. The laws of nature are absolute
(uncountable) The police
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system; "he studied law at Yale" a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature; "the laws of thermodynamics" legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity; "there is a law against kidnapping" the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order
If you say that someone is a law unto himself or herself, you mean that they behave in an independent way, ignoring laws, rules, or conventional ways of doing things. Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people
All the rules of conduct that have been approved by the government and which are in force over a certain territory and which must be obeyed by all persons on that territory (eg the "laws" of Australia) Violation of these rules could lead to government action such as imprisonment or fine, or private action such as a legal judgement against the offender obtained by the person injured by the action prohibited by law Synonymous to act or statute although in common usage, "law" refers not only to legislation or statutes but also to the body of unwritten law in those states which recognize common law
An act of Congress that has been signed by the president or passed over his veto by Congress Public bills, when signed, become public laws, and are cited by the letters PL and a hyphenated number The digits before the hyphen correspond to the Congress, and the one or more digits after the hyphen refer to the numerical sequence in which the bills were signed by the president during that Congress
Legal science; jurisprudence; the principles of equity; applied justice
An exclamation of mild surprise
(uncountable) The body of rules and standards to be applied by courts and similar authorities
Laws directly tell us how to behave (or not to behave) under various specific circumstances and prescribe remedies or punishments for individuals who do not comply with the law [2] From Webster's [3]: a binding custom or practice of a community: a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority Legal principles are often derived from ethical ones, but legal principles deal more with the practical regulation of morality, or behaviors and activities Additionally many legal principles deal with the inadequacies and imperfections in human nature, and the less than ideal behaviors of individuals or groups Legal practices are also affected more by historical precedent, matters of definition, issues related to detectability and enforceability and evolution of new circumstances than are ethical ones [2]
Leave of Absence Without Pay An approved period of leave during which the employee is not paid, but does not terminate State service Any approved leave of absence of two pay periods or less is considered a Short Term LAW Any approved leave of absence more than two pay periods is considered a Long Term LAW
The system of rules providing a basis for society to function harmoniously and efficiently In New South Wales there is both Statute Law and Common Law Leader of the Government: In the Legislative Assembly, the Premier; in the Legislative Council, a Government Member, elected to manage proceedings on behalf of the Government Leader of the House: A person appointed from the government party or parties, to organise and arrange the proceedings of the House Leader of the Opposition: A Member elected by the Opposition to lead them and to 'shadow' the Premier
a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature; "the laws of thermodynamics"
rules and principles of conduct promulgated by the legislature, court decisions, or local customs
Genus: A rule Differentia: Pre-defined, specifying the permissible actions of men Link: Article
Rule of conduct determined by the people through their elected representatives, or by direct vote
the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"
If someone takes the law into their own hands, they punish someone or do something to put a situation right, instead of waiting for the police or the legal system to take action. The speeding motorist was pinned to the ground by angry locals who took the law into their own hands until police arrived
The body of rules issued by the legislative authority
A rule of conduct established and enforced by the authority, legislation, or custom of a given community, state, or nation
administrative agency
licensing laws
In Britain, the licensing laws are the laws which control the selling of alcoholic drinks. the British laws that say when and where you can sell alcohol
master of laws
an advanced law degree
may laws
See Kulturkampf, above
may laws
In Russia, severe oppressive laws against Jews, which have given occasion for great persecution; so called because they received the assent of the czar in May, 1882, and because likened to the Prussian May laws (see Kulturkampf)
monetary laws
regulations for financial issues, laws for damage or injury
obligations laws
laws on damages contracts property rights and earning wealth
observance of laws
obedience of laws
observe laws
follow laws, obey laws
personal-liberty laws
Laws passed by U.S. states in the North to counter the Fugitive Slave Acts. Such states as Indiana (1824) and Connecticut (1828) enacted laws giving escaped slaves the right to jury trials on appeal. Vermont and New York (1840) assured fugitives the right of jury trial and provided them with attorneys. Other states forbade state authorities to capture and return fugitives. After the Compromise of 1850, most Northern states enacted further guarantees of jury trials and punishment for illegal seizure. These laws were cited by proslavery interests as assaults on states' rights and as justification for secession
police laws
legal regulations which concern police matters
tender laws
legal rulings that deal with public bids, laws concerned with public tenders
traffic laws
laws which regulate traffic on the roads
violation of the foreign currency laws
breaking the laws dealing with currency that is not native to the country
war laws
law that sets rules for battle

    التركية النطق



    /ˈlôz/ /ˈlɔːz/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'lo ] (noun.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English lagu, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse log law; akin to Old English licgan to lie; more at LIE.


    ... I mean, I don't think we pass technology laws that are supposed to last through the ages. ...
    ... where privacy laws-- that was mentioned as well-- create all ...