
listen to the pronunciation of lateral
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Diş Hekimliği) yan; kenara ilişkin
lateral thinking etraflıca düşünme
yana uzanan elektrik teli
(Tıp) Dışyan (ile ilgili) lateral lateralis
yandan biten dal
{s} yandan gelen
(Dilbilim) yanünsüz
{s} yana doğru
(Askeri) YAN, YANDAN GELEN, YANA DOĞRU: Ateş idaresinde; gözetleyici-hedef hattı gibi bir hattın bir tarafından öbür tarafına doğru
yan kanal
yandaki kısım
{s} yana ait
yan parça
yanda bulunan
(Tıp) merkezden uzakta
{i} yan ünsüz
{i} yan dal

Beni daha sonra arar mısınız? - Could you call me later?

Üç saat sonra eve geri döndü. - He returned home three hours later.


Genç bir adamken, sonradan ünlü olacağını bilmiyordu. - As a young man, he did not know that he was to become famous later on.

Hata baştan sağda mı yoksa sonradan mı meydana geldi? - Ne zaman? - Did the error occur right from the start or later on? - When?

lateral buckling
(Askeri) ENİNE FLAMBAJ, YATAY FLAMBAJ: Yatay kuvvetlerin tesiriyle makina ve inşaat elemanlarında husule gelen bükülme
lateral force
yanal kuvvet
lateral line
(Spor,Denizbilim) yanal çizgi
lateral line
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) yan çizgi
lateral load
yanal yük
lateral pass
(Spor) yana doğru verilen pas
lateral route
(Askeri) cepheye paralel yol
lateral thrust
yanal basınç
lateral area
yanal alan
lateral bud
yan tomurcuk
lateral clearance
yan aralık
lateral deviation
yanal sapma
lateral discharge
yandan boşaltma
lateral edge
yanal kenar
lateral erosion
yanlama aşınma
lateral erosion
yandan aşınma
lateral face
yanal yüz
lateral inversion
yanal terslik
lateral inversion
yanda bulunan ters görüntü
lateral line
yan yol
lateral moraine
yan moren
lateral pass
yandan geçiş
lateral piston clearance
yanal piston aralığı
lateral pressure
yanal basınç
lateral section
yan kesit
lateral spillway
yan dolusavak
lateral surface
yanal yüzey
lateral thrust
yanal itiş
lateral acceleration
yanal ivme
lateral bag
yan çanta
lateral branch
yan dal
lateral deflection
(Askeri) YAN SAPMASI, YAN DÜZELTME AÇISI: Toptan hedefe uzatılan hat ile atış esnasında topun namlu ekseni arasında meydana gelen yatay açı. Bu açı; rüzgar tesirini, yana çekişi vesaireyi karşılar. Buna (lateral deflection angle) da denir
lateral movement
yanal hareket
lateral suspension filing
yatay askılı dosyalama sistemi
lateral acceleration
(Otomotiv) yanal ivmelenme
lateral action
(Askeri) YAN HAREKETİ: Yana doğru hareket. Nehir geçişlerinde bir köprübaşı, nehir kıyısına yan hareketi yaparak genişletilebilir
lateral action
(Askeri) yan hareketi
lateral band
(Denizbilim) yanal bant
lateral beams
göğüsleme kirişleri
lateral beams
yanal kirişler
lateral boundaries
(Askeri) ara hatları
lateral bracing
(Askeri) ENİNE KUŞAKLAMA: Demiryolu köprülerinde enine kuvvetlerin çıkma tesirine karşı koymak gayesiyle yapılan kuşaklama
lateral bracing
(Askeri) enine kuşaklama
lateral buckling
yanal burkulma
lateral buckling
(Askeri) yatay flambaj
lateral buckling
(Askeri) enine flambaj
lateral buckling
yanlamasına burkulma
lateral buckling stress
yanal burkulma gerilmesi
lateral bulging
zeminin yatay hareketi
lateral canal
yanal suyolu
lateral canal
yanal kanal
lateral canal
yedek suyolu
lateral canal
yedek kanal
lateral clearance
yan açıklık
lateral clearance
yanal açıklık
lateral clearance
(Otomotiv) yatay temiz açıklık
lateral clearance
(Otomotiv) yatay açıklık
lateral communication
(Ticaret) yatay iletişim
lateral communication
(Askeri) YAN İRTİBATI: Bir cephe boyunca yan yana bulunan birlikler arasındaki irtibat
lateral compression
yanal sıkışma
lateral compression
yanal itki
lateral compression
yanal sıkıştırma
lateral confinement
önlenmiş yanal genleşme
lateral control rod
(Otomotiv) yanal kontrol çubuğu
lateral cross section
yanlamasına kesit
lateral damper
yan amortisör
lateral deflection angle
(Askeri) YAN DÜZELTME AÇISI: Bak. "lateral deflection"
lateral deformation
yanal veya enine bozulma
lateral deformation
(Fizik) enine deformasyon
lateral deformation
yanal deformasyon
lateral deformation
(Fizik) yanal bozulma
lateral deviation
(Askeri) yan inhirafı
lateral deviation
(Havacılık) yan sapma
lateral deviation
(Askeri) YANA SAPMA, YAN İNHİRAFI: Vuruş veya paralanma noktası ile top-hedef hattı arasındaki yatay mesafe
lateral deviation
(Havacılık) yanlamasına sapma
lateral displacement
yanal yerdeğiştirme
lateral display
(Denizbilim) yanı gösterme
lateral dominance
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yanal baskınlık
lateral drain
toplayıcı dren
lateral drain
