
listen to the pronunciation of landing
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} karaya çıkma
{i} iniş

Uzay gemisi mükemmel bir iniş yaptı. - The spaceship made a perfect landing.

Uçak güvenli bir iniş yaptı. - The airplane made a safe landing.

{i} inme
karaya çıkarma
(Jeoloji) topraklama
(Havacılık) iniş (uçak)
(Jeoloji) uçağın inmesi
(Askeri) yanaşlık
(Ticaret) boşaltma
(uçak) iniş
{i} indirme
{f} in
merdiven sahanlığı
karaya çıkma/çıkarma
land beam iniş kılavuzu
uçakların inmesi
(Askeri) Çıkartma, indirme
radyo işareti
{i} sahanlık
landing field havaalanı
{i} hav. iniş
(Askeri) İNİŞ: Uçuştan sonra, bir uçağı emin bir şekilde indirme
landing gear iniş takımı
landing craft çıkartma gemisi
karaya çıkma veya çıkarma
(Ticaret) yere inme
(Askeri) tahliye limanı
{f} karaya ayak basmak

Deniz seviyesinin altında olan toprakları su basacak. Bu, insanların evsiz kalması ve ürünlerinin tuzlu su tarafından tahrip edileceği anlamına gelir. - Low-lying lands will flood. This means that people will be left homeless and their crops will be destroyed by the salt water.

Yaklaşık olarak dünya yüzeyinin üçte biri topraktır. - About one third of the earth's surface is land.


Tom bir zamanlar bu arsaya sahipti. - Tom once owned this piece of land.

O, üzerine ev inşa etmek amacıyla arsayı aldı. - He bought the land for the purpose of building a house on it.


Karalar ve sular Dünya'nın yüzeyini oluşturur. - Land and water make up the earth's surface.

Denizciler karayı gördü. - The sailors saw land.


O, arazisini elden çıkarmak istiyor. - He wants to dispose of his land.

Bataklık arazi üzerinde binalar yapamazsın. - You can't build buildings on swampy land.