yan dren
lateral earth pressure
yanal toprak basıncı
lateral edge
(Matematik) yanal ayrıt
lateral erosion
(Coğrafya) yanlamasına aşınma
lateral erosion
yanal erozyon
lateral erosion
yanal aşınma
lateral erosion
(Coğrafya) yana aşındırma
lateral eruption
(Çevre) yanal püskürme
lateral expansion
yanal yayılma
lateral expansion
yanal genleşme
lateral extent
yanal kapsam
lateral extent
yanal uzanım
lateral facade
yan cephe
lateral face
yan satıh
lateral face
yanal yüzey
lateral flow weir
yan akımlı savak
lateral friction
(Fizik) yanal sürtünme
lateral friction
(Fizik) yan sürtünme
lateral gain
(Askeri) Belirli bir alan üzerinde fotoğraf çekmek üzere birbirini takip eden seferlerde yanlara doğru ilerlemek yoluyla fotoğrafı çekilen yeni arazi kesiti
lateral inhibition
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yanal ketleme
lateral intake
yatay giriş
lateral intake
yatay sualma
lateral jump
(Askeri) YATAY ÇIKIŞ HATASI AÇISI: Bir silah namlusu ekseninin atış anındaki istikameti ile merminin namlu ağzını terkettiği andaki istikameti arasındaki yatay fark; çıkış hatası açısının yatay iz düşümü. Bu açının düşey mukabilinde "düşey çıkış hata açısı (vertical jump) " denir
lateral lead
(Askeri) YANINA ÖNLEME AÇISI: Rüzgarın yanlama tesirini, yana çekişi ve özellikle, merminin havada uçuşu esnasında, hedefin yana doğru hareketini karşılamak üzere, hedefin ilerisine tevcih edilen bir silaha verilmiş açı miktarı
lateral lead
(Askeri) yanına önleme açısı
lateral line organ
(Denizbilim) yanal çizgi organı
lateral line pore
(Denizbilim) yanal çizgi deliği
lateral line scale
(Denizbilim) yanal çizgi pulu
lateral load factor
(Havacılık) yan yük faktörü
lateral march
(Askeri) YAN YÜRÜYÜŞ: Yan tarafa doğru yapılan yürüyüş
lateral march
(Askeri) yan yürüyüş
lateral marketing
yanal pazarlama
lateral mine system
(Askeri) YAN GALERİ SİSTEMİ: Bak. "fishbone mine system"
lateral mine system
(Askeri) yan galeri sistemi
lateral mixing
(Askeri) yanal karışım
lateral moraine
yanal moren
lateral moraine
(Jeoloji) yan buzul taş
lateral observation
(Askeri) yan gözetlemesi
lateral observation
(Askeri) YAN GÖZETLEMESİ: Ateş hattının, oldukça sağında veya solunda bulunan bir noktadan ateşin gözetlenmesi
lateral overflow drain
(Telekom) yanal taşma kanalı
lateral pressure
yatay kuvvet
lateral pressure
yanal sıkışma
lateral pressure
yanal itki
lateral ramp
(Madencilik) yanal rampa
lateral reinforcement
fretli teçhizat
lateral reinforcement
(İnşaat) enine donatı
lateral resistance
yanal direnç
lateral rivers
yan ırmaklar
lateral rivers
yan dereler
lateral road
(Askeri) CEPHEYE PARALEL YOL: Genel olarak, cepheye paralel uzanan yol. Buna (belt road) da denir
lateral route
(Askeri) YAN ROTA: Genellikle muharebe alanının ileri kenarına paralel olan ve eksenine rotaları kesen veya bunlarla kesişen rota. Bak. "route". LATERAL SPREAD (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): YAN YAYILMA: İki veya daha fazla birliğin ortalama ateş etkilerini top hedef hattına dik bir hat üzerinde 100 metre aralıkta açmak için kullanılan bir yöntem
lateral screen
(Spor) yana doğru yapılan perdeleme
lateral scroll
yatay salyangoz
lateral secretion
yanal salgılama
lateral secretion
yanal salgı
lateral section
enine kesit
lateral section
yanal kesit
lateral seismic factor
(Çevre) yanal sismik değişim
lateral separation
(Havacılık) yatay ayırma
lateral shear
yanal makaslama
lateral slip
(Otomotiv) yanal kayma
lateral spread
(Askeri) (NATO) YAN YAYILMA: Ateşi, top hedef hattına dik bir hat üzerinde dağıtmakta kullanılan bir teknik
lateral spreading
(Coğrafya) yanal yayılma
lateral storage
yan depolama
lateral storage
yan biriktirme
lateral stress
yanal stres
lateral stress
yanal gerilme
lateral stroke cylinder
enine çalışma pistonu
lateral stroke spring
yan çalışan yay
lateral support
yanal destek
lateral support
yan destek
lateral support
yanal mesnet
lateral support
yanal dayanak
lateral tell
(Askeri) Bak. "cross tell", "track telling"
lateral thinking
etraflıca düşünme
lateral tilt
(Askeri) YANA EĞİKLİK: Bir uçak fotoğraf makinasının uçuş hattına dikey olarak eğilmesi. Uçuş istikametindeki eğikliğe (tip) denir. Yana eğiklik sadece (tilt) kelimesi ile de ifade edilir
lateral transfer
(Askeri) MUADİL GÖREVE NAKİL: Bir meslek sahasında mevcut bulunan askeri meslek ihtisasından, diğer bir sahadaki aynı veya daha aşağı derecede bir askeri meslek ihtisasına daimi görevle nakil
lateral tube
(Tıp) yan tüp
lateral wing
biryüz yan kanat
lateral yield
yanal göçme
lateral yield
yanal yenilme
lateral yield
yanal şişme
daha sonra