kıyıya çıkmak
{f} karaya çıkmak
landing barge
(Askeri) şat
landing card
(Havacılık) iniş kartı
landing craft
(Askeri) çıkarma gemisi
landing deck
(Askeri) uçuş güvertesi
landing field
(Askeri) iniş meydanı
landing force
(Askeri) çıkarma kuvveti
landing gears
(Askeri) iniş takımları
landing party
(Askeri) çıkarma birlikleri
landing place
(Havacılık) aerodrom
landing point
(Askeri) iniş noktası
landing strip
(Askeri) iniş yeri
landing strip
uçaklar için iniş pisti
landing strip
acil durum iniş yolu
landing team
(Askeri) çıkarma timi
landing time
(Askeri) iniş zamanı
landing against wind
rüzgara karşı iniş
landing aid
iniş yardımı
landing aid
iniş yardımcısı
landing area
iniş alanı
landing beam
iniş farı
landing beam
iniş klavuzu
landing direction
iniş yönü
landing field
landing flap
iniş flapı
landing flaps
iniş flapları
landing gear
(uçak) iniş takımı
landing ground
iniş alanı
landing headlamp
iniş farı
landing illumination
iniş pist aydınlatması
landing into the wind
rüzgara karşı iniş
landing light
iniş ışığı
landing lighting
alan iniş aydınlatması
landing place
landing ship
çıkarma gemisi
landing stage
landing stage
landing strip
iniş şeridi
landing strip
yangın merdiveni
landing strip
iniş yolu
landing a job
Bir iş iniş
landing brake
iniş freni
landing deck
landing distance
iniş mesafesi
landing field
landing flap
iniş flapi
landing flaps
iniş flaplari
landing gear beam
(Havacılık) İniş takımı dikmesi
landing lights
iniş ışıkları
landing on nose
burun üzerine iniş
landing storage delivery
karaya çıkarma depolama ve teslim
landing wheels
(Uçak) iniş takımları
landing aids
(Askeri,Havacılık) iniş yardımcıları
landing aids
(Askeri) iniş yardım vasıtaları
landing aids
(Askeri) YARDIMCI İNİŞ CİHAZ VE ALETLERİ: Yaklaşma ve iniş sırasında uçağa yardımcı olmak için kullanılan aydınlatma ışıkları, telsiz bıykınları, radar cihazları, muhabere cihazları veya bunlardan oluşan herhangi bir sistem
landing approach
(Askeri) İNİŞ YAKLAŞMASI: Önceden belirlenmiş bir alana iniş yapmak üzere yönelmiş bir uçağın bu yönde sürekli olarak durum değiştirmesi
landing area
(Havacılık) iniş alam
landing area
iniş sahası
landing area
(Askeri) çıkarma bölgesi
landing area
(Askeri) İNİŞ BÖLGESİ: Uçakların iniş ve kalkışı için kullanılan özel olarak hazırlanmış veya seçilmiş arazi, su yüzeyi veya güverte
landing area
(Askeri) Çıkartma bölgesi, indirme bölgesi
landing attack
(Askeri) ÇIKARTMA/HAVA İNDİRME TAARRUZU: Gemilerden, uçaklardan, teknelerden veya amfibi araçlardan inen birlikler tarafından düşman savunmasına karşı yapılan taarruz. Bak. "assault"
landing attack
(Askeri) çıkarma taarruzu
landing attack
(Askeri) hava indirme taarruzu
landing barge
(Askeri) ŞAT, ÇIKARMA ŞATI: Altı düz özel bir tekne. Şatlar; genel olarak, bir çıkarma taarruzu için lüzumlu kıtaları ve muharebe teçhizatını kıyıya taşımakta kullanılır. Buna, kısaca "barge" da denir
landing beach
(Askeri) çıkarma plajı
landing beach
(Askeri) çıkarma kıyısı
landing beach
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA PLAJI: Genellikle bir tabur çapındaki kuvvetin çıkması için gerekli olan kıyı hattı parçası. Ancak bu bir tabur kuvvetinden daha büyük veya daha küçük bir kuvvetin çıkarma yapacağı taktik bir mevkii oluşturan bir kıyı hattı parçası olabilir (plaj veya körfez gibi)
landing beacon
inme parildagi
landing beam
(Askeri) iniş ışıkları
landing beam
(Askeri) İNDİRME IŞIKLARI, İNİŞ IŞIKLARI: Pilota yerden yüksekliğini ve uçağın mevkiini veya süzülerek iniş için uygun yolu göstermek üzere, meydandan verilen ışık hüzmesi
landing beam
(Havacılık) iniş fan
landing beam
(Askeri) indirme ışıkları
landing beam
iniş kılavuzu
landing boat
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA BOTU: Çıkarma harekatında kullanılmak üzere imal edilen ve çıkarma yerine kadar gemiler üzerinde nakledilen bot
landing book
(Askeri) gelen mallar defteri
landing card
giriş kartı
landing compass
(Askeri) İNİŞ PUSULASI: Bak. "swinging compass"
landing craft
çıkartma gemisi
landing craft
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA ARACI: Amfibi harekatta kullanılan birliklerin ve teçhizatın taşınması, kıyıya çıkartılması, boşaltılması ve geri çekilmesi için özel olarak inşa edilmiş araç. Lojistik yük ikmal hareketleri için de kullanılır. Şu tipleri vardır: "infantary landing craft (piyade çıkarma aracı) ", "mechanized landing craft (mekanize çıkarma aracı) ", "rubber landing craft (kauçuk çıkarma aracı) ", "tank landing craft (tank çıkarma aracı) ", "vehicle craft (araç çıkarma aracı) ", "personel landing craft (personel çıkarma aracı) " ve "vehicle personnel landing craft (araç ve personel çıkarma aracı) ". Bak. "amphibious-vehicle". LANDING CRAFT AND AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT TABLE: ÇIKARTMA ARACI VE AMFİBİ ARAÇ TAHSİS ÇİZELGESİ: Gemilerden kıyıya intikalde çıkarma araçlarının ve amfibi araçların nasıl hücum dalgalarına ayrılacağını ve her bir çıkarma aracına ve amfibi araca tahsis edilen personel ve malzeme miktarını gösteren çizelge
landing craft
çıkarma aracı,çıkartma gemisi
landing craft air cushion
(Askeri) hava yastıklı çıkarma aracı
landing craft air cushion departure point
(Askeri) hava yastıklı çıkarma aracı çıkış noktası
landing craft air cushion launch area
(Askeri) hava yastıklı çıkarma aracı fırlatma bölgesi
landing craft availability table
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA ARACI MEVCUT ÇİZELGESİ: Nakliye grubundaki her bir gemiden temin edilebilecek çıkarma araçlarının tip ve miktarını gösteren çizelge. Bu çizelge gemiden kıyıya intikal için çıkartma araçlarının tekne gruplarına tahsisinde temel teşkil eder. Bu çizelgeye "boat availability table" de denir
landing craft control ship
(Askeri) çıkarma aracı kontrol gemisi
landing craft personnel (large)
(Askeri) çıkarma aracı personeli (geniş)
landing craft, utility; launch correlation unit
(Askeri) genel hizmet çıkarma aracı; fırlatma korrelasyon birliği
landing craft, vehicle, personnel
(Askeri) araç ve personel çıkarma aracı
landing deck
(Askeri) UÇUŞ GÜVERTESİ: Bak. "flight deck"
landing deck
iniş güvertesi,iskele
landing diagram
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA DİYAGRAMI: Gemiden kıyıya intikal planını grafik halinde gösteren diyagram
landing fee
(Ticaret) iniş ücreti
landing field
(Askeri) İNİŞ MEYDANI: Uçakların kalkış ve inişlerine ayrılan saha. Bak. "landing strip"
landing field
uçak pisti
landing flap
(Havacılık) iniş flabı
landing force
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA KUVVETİ: Bir amfibi taarruz için tahsis edilmiş kara ve hava askeri birlikleri özel görev teşkilatı. Bir amfibi harekattaki en yüksek askeri kademedir. Bir çıkarma kuvveti, genel olarak, bir kolordu veya tümendir ve buna göre adlandırılır. Bak. "amphibious force"
landing force operational reserve material
(Askeri) çıkarma kuvveti harekat yedek malzemesi
landing force reserves
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA KUVVETİ YEDEK İKMAL MADDELERİ: 10: 30 günlük bir devre için çıkarma kuvvetine ait her sınıf ikmal maddeleri. Bu maddeler, diğer ikmal maddelerine nazaran, daha az bir öncelikle hücum konvoylarında taşınabilir veya müteakip bir konvoyla nakledilebilir
landing force support party
(Askeri) çıkarma kuvveti destek grubu
landing force; low frequency
(Askeri) çıkartma kuvveti; alçak frekans
landing gear
landing gear
hav. iniş takımı
landing gear
(Bilgisayar) konma vitesi
landing gear
iniş takımı