Daha sonra bir kişi daha bize katılıyor olacak. - One more person will be joining us later.

Sen ilerle ve ben sana daha sonra yetişirim. - You walk on and I will catch up with you later.

yan olarak

Daha sonraki hayatında sana faydalı olacak bilgi türünü içeren kitapları okumalısın. - You should read the kind of books that contain the kind of information that will be useful to you later in life.

Daha sonraki hayatında sana faydalı olacak kitapları okumalısın. - You should read the kind of books that will be useful to you later in life.

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
amyotrofik lateral skleroz
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
motor nöron hastalığı
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Lou Gehrig's Disease
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
merkez sınır sisteminde medülla spinalis ve beyin sapı adı verilen bölgede motor hücrelerin kaybından ileri gelen bir sınır sistemi hastalığı
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Lou Gehrig hastalığı
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ilerleyici bir sınır sistemi hastalığı
axial and lateral
eksenel ve yanal
airman lateral training
(Askeri) EŞİT HİZMETE HAZIRLAMA EĞİTİMİ: 3 ncü ve daha yüksek seviyedeki hava erlerine bir meslek sahası muadili hareket için veya bir meslek bünyesinde bir değişikliğe tekaddüm eden geçici bir tedbir olarak, ya da muadili hareket için veya bir meslek bünyesinde bir değişikliğe tekaddüm eden geçici bir tedbir olarak, yada muadili mahiyette geçici personel desteği sağlamak üzere, ehliyet kazandıran ve 3 ncü seviyede Hava Kuvvetleri Uzmanlık kodu verilmesiyle sonuçlanan resmi eğitim
adv.daha sonra: adj.sonraki,daha sonra
yana doğru
multi lateral
(Askeri) ÇOK YANLI
officer lateral training
(Askeri) SUBAY MUADİL GÖREV EĞİTİMİ: Subaylara; bir meslek sahasında muadil görevlerde çalışma niteliği vermek veya halen bulundukları meslek bünyesinde bir değişiklikten önce geçici bir tedbir alarak ya da muadil bir görev için geçici bir personel desteği sağlamak üzere, giriş seviyesinde bir Hava Kuvvetleri Kodu tahsisine imkan veren resmi eğitim
ultimate lateral strength
(Çevre) nihai yanal dayanıklılık
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To the side; of or pertaining to the side
an object, such as a passage or a protrusion, that is situated on the side of something else
Pertaining to the girth of an organ, rather than its thickness or length
Pertaining to sounds that are generated by partially blocking the egress of the airstream with the tip of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge, leaving space on one or both sides of the occlusion for the air passage
a lateral pass
To execute a lateral pass
Pertaining to the left or right of the body; further from the midline