Uçağın iniş takımında bir sorun var. - There's a problem with the plane's landing gear.

landing gear
(Havacılık) uçağın tekerlekleri
landing group
(Askeri) çıkarma grubu
landing group
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA GRUBU: Bir veya birkaç mevkiye karşı, tek bir taktik komutanın emrinde çıkartma harekatı yapma yeteneği olan ve çıkartma kuvvetine bağlı ast özel görev teşkilatı. Çıkarma grubu; bir mevzie veya tek bir taktik komuta altında harekatta bulunan kıtalar tarafından ele geçirilmeleri mümkün olacak şekildeki, mevziler grubuna karşı çıkarma harekatını sevk ve idare edecek tarzda teşkil, teçhiz edilmiş ve eğitilmiş kıtalardan -kendi hava kuvveti dahil- mürekkeptir. Bu grup; ancak, şartlar gerektirdiği zaman teşkil edilir
landing instruction
(Askeri) iniş talimatı
landing joist
(Havacılık) sahanlık kirişi
landing lamp
(Havacılık) iniş farı
landing leg
iniş ayağı
landing legs
(Havacılık) istinat tekeri
landing mat
(Askeri) yapay çıkarma kızağı
landing mat
(Askeri) YAPAY İNİŞ PİSTİ, YAPAY ÇIKARMA KIZAĞI: Acil iniş pistleri veya çıkarma yapılacak kıyılarda iniş yüzeyi oluşturmak üzere çabuk bir şekilde birbirine bağlanabilecek kısımlardan meydana gelen prefabrik, taşınabilir pist veya kızak
landing mat
(Askeri) yapay iniş pisti
landing net
landing net
ağ kepçe
landing newel
(Havacılık) sahanlık babası
landing operation
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA HAREKATI: Bak. "amphibious operation"
landing order
(Askeri,Ticaret) tahliye emri
landing page
(Bilgisayar) arama sonuç sayfası
landing party
çıkartma birliği
landing party
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA BİRLİKLERİ: Çıkarma taarruzuna katılan birlikler
landing place
karaya çıkılan yer
landing place/stage
landing point
(Askeri) İNİŞ NOKTASI: Bir iniş alanında tek bir helikopterin veya dikey inip kalkan bir uçağın inebileceği nokta
landing ramp
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA RAMPASI: Araçların ve erlerin kolayca indirilmeleri için, bir çıkarma botuna takılan geniş rampa
landing ramp
(Askeri) çıkarma rampası
landing rocket
(Askeri) iniş roketi
landing rocket
(Askeri) İNİŞ ROKETİ: Yolcuları bir uydudan veya daha geniş yörüngedeki bir uzay aracından bir gezegenin yüzeyine nakletmek için kullanılan pilotlu bir uzay aracı. İniş roketi, gezegenin atmosferine emniyetle girebilmek ve yumuşak iniş yapmak için hız azaltıcı vasıtalarla teçhiz edilmiş olmalıdır
landing roll
(Havacılık) iniş koşusu
landing roll
(Askeri) İNİŞ RULESİ: Uçağın tekerlerinin yere değdiği andan taksi hızına düşünceye veya durduğu ana kadar yaptığı hareket
landing roll
(Havacılık,Teknik) iniş rulesi
landing safety officer; landing signal officer
(Askeri) çıkarma emniyet subayı; çıkarma muhabere subayı
landing schedule
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA LİSTESİ, ÇIKARMA ZAMAN ÇİZELGESİ: Bir amfibi harekatta; kıyıyı, çıkarma hücum birliklerinin çıkış saat ve önceliklerini gösteren ve kıyı harekat planının icrası için, çıkarma araçlarının nakliye gemilerinden kıyıya hareketlerini koordine eden bir zaman çizelgesi
landing ship
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA GEMİSİ: Uzun deniz intikallerine ve kıyıya çabuk çıkarma ve boşaltma yapmaya elverişli bir şekilde inşa edilmiş taarruz gemisi. Bu gemilerin şu tipleri vardır: "dock landing ship (havuzlu çıkarma gemisi) ", "medium landing ship (orta boy çıkarma gemisi) ", "tank landing ship (tank çıkarma gemisi) " ve "vehicle landing ship (tekerlekli araç çıkarma gemisi)"
landing ship
(Askeri) çıkarına gemisi
landing ship dock
(Askeri) HAVUZLU ÇIKARMA GEMİSİ: Yüklü amfibi tekneleri ve/veya amfibi araçları mürettebat ve yüklenmiş personel ve/veya teçhizatıyla birlikte nakletmek ve çıkarmak ve küçük tekne ve araçlara sınırlı havuz ve onarım hizmetleri vermek üzere inşa edilmiş gemi. Bak. "dock landing ship"
landing ship dock; least significant digit
(Askeri) havuzlu çıkarma gemisi; en düşük anlamlı basamak
landing ship,tank; laser spot tracker; tank landing ship
(Askeri) çıkarma gemisi,tank; lazer nokta tarayıcı; tank çıkarma gemisi
landing signal enlisted; logistic support element
(Askeri) çıkarma sinyali-er; lojistik destek unsuru
landing site
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA SAHASI: Amfibik harekatta birliklerin, teçhizatın ve ikmal maddelerinin su üstü araçlarla çıkartıldığı kıyı hattının kesintisiz bir kısmı
landing step
sahanlık basamağı
landing strip
(uçaklar için) iniş pisti
landing strip
(Askeri) İNİŞ ŞERİDİ: Bir uçağın iniş ve kalkış yapmasına elverişli şekilde hazırlanmış uzun ve dar bir arazi parçası. İniş şeridi; pist ve banket ile bunlara bitişik temizlenmiş "pist imtidadı (over-run) " ve tesviye edilmiş sahaları ihtiva eder. Bak. "strip"
landing support battalion; lower sideband
(Askeri) çıkarma destek taburu; alçak kenar bant
landing team
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA TİMİ: Bak. "battalion landing team"
landing threshold
(Askeri) İNİŞ EŞİĞİ: İniş pistinin, iniş için kullanılabilir kısmının başlangıcı
landing trainer
(Askeri) ATLAMA EĞİTİM KULESİ: Paraşütle atlayışlarda meydana gelen yere temas sarsıntısını önlemeye erleri alıştırmak için kullanılan ve salış tertibatı ile teçhiz edilmiş olan kule. LANDING VEHICLE, TRACKED, ENGINEER MODEL 1: MODEL 1, TIRTILLI İSTİHKAM ÇIKARMA ARACI: Amfibi taarruzlarda ve bunu müteakip kara harekatında mayın tarlası ve engel temizleyecek şekilde imal edilmiş hafif zırhlı amfibi araç. Ön kısmı ileriye doğru uzanan dizi imla hakları ve buldozer tipi tırmık dişli bıçaklarla teçhiz edilmiştir. LVTE-1 olarak da anılır. LANDING VEHICLE, TRACKED, HOWITZER, MODEL 6: MODEL 6, TIRTILLI OBÜS ÇIKARMA ARACI: Hafif zırhlı, kundağı motorlu, amfibi, 105 mm. lik bir obüs. Başlangıçta çıkarma kıyılarına görerek atış yapmak, çıkarmadan sonra iç bölgedeki harekatın desteğinde sahra topçu ateşi sağlamak suretiyle, bir çıkarma harekatı esnasında yakın ateş desteği temin eder. LVTH-6 olarak adlandırılır
landing wave
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA DALGASI: Bak. "boat wave"
landing wave
(Askeri) çıkarma dalgası
landing wharf
(Askeri) yanaşma iskelesi
landing wheel
(Askeri) iniş takımı tekerleği
landing zone
(Askeri) İNİŞ BÖLGESİ: Uçağın inişi için kullanılan herhangi bir belirli bölge. Bak. "airfield"
landing zone
konma bölgesi
landing zone
(Askeri) İndirme bölgesi
landing zone
(Askeri) çıkarma bölgesi, inme bölgesi
landing zone control
(Askeri) Bak. "pathfinder drop zone control"
landing zone control officer
(Askeri) çıkartma bölgesi kontrol subayı M
landing zone control party
landing/take off
(Askeri) iniş/kalkış
{f} indirmek

Bir uçağı bu adaya indirmek mümkün mü? - Is it possible to land a plane on this island?

{f} yere indirmek/inmek: That airplane is
{i} memleket

Benim atalarım bu memleketin öncüleriydi. - My ancestors were the pioneers of this land.

İtalya güzel bir memlekettir. - Italy is a beautiful land.

{f} kazanmak
yere inmek
tutup karaya getirmek durdurmak
yere indirmek
land up eninde sonunda varmak

Ne zaman karaya çıkacağız? - When are we going to land?

Tom büyük bir alabalığı tutup karaya çıkardı. - Tom landed a big trout.

{i} toprak, yer, arsa
{f} yenmek
{i} ülke

Yerleşimciler ülkelerinden kovuldular. - Settlers were forced off their land.

Amerika bir göçmenler ülkesidir. - America is a land of immigrants.

{f} çakmak

Peyzaj çakmak taşı kadar soğuk ve keskin. - The landscape was cold and sharp as flint.

{f} karaya çıkartmak
{f} karaya çıkarmak/çıkmak
{f} iniş yap

Uzay gemisi mükemmel bir iniş yaptı. - The spaceship made a perfect landing.

Uçak zorunlu iniş yaptı. - The plane made a forced landing.

{f} düşmek
{f} sokmak
التركية - التركية

تعريف landing في التركية التركية القاموس.

Almanya'yı oluşturan eyaletlerin her birine verilen ad
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Present participle of land
a place on a shoreline where a boat lands
coming to earth, as of an airplane or any descending object
an in-between platform or large bottom-most or top-most step of a staircase
{n} a place to land at, the top of stairs
A stair platform
The act of returning to the ice in a controlled manned at the end of a jump or lift
Cleared area in the woods to which logs are yarded for loading onto trucks for shipment to a processing plant Also known as brow, deck, dock, or ramp
structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods an intermediate platform in a staircase
Landing refers to the day and time when the spacecraft returns back to Earth It is sometimes abbreviated as R+0 to indicate zero days after landing day
A platform between flights of stairs or at the termination of a flight of stairs Often used when stairs change direction Normally no less than 3 ft X 3 ft square
The act of capturing a fish after hooking and fighting it
the act of coming to land after a voyage
A place for landing, as from a ship, a carriage
{i} arriving on the ground; setting on the ground; climbing onto the shore; platform between flights of stairs; dock
The level part of a staircase, at the top of a flight of stairs, or connecting one flight with another
A controlled mid-air collision with a planet
The platform found between flights of stairs or at the end of a flight of stairs
the act of coming down to the earth (or other surface); "the plane made a smooth landing"; "his landing on his feet was catlike"
A platform in or at either end of a stair
Bringing the balloon to rest on ground after flight
A flat platform found between flights of stairs or at the end of a flight of stairs
When a landing takes place, troops are unloaded from boats or aircraft at the beginning of a military invasion or other operation. American forces have begun a big landing
an intermediate platform in a staircase
A place in or near the forest where logs are gathered for further processing or transport
A cleared working area on or near a timber harvest site at which processing steps are carried out
A platform between flights of stairs or at the termination of a flight of stairs
A platform between flights of stairs
An area where wood is concentrated in a harvest operation prior to hauling to the mill Yard is synonymous
A cleared place near the harvest site where logs are gathered prior to loading
the act of coming to land after a voyage the act of coming down to the earth (or other surface); "the plane made a smooth landing"; "his landing on his feet was catlike"
An area modified by equipment that is designed for accumulating logs before they are transported
A platform at the end, top or bottom of a flight of stairs
A landing is the same as a landing stage
The area where logs are collected for loading
structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods
A resting place, or wide step at the middle or top of a flight of stairs Landings are often used to change the direction of a stair
Of, pertaining to, or used for, setting, bringing, or going, on shore
In a house or other building, the landing is the area at the top of the staircase which has rooms leading off it. I ran out onto the landing
Where logs are sorted and loaded onto trucks
A landing is an act of bringing an aircraft or spacecraft down to the ground. I had to make a controlled landing into the sea The plane had been cleared for landing at Brunswick's Glynco Airport
Any place where logs are assembled for further transport
Any place where cut timber is assembled for further transport from the timber sale area
A going or bringing on shore
landing craft
a type of flat-bottomed boat used to transport infantry and vehicles onto a shore during an assault from the sea
landing gear
the wheels, tyres, brakes, shock absorbers etc of an aircraft; its undercarriage
landing page
A web page at which a user first arrives at a website

A good international landing page should have languages in some type of graphic that all browsers can read, followed by a selection of other languages that the user can shoot to quickly.