The medial side of the knee faces the other knee, while the outer side of the knee is lateral.

To move (oneself or something) in a lateral direction
a sound produced through lateral pronunciation (such as /l/ in lateral)
directed toward the side
{a} placed upon the side, passing sideways
Of or pertaining to the sides; as, the lateral walls of a house; the lateral branches of a tree
Of or relating to the sides
Referring to the sides
At the side of
Relating to the side
Situated away from the midline of the body
Away from the midline of the body
Refers to the outer edge of a shoe
on or from the side of an organ
a pass to a receiver upfield from the passer
1 Of or pertaining to the side; directed or moving toward the side
(1) A branch canal or pipeline that diverges from the main canal or other branches (2) (Irrigation) A water project or irrigation conveyance structure, smaller than a canal intended to convey water away from the main canal or ditch (3) (Water Quality) A municipal wastewater drain pipe that connects a home or business to a branch or main line
Occurring on or growing from the side (compare terminal)
A minor ditch headgating off the main ditch used to direct water onto the land A ditch may have many laterals, depending on the amount of acreage irrigated, the slope of the land, and the rate of seepage losses (Rice (1991))
Lateral means relating to the sides of something, or moving in a sideways direction. McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches. + laterally lat·er·al·ly Shafts were sunk, with tunnels dug laterally
Coming from the side
away from the midline; outer
the outside of the leg
away from the midline
Toward the outside (away from the center)
A word referring to the "side of" something Lateral branches are those growing out of the sides of other branches Lateral veins would be those coming from the mid-vein of a leaf [To return to previous page, click your browser's BACK button then scroll through the page to your last location]
On the side Farther from the median or midsagittal plane
{s} of or pertaining to the side; coming from the side; aimed towards the side; moving from side to side, moving in a sideways manner
Concerning the side e g "lateral view" is a view from the side
Deadline by which a bill must move to the final referral committee ("lateral" because the bills move "sideways"--from one committee to another within each house--rather than "forward" from the House to the Senate or vice versa)
{i} lateral part, part which extends from a side or sides; lateral branch; pass thrown laterally (Football)
to the side
movement to the side
Directed to the side; as, a lateral view of a thing
lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body; "lateral lemniscus" situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong boughs"- Tennyson
a pass thrown to a teammate backwards from the team’s line of scrimmage or parallel to it; unlike a forward pass (which can be thrown only once per play), players may lateral the ball as often as they want
At the sides
situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong boughs"- Tennyson
Lying at, or extending toward, the side; away from the mesial plane; external; opposed to mesial
lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body; "lateral lemniscus"
{s} lateralis
lateral area
The sum of the areas of the lateral (vertical) faces of a cylinder, cone, frustum, or the like
lateral area
A particular part of the medulla oblongata
lateral areas
plural form of lateral area
lateral cuneiform bone
One of the three cuneiform bones of the foot
lateral gene transfer
horizontal gene transfer
lateral geniculate nucleus
The nucleus of the thalamus which received input from the optic tract
lateral geniculate nucleus
This nucleus projects to the Striate cortex, or primary visual cortex
lateral geniculate nucleus
The nucleus which is organized into magnocellular, parvocellular and koniocellular
lateral line
a sense organ of a fish running lengthwise down each of its sides from the vicinity of the operculum to the base of the tail, used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water
lateral meristem
Meristem forming a cylinder within some plants' organs (primarily stems, branches and roots) and allowing them to increase in girth (lateral growth)
lateral pass
any hand-off, whether lateral or backward
lateral pass
a pass thrown laterally and that counts as a hand-off
lateral pectoral nerve
a nerve that branches from the lateral cord and innervates the pectoralis major muscle
lateral raise
A shoulder exercise in which the arm is raised and lowered against resistance, such as through use of a dumbbell, cable, or resistance band