landing pages
plural form of landing page
landing ship
a sea-going military light ferry designed to assault shores that are held against them, and disembark forces directly onto the shore
landing strip
A runway for aircraft, especially one which is auxiliary or temporary
landing strip
A cultivated pubic hair pattern in which much of the pubic hair is removed, leaving only a central vertical line or rectangle
landing strips
plural form of landing strip
landing approach
the approach to a landing field by an airplane
landing craft
naval craft designed for putting ashore troops and equipment
landing craft
A landing craft is a small boat designed for the landing of troops and equipment on the shore. A naval craft designed to convey troops and equipment from ship to shore. landing craft a flat-bottomed boat that opens at one end so that soldiers and equipment can be moved directly onto the shore
landing craft
flat bottomed boat used to transfer troops from ship to shore
landing field
landing runway, level strip of land where airplanes or helicopters land
landing field
A tract of land used by aircraft for landing and taking off
landing flap
a flap on the underside of the wing that is lowered to slow the plane for landing
landing gear
The apparatus comprising those components of an aircraft or spacecraft that support and provide mobility for the craft on land, water, or other surface The landing gear consists of wheels, floats, skis, bogies, and treads, or other devices, together will all associated struts, bracing shock absorbers, etc
landing gear
The landing gear of an aircraft is its wheels and the structures that support the wheels. The components of an aircraft or a spacecraft that support the weight of the craft and its load and give it mobility on ground or water. an aircraft's wheels and other parts that support them = undercarriage
landing gear
Those components comprising the tires, wheels and related assembly upon which an aircraft lands, and which provides mobility for the aircraft while on the ground Includes all supporting components, such as the tail wheel or tail skid Retracted during flight
landing gear
Dollies or portion of a trailer that holds the trailer upright when it is not being supported by the truck tractor (23)
landing gear
Retracting legs which support the front of a semitrailer when it is not coupled to a tractor
landing gear
an undercarriage that supports the weight of the plane when it is on the ground
landing gear
The landing gear of the aircraft refers to the support between the wheels and the wing or fuselage It is usually is formed from metal, wire or a nylon/fiberglass combination
landing gear
apparatus used by a vehicle for landing and traveling on land or water (i.e. the wheels on an airplane)
landing gear
equipment designed to support the weight of a vehicle and its load on the ground
landing ground
landing field, large flat area for landing aircraft
landing light
strong light that illuminates a landing strip
landing net
a bag-shaped fishnet on a long handle to take a captured fish from the water
landing net
a net on a long handle used for lifting a fish out of the water after you have caught it
landing party
a part of a ship's company organized for special duties ashore
landing patch
large flat area for landing aircraft
landing procedure
rules and regulations followed in order to ensure a safe landing (of an aircraft or other vehicle)
landing skids
the landing gear of a helicopter
landing speed
velocity at the time of landing
landing stage
A landing stage is a platform built over water where boats stop to let people get off, or to load or unload goods. = jetty, landing. a wooden structure for moving passengers and goods to and from boats
landing stage
platform from which passengers and cargo can be (un)loaded
landing strip
airstrip, long runway for planes to land on
landing strip
A landing strip is a long flat piece of land from which aircraft can take off and land, especially one used only by private or military aircraft. An aircraft runway without airport facilities. Also called airstrip. a flat piece of ground that has been prepared for aircraft to use = airstrip
landing zone
place where a read/write head of a disk is located when it is not active, LZ; area designated for paratroopers or helicopters to land
crash landing
The landing of an aircraft or spacecraft in an emergency, either in an inappropriate place or under dangerous circumstances
Alternative spelling of crash landing
deadstick landing
When a pilot lands a plane after the engine has died; a landing lacking any propulsion control
fleet landing
The place along a shoreline or pier used by sailors to go ashore
fleet landing
A place where sailors might board a shuttle boat between land and a vessel anchored in a harbor
fleet landing
A place where sailors meet after coming ashore
instrument landing system
a collection of radio navigation aids used by pilots for approach guidance to a specific airport runway, especially when visibility is limited
The space between the rifling grooves in a gun
To alight, to descend from a vehicle

10. You will be civil and attentive to passengers, giving proper assistance to ladies and children getting in or out, and never start the car before passengers are fairly received or landed.

To acquire; to secure
To arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water
a fright

He got an awful land when the police arrived.

A person's country of origin and/or homeplace; homeland
To come into rest
In a compact disc or similar recording medium, an area of the medium which does not have pits
To deliver
Of or relating to land
A conducting area on a board or chip which can be used for connecting wires
Residing or growing on land
To bring to land

Use the net to land the fish.