You'd never dream of doing just bench presses to build a massive chest, or only lateral raises to build up your shoulders, so you'll surely limit your overall leg development if you restrict your hamstring training to leg curls.

lateral raises
plural form of lateral raise
lateral rectus
A muscle in the orbit of the eye
lateral stratum
The area of divergent hyphae which is on either side of the central zone (mediostratum)
lateral stratums
plural form of lateral stratum
lateral thinking
Using reasoned thought in a non-standard, or non-linear logical, way to find a solution to a problem
lateral transfer
The movement of an employee from his/her current post to a different position without noticeable benefits
lateral vascular neck restraint
The lateral vascular neck restraint (also called sleeper hold) is utilized blood restriction hold in law enforcement, and can be performed from behind the suspect (or from the front when the officer is "on top" of the suspect) by putting an arm around the neck of the suspect, with the crook of the elbow over the midline of the neck. By pinching the arm together while assisting with the free hand, the carotid arteries and jugular veins were compressed on both sides of the neck
lateral movement
(Spor) Lateral movements are movements made on a horse that are used for training purposes, that involve the horse moving in a direction other than straight forward. They vary in difficulty, and should be used in a progressive manner, according to the training and physical limitations of the animal
lateral axis
(Military) route running parallel to the front by which troops are transported from one location to another
lateral bud
A bud located on the side of the stem, usually in a leaf axil
lateral condyle
a condyle on the outer side of the lower extremity of the femur
lateral epicondyle
epicondyle near the lateral condyle of the femur
lateral geniculate body
a neural structure that serves as a processing station on the way from the retina to the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex
lateral line
sensory structure extending from the head region, posteriorly--along the side of the fish; comprised of visible pores that open into a channel beneath the skin's surface
lateral line
sense organs of fish and amphibians; believed to detect pressure changes in the water
lateral line
The lateral line is a network of sensory hair cell clusters (neuromasts) and small water-filled canals that lie immediately beneath the skin on a shark's head and extend along the sides of its body This network is sensitive to external motion, and helps the shark detect prey and potential predators
lateral line
A series of vibration sensitive sensory pores located along the sides of the fishes body
lateral line
A line of perforated scales along the side of a fish that is connected to a specialized organ used to sense vibrations in the water
lateral line
A series of sensory pores along the head and sides of fish and some amphibians by which water currents, vibrations, and pressure changes are detected
lateral line
A sensory structure along each side of many fishes marked by scales with pores opening into an underlying canal
lateral line
A sensory canal running along the sides of a fish
lateral meristem
A meristem in vascular plants, such as the cambium, in which secondary growth occurs
lateral pass
A usually underhand pass that is thrown sideways or somewhat backward with respect to downfield
lateral pass
a pass to a receiver upfield from the passer
lateral support
The right of a landowner to the natural support of his land by adjoining land The adjoining owner has the duty not to change his land (such as lowering it) so as to cause this support to be weakened or removed
lateral support
The right of a landowner to the natural support of his land by adjoining land The adjoining owner has the duty not to
lateral support
The amount of side-to-side rigidity supplied by the boot Along with the flex pattern, this determines how the boot transmits foot and leg movements to the ski
lateral support
A landowner's right to the natural support of adjoining land which may not be hampered by the adjoining owner removing or weakening in any way that support
lateral support
The right to have land supported by the adjoining land or soil beneath (See subjacent support)
lateral support
Means whereby walls are braced either vertically or horizontally by columns, pilasters, cross walls, beams, floors, roofs, etc
lateral support
The support which the soil of an adjoining owner gives to his neighbor's land
lateral thinking
(British) thinking that results in new or creative solutions or answers, solving problems by an approach that is indirect and creative, unconventional appraoch to solving of problems
lateral thinking
Lateral thinking is a method of solving problems by using your imagination to help you think of solutions that are not obvious at first. a way of thinking in which you use your imagination to see relationships between things that are not normally thought of together
lateral thinking
a heuristic for solving problems; you try to look at the problem from many angles instead of tackling it head-on
lateral ventricle
either of two horseshoe-shaped ventricles one in each cerebral hemisphere; they communicate with the third ventricle via the foramen of Monro
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A chronic, progressive disease characterized by degeneration of the central nervous system and the loss of voluntary muscle control
At some time in the future

The meeting was adjourned to a later date.

At some unspecified time in the future

I wanted to do it now, but I'll have to do it later.

See you later; goodbye

Later, dude.

Comparative form of late: more late

You came in late yesterday and today you came in even later.

Coming afterward in time (used with than when comparing with another time)

The Victorian era is a later period of English history than the Elizabethan era.

Done in a lateral manner
left lateral
Describes the relative motion of two blocks along a strike-slip fault. From a plan view perspective, as if standing on the fault line, the left block moves towards, and the right block moves away
right lateral
Describes the relative motion of two blocks along a strike-slip fault. From a plan-view perspective, as if standing on the fault line, the right block moves towards, and the left block moves away
at a subsequent time
{a} sidewise, on one side, by the side
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
{i} (Medicine) ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, incurable progressive disease of the motor nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that causes their degeneration and muscle degeneration
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
or Lou Gehrig disease Degenerative nervous-system disorder causing muscle wasting and paralysis. The disease usually occurs after age 40, more often in men. Most victims die within two to five years from respiratory muscle atrophy. ALS affects motor neurons; the muscles they control become weak and atrophied, with debility usually beginning in the hands and creeping slowly up to the shoulders. The lower limbs become weak and spastic. Variants include progressive muscular atrophy and progressive bulbar palsy. In 1993 the defective gene that accounts for 5-10% of cases was discovered; it produces an ineffective version of an enzyme that neutralizes free radicals, which destroy motor neurons
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
an inherited, fatal degenerative nerve disorder; also known as Lou Gehrig's disease
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease in the United States and Motor Neuron Disease and Charcot's disease in Europe) is a progressive disease that affects nerve cells found in the brain and spinal cord
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
a terminal neurological disorder characterized by progressive degeneration of motor cells in the spinal cord and brain It is often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's disease "
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A serious, progressive, neurologic disease in which loss of nerve cells produces muscle paralysis
at some eventual time in the future; "By and by he'll understand"; "I'll see you later"
Afterward in time (used with than when comparing with another time)
at or toward an end or late period or stage of development; "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child"
Later is the comparative of late
A brick or tile
coming at a subsequent time or stage; "the future president entered college at the age of 16"; "awaiting future actions on the bill"; "later developments"; "without ulterior argument"
comparative form of late, as in: The teacher came in later than the students
comparative of the adverb `late'; "he stayed later than you did"
The of the adverb late; more late
baedien lay down rayeh or nam leaking yesayel left yasaar let's go yala litre litr little shoeya load this hamal haza long tawiel longer attwal look out! shoef lost circulation material dayart el warak lots, many ketier
at a later date or time; afterwards, subsequently
You use later to refer to an event, period of time, or other thing which comes after the one that you have been talking about or after the present one. At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized The competition should have been re-scheduled for a later date
& adv
The problem described is a bug which will not be fixed in this version of the product
sooner or later: see sooner
happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he's going to the store but he'll be back here later"; "it didn't happen until afterward"; "two hours after that"
in the future -- "The time in Adelaide is an hour and a half later than the time in Manila " (227)
You use later to refer to the last part of someone's life or career or the last part of a period of history. He found happiness in later life In his later years he wrote very little the later part of the 20th century. see also late
You use later to refer to a time or situation that is after the one that you have been talking about or after the present one. He resigned ten years later I'll join you later Burke later admitted he had lied. You use later on to refer to a time or situation that is after the one that you have been talking about or after the present one. Later on I'll be speaking to Patty Davis This is only going to cause me more problems later on
{s} more late, occurring or coming after
of Late, a
comparative of the adverb `late'; "he stayed later than you did
Relating to the direction to the side
in a lateral direction or location; "the body is spindle-shaped and only slightly compressed laterally" to or by or from the side; "such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin
In a lateral manner
in a lateral direction or location; "the body is spindle-shaped and only slightly compressed laterally"
from the side; to the side, toward the side; sideways; latitudinally
to or by or from the side; "such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin
By the side; sidewise; toward, or from, the side
plural of lateral
التركية - الإنجليزية
lateral skleroz
(Tıp) lateral sclerosis