To descend to a surface, especially from the air

The plane is about to land.

moon landing
The safe arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the moon
pancake landing
An emergency landing in which an aircraft drops flat from a low altitude with no wheels deployed
touch-and-go landing
A maneuver that is common when learning to fly an airplane, involving landing on a runway and then taking off again without coming to a complete stop. Repetitions of this maneuver by circling the airport allow many landings to be practiced in a relatively short time
{n} a country, region, earth, ground, urine
{v} to set, put or come on shore, to arrive
Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
takeoff and landing that requires a very short runway area (by some sophisticated combat airplanes), ASTOVL
Instrument Landing System
ILS, radio system in an airport that directs a pilot in landing an aircraft in conditions of limited-visibility
Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing
STOVL, takeoff and landing that requires a very short runway area (by some specific combat airplanes)
Treaty of Payne's Landing
treaty made in 1832 between white settlers and the Seminole Indians of Florida which specified the relocation of the Seminole to lands west of the Mississippi River
aircraft landing
landing an aircraft
amphibious landing
a military action of coordinated land and sea and air forces organized for an invasion; "MacArthur staged a massive amphibious landing behind enemy lines
angle of landing
angle at which an aircraft lands
belly landing
{i} landing an aircraft directly on the fuselage without using the landing gear
crash landing
forced landing, emergency landing which ends with damage to the landing and other airplane gear
crash landing
An emergency landing by an aircraft or spacecraft. an occasion when a pilot has to bring a plane down to the ground in a rougher and more dangerous way than usual because the plane has a problem
crash landing
an emergency landing under circumstances where a normal landing is impossible (usually damaging the aircraft)
diversionary landing
an amphibious diversionary attack
emergency landing
sudden landing of an aircraft that appears to be in good condition as a precautionary measure
forced landing
landing of an aircraft due to bad weather or malfunction
forced landing
an unscheduled airplane landing that is made under circumstances (engine failure or adverse weather) not under the pilot's control
got landing permission
received authorization to land an aircraft
hard landing
The landing by impact of a spacecraft unequipped with or not using devices such as retrorockets to slow it down
instrument landing
an aircraft landing made entirely by means of instruments
The earth's surface, extending downward to the center of the earth and upward infinitely into space, including things permanently attached by nature, such as trees and water
and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc
If someone or something lands you with a difficult situation, they cause you to have to deal with the difficulties involved. The other options simply complicate the situation and could land him with more expense. = saddle, lumber with
To go on shore from a ship or boat; to disembark; to come to the end of a course
The earth's surface in its natural condition, extending down to the center of the globe, its surface and all things affixed to it, and the air- space above the surface
The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat; the lap of plates in an iron vessel; called also landing
The ground left unplowed between furrows; any one of several portions into which a field is divided for convenience in plowing
(a) Bureau of the Census Dry land and land temporarily or partly covered by water such as marshes, swamps, and river flood plains (omitting tidal flats below mean high tide); streams, sloughs, estuaries, and canals less than one-eighth of a stature mile wide; and lakes, reservoirs, and ponds less than 40 acres in area (b) Forest Inventory and Analyses Dry land and land temporarily or partly covered by water such as marshes, swamps, and river flood plans (omitting tidal flats below mean high tide); minimum width of streams, sloughs, estuaries, and canals is 120 feet and minimum size of lakes, reservoirs, and ponds is 1 acre
Ground that is suitable for farming
The ground or floor
The portion of the original smoothbore remaining after the grooves are cut in order to produce a rifle
When someone or something lands, they come down to the ground after moving through the air or falling. Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people
reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul"
to land on your feet: see foot. American inventor who developed (1932) the light-polarizing plastic film called Polaroid and incorporated it into lenses for cameras and sunglasses. He also invented the one-step photographic process (1947). In economics, the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in production. In classical economics, the three factors of production are land, labour, and capital. Land was considered to be the "original and inexhaustible gift of nature." In modern economics, it is broadly defined to include all that nature provides, including minerals, forest products, and water and land resources. While many of these are renewable resources, no one considers them "inexhaustible." The payment to land is called rent. Like land, its definition has been broadened over time to include payment to any productive resource with a relatively fixed supply. Van Diemen's Land Arnhem Land feudal land tenure Franz Josef Land land mine land reform Land's End Land Edwin Herbert Land Grant College Act of 1862 Pure Land Buddhism Rupert's Land Prince Rupert's Land Yazoo land fraud
United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one-step photographic process (1909-1991) the land on which real estate is located; "he built the house on land leased from the city"
To set down after conveying; to cause to fall, alight, or reach; to bring to the end of a course; as, he landed the quoit near the stake; to be thrown from a horse and landed in the mud; to land one in difficulties or mistakes
The part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water
arrive on shore; "The ship landed in Pearl Harbor"
The solid part of the surface of the earth; - - opposed to water as constituting a part of such surface, especially to oceans and seas; as, to sight land after a long voyage
the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries"
relating to or characteristic of or occurring on land; "land vehicles"
Ground, in respect to its nature or quality; soil; as, wet land; good or bad land
the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"
material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil"
real estate
If you land something that is difficult to get and that many people want, you are successful in getting it. He landed a place on the graduate training scheme His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers
The inhabitants of a nation or people
Land is an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose such as farming or building. Good agricultural land is in short supply. 160 acres of land. a small piece of grazing land
The surface of the earth extending down to the center and upward to the sky, including all natural things thereon such as trees, crops, or water; plus the minerals below the surface and the air rights above
extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use; "the family owned a large estate on Long Island"
To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft; to disembark; to debark
Real estate or landed property; a partitioned and measurable area which is owned and on which buildings can be erected
You can use land to refer to a country in a poetic or emotional way. America, land of opportunity
the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him"
shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft"
an area of the earth's surface, the characteristics of which embrace all reasonably stable, or predictably cyclic, attributes of the biosphere vertically above and below this area, including those of the atmosphere, the soil and underlying geology, the hydrology, the plant and animal populations, and the results of past and present human activity, to the extent that these attributes exert a significant influence on present and future uses of the land by humans
The entire complex of surface and near surface attributes of the solid portions of the surface of the earth, which are significant to man Water bodies occurring within land masses are included in some land classification systems
To checkin (add) new/updated code to the source code, usually to fix bugs or add enhancements
Commonly called the O D of the inner and the I D of the outer
To land goods somewhere means to unload them there at the end of a journey, especially by ship. The vessels will have to land their catch at designated ports
or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc
In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves
the surface of the Earth, the materials beneath, the air above and all things fixed to the soil
a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land"
You can refer to an area of land which someone owns as their land or their lands. Their home is on his father's land His lands were poorly farmed
If you land in an unpleasant situation or place or if something lands you in it, something causes you to be in it. He landed in a psychiatric ward This is not the first time his exploits have landed him in trouble
{f} arrive on the ground, alight; set on the ground; bring to shore; drop anchor; climb onto dry ground; exit from a ship; arrive at, end up in (a place, situation, etc.); obtain, get a hold of
territory over which rule or control is exercised; "his domain extended into Europe"; "he made it the law of the land"
a domain in which something is dominant; "the untroubled kingdom of reason"; "a land of make-believe"; "the rise of the realm of cotton in the south"
A general term for the environment of the earth not covered completely by water In addition to soils includes minerals, waterways, plant cover, etc
The mainland, in distinction from islands
Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract
cause to come to the ground; "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"
If you talk about the land, you mean farming and the way of life in farming areas, in contrast to life in the cities. Living off the land was hard enough at the best of times
deliver (a blow); "He landed several blows on his opponent's head
Material of the earth, including the soil, rock and other substances
Real property; the surface of the earth and that which is affixed to it permanently, that which is below it, and the space above it; synonymous with "real property", "realty", and "real estate" Sometimes used to mean only the unimproved surface of the earth
The entire material universe exclusive of people and their products
{s} of or pertaining to land; that operates on land; that takes place on land
gate dimension parallel to the direction of melt flow
A fixed asset account which reflects the cost of land owned by a government
the land on which real estate is located; "he built the house on land leased from the city"
Land owned by the University The capitalized amount recorded for purchases of land includes the purchase price; closing costs, such as title, attorney and recording fees; and costs incurred in getting the land in condition for its intended use, such as clearing, grading, and filling
breeze gentle breeze blowing from the land towards the sea and affecting coastal areas
A country or region
The earth's surface, extending downward to the center of the earth and upward infinitely into space
Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc
the surface of the earth; any part of the surface of the earth
- The lip of the container to which the closure liner or land seal linerless feature compresses or conforms to tolerance
Unrecorded optical surface area between pits, grooves, or marks, further away from the entrance surface than pits
If something lands somewhere, it arrives there unexpectedly, often causing problems. Two days later the book had already landed on his desk = arrive
Land is the part of the world that consists of ground, rather than sea or air. It isn't clear whether the plane went down over land or sea. a stretch of sandy beach that was almost inaccessible from the land
United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one-step photographic process (1909-1991)
operating or living or growing on land
deliver (a blow); "He landed several blows on his opponent's head"
bring ashore; "The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island"
bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail"
When someone lands a plane, ship, or spacecraft, or when it lands, it arrives somewhere after a journey. The jet landed after a flight of just under three hours The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway
To catch and bring to shore; to capture; as, to land a fish
{i} country; state; nation; kingdom; estate; countryside; shore, dry land; ground; real estate
Any part of the surface of the earth
the earth, and the raw materials contained in it or growing on it
working the land as an occupation or way of life; "farming is a strenuous life"; "there's no work on the land any more"
The lip of the container to which the closure liner or land seal linerless feature compresses or conforms to tolerance
touch ground
The number or poundage of fish unloaded at a dock by commercial fishermen or brought to shore by recreational fishermen for personal use Landings are reported at the points at which fish are brought to shore Note that landings, catch, and harvest are different
plural of landing
The number or poundage of fish unloaded at a dock by commercial fishermen or brought to shore by recreational fishermen Landings are reported at the points at which fish are brought to shore Note that landings, catch, and harvest are different terms
That part of the catch that shows up at ports and in markets
